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I got totally mistaken for a molester part 6

1 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 17:57:35 ID:nfrEKTBS
1 Name:VIPPER Date:04/11/05 19:48:21 ID:w8ZHuVTS
Everyone in VIP, no, in 2ch, please hear me out.
The other day, I was totally mistaken for a molester.
And I don't mean it as a joke, I was actually mistaken for one.

It all started with this...

Part 5:
Part 4:
Part 3:
Part 2:
Part 1:

2 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 17:58:04 ID:vFvPJjFV

3 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 17:58:16 ID:nlBy2v2u

4 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 17:59:06 ID:nfrEKTBS
On the first day, Molester Man gets mistaken for a molester by Miss Understanding and they go to the police station together with Glasses who just happened to be passing by.
After that, Molester Man and Miss Understanding go to a coffee lounge where Molester Man explains himself and manages to clear her suspicion of him. They proceed to have lunch together and then go home.
That night, Molester Man starts the first thread and almost fucks everything up with his thoughtless e-mails, but somehow manages to arrange a meeting with her on the next day to accompany her to the police station.

On the second day, Miss Understanding calls Molester Man and picks him up. They then meet up with Glasses and head to the police station together. At the police station, Miss Understanding, Glasses and even the policemen apologize to Molester Man.
Later that day, he has omelets for lunch with Miss Understanding. She asks Molester Man for advice about getting too many annoying e-mails from Glasses, but he has to leave early because of his part-time job.
He tells her that he wants to contact her again and have lunch with her, but she doesn't seem too euphoric about it.

Third day: Molester Man gets crab delivered from Glasses, two hair crabs and one snow crab.
       So he calls Glasses to thank him, and finds out that Glasses is a real bro.
       While Molester Man is out buying alcohol like a faggot, a miracle happens. Miss Understanding sends him an e-mail saying that she wants his advice on the next day.

Fourth day: When Molester Man arrives at the family restaurant Miss Understanding works at, she introduces Kansai to him and the three of them, no, Molester Man and Kansai have a fun chat.
          After that, Molester Man exchanges e-mail addys with Kansai and Loli, and right now, he's having more fun sending e-mails back and forth with Kansai than with Miss Understanding.

5 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 17:59:28 ID:nfrEKTBS
Molester Man
Age: 20 years old
Occupation: I'm a third-rate university student and I live alone
Height: 163cm
Weight: 50kg
Looks: In the "Rate my face" thread, I was told I look normal. In aquariums, I can easily get in with a ticket for middle-schoolers, that's how much of a babyface I have.
Dating history: Ever since second grade in middle school, I've dated countless women, each more beautiful than the last.
         Amongst others, I've had relationships with maid robots, childhood friends and vampires... in dating sims.

Miss Understanding
Age: 20 years old
Occupation: Freelance part-timer, apparently works in a family restaurant and lives alone.
Height: Approx. 155cm? Quite a bit smaller than me and that's not easy.
Weight: Approx. 45kg? Very little in any case.
Looks: She'd probably get a standard score of 60 to 70 in the "Rate my face" thread. She's cute and has a babyface too.
Dating history: I only know bits here and there, but she seems to have dated a few guys already.
         That means, the stalker thing must have happened quite recently.
         The stalker sneaked into her apartment, among other things.

6 : &rlo;!!Muzuitanhe (・ω・ 彡э )∈&lro; : 04/11/11 17:59:46 ID:l5QjhrQd
Thanks to the magnificient >>1.

7 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 17:59:47 ID:nfrEKTBS
Age: In his twenties?
Occupation: Works in some trading company. Probably a salesman.
Height: Approx. 170cm? Didn't look that tall to me.
Weight: Approx. 60kg? Rather skinny.
Looks: I think he'd get at least a standard score of 60 in the "Rate my face" thread. He's what you'd call a young and attractive salaryman.
Dating history: Umm... most likely not a virgin.

Loli Jugs
Age: About twenty?
Occupation: University student? Works at a family restaurant.
Height: Approx. 155cm? About the same as Miss Understanding.
Weight: Approx 50kg? Has quite the rack. So big that if she tried to catch a grounder rolling along the infield and looked down, she wouldn't see the ball with her boobs in the way and let it roll right through her legs.
Looks: Might get a standard score of about 60 in the "Rate my face" thread? Is just as child-faced as Miss Understanding. Cute too.
Dating history: I don't have a clue, but I'm sure she's at least dated a guy or two.

8 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:00:05 ID:nfrEKTBS
Kansai Woman
Age: About twenty?
Occupation: University student, works at a family restaurant. Lives together with her family.
Height: Approx. 165cm? Might be taller than me. If I'm lucky, we're about the same height.
Weight: Approx. 50kg? Rather slim. Her bewbs are normal sized.
Looks: Might get a score of about 60 in the "Rate my face" thread? She's more pretty than cute.
I only know bits here and there, but she seems to have dated a few guys already. She said she has a serious attitude towards love.

9 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:00:24 ID:nfrEKTBS
┏━━━━━┓←──────────If possible seicross──────────┐  
┃ Loli Jugs★┃←―――――――Exchanged e-mail addys――――――――┐.........│
┗━━━━━┛                                      ..│.........│
    │                                           .│.........│
  Same part-time job                                 ....│.........│
    │                                           .↓.........│
Miss Understanding (Miss Undie) ―――Mistook OP for a molester――→ 1 ◆FYqCtG1B42 (Molester Man)...←――――――――┐
 ↑   ↑   ↑──────────If possible seicross ──────┘↑ ......│    ↑                    ....│
 │   │           ┌────────────────────┘ ......│ Happened to be around and intervened  .│
 │ Best friends?  E-mailing like crazy                          ...│ Sent crab as a token of apology      ..│
 │   ↓           │                               ........│    │                   Bakatono
 │  Kansai .←─────┴───────If possible seicross────────┘..  Glasses ←────────────┘
Stalker Man (The Mastermind)

10 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:00:43 ID:2RiKQOrF
Thanks, Mr. TBS!

11 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:00:58 ID:Sl4GnQbd
  _  ∩
( ゚∀゚)彡 Tits! Tits!

12 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:01:04 ID:sBpobYvh

13 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:01:05 ID:nfrEKTBS
The Stalker
Identity: Unknown

Current situation: The stalker has stolen Miss Undie's used napkins, sneaked into her room and so on....
            We don't know the details, but it seems like he hasn't laid hands on her yet.

The police's reaction:
They increased the patrols in her neighborhood. Though I think she might have lost quite some of her credibility when she mistook OP for a molester.

14 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:01:17 ID:dqUR1PTV
The thread was going so strong we started two new threads, huh?w

15 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:01:24 ID:bohshWUj
Crab curry!

16 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:01:26 ID:BbpIocvQ
Why is Loli Jugs the only one in a box highlighted with a star?w

17 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:01:43 ID:nfrEKTBS
Did I miss any template posts?

18 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:01:52 ID:jpkX8zTk
Thanks, TBS.

19 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:01:55 ID:JO9x3uK6
We all agree that this is a Train Man rip-off, right?

20 : 1 ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 18:02:04 ID:D50puFV/

In case you missed it, guys, it looks like there's no need to worry so much about the stalker anymore.

21 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:02:07 ID:gVLoMymR

22 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:02:26 ID:8BOi0NgQ
I figured I'd post at exactly 18:00 to get the 1000th post, but it was too late... (PД`q)゚.
(´-`).。oO( I give up. )

23 : 950 from the previous thread : 04/11/11 18:02:26 ID:V4bJ6oqI
ノシ Thanks, TBS, and sorry.

24 : &rlo;!!Muzuitanhe (・ω・ 彡э )∈&lro; : 04/11/11 18:02:42 ID:l5QjhrQd
(´・д・`) Eh? Why not?

25 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:02:44 ID:jpkX8zTk
What makes you think so?

26 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:03:06 ID:sBpobYvh
In case you forgot, the stalker is the only thing that connects you to Miss Undiew

27 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:03:15 ID:EvJnsIzy
Hey, that's still up to debate, isn't it?

28 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:03:28 ID:dqUR1PTV
If there is no need to worry about the stalker, then that means they don't need you anymore, you know? Is that okay with you?

29 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:03:38 ID:7rbAIxyX
More like the other way round...

30 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:03:47 ID:BbpIocvQ

  Is >>1 = the stalker?

31 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:03:48 ID:8BOi0NgQ
Ehhhh (゚Д゚)y─┛~~

32 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:03:57 ID:0IyJygbl
Thanks, TBS.

33 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:03:59 ID:2RiKQOrF
Ω ΩΩ  Wha-What did you sayーーーーー!?

34 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:04:17 ID:V4bJ6oqI
Kansai is trying to hook you up with Miss Undie, right?
So maybe it was Kansai who came up with the stalker story to get you two to meet.

35 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:04:26 ID:gVLoMymR
The problem is that Miss Undie is still as worried about the stalker as befoooooooooooooooore!

36 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:04:28 ID:bSuv/lBS
That's not acceptable though.
If this was a novel, the main motif of the novel would be a love that is born from fighting a stalker together! You can't just call it off now!

37 : 1 ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 18:04:41 ID:D50puFV/
Well, she said they presented some sort of evidence to the police and the police are now properly investigating the case.
Despite all that, the molester is still on the move.
I'd say it's only a matter of time now until he gets caught.

38 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:05:00 ID:NSATg1EN
Did the stalker steal her used products?
I thought he spilled his protein juice in her room and left.

39 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:05:01 ID:8BOi0NgQ
Ah, I forgot.
Thanks, TBS.

40 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:05:31 ID:bSuv/lBS
You on the move?w You haven't done anything worth noting so farw

41 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:05:41 ID:BbpIocvQ
Crab curry, TBS.

42 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:05:48 ID:EvJnsIzy
Ah, I forgot too.

43 : &rlo;!!Muzuitanhe (・ω・ 彡э )∈&lro; : 04/11/11 18:05:48 ID:l5QjhrQd
Weren't you going to impress her with your manliness?

44 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:05:54 ID:dqUR1PTV
>>20 is getting too popular. It's time someone posted this.
This is so lame.

We don't need another thread of this.

-------------Thread over-------------

45 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:05:59 ID:4AAmzp3U
This thread seems to be getting lots of replies. Is it any good?

46 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:06:00 ID:bohshWUj
Why didn't you say that earlier?w

47 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:06:04 ID:V4bJ6oqI
This is probably why OP isn't worried about Miss Undie not needing him anymore now.

48 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:06:10 ID:sBpobYvh
How are you on the move?
We have yet to see you actually do somethingw

49 : 1 ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 18:06:38 ID:D50puFV/
Guys, this is the first time I hear about it too.
Maybe Miss Understanding didn't want to talk about it in detail with a guy?

50 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:07:00 ID:nfrEKTBS
Don't worry about it.
Actually, I had a feeling I'd have to start the next thread, so I had copied all template posts into a notepad and was already prepared.

That's why I was able to pitch in on short notice.

51 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:07:23 ID:bSuv/lBS
Well, it's pretty much decided what your task tonight is then.
Call Miss Undie and give her mental support.

52 : &rlo;!!Muzuitanhe (・ω・ 彡э )∈&lro; : 04/11/11 18:07:24 ID:l5QjhrQd
  .ノ 丶ハヽ
 ( ( ) ) 。‘) < Off to have dinner.
 │| | |と )
 ( ( ) )ノ
   ̄ ̄

53 : 1 ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 18:07:27 ID:D50puFV/
Sorry, I meant to write "the stalker" in >>37, not "the molester".

54 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:07:35 ID:BbpIocvQ

What a random guesswwww

55 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:07:50 ID:dqUR1PTV
Molester calls Miss Undie.

Molester: "I heard it's going to be resolved soon! I'm so glad!"
Miss Undie: ".............................................you really think so? (in a very small voice)"

                                      Just a hunch.

56 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:07:50 ID:7rbAIxyX
Are you sure she's not still suspecting you?

57 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:08:08 ID:V4bJ6oqI
What a well-prepared personw

Please go out with me.

58 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:08:15 ID:bohshWUj
In that case, this is probably what Kansai thinks.
The stalker problem might get resolved soon, but since Miss Undie is still mentally unstable, Molester should become her boyfriend and support her.

59 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:08:35 ID:gVLoMymR
It'll make Miss Undie think

"Even though I'm so worried and troubled...
Mr. Molester isn't taking it seriously..."

finally leading to a wrist cut end.

60 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:09:00 ID:sBpobYvh
"It's harder to contact Miss Undie now because of what you said earlier!"
to Kansai for me pleasew

61 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:09:09 ID:jpkX8zTk
Let the police do their job. You got your own job to do.
For starters, give her a call tonight, then go buy a personal alarm together this weekend.
Btw, OP, you haven't had a real chat with just Miss Understanding and you yet, have you?

62 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:09:21 ID:8BOi0NgQ
(´-`).。oO( If this keeps going like this, I fear OP won't be able to date anyone, and before he knows it, he'll have to say goodbye to Miss Undie... )

63 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:09:45 ID:bSuv/lBS
That's what we call bad end.

64 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:10:09 ID:RAo8j1R6
The case is going to get resolved without OP having contributed anything to itw

65 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:10:12 ID:iQo29BBa
So, we can all agree that >>1 wants to go out with her as well as go all out with her, huh?

66 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:10:32 ID:nfrEKTBS
Post a pic of yourself first.

67 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:10:33 ID:jpkX8zTk
I wouldn't mind that end since it seems like a VIP QUALITY end too.

68 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:11:49 ID:kma4Xn/w
Quit calling the stalker molester. It's confusing as hell.

What do you think of Miss Undie anyway? There seems to be a good chance that you get to date her, but will you be able to love her?
I honestly can't tell from the attitude you've shown so far.

69 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:12:09 ID:BbpIocvQ
Even if it may be a bad end for OP, it'd be a VIP QUALITY end for us.

70 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:12:19 ID:8BOi0NgQ
(´-`).。oO( Having lost everything, OP finally loses his shit and starts stalking Miss Undie... Would be spooky... But interesting... Can't wait. )

71 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:13:35 ID:V4bJ6oqI
Will a pic of my nipples do?

72 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:13:37 ID:kma4Xn/w
Guys, if you're really VIPPERs, you should be wishing for a happy end for OP.

73 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:14:38 ID:nfrEKTBS
A nipple pic is fine too.
Post it.

74 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:14:52 ID:JTs7V1w/
Which celebrity does Kansai resemble the most?

75 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:14:55 ID:jpkX8zTk
Well, I would if OP's attitude wasn't so erratic..

76 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:15:45 ID:nfrEKTBS
I wonder if the guy who went to the barbershop yesterday is in the thread right now...

77 : 1 ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 18:15:51 ID:D50puFV/
Man, your timing is impeccable.
I just happened to come across a picture that kinda resembles her.

This is what she looks like.

78 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:16:02 ID:8BOi0NgQ
I can't see OP getting a happy end... (´・д・`)

79 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:16:07 ID:iQo29BBa

     TBS and V4b are madly in love with each other.

80 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:16:54 ID:hU4VheK+
Molester: "Miss Undie! ...let's have seicross! <3"

81 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:16:55 ID:iQo29BBa
Woooooooooooot! And you don't want this beauty as your girlfriend?

She's obviously more lively and better looking than Miss Undie.

82 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:17:07 ID:nfrEKTBS
I'm surprised she looks exactly as I'd imaginedw

She's quite the looker.
I'd pick her over the Ogura Yuuko look alike Miss Undie anytime.

83 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:17:16 ID:EvJnsIzy

84 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:17:48 ID:dqUR1PTV
What's erratic about Molester's attitude?

202 Name:1 ◆FYqCtG1B42 []Date:04/11/11 00:55:53 ID:D50puFV/
Here's what I feel right now...
Miss Understanding is cute and, if possible, I want to have seicross with her.
Kansai isn't my type, but I think she's beautiful and, if possible, I want to have seicross with her.
As for Loli Jugs, her jugs are in the way, but she's cute and, if possible, I want to have seicross with her too...

85 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:17:55 ID:MS4n0jii
Kansai looks as great as I expected.
But Jeans Mate? Really?

86 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:18:10 ID:sBpobYvh
Dude, compose yourself.
That's just a model OP picked who kinda resembles Kansai. Doesn't mean she's really as lively as that.

87 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:18:14 ID:bohshWUj
You're picking Miss Undie over that babe...? You're living the dream, aren't you?w

88 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:19:00 ID:NcjX1XKc
We need a similar pic for Miss Undie too.

89 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:19:03 ID:bSuv/lBS
Ignoring the hottie and going for the subpar heroine.


90 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:19:08 ID:BbpIocvQ
You don't think Kansai actually looks like this, do you? You made me laugh.

91 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:19:29 ID:nfrEKTBS
Added to the template posts.

Kansai Woman looks like

92 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:19:34 ID:dqUR1PTV
One more:

494 Name:VIPPER [] Date:04/11/11 13:07:39 ID:SV5emRp6
Which would you choose? Miss Undie with lots of baggage? Or Kansai who's easy to get along with?

I would go with Kansai.
505 Name:1 ◆FYqCtG1B42 [] Date:04/11/11 13:13:05 ID:D50puFV/

Uhh, that's a difficult question. But since I'm not in love yet, I'd like to go with whatever has a higher rate of success.
I don't mind if it's a bit more difficult, as long as it's more promising... is what I think.

93 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:20:13 ID:m9lqibX+
So what about the Akihabara shopping tour?
You should show her that you want to help her because you're worried even with the police working on the case.
Even with the police on the case, she needs your help to fight off the stalker! I'm sure of it!

94 : 1 ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 18:21:53 ID:D50puFV/
I think the shopping tour is a great idea. She's probably done something of the sort already, but there are so many different kinds of self-defense products, I'd say it's worth a shot.

95 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:21:57 ID:BbpIocvQ
I can't take it anymore!
I'm gonna die before something new happens!!

96 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:22:45 ID:nfrEKTBS
ID:V4bJ6oqI is going to post a picture of his nipple anytime soon. Hang in there a little longerw

97 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:22:47 ID:0IyJygbl
How did you find that Jeans Mate page?

98 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:23:07 ID:JIQ+OH3J
Go to the restaurant she works at now.
And walk her home tonight.

99 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:23:30 ID:bSuv/lBS
Hang in there, Mr. Screenwriter!

100 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:23:43 ID:sBpobYvh
Aren't there any radio otaku at your university?
You could borrow a wideband receiver from them and check her room for listening devices.

101 : 1 ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 18:24:09 ID:D50puFV/
I found it in the "Fashion for small guys" thread.

102 : 71 : 04/11/11 18:24:09 ID:V4bJ6oqI


103 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:24:16 ID:gVLoMymR
Think about where to go after the shopping in Akiba.
A trendy cafe, for instance.

104 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:24:20 ID:iQo29BBa
No, she seems like a lively girl from her e-mails.

In the worst case, she's just a slut, though.

105 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:24:31 ID:kma4Xn/w
In any case, write Miss Undie an e-mail or call her as soon as her shift ends.
All you need to do now is give her a little push imo.

Just don't go berserk! Please!
Don't panic, don't get impatient, and don't get clingy.

106 : 1 ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 18:25:32 ID:D50puFV/
Hahaha You little...

107 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:25:42 ID:BbpIocvQ
A lovely nipple!
It's hereーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー
It's hereーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー

108 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:25:51 ID:nfrEKTBS
"You're at work right now, right?
I've been doing some thinking since last time. Remember how we were talking about meeting up for lunch this weekend?
Do you have any self-defense products?
If not, would you like to go look for some with me?

I'll write you about when and where we could go once your shift ends."

Write her this.

109 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:26:01 ID:0IyJygbl
Oh, I see.

110 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:26:15 ID:sBpobYvh
My dick is diamonds now.

111 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:26:16 ID:m9lqibX+
Third time today.

Tell Miss Undie you have to check for wiretaps and enter her room!
It's risky, but worth it because it boosts your intimacy!

112 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:26:42 ID:gVLoMymR
Where do you live anyway? Considering how there's a Jusco in your neighborhood, you don't live in an urban area, do you?
That means, Akiba is at least a half an hour's train ride away.
Can you keep a conversation going that long?

But then again, sitting around silently is VIP QUALI-

113 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:26:46 ID:V4bJ6oqI
Ah, sorry for going off-topic there.
Please do go on.

114 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:26:59 ID:nfrEKTBS
What a pretty nipplew

But not pretty enough to make me fall for you!w

115 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:27:19 ID:iQo29BBa
Forget about going to Akihabara, seriously.
"Mr. Molester, you seem to know the way. Do you often come to this... place?"
"W-Well, yeah, sometimes."
"................creep. (in a very small voice)"

116 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:29:20 ID:V4bJ6oqI
Okay, then from now on, I'm going to polish my nipples everyday.
And when they've become so pretty that I can proudly say they're the prettiest in the world, I'm going to ask for your hand again. Wait for me.

117 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:29:31 ID:bohshWUj
What a pretty solar plexus. Wanna do it?

118 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:30:10 ID:JIQ+OH3J

119 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:30:19 ID:kFrT2Z9b
It'd be hilarious if Molester Man became the next big thing on the Internet after Train Man.

Plus, this time, the main character is after sex like a rhino in mating season.

120 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:30:32 ID:V4bJ6oqI
Eh? You guys think my nipple is pretty?
Makes me kinda happy.

121 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:31:51 ID:KCExAWCb
What does she need self-defense products for when she's got you to protect her? Right, OP?

122 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:31:55 ID:nfrEKTBS
Once your nipples manage to surpass the beauty of my nipples, I'll let you have me like a man.
Don't expect me to post a picture of my nipples though.
I'll be waiting. <3

123 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:32:00 ID:8BOi0NgQ
I can't see the nipple because I'm on my cell phone right now. (´・д・`)

124 : Mowgli ◆kP7AlLHyXY : 04/11/11 18:32:20 ID:fE2tuwPt
Don't you have anything better to do, OP?

125 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:32:29 ID:bohshWUj
The names are great toow
The characters are called Molester Man, Miss Undie, Glasses, Kansai and Loli Jugs.

126 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:32:38 ID:V4bJ6oqI
I'll wash my anus and wait for you.

127 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:33:19 ID:V4bJ6oqI
Hahaha You little...

128 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:33:52 ID:bohshWUj
Here's the ultimate pick-up line for you.
"I wanna be your personal alarm."

129 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:34:35 ID:bSuv/lBS
More like
"I wanna push your personal alarm."

130 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:34:47 ID:sBpobYvh
OP doesn't have the purity and innocence of Train Manw
He even argues a lot with the people in his thread which Train Man never did.

On the other hand, Train Man is way too pure and innocent to relate to.

131 : 1 ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 18:35:27 ID:D50puFV/
How about... a self-locking door lock with a biometric fingerprint scanner?

132 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:35:47 ID:nfrEKTBS
Anyone else get the feeling that Molester's two-timing us with a different thread?

133 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:36:05 ID:nfrEKTBS
Whoops, you were around?

134 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:36:15 ID:JiirGKjh
Which thread? Link us to it!

135 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:36:37 ID:V4bJ6oqI
How much does it cost to install one of those?

136 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:36:40 ID:E9qitAMy
He's only pretending to be a social outcast.

137 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:36:49 ID:bohshWUj
"I wanna molest you in a legal way." is good too.

138 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:36:51 ID:q/dR7VA+
No way they're gonna turn a vulgar thread like this into a boOKw CUNT!

139 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:37:29 ID:nfrEKTBS
No, I just figured that, since he stopped posting, he might be posting in a thread about Uniqlo (dunno if there are threads like that) or somethingw

140 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:38:27 ID:V4bJ6oqI
↓ In b4 someone starts a Uniqlo thread in VIP

141 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:38:33 ID:BbpIocvQ
No way we're gonna let them turn this thread into a book!

Put your PENIS in her PUSSY~~~♪

142 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:38:37 ID:nfrEKTBS
You know, I don't think Molester was referring to an actual door lock.
I think the door lock is some kind of sexual innuendo.

143 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:38:51 ID:gVLoMymR
I suddenly feel like finding out how many of my posts addressed to the OP got a reply from himw

144 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:39:00 ID:iQo29BBa
"■    I went to Uniqlo today with mom and dad!!"

145 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:39:23 ID:sBpobYvh
What's the point in going to Akiba if all you want is a new door lock? Go to a locksmith instead.

146 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:40:03 ID:gVLoMymR
That's the Fashion Leader thread!!

147 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:40:43 ID:Q7UhNqcw
You are the stalker.

148 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:41:08 ID:BbpIocvQ
You don't need a locksmith to change a door lock.
All you have to do is unscrew the old door lock and change the lock cylinder inside the door. The rest is a piece of cake.

All you need is one Phillips screwdriver. But make sure to Google whether the lock will fit her door first though.

149 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:41:16 ID:V4bJ6oqI
"I wanna break open your lock with my index finger."

150 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:42:31 ID:V4bJ6oqI
>>144 So there was a Uniqlo thread on VIPw

151 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:42:40 ID:lKVanHkK

       Excuse me... You dropped this.




                            That is VIP QUALITY.

152 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:43:55 ID:X8j5coEh
Hear me out, >>500.
I'm going on a trip to South Korea tomorrow and I'll be gone for at least a month.

That's why I have a favor to ask of you because I know you have a kind heart.
Please make a summary website with an archive of all these threads so that, when I'm back from South Korea, I can read about this hopeless guy >>1's fate without missing out on anything.

I will make sure to show my appreciation.
Let's see...
Well, if you have any requests, anything, feel free to tell me when I'm back.

I'll be counting on you.

153 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:44:20 ID:bToRR93y
The policeman with the dislocated nipples!

154 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:46:15 ID:sBpobYvh
Speaking of which,
can someone with 220,000 yen on his bank account be called poor?
Does he pay 150,000 yen for rent or what?

155 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:46:21 ID:m9lqibX+
The thread's been going on for too long without anything concrete happening!
I miss >>1's berserker streaks.

156 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:48:03 ID:kma4Xn/w
You're poor if you don't have enough savings to get by at least 3 months without working.

157 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:49:11 ID:kma4Xn/w
>>1 What's your plan, OP?
At least post a provisional schedule for the next few days!

158 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:49:25 ID:TKhiQf69
I'm backーーーーーーーーーーーーーー(((´・ω・`)ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー!

159 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:50:03 ID:jpkX8zTk
Hope 500 is a nice guy then.

Btw, when is Miss Understanding's shift going to end today?

160 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:50:08 ID:8BOi0NgQ
Today's dinner... was crab I got delivered from an acquaintance today...
(´-`).。oO( Crab so yummy )

161 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:50:08 ID:sBpobYvh
That goes for students too?

162 : 1 ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 18:52:35 ID:D50puFV/
My monthly living expenses (excluding rent) total about 60,000 to 90,000 yen.

As for my plans for today, I'm thinking of e-mailing or calling Miss Understanding.
I need to come up with a strategy on how to handle any calls or e-mails from Loli Jugs and Kansai though.

163 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:53:16 ID:kma4Xn/w
Oh yeah, OP is a student. It depends on how much support he gets from his parents, I guess...

You can't call him poor if his parents pay everything for him, i.e. the rent, the energy bill and even the food expenses.

164 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:53:54 ID:nfrEKTBS
↑ Raise your hand if you fapped to the Kansai look-alike!

165 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:55:38 ID:BbpIocvQ
What do you need a strategy for?w

You'll be just fine with your excellent handling skillswww

166 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:56:27 ID:kma4Xn/w
Alright, everyone, let's come up with a concrete strategy then.

■ Loli Jugs
 - What OP should aim for:
 - Taboo topics:
 - What OP should talk about when he's out of topics:

■ Kansai
 - What OP should aim for:
 - Taboo topics:
 - What OP should talk about when he's out of topics:

Get to work, guys.

167 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:57:26 ID:6JHfsHrr
In Kansai's case, just keep it natural like you've done so far.
Don't forget to show her that you're worried about Miss Undie.

168 : &rlo;!!Muzuitanhe (・ω・ 彡э )∈&lro; : 04/11/11 18:57:37 ID:rZGx1qjl
      ( ・∀・) Call Miss Undie♪
      ( ⊃┳⊃
     (   ( ・ω・) Coo coo
≡≡≡ ◎―◎⊃⊃

169 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:59:12 ID:0IyJygbl
■ Loli Jugs
 - What OP should aim for:
 - Taboo topics: Spanking the monkey
 - What OP should talk about when he's out of topics: Work

■ Kansai
 - What OP should aim for:
 - Taboo topics: People who use the Kansai dialect in the Internet are retarded
 - What OP should talk about when he's out of topics: Bakatono and stuff

170 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 18:59:26 ID:gVLoMymR
■ Loli Jugs
 - What OP should aim for:
 - Taboo topics: Big boobs
 - What OP should talk about when he's out of topics:

■ Kansai
 - What OP should aim for:
 - Taboo topics:
 - What OP should talk about when he's out of topics: Bakatono

Feel free to add stuff.

171 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:00:04 ID:EvJnsIzy
■ Loli Jugs
 - What OP should aim for: Remind her that she's a friend of Miss Undie too and have her support Miss Undie however she can.
 - Taboo topics: Tits! Tits!
 - What OP should talk about when he's out of topics: Did you watch Bakatono?

172 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:02:03 ID:6JHfsHrr
■ Loli Jugs
 - What OP should aim for: A titty fuck
 - Taboo topics: Big boobs, loli
 - What OP should talk about when he's out of topics: Crab

■ Kansai
 - What OP should aim for: An Okonomiyaki date
 - Taboo topics: People who use the Kansai dialect in the Internet are retarded
 - What OP should talk about when he's out of topics: Bakatono

173 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:02:14 ID:kma4Xn/w
Bakatono mindw

174 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:03:05 ID:nfrEKTBS
You guys completely ignored my post.

I still love you guys!

175 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:04:08 ID:iQo29BBa
Sorry, but after a lot of consideration, I decided not to fap to Kansai until >>1 posts a picture of her as his girlfriend.

176 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:07:41 ID:6JHfsHrr
ノシ I haven't yet, but she's in my to-fap-to list for this evening.

177 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:09:31 ID:0IyJygbl
I tried to fantasize about her, but it just didn't work.

178 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:11:20 ID:8BOi0NgQ
Well, Bakatono is about the only common topic they have as of now. (`・д・´)

179 : 1 ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 19:11:51 ID:D50puFV/
Stop fapping to her!w

180 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:12:30 ID:TKhiQf69
Post a similar pic for Loli Jugs please.

181 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:17:28 ID:8BOi0NgQ
The thread's come to a halt...

NULL POINTER. ( ̄b ̄) stare

182 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:18:36 ID:nfrEKTBS
Whack! ( ̄b ̄) stare

183 : 1 ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 19:18:54 ID:D50puFV/
So, what kind of e-mail do I write to her?

184 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:19:48 ID:6LmodCry
This so much.

185 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:20:44 ID:nfrEKTBS

186 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:21:27 ID:8BOi0NgQ
If it's to Miss Undie, write a gentlemanly e-mail.
And if it's to one of the other girls, write a funny e-mail.

187 : 1 ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 19:23:04 ID:D50puFV/
While looking for a look-alike picture of Loli Jugs, I found something that's close to Miss Understanding.

Yeah, this girl resembles her more than Ogura Yuuko.

188 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:23:31 ID:VX62OdPx
Write about how the miso soup with crab I had just now didn't taste very good.

189 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:23:34 ID:BbpIocvQ
>>183 "If you're free, will you go out for a tea with me?
I might not be able to do anything other than hearing you out,
but I want to hear the whole story one more time."

Send it.

190 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:24:01 ID:9Imx1OlX
All of America fapped.

191 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:24:06 ID:EvJnsIzy

192 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:24:10 ID:6JHfsHrr


Oh, baby.

193 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:24:29 ID:EvJnsIzy


194 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:24:47 ID:VX62OdPx
Alright, I got it.
I'll take care of Miss Undie from now on.
You go after Kansai without any worries.

195 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:25:46 ID:iQo29BBa
I-I can see why you'd get weak with looks like that... B-But I'd still aim for a Kansai end.

196 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:26:06 ID:6JHfsHrr
Post a look-alike pic of Jugs and the family restaurant too please.

197 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:26:24 ID:BbpIocvQ
Whoawwwwwwww So fucking cutewwwwwwww

>>1, you lucky bastard!!
Getting titty-fucked by a cute girl like that every night...

198 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:27:00 ID:gVLoMymR
Holy shitwwwww

199 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:27:03 ID:bohshWUj
What a joytoy. (;´Д`) pant pant

200 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:27:05 ID:8BOi0NgQ
I can't see it! (PД`q)゚.BAAAAAAAAAAWWW!!

201 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:27:57 ID:FzgHiXv5
Guys, I'd like to execute >>1. What weapon should I use?

202 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:28:25 ID:6JHfsHrr

203 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:29:05 ID:JIQ+OH3J
Crab claws.

204 : 1 ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 19:29:09 ID:D50puFV/
Eh, she doesn't really resemble her in that picture...
I'm still looking for one for Loli Jugs, but can't find anything.
I was sure I could find one easily since she looks like one of those second-rate gravure idols you see everywhere...

205 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:29:38 ID:lKVanHkK
Who cares about Loli?
What does Miss Undie look like?

206 : &rlo;!!Muzuitanhe (・ω・ 彡э )∈&lro; : 04/11/11 19:30:03 ID:rZGx1qjl
  「r',. 、
 d ´c`/ Goddammit...
  i ' ∋   What a lucky bastard...

. ,.-,ニユ、 彡
  { ,.= r、 三 
.(6' r',ニ7 三
 .| !| { { 三  GODDAMMIT!!
 | ミ‐ニ) 三 
 !    {   ミ

207 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:30:12 ID:6JHfsHrr
Count me in. When are we doing this?

208 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:30:24 ID:EvJnsIzy
Read OP's post again carefully.

209 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:32:02 ID:lKVanHkK
I read it carefully, retard. Die, you jobless bum.

210 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:32:16 ID:bohshWUj
When is Miss Undie's shift ending today?

211 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:32:33 ID:iQo29BBa

212 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:33:05 ID:nfrEKTBS
Whoa, so many new posts popped up while I was in the kitchen making myself some hot chocolatew

213 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:33:30 ID:NSATg1EN
     ┃ ̄ ̄ ̄二二)
       ̄ ̄ ̄┗\;;;;\

  Feel free to use this.

214 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:34:02 ID:EvJnsIzy
Shut up, retard.

215 : 1 ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 19:34:09 ID:D50puFV/
I give up. Can't find a picture that looks like Loli Jugs.
Her face definitely resembles Matsumoto Marika though...

216 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:34:15 ID:BbpIocvQ
>>1 probably looks like this:


217 : &rlo;!!Muzuitanhe (・ω・ 彡э )∈&lro; : 04/11/11 19:34:16 ID:rZGx1qjl
      .。::+。   。・・:。.       
  .:+゚:。:*゚:+゚*:。*゚      ゚*(ノД`)ノ Share some of your happiness with me!
≡   ≡   ≡   ≡ ( ┐ノ   AHHHHHH
           :。;  /                      
⌒::;;⌒⌒⌒;;::⌒⌒.:: :⌒;;⌒::.;;.⌒⌒/   /| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄./   /::. :; ;⌒⌒:.:⌒:;⌒;;⌒⌒:
:::    ;;:    :,;: ;;..  : :;   ,::.;  /   /| ̄. ̄ー ̄. ̄/   /.., ,; .:   ,,。,   ::
    :::  :;..  .,;;   ;    : :::., /   /| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/   /,,;    :::  :;    :;.  ;

218 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:34:37 ID:iQo29BBa
Ma-Matsumoto Marika... Rikku's voice actress... pant pant

219 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:35:15 ID:2ayHHNlL
Finally caught up. You're on a fucking roll. You can do this, Molester!

Alright! Time to fap to >>187

220 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:36:54 ID:nfrEKTBS
Added to the template posts.

According to OP, Miss Understanding (Miss Undie) resembles this girl.


221 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:37:40 ID:jpkX8zTk
Write her that you're going to call her later.
Kansai was disappointed that you only wrote an e-mail to her yesterday instead of calling her.
Be more assertive. For now, write

"You must be at work right now. Can I call you later? There's something I want to talk to you about.
 Please tell me when I can call.".

Then talk to her on the phone about the shopping for self-defense products, the lunch this weekend and whatever else comes to your mind.

222 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:37:53 ID:VX62OdPx
I'm already so envious of >>1 I could cry. What do?

223 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:38:30 ID:BbpIocvQ
Oh man...
I'm so jelly...
Why aren't there any girls like that in my life..........

224 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:38:42 ID:FzgHiXv5
click 、;y=ー( ゚д゚)・∵.POW

225 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:39:31 ID:nfrEKTBS
Just googled Matsumoto Marika.
Guess Loli Jugs isn't anything special looks-wise.

226 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:39:38 ID:6JHfsHrr
What's with this ridiculous casting!?
You win no matter who you pick WTF!!!!!!!!

227 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:39:44 ID:q/dR7VA+
I think >>1 must have done an incredibly good deed to deserve this.

228 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:40:21 ID:nfrEKTBS
I can't believe OP ignored this!!

229 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:40:53 ID:JIQ+OH3J
No, it's more like he used up all his luck in his life and
it's all downhill from now on.

230 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:41:46 ID:BbpIocvQ
Chase two rabbits and...

231 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:41:47 ID:6JHfsHrr
Get used to it already.

232 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:41:53 ID:gVLoMymR
But well, since she has a stalker stalking her, I naturally expected her to be attractive to a certain degree...

Huh? My screen looks blurry all of a sudden...

233 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:42:34 ID:TKhiQf69
Oh, Miss Undie looks like my little sister.

234 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:42:42 ID:gVLoMymR
Happens all the time.

235 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:43:30 ID:gVLoMymR
I think it's moe how you patiently waited 120 posts before complaining about it.

236 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:43:42 ID:nfrEKTBS
Yeah, I kinda knew he'd ignore it... orz
I'll try to get used to it...

237 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:43:59 ID:6JHfsHrr
"I ordered a PC, but only got the display delivered first."

238 : 1 ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 19:44:06 ID:D50puFV/
Okay, I think I got a pretty good idea about where to head from here now.
Should I simply write her a short e-mail like "Are you working right now? Can I call you later?" for now?

239 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:44:15 ID:8BOi0NgQ
(´-`).。oO( How to get to know beautiful women: When a woman walking in front of you at night runs away from you, run after her... )

240 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:45:01 ID:iQo29BBa
Add "There's something I want to talk to you about." at the end.

241 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:45:23 ID:VX62OdPx

242 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:45:44 ID:gVLoMymR
I know it's sad, but it's a notebook screen...

243 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:45:52 ID:nfrEKTBS
Pics or it's not true.

244 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:46:09 ID:bSuv/lBS
I think you should just send >>108 as it is.
It's safer to spell out everything for women like her.

245 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:46:19 ID:6JHfsHrr

246 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:46:30 ID:bSuv/lBS
I quoted the wrong post. ('A`)

247 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:46:55 ID:bohshWUj
OP's getting smarter at this.

248 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:47:17 ID:6JHfsHrr
Σ(´Д` You want OP to send her the display thread!?

Well, why not. Maybe she'd like it.

249 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:47:25 ID:nfrEKTBS
No, it's a display shaped like a notebook.

250 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:49:28 ID:jpkX8zTk
How come OP is at times smart and at times retarded?

251 : &rlo;!!Muzuitanhe (・ω・ 彡э )∈&lro; : 04/11/11 19:52:41 ID:rZGx1qjl
            ∧  ∧
            |1/ |1/
          / ̄ ̄ ̄`ヽ、
         /        ヽ
        /  ⌒  ⌒    |
        | (●) (●)   |   Mr. Molester Man.
        /          |   
       /           |    
      (          _ |
      (ヽ、       /  )|
       | ``ー――‐''"|  ヽ|
       ゝ ノ       ヽ  ノ
  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

252 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:53:25 ID:oHBJDYED
            ∧  ∧
            |1/ |1/
          / ̄ ̄ ̄`ヽ、
         /        ヽ
        /  ⌒  ⌒    |
        | (●) (●)   |   Just felt like calling you. Problem?
        /          |   
       /           |    
      (          _ |
      (ヽ、    ノ  /  )|
       | ``ー―-‐''"|  ヽ|
       ゝ ノ       ヽ  ノ
  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

253 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:55:33 ID:y8NwScYD
Why is he so calm when it's getting pretty late for an e-mail already?

254 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:57:51 ID:8BOi0NgQ
We already gave our OK, so why hasn't he already sent it...?

255 : 1 ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 19:58:26 ID:D50puFV/
Okay, I've made some changes.

"Are you working right now? I've been doing some thinking since yesterday. Remember how we were talking about meeting up for lunch this weekend?
I heard the police is actually doing something now, but I figured you need to be able to protect yourself to a certain extent.
Do you have any self-defense products? If not, would you like to go look for some with me?
Please send an e-mail or call me when you're free after work."

Is this good?

256 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:59:21 ID:VX62OdPx
>Are you working right now?

Is this line necessary?

If she's working right now, she won't be able to read your e-mail anyway.

257 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:59:29 ID:JIQ+OH3J
That makes you sound like you're not going to go look for self-defense products if she already has one.

258 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 19:59:49 ID:TKhiQf69
"Are you working right now? I've been doing some thinking since yesterday. Remember how we were talking about meeting up for lunch this weekend?
I heard the police is actually doing something now, but I figured you need to be able to protect yourself to a certain extent.
Do you have any self-defense products? If not, would you like to go look for some with me?
Please send an e-mail or call me when you're free after work. The VIPPERs are looking forward to it too."

259 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:01:19 ID:jpkX8zTk
Why do you get so passive at the very end of your e-mail?
Just ask her if you can call her after work.

260 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:01:59 ID:nfrEKTBS
It's just a way to start the e-mail.

261 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:03:06 ID:nfrEKTBS
You always do this, Molester. You take someone's suggestion and make it worse.... orz
If you're going to change it, change it for the better!

262 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:03:33 ID:3zBT6lZY
Kansai (;´Д`) pant pant

263 : 1 ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 20:03:52 ID:D50puFV/
"Are you working right now? I've been doing some thinking since yesterday. Remember how we were talking about meeting up for lunch this weekend?
I heard the police is actually doing something now, but I figured you need to be able to protect yourself to a certain extent.
Do you have any self-defense products? If not, would you like to go look for some with me?
Let's talk about this via e-mail or on the phone when you're free after work."

Alright, I sent it.

264 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:04:28 ID:VX62OdPx
Well, it's Molester we're talking about, so it doesn't matter anyway.
I just wish he'd listen to the VIPPERs' advice at least once.

265 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:04:54 ID:JTs7V1w/
Anyone else feel like TBS is getting really annoying?

266 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:05:04 ID:nfrEKTBS
Well, it's okay, I guess. For a start.

267 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:05:13 ID:0qAVtloj
Does Loli Jugs look like this?


268 : 1 ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 20:06:04 ID:D50puFV/
That's a bad photo of herw
There are better ones. Like the one in the official FFX strategy guide... Doesn't say much to you guys, huh?

269 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:07:29 ID:VX62OdPx
Just upload a real pic of her then.
I can see why you wouldn't want to post pics of Miss Undie and Kansai, but pics of Loli Jugs should be okay.

270 : 1 ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 20:12:00 ID:D50puFV/
Why are pics of Loli Jugs okay?w

271 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:12:31 ID:sBpobYvh
Are you really gonna go to Akiba?

272 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:13:50 ID:7NQGRM+X
We need a device to detect listening devices, a stun gun and an anti-molester alarm. What else?

273 : 1 ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 20:14:02 ID:D50puFV/
Is there any other place with as many stores selling self-defense products?

274 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:17:18 ID:177iwhOI
A spray.

275 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:17:39 ID:q/dR7VA+
An extendable baton against knives.

276 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:17:53 ID:VX62OdPx
A transmitter.

277 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:19:09 ID:iQo29BBa
Going to Akiba is not a good idea.

"So Mr. Molester is an Akiba otaku.........................creep. (in a very small voice)"

278 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:20:14 ID:sBpobYvh
For me, Akiba is a place that only exists for anime, loli and computer otakuw

279 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:20:21 ID:Q1lwBKVF
Aren't stun guns really expensive? A tear gas spray and an alarm should be enough imo.

280 : 1 ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 20:20:35 ID:D50puFV/
Akiba is the only place that sells stuff like that though.

281 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:21:08 ID:7NQGRM+X
Sprays are fine, but batons, for example, can be dangerous if they get taken away.

282 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:21:36 ID:nfrEKTBS
But they're going there for self-defense products this time.
It should be fine as long as OP doesn't let it show that he's used to going there.
Plus, you're probably more likely to find things like that in Akiba.

283 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:21:43 ID:7NQGRM+X
I think there was one in the shape of a key chain for about 1500 yen.
It's supposed to be quite strong too.

284 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:22:48 ID:JiirGKjh
Eh, can't you just go to Tokyu Hands?
They sell self-defense products too, but also all kinds of other stuff,
so you shouldn't have any problems finding something to talk about there.

285 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:22:55 ID:8BOi0NgQ
One of those cool batons policemen use.

286 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:24:10 ID:Q7UhNqcw

287 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:24:36 ID:9Imx1OlX
This so much.

288 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:24:58 ID:7NQGRM+X
Wasn't there a website about self-protection for women?
IIRC, it was about how to create an opening to run away from someone.

289 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:24:59 ID:TKhiQf69
For some reason, I'm not interested in dating someone, being together all the time and having seicross everyday.
I enjoy this uncertain phase before you start dating much more.
Things gets lame as soon as you start dating.

290 : 1 ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 20:24:58 ID:D50puFV/
Oh yeah, stun guns hurt like hell, but don't expect them to be as strong as they're shown in manga.
A spray, on the other hand, immobilizes you for several minutes even if it's not a full hit.

Which is why I'd always recommend a spray.

Eh? Why do I know all this, you ask?

291 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:25:07 ID:sBpobYvh
If it's a stun gun you want, wouldn't Ameyoko be a better choice than Akiba?

292 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:25:47 ID:bSuv/lBS
You experienced it all first hand, huh?

293 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:25:51 ID:JiirGKjh
(・∀・) grin

294 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:26:29 ID:sBpobYvh
"We came all the way to Akihabara to buy a spray..........? (in a somewhat small voice)"
Guess it depends on where in Akiba you go to though.

295 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:26:43 ID:q/dR7VA+
Since you can't use a stun gun and a spray at the same time anyway, I'd go for the spray as it's basically a firearm and has a higher range.
It's cheaper too.

296 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:27:48 ID:nfrEKTBS
Tokyu Hands, huh?
I didn't know they had a good selection of self-defense products, but if they do, it's probably a better idea to go there.

297 : 1 ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 20:28:11 ID:D50puFV/
Tokyu Hands does sound like a better idea.
I'm glad I didn't jump the gun... Tokyu Hands, it is!

298 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:28:16 ID:7NQGRM+X
I've only been to the Tokyu Hands in Nagoya, but do they really sell self-defense products...?

299 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:28:39 ID:Q1lwBKVF
It's decided then? Tokyu Hands, it is? Man, I wanna hang out with lovely dames too!

300 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:29:35 ID:JiirGKjh
Err, I'm the guy who suggested Tokyu Hands, but I don't know for sure if they have a good selection of self-defense products or not.
I just figured they do.

301 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:30:08 ID:iQo29BBa
Tokyu Hands is an expensive store, right? But I guess it's still a lot better than going to Akihabara.
Btw, mail order is an option too.

302 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:30:13 ID:3qxNpHAk
Instead of a spray, why don't you get her one of those remote vibrators?

303 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:30:20 ID:sBpobYvh
It probably depends on the size of the store too.
But they seem to have self-defense products.

304 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:31:13 ID:Q7UhNqcw

It's the website I linked to in the last thread.

305 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:31:50 ID:Q1lwBKVF
The question is, do they sell tear gas sprays too? I can't imagine them just having them lying around on their shelves.
I know they sell alarms, but you'll probably have to go to Akiba for the spray or order it online.

306 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:32:01 ID:sBpobYvh
A thought just popped in my head.
Stalking doesn't cause any direct harm to the victim, but indirect mental damage through fear. Am I right or what?

307 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:33:36 ID:7NQGRM+X
I think they had party goods and survival goods, but I'm not sure about self-defense sprays...
I'm looking at their floor guide right now, but I don't see any.
Any fine gentlemen from Tokyo here who could enlighten us?

308 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:34:24 ID:sBpobYvh
Why don't you call the store and ask if they sell them. They should be still open.

309 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:34:30 ID:TKhiQf69
What I learned from Molester's posts today:

Molester spends his free days in front of his PC browsing 2ch all day.

310 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:34:31 ID:jpkX8zTk
And what are you going to recommend to her?
I've posted this a couple of times already, but I'd go with a personal alarm.
With a spray or a stun gun, you'd have to actually confront your enemy. No way Miss Understanding could pull that off.

311 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:34:50 ID:JiirGKjh
Any store that sells emergency supplies should have self-defense products too.

312 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:34:50 ID:7NQGRM+X
That's it!

313 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:35:09 ID:3qxNpHAk
OP should directly confront the stalker as her boyfriend.

314 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:36:25 ID:Q1lwBKVF
Sometimes it's just more reassuring to at least have a means of self-protection ready.

315 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:37:27 ID:q/dR7VA+
The personal alarm is a means of intimidation. The spray is a means of force in case the intimidation doesn't work on the stalker.

316 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:38:14 ID:7NQGRM+X
Even if you don't want a confrontation, you can't always avoid it, e.g. when someone attacks you.

There are stores in Shinjuku that sell self-defense products. Don't know the names though.

317 : 1 ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 20:38:16 ID:D50puFV/
Well, personal alarms are sold everywhere, so it's possible she already has one.

318 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:38:17 ID:nfrEKTBS
It's not for confronting the stalker of her own accord, it's for when he suddenly attacks her.
She'd have to have it ready at all times, but she should feel safer just by having it with her.

319 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:38:20 ID:c/sC72IV
Molester Man's extendable baton, of course.

320 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:39:19 ID:jpkX8zTk
Maybe it was fake, but I saw a stalker and a boyfriend having an argument on TV the other day. It went like
Boyfriend: "Could you please stop following her around?"
Stalker: "No way."
Boyfriend: "Quit messing around!"
Stalker: "You're the one who's messing around! I'm the right guy for her! Break up with her!"
It was an unsightly fight.

321 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:40:57 ID:7NQGRM+X
How much is 180,000 volts?

Self-defense products are fine, but aren't you at least going to recommend to her to get her keys changed?

322 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:40:57 ID:TKhiQf69
Spray your sauce on him and you should win in one hit.

323 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:41:06 ID:XpCEoOHq
It'd be strange to spend a huge amount of money on it, so a personal alarm should be more than enough.
Give it to her as a present.

324 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:41:00 ID:jpkX8zTk
I think she should just run away if he suddenly attacks her...
And only fight if running isn't an option.

325 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:41:01 ID:Q7UhNqcw
↑ Looks like Tokyu Hands does have self-defense products.

It's a store in Sapporo thoughw

326 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:41:38 ID:3qxNpHAk
Boyfriend uses force.
Boyfriend gets arrested on assault charges.

327 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:41:34 ID:iQo29BBa
Yeah, there's no use talking to a stalker who thinks he's in the right.
But if Miss Undie's stalker was someone like that, wouldn't he leave more messages and the like at her place?

328 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:41:46 ID:nfrEKTBS
But well, I think I've seen stalkers on TV who gave up after just a bit of talking to too.

329 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:42:27 ID:TKhiQf69
Put on your Mark 6 suit when you go out. It can deflect anything the stalker throws at you.

330 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:43:48 ID:7NQGRM+X
I doubt you'll find anything other than personal alarms there...

Also, prepare some topics to talk about while you're going shopping.

331 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:44:57 ID:ZErmuMgz
For some reason, seeing the look-alike pictures pisses me off.

332 : 1 ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 20:45:20 ID:D50puFV/
Topics to talk about, huh... Hmm...

333 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:46:21 ID:7NQGRM+X
I doubt a delicate woman like her could outrun a grown man.
And once he catches her, there isn't much she can do to shake him off.
The self-defense products aren't there for actually beating an attacker, but for creating an opening to run.
Is what I think.

334 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:48:02 ID:3qxNpHAk
It's decided. Get a stun baton, a personal alarm and a tear gas spray.

Something to talk about while shopping? Well, there's always crabw

335 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:48:22 ID:iQo29BBa
Talk to Miss Undie about Kansai and talk to Kansai about Miss Undie. pant pant

336 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:48:29 ID:Q7UhNqcw
VIP is really slow today...

337 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:53:18 ID:jpkX8zTk
There's all kinds of stalkers, I guess.

I think it's most important to try to avoid that kind of situation altogether.
Having to fight should be the absolute worst case scenario. The question is if she's even prepared to fight if worst comes to worst.

338 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:53:48 ID:bohshWUj
Howl's moving castle should be a safe topic to talk about.
Until you go "Actually, Nausicäa is the best! (;´Д`) pant pant" and blow it.

339 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:53:51 ID:BbpIocvQ
The way I see it, Miss Undie isn't looking for a guy who buys her self-defense products.
She wants a guy who she can trust and who listens to her problems andasdfghjkl;


340 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:53:39 ID:Q7UhNqcw
>>336 Replying to myself.

18 Name:VIPPER New! Date:04/11/11 20:48:01 ID:/NWHXlCi
The Ookami are going crazy because of Morning Musume's appearance on Utaban today.

19 Name:da Silva ◆FW16X/KIDw New! Date:04/11/11 20:48:33 ID:1fvIhKbo
That's it!

341 : 1 ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 20:54:50 ID:D50puFV/
Don't you think that scene with the Ohms is pure tentacle porn?

342 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:57:05 ID:nfrEKTBS
Why do you only reply quickly when it's about stuff like that?

343 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:57:26 ID:rHIpKFWi
If Miss Understanding had any items against molesters, she would have used them the first time she met Molester.

Just saying.

344 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:57:43 ID:TKhiQf69
I personally prefer chance encounters with love like in Whisper of the Heart.

345 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 20:59:06 ID:jpkX8zTk
So, what are you going to talk about? Howl's? Ohms?

346 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:00:01 ID:nfrEKTBS
Okay, I'm heading home now.


347 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:00:07 ID:i6HAjbQr
Tokyu Hands or Loft are safe choices.
There's also Don Quijote if you have a car.

...going to an army shop would be an option too.

348 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:01:25 ID:y8NwScYD
You guys wanna make Miss Undie fight the stalker no matter what, huh?w
She sprays the stalker with the spray in her left hand, then hits him on the head with the baton in her right hand.
Once he crouches down holding his head, she uses the stun gun on his neck from behind! Until he doesn't move anymore!
Like this?

349 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:01:41 ID:Q7UhNqcw
An army shop?
Do you want OP to kill the stalker or what?w

350 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 21:03:16 ID:D50puFV/
Oh, I might get a call or an e-mail anytime now.

351 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:03:51 ID:FC4/vEUm
Molester's become really manly.

352 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:04:47 ID:sBpobYvh
Self-defense products and military goods are pretty similar if you think about it.

353 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:06:34 ID:FC4/vEUm
Knowing Molester, even if he starts talking about Howl's, he'll just end up talking about SAW in the end.

354 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:08:35 ID:sBpobYvh
You'll have to take the train to Tokyu Hands, right?
Isn't it pretty difficult to talk on a train?

355 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:11:44 ID:3qxNpHAk
Talk to them about molesters.

356 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:12:37 ID:FC4/vEUm
The thread's going kinda slow right now. Is everyone googling something?

357 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 21:14:40 ID:D50puFV/
Yeah, we'll probably go by train. I don't have a driver's license, after all.
Last time in the family restaurant, I used up almost all of the topics I had in stock.

358 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:15:33 ID:m9lqibX+
I can see Molester becoming really level-headed all of a sudden and turning into just another nice guy in the end.
The more he becomes a normalfag, the more he'll have to spice things up to keep things interesting.

359 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:17:09 ID:jpkX8zTk
There's a convenience store 30 seconds walking distance from your place, isn't there?
Go read a few magazines.

360 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:18:20 ID:sBpobYvh
Hang in there.
I'll be praying for you that the travelling times will be short.

361 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:21:12 ID:Q7UhNqcw
Read up on websites about self-protection and anti-stalking measures and fill your head with knowledge.

362 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:23:52 ID:7NQGRM+X
We don't want to make her fight. Like I said, it's just so she can create an opening to run away.
He grabs her, but she's got a stun gun ready in her hand! She gives him an electric shock! Oh wait, he grabbed her, so she gave herself an electric shock too!
Huh? Maybe this isn't such a good idea, after all?

363 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:26:12 ID:8BOi0NgQ
Sorry for going off-topic, but...
when you ever write an e-mail to Loli Jugs, could you add the line
"I have no regrets for the life I've lived."
somewhere at the end? (´・д・`)

364 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:26:54 ID:iQo29BBa
She uses the spray on him! The stalker goes ARGHHH! She makes a run for it and flees into a store nearby!

>>Molester Man
Finally changed your name, huh?w Hang in there. And don't forget to introduce Kansai to me.

365 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 21:27:04 ID:D50puFV/
OK, leave it to me! If I ever get an e-mail from her and we start exchanging e-mails, I'll make sure to add it.

366 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:27:23 ID:TKhiQf69
  ☆ ting

        ☆ ting  〃  ∧_∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
          ヽ ___\(\・∀・)<  When will something new happen?
             \_/⊂ ⊂_)_ \_______
           / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/|
        |  ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄:| :|
        |           .|/

367 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:29:32 ID:8BOi0NgQ
Ah, he got himself a trip. (・∀・) good good
Don't they sell any batons that are also stun guns?

368 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:30:51 ID:yDN+WF8h
There's something I need to tell OP before I read the thread.
>>1 I hope you've come up with a good ending for this.

369 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:36:01 ID:8BOi0NgQ
Mr. OP, your thread's about to come to a halt! (゚Д゚)y─┛~~
It's time you gave us something new to work with...

370 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:36:19 ID:y8NwScYD
I'd buy a spray and an alarm.
If you buy a baton or a stun gun, you'll have to actually fight the stalker and you don't want that.

371 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:37:20 ID:3qxNpHAk
Google "stun baton".

372 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:37:56 ID:bToRR93y
You should take her to a restaurant.

373 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:40:40 ID:rHIpKFWi
Ah, when I checked the thread at work, it looked like it was going to grow a lot, but it hasn't even reached 400 posts yet.
Just caught up with you guys.

So, what are you guys talking about now?

374 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:42:32 ID:iQo29BBa
We're taking a break. My guess is that Molester's going to call Miss Undie next.

375 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:43:18 ID:rHIpKFWi
You know, compared to Train Man, this story has too many characters...
What's more, the whole thing's been a real mess right from the beginning.

And yet I'm totally addicted to this thread.

376 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:44:20 ID:nUA/WzAV
It's already the 6th thread and we still haven't made any progress...

377 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:44:35 ID:TKhiQf69
I got so bored I started watching Fuji TV.
Izumiya Shigeru is hilariousw

378 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:45:14 ID:3qxNpHAk
Eat more sweet bean jelly!

379 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:45:35 ID:rHIpKFWi
Ohh, thanks!

I still think they should practice using the self-defense products after buying them.

380 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:46:03 ID:3qxNpHAk
You teach them how to use them then.

381 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:46:53 ID:rHIpKFWi
Then volunteer as a test subject so they can test them on you.

382 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:47:49 ID:RR0BYdyV
Like they say, better safe than sorry. When Molester isn't around, no, when no one is around to help, she won't have anyone to rely on but herself.
Thinking realistically instead of idealistically, she'll simply need a means of self-protection.
It'd be great, of course, if the stalker gave up just because of a loud alarm, but what if he doesn't?

383 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:48:35 ID:8BOi0NgQ
(´・д・`) I'll try googling for it on my cell phone...

I hate this...
(´-`).。oO( Things would be so much easier if my PC hadn't died... )

384 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:49:02 ID:5z+GXPof
I've returned from the seminar!
What's going on?

385 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:49:15 ID:iQo29BBa
Recommend this bulletproof face mask to Miss Undie!


386 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:49:49 ID:rHIpKFWi
We have to take the price into account too.
Neither Molester nor Miss Undie can afford anything expensive.

All in all, the spray is the safest choice.

387 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:50:20 ID:m9lqibX+
It's important to think about how to fight the stalker,
but I'm more worried that Miss Undie might be starting to think
"Mr. Molester is just a harmless nice guy."
about you.

388 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:50:50 ID:rHIpKFWi
I just got home from work too.
Looks like the situation hasn't really changed since the last thread ended.

389 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:52:54 ID:5z+GXPof
OP's still waiting for a call then, huh...

390 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:52:55 ID:rHIpKFWi
Well, if it's true that she doesn't have any male friends,
then even Molester might be able to date her with little effort.
At least, that's how it went for me.

391 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:55:04 ID:FC4/vEUm
┼─┨| | | | | |、//
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┷━┨/ / / / / / / / / / / __,(´∀`∩ / / / / / / /
..   ┃/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_´⊂⌒     ノ _/_/_ ∧ ∧  Chilling...
━━┛,,.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ;;;;;~(,,(‐ρ-,,) ;;;;;;;;;,.....  .
..;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::,,,,:::.: . .. .
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::,,,,:::.: . .. .
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::,,,,:::.: . .. .

392 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:55:11 ID:8BOi0NgQ
(´-`).。oO( Even if you hit the stalker with the spray and manage to stop him in his tracks, it still won't go like in the movies... He'll probably come running after you with tears in his eyes after 10 seconds or so. )
It's fine if she can run away during the 10 seconds, but she'll need a weapon if that's not an option.

393 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:56:45 ID:ZErmuMgz
Then you'll just have to punch him in the face in the 10 seconds until his head comes off.

394 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:57:33 ID:y8NwScYD
>>382 All she'd have to do is blind him with the spray, ring the alarm and flee into a store or something.
Btw, there's something else OP should do for her. He should take her somewhere and cheer her up a little.
It's definitely better than making her more afraid by buying her self-defense products.

395 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:57:52 ID:3qxNpHAk

396 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:57:56 ID:rHIpKFWi
Well, when I try to imagine Miss Undie's state of mind when she gets attacked by the stalker,
I can only see one thing happening...
She reaches for the spray in her bag, but can't find it! Then she tries to run, but her legs are frozen with fear!

397 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:58:46 ID:m9lqibX+
Never forget that self-defense products aren't only about effectiveness, they're primarily about the sense of security you get from them.
In the end, when push comes to shove, it all boils down to courage and quick wits.

May Molester turn into the biggest lady-killer!

398 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:59:24 ID:8BOi0NgQ
If OP were to punch the stalker seriously, I'm afraid he might kill him because he doesn't know how to hold back... shake shake
That would be a bad end, wouldn't it? (´・д・`)

399 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 21:59:33 ID:LjAJD8vb
It's strange how a loser, who's never even talked to other women before, can remember the conversations in such great detail.
It's one of the many reasons why this feels made up.

400 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:00:20 ID:rHIpKFWi
Someone already posted this before, but it's the police's job to deal with the stalker.
So what Miss Undie needs now is not a weapon but someone to comfort her.

Molester's job is to cure Miss Undie's trauma. And we should be discussing how.

401 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 22:02:36 ID:D50puFV/
That is VIP QUA-

It's exactly because I'm a loser, who's never talked to other women before, that I'm able to remember this much. It's how I explain it to myself.
Besides, it's not like I remember the whole conversation. I just try to recreate the parts I remember well from memory.

402 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:02:39 ID:rHIpKFWi
Who cares if it's made up?
I mean, this thread doesn't exist only for >>1, it's our fantasy land too.

Plus, OP never said he remembers the conversations word for word.

403 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:03:22 ID:8BOi0NgQ
I see.
If OP doesn't do anything, it'll go like:
The stalker gets arrested → Miss Undie thanks OP for everything → Sayonara
The end. (´・д・`)

404 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:04:06 ID:ZErmuMgz
Huh, we can't kill the stalker?
Oh well, in that case...
Kick him in the nuts, stuff him in a box, and ship him express to Iraq in a refrigerated container.

405 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:04:16 ID:RR0BYdyV
In the end, self-defense products, be it an alarm or a spray, are mere consolation too. That's why she should feel safer the more of them she has with her.

In most cases, when you get attacked all of a sudden, you panic and your mind goes blank, rendering you unable to do anything.

If whether you want to take part in this thread or not depends on whether it's real or fake, it's better you don't.
We don't need someone telling us it's fake because of every little thing.
As for why he remembers the conversations, maybe he tried to memorize them so he can report them in the thread? Or he remembers them that well BECAUSE he's not used to talking to women.
And even if this was fake, we'd be fine with it.

406 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:05:32 ID:DdXwlQlH
┏━━━━━┓←──────────If possible seicross──────────┐  
┃ Loli Jugs★┃←―――――――Exchanged e-mail addys――――――――┐.........│
┗━━━━━┛                                      ..│.........│
    │                                           .│.........│
  Same part-time job                                 ....│.........│
    │                                           .↓.........│
Miss Understanding (Miss Undie) ―――Mistook OP for a molester――→ 1 ◆FYqCtG1B42 (Molester Man)...←――――――――┐
 ↑   ↑   ↑──────────If possible seicross ──────┘↑ ......│    ↑                    ....│
 │   │           ┌────────────────────┘ ......│ Happened to be around and intervened  .│
 │ Best friends?  E-mailing like crazy                          ...│ Sent crab as a token of apology      ..│
 │   ↓           │                               ........│    │                   Bakatono
 │  Kansai .←─────┴───────If possible seicross────────┘..  Glasses ←────────────┘
Stalker Man (The Mastermind)

Miss Undie look-alike: ttp://www.avantgardes.net/hoshino/img/hoshino_l2.jpg
Kansai look-alike: ttp://www.rakuten.co.jp/jeansmate/786283/786290/

407 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:06:28 ID:ZErmuMgz
Kansai look-alike:


408 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:06:53 ID:rHIpKFWi
I remembered something after seeing this.
Isn't it possible that Glasses and Miss Undie still have some sort of relation with each other?

409 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:07:47 ID:f7UdtnZK
OP, start working at the place Miss Understanding works at.

410 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:09:54 ID:TKhiQf69
   /.  ̄ ̄ ̄//. ̄ ̄| || ̄ ̄ ̄||| ̄ ||     __________
  /.    ∧// ∧ ∧| ||      |||   ||  /
 [/____(゚_//[ ].゚Д゚,,) ||___|||   || <  We're here to pick up Miss Understanding.
 ||_. *  _|_| ̄ ̄ ∪|.|.Tokyo  |ヽ. _||  \__________
 lO|o―o|O゜.|二二 Ps|.|ychiatric||
 | ∈口∋ ̄_l__l⌒l_|Hospital |_l⌒l_||
   ̄ ̄`ー' ̄   `ー'  `ー'   `ー'

411 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:10:37 ID:rHIpKFWi
That would unlock the secret Chief route.

412 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:10:53 ID:iQo29BBa
Glasses isn't really acquainted with Miss Undie, so if he were to contact someone, he'd contact Molester, wouldn't he?
But Miss Undie was saying that Glasses is being too persistent...
I don't think Glasses had any bad intent though. Bet it's just Miss Undie worrying too much.

413 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:11:29 ID:3qxNpHAk


414 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:11:33 ID:E9qitAMy
If it ever comes to a direct confrontation between Molester and the stalker...
Molester sends the stalker into a frenzy with his usual thoughtless utterances → The next day's newspaper headline: "A man and a woman brutally massacred."

415 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:12:11 ID:pjRmIkKS
Finally caught up.

The title of the book should be "Molester Man and Miss Understanding".

416 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:12:41 ID:iQo29BBa
   /    ::::::::::::::::\ W
  . |  ,,-‐‐   ‐‐-、 .:::| A
  |  、_(o)_,:  _(o)_, :::| aa
.   |    ::<      .::| Aa
   \  /( [三] )ヽ ::/ HH
   /`ー‐--‐‐―´\ hH

417 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:12:52 ID:rHIpKFWi
In other words, he might still be writing e-mails to her.

418 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:13:50 ID:EsNzDcSJ

419 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:14:28 ID:rHIpKFWi

Post a pic of your ears next.... Oh, you're not taking any requests, are you?

420 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:15:59 ID:bohshWUj
I want this to turn into a messy love pentagon.

421 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:17:49 ID:PElHXV1k
What's the use of having many self-defense products? The ideal should be to not fight at all.
And you guys aren't taking the stalker into account. If he turns out be proficient at some sort of martial arts,
an amateur, no, a fragile woman cowering in fear and unable to move won't stand a chance even with a weapon in her hand.

Considering the opinions in the thread and the low budget, a personal alarm and a spray should be enough. There's no need to buy a stun gun imo.
Also, tell Miss Understanding to wear shoes that are easy to run in and to stick to streets with many people.

422 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 22:19:16 ID:D50puFV/
I got an e-mail!

"I'm sorry, I don't have any time this weekend. I already have an appointment on Saturday and I have to work on Sunday...
I'm very sorry."

AHAHAHAHAHAHA She must have something against me after all!

423 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:19:40 ID:iQo29BBa
That's the only option. And if Miss Undie's place is in an area with low pedestrian traffic,
Molester will just have to walk her home.

424 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:20:25 ID:rHIpKFWi
You're right. Avoiding empty streets as much as possible is a good advice.

425 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:20:48 ID:llyG/afm
Nipples out of fucking nowhere━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━!!!!!

426 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:21:32 ID:JTs7V1w/
OP got shot down!

427 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:21:46 ID:ZErmuMgz
It might be a good idea to look for places she could take refuge in on her way home.
For instance, convenience stores and other stores that are open 24/7.

428 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:22:05 ID:rHIpKFWi
The first negative e-mail in a while.

429 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 22:23:17 ID:D50puFV/
What do I reply to this?
Something like "It's okay, it's okay.", so I don't lose any brownie points?

430 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:23:34 ID:c/sC72IV
>an appointment on Saturday
It's Glasses.

431 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 22:24:54 ID:D50puFV/
No, I doubt it's Glasses... Maybe it's her boyfriend...

432 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:25:23 ID:XpCEoOHq
Bet she's having crab on Saturday.

433 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:25:36 ID:TKhiQf69
Go hang out with Kansai to take your mind off Miss Undie.

434 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:25:51 ID:rHIpKFWi
"Is that right? It's a pity since I was looking forward to talking to you Miss Undie, but I guess we'll just have to postpone it for another time."

How about something like this?

435 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:26:03 ID:8BOi0NgQ
Does Miss Undie have a boyfriend? ba-dump ba-dump

436 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:27:01 ID:rHIpKFWi
Miss Undie and Kansai don't have boyfriends.
We don't know about Loli Jugs yet.

437 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 22:27:21 ID:D50puFV/
Looks good!!

No one will have anything to complain about this, right?

438 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:27:23 ID:f7UdtnZK
The longer I look at her e-mail, the more it seems to say "You're creeping me out. Please don't write any e-mails anymore". Is it just me?

439 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:27:38 ID:JDscyySh
If Miss Undie already had a boyfriend,
none of what Kansai said would make any sense anymore.

Therefore, I don't think she has one.

440 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:28:09 ID:c/sC72IV
Like you'd care even if we had something to complain about it.

441 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:28:26 ID:bohshWUj
"I see. Can't do anything about it if you already have an appointment.
I just figured we should discuss it as soon as possible since it concerns your safety, Miss Undie.
Let's meet up the next time you're free.
Hope you're not too tired from work."

442 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:28:33 ID:DdXwlQlH
In case Miss Undie has a boyfriend, just go with Kansai instead.

443 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:28:46 ID:iQo29BBa
But you were going to talk about self-defense, right?
Isn't it a bit strange to look forward to talking about self-defense...?

444 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:29:12 ID:8BOi0NgQ
I see.
Who could it be then...

Is it time for the chief's first appearance!? (゚Д゚)y─┛~~

445 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 22:29:18 ID:D50puFV/
Of course I'd care!!
So, no one's against it? Do I send it?

446 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:30:05 ID:LS7bNJiz
If only OP came up with something on his own before asking us.

447 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:30:16 ID:pjRmIkKS
>>441 is better.

448 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:31:08 ID:8e2I2DRL
I think >>441 is better too.

449 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:31:25 ID:8BOi0NgQ
>441 is (・∀・) better!

450 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:31:25 ID:m9lqibX+

"Oh, okay. Can't help it then. Let's do it another time!"
Reply with something short like this!
Your e-mails are always too long and stiff, Molester!

451 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:31:46 ID:3qxNpHAk
Just a little, okay?


452 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 22:31:52 ID:D50puFV/
On second thought, >>441 sounds gentler.
I might be better off sending that one...

is what I wanted to post, but PHONE CALL!

453 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:32:22 ID:iQo29BBa
I think >>441 is going in the right direction, but
>since it concerns your safety, Miss Undie
sounds almost like a threat to me.
Sorry that I've been doing nothing but complaining in my last two posts.

454 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:32:40 ID:PElHXV1k
Can't you just call her?

455 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:32:48 ID:llyG/afm
I lol'd.

456 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:32:53 ID:DdXwlQlH
It's a phone call━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━━!!!!!

457 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:33:02 ID:0qAVtloj
It's a phone call!

458 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:33:18 ID:8BOi0NgQ
Tell her >>441 on the phone! (゚Д゚)y─┛~~

(´-`).。oO( This is so exciting. )

459 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:33:22 ID:177iwhOI
"So it was you after all..."
                                                   (in a very small voice)

460 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:33:30 ID:7NQGRM+X
Are we sure that the stalker isn't Glasses?

461 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:33:30 ID:PElHXV1k
Don't you fuck it up.

462 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:35:50 ID:m9lqibX+
Isn't it about time you conspired with Kansai and found out what the heck is wrong with Miss Undie?
There's definitely something wrong with her view of men.
Put Kansai to good use!

463 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:41:08 ID:RR0BYdyV
Like I said, it's mere consolation. Be it an alarm or a spray, she won't be able to use it when shit gets real anyway. Even if she managed to use an alarm, it won't be very effective.
On the contrary, it's more likely that it'll only enrage the stalker and expose her to even more danger. Think someone will come to help her because they heard an alarm? Hell no. Think it'll scare off the stalker? In your dreams.

464 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:41:29 ID:NSATg1EN
Crabses is a stalker, but his target is Molester, not Miss Undie.
There's a listening device planted in one the crabs he sent.

465 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:41:39 ID:y8NwScYD
All OP ever does is make her afraid.
I can't bear to watch him.

466 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:41:55 ID:bToRR93y
When you look at the e-mail suggestions, you can tell most of their authors are totally full of themselves even though they're all virgins.

467 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:42:42 ID:7NQGRM+X
Well, if the stalker should attack, he's bound to pick a time and place with few people, so I guess a personal alarm really isn't much more than mere consolation.

468 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:42:46 ID:rHIpKFWi
That is VIP QUA-

469 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:45:03 ID:Cp/8ncN+
Isn't it taking awfully long?

470 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:46:49 ID:PElHXV1k
I want to believe that they're having a fun chat.

471 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:47:12 ID:rHIpKFWi
I bet he's having trouble making out what she says because she's speaking in a very small voice again.

Miss Undie: "..........(in a very small voice)"
Molester: "Pardon?"
Miss Undie: "............(in a very small voice)"
Molester: "What was that?"
Miss Undie: "............(in a very small voice)"
Molester: "No, no, you must be mistaking me for someone else. I'm God!"

472 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:48:19 ID:RR0BYdyV
I just hope she didn't call to say

"I'm taking back what I said. I don't want your help after all."

473 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:48:56 ID:Cp/8ncN+

474 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:50:10 ID:oHBJDYED
Hey, Molester Man, that's enough flirting with her! Come back!

475 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:50:48 ID:rHIpKFWi
Looks like everyone's assuming it to be a call from Miss Undie....

I bet 3000 Piccolette's that it's a call from Molester's parents.

476 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:51:15 ID:raWtj7bK
Hope he gets to talk to her for 30 minutes or a whole hour or so.

477 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:51:42 ID:bToRR93y

478 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:52:21 ID:0IyJygbl
Miss Undie: "...I've had enough."

beep beep beep

479 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:52:41 ID:Gu15nGr5
2000 Crabses that she called to cancel the lunch on Saturday.

480 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:52:45 ID:rHIpKFWi
Betting 6000 love heart throbbings and kisses that she called to ask

Miss Undie: "Umm.... Can I stay overnight at your place? (in a very small voice)"

481 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 22:52:47 ID:D50puFV/
It's over... O-Oh God! It's crazy! Oh God!!

482 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:53:02 ID:0qAVtloj
He's backーーーーーーーーー

483 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:53:12 ID:ZGqONl53

[Miss Undie] I got totally mistaken for a molester [Let's have seicross]

484 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:53:13 ID:E9qitAMy
He's back―――――――(゜V゚)―――――――!

485 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:53:16 ID:TKhiQf69
Ohh, he's back!

486 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:53:19 ID:0IyJygbl
Shut up and start writing.

487 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:53:25 ID:rHIpKFWi
Guys, he's back!

488 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:53:39 ID:EvJnsIzy
Please elaborate.

489 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:53:49 ID:y8NwScYD
She called to cut ties with him → And now he's begging for a second chance?

490 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:53:56 ID:8BOi0NgQ
Can't wait.

491 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:53:59 ID:TKhiQf69
"I just stumbled on a strange thread on VIP.
Did you start it?"

492 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:54:06 ID:JiirGKjh
Did she find this thread or something?

493 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 22:54:14 ID:D50puFV/
It's not even been a month since I got mistaken for a molester, but... this is crazy!
It was just two phone calls from a girl today and still... this is fucking crazy!!

Hold on a minute. I can only remember fragments of the conversation, but let me write it down anyway.

494 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:54:21 ID:iQo29BBa
It's comingーーーー!!

495 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:54:23 ID:gioMDD0a
It's here━━(゚∀゚)━━!

496 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:54:34 ID:rHIpKFWi
I'm betting 30,000 Pepsi's that it's

Miss Undie: "...........I got a peppermill stuck inside of me... Please come pull it out... (in a very small voice)"

497 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:54:39 ID:ZGqONl53
Was it a phone call from Loli Jugs?

498 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:54:45 ID:hU4VheK+
While we're waiting for OP, here's the summary site for >>152.
It's far from finished though.

499 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:54:56 ID:PElHXV1k
Don't tell me you got confessed to.

500 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:55:00 ID:0IyJygbl
Hurry up and write, you premature ejaculator!

501 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:55:27 ID:Cp/8ncN+
It's crazy━━━(゚∀゚)━( ゚∀)━(  ゚)━(  )━(  )━(゚  )━(∀゚ )━(゚∀゚)━━━!!

502 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:55:46 ID:ZGqONl53
Congrats on the royalties!

503 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:55:51 ID:EvJnsIzy
Crab curry!

504 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:55:58 ID:iQo29BBa

505 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:56:16 ID:PElHXV1k
Good job on the summary site.
We have to add this to the templates.

506 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:56:35 ID:bohshWUj
Crab curry!
Hurry the fuck up, Molester!!!

507 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:56:36 ID:rHIpKFWi
I'd bet 60,000 gateballs that it was

Miss Undie: ".....doing it with Loli Jugs... made me want... your... (in a very small voice)"

508 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:56:43 ID:gioMDD0a
Miss Undie: "The police just called.
    The stalker was you all along, huh?"

509 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:56:46 ID:Gu15nGr5
I came━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!!!
I saw━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!!!
I bought━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!!!
So cheap━━━━(Д゚(○=(゚∀゚)=○)Д゚)━━━━━!!!

510 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:56:55 ID:0IyJygbl
I'll send you crab.

511 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:57:34 ID:Q7UhNqcw
She finally came out with it, huh?

The pot.

512 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:57:42 ID:rHIpKFWi
Post the report before I run out of shit to post!!

513 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:58:46 ID:E9qitAMy
Is it just me or aren't there as many people around this time?

514 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 22:59:05 ID:D50puFV/
............I lower my cell phone from my ear and stare at its display. It says "Miss Understanding".
"...what's up, Kansai?"
"You sure don't waste any time, do you?"
"Hmm? What do you mean?"
"You sent Miss Understanding an e-mail already! Is this the manliness you were talking about?"
"Eh? How come you know about it!? Did Miss Understanding tell you?"
From what I can hear in the background, she seems to be outside and not alone either.
"She let me read it! A weekend date, huh?"
"It's not a date!"
"So you do like her."
"I said, it's not like that."
"Meh, whatever, I'm giving the phone back to her."

This is about how it went. There was something going in the background, but I couldn't make out anything.

515 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:59:13 ID:e6aU81Vc
Oh shiit! I farted and poop came out! Why did it have to be now...

516 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:59:41 ID:rHIpKFWi
3 Gavas that it was

Miss Undie: "...................Crabses (in a whispering voice)"

517 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 22:59:51 ID:bToRR93y
When I was young, I used to get confessed to on the first day.

518 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:00:00 ID:PElHXV1k

519 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:00:05 ID:By7YQcmd
I'm starting to feel like Kansai is toying with us.

520 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:00:10 ID:0IyJygbl
Oh boy, Molester, oh boy.

521 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:00:13 ID:TKhiQf69
Oh snap.
Kansai read all your e-mails from yesterday.

522 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:00:21 ID:EvJnsIzy
That's a good omen!

523 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:00:37 ID:0qAVtloj
Here's the perfect thread for you:

"I think I just shit my pants..."

524 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:00:47 ID:By7YQcmd
You win. I got confessed to on the third day.

525 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:01:20 ID:oHBJDYED
I got confessed to by a total stranger! You can't beat this!

526 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:01:24 ID:bohshWUj
Crab curryw

527 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:01:32 ID:By7YQcmd
Did you just dig out a thread about shitting your pants in only one minute? What is wrong with you?

528 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:02:24 ID:Gu15nGr5
Hmm? You gave birth to crab curry out of your ass?

529 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:02:29 ID:rHIpKFWi
Random posts like this are more entertaining than the actual story. That is VIP QUALITY.

530 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:02:32 ID:/iKHBJYP
Kansai seems to be the meddlesome aunt type.
I just love that type of girlsw

531 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:03:03 ID:y8NwScYD
In b4 someone comes out with a sign saying "You're on Candid Camera".

532 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:03:41 ID:rHIpKFWi
Wanna know what's going on in the background?
They're all laughing about your e-mails.

533 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 23:03:46 ID:D50puFV/
You actually went and made a summary site... Thanks!!

"Miss Understanding? Are you on your way home from work?"
"Yes, with the girls from the same shift."
"I see... And why did Miss Kansai call me?"
"Well, I told her about the e-mail you sent..."
"Ah, I see... Sorry for suggesting something like that when you're so busy."
"That's not it... Umm... We can go this weekend if the other girls can join us."
"You see, I had promised Miss Kansai, Loli and Yamaoka (dunno who it is) to go out with them on Saturday."
"Ahh, then you already had an appointment."
"And Miss Kansai said 'Why don't we ask Mr. Molester to come with us?'..."

Wait, did I just unlock the legendary 5-way orgy end?

534 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:04:05 ID:bToRR93y
That's nothing. I got confessed to by a stranger and received a handmade cake!

535 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:04:22 ID:EvJnsIzy
It's the fivesome route━(゚∀゚)━!

536 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:04:40 ID:iQo29BBa
Calm your tits, there will be no legendary 5-way orgy. At most, you'll be used as a test subject for the stun gunw

537 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:04:47 ID:TKhiQf69
I'm seriously envious of you, >>1.
Today on my way home from class, I ran into the girl I had a crush on in high school. I hadn't seen her for 3 years.
Our eyes met, but I turned mine away for some reason. OTL
I used to have her e-mail address and her cell phone number, but when I sent her an e-mail about a year after I graduated, it didn't reach her.
Guess she got herself a new cell phone.
Even after all that time, my heart still skipped a beat when I saw her today.

Sorry, >>1, I can't help but feel envious of you for how lucky you are.
I'll still root for you from now on though, >>1. Hang in there, >>1!

538 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:05:03 ID:rHIpKFWi
Holy shit, you're on the legendary Grand Finale route!!

539 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:05:16 ID:bohshWUj
Holy shit, I knew we'd get a five-way orgy────(゚∀゚)────!!

540 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:05:45 ID:oHBJDYED
Yamaoka is probably a woman too.
When four friends hang out with each other, it's rarely 3 women and 1 guy.
That goes for you too, >>1. You're gonna have a hard time if you accepted their invitation.

I bet you accepted though.

541 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:05:53 ID:0IyJygbl
You've gone too far, Molester.

542 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:05:55 ID:bToRR93y
I feel like Kansai is starting to treat him like he was her little brother.

543 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:06:27 ID:Cp/8ncN+
S-Someone please post the AA of Mona hanging himself.

544 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:06:32 ID:By7YQcmd
I'd be scared if some strange woman gave me a cake all of a sudden.

545 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:06:37 ID:yxG2R53Q
Okay, so we got a Kansai woman, a mentally unstable woman, a loli with big tits. Yamaoka must be a MILF then.

546 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:06:51 ID:PElHXV1k
Is this really happening...? I'm starting to get this urge to do something bad to OP.

547 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:06:58 ID:By7YQcmd
Don't kill yourself.

548 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:07:06 ID:q/dR7VA+
Yamaoka Shiro?

549 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:07:17 ID:bohshWUj
I'm 100% sure that they're going to leave you two alone at some point.
When they do, hang in there! Hang in there so much! Hang in there like a crab!

They might also drag you to a karaoke bar... Can you sing?

550 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:07:19 ID:raWtj7bK
You're just jelly, aren't you?
(*_*、)ヾ(-ω- ) It's okay, bro, it's okay.

551 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:07:22 ID:rHIpKFWi
I heard personal relations often go both ways.
That means, if you like someone a lot, chances aren't that bad that she likes you back to a certain extent.

There are many exceptions to this rule, of course.

552 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:07:24 ID:ZGqONl53

Yamaoka Sanko?

553 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:07:37 ID:By7YQcmd
Could Yamaoka be the (male) manager of the place they work at?

554 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:07:40 ID:EvJnsIzy
( / ⌒ヽ
 | |   |
 ∪ / ノ
  | || 

555 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:08:13 ID:QRzKmdmY
Molester Man, are you manly enough to hang out with 4 women at once?

556 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:08:14 ID:0IyJygbl
   ||     ⊂⊃
   ||    ∧ ∧
   ||    (  ⌒ ヽ
 ∧||∧   ∪  ノ
(  ⌒ ヽ 彡  V
 ∪  ノ  float

557 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:08:27 ID:bohshWUj
No, dumbass, she's a girl with glasses!

558 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:08:33 ID:By7YQcmd
I am NOT jelly!! ヽ(`Д´)ノ

559 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:08:43 ID:Gu15nGr5
>Could Yamaoka be the (male) manager of the place they work at?
Could he be the stalker then?

560 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:08:56 ID:rHIpKFWi
If it's a guy, he must be quite the guy, seeing how he's taking out three women at once.

OP's gonna get compared to him.

561 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:08:59 ID:e6aU81Vc
I'm back! I was washing my pants. Miss Yamaoka pant pant

562 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 23:09:09 ID:D50puFV/
"Eh? Seriously now?"
"Is it really okay for me to join you? Kansai didn't just decide it by herself, did she?"
"No, she didn't. I'm sure it'll be more fun if we all go together.
And it shouldn't be too boring for you since we're going to Shinjuku."

To be honest, I've only read about such trendy places. What's more, I've read about them on 2ch.

"I would gladly join you, but... Is it really okay? Is everyone else okay with it too?"
"Yes, of course. Ah, here's someone who wants to talk to you."

"Hello, good evening."
"??? (didn't know who it is)"
"You're not a member of any club, are you? Then come with us!"
"??? (still didn't know who it is)"
"Do you recognize me?"
"..................I'm sorry, I don't have a clue."
"I'm Loli Jugs! Don't forget about me!"

I couldn't stop smiling anymore.

563 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:09:40 ID:Cp/8ncN+
>>554 >>556
Thanks. 。・゚・(ノД`)

564 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:10:03 ID:iQo29BBa
Aren't you the ladies man. I'm so jelly... ('A`)

565 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:10:04 ID:By7YQcmd
Damn, that sounds like so much fun.

566 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:10:08 ID:TKhiQf69
Thanks for trying to comfort me. (´・ω・`) depressed

567 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:10:27 ID:/iKHBJYP
Okay, Shinjuku, it is.
I'll be there looking for Loli Jugs.

568 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:10:28 ID:PElHXV1k
It must be Yamaoka Shiro.
He's a pain to eat out with.
Regularly starts fights with the restaurant manager or with his father out of the blue.

569 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:10:52 ID:8BOi0NgQ
(´-`).。oO( Shinjuku isn't far from my place. I'm so going there this weekend. )

570 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:10:56 ID:bohshWUj
It's Loli Jugs────(゚∀゚)────!!

571 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:10:57 ID:Cp/8ncN+
Guys! Ready to launch a terror attack in Shinjuku this Saturday?

572 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:11:05 ID:rHIpKFWi
The time to post this AA has come.

            Pop pop pop pop pop!!!
      。     。   
        。  。 。 。 ゚
       。  。゚。゜。 ゚。 。
      /  // / /
     ( Д ) Д)Д))

            Bang bang bang bang bang!!!!!!

         + ,,  *    +
   " +※" + ∴  * ※ *
    *  * +※ ゙* ※ * +
   +  "※ ∴ * + *  ∴ +
      * ※"+* ∵ ※ *" 
     ( Д ) Д)Д))

573 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:11:29 ID:EvJnsIzy
I can't believe this is happening.

574 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:11:34 ID:raWtj7bK
Alright! Shinjuku is only a stone's throw from my place!!

575 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:11:35 ID:Gu15nGr5
Don't forget to post pics afterwards.

576 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:11:38 ID:0IyJygbl
         ) Can't take it anymore! (

577 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:12:07 ID:yYVaGBeN
I lol'd at "I'm Loli Jugs!".

578 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:12:56 ID:iQo29BBa
Guess I'll go to Shinjuku too then.

579 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:13:57 ID:PElHXV1k
Wow, OP shines so bright, I can't look at him.
What is this sorcery? It's like he claimed all the happiness in the world for himself!

580 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:13:58 ID:8BOi0NgQ
I'll find them, stalk them, take pics with my cell phone and post them here. (つ・д・`)

581 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:14:00 ID:rHIpKFWi
Promise me one thing, Molester.

If it turns into a 5-way orgy, do anything you want, but just don't record it on video!

Promise me not to record it. Promise me! Even if it costs you your life, don't record it on video!!!

582 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:14:11 ID:C/bfHhZQ
Oh yeah...

583 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 23:14:28 ID:D50puFV/
"Ah! It's you, Miss Loli! Sorry, sorry!"
"That was mean! It was like I was talking to myself!"
"I'm sorry. I couldn't hear you clearly. Must have been my cell phone."
"So, you're coming with us this Saturday, right?"
"I could, but are you sure that I won't just be in the way?"
"Don't worry! We're all very open-minded, so we don't mind at all!"
"But what are we going to a place like Shinjuku for?"
"Eh? To buy self-defense products, no?"
"No, I mean, that's not what you wanted to go there for originally, right?"
"Clothes. We're going to shop for clothes."

Taking the train to go shopping for clothes, huh... These people must live in a different world than me... I wonder if there's a Jusco in Shinjuku...

"There's lots of other fun things you can do there, so come with us! You have to come with us! I'm giving the phone back to Kansai! See ya!!"

Somehow she seemed like a different person compared to last time.

584 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:14:37 ID:O9v/86s+
Even if you do record it on video, don't post it! Promise you won't post it!

585 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:14:49 ID:FC4/vEUm
I wanna get raped too.

586 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:14:52 ID:m9lqibX+
Just got back from getting trolled in a different thread. I sure as hell didn't expect this turn of events.
Hang in there like a crab, Molester!
Everyone in Shinjuku will be stalking you this Saturday.
Actually, everyone should be looking for the stalker together!

587 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:15:17 ID:SH5NOilb
I'm free on Saturday as well. What should I do?

588 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:15:36 ID:EvJnsIzy
>>580 is on his way to the prison end.

589 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:15:47 ID:Cp/8ncN+
You were here too? OTL

590 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:15:55 ID:Gu15nGr5
Time to ride a night bus to Shinjuku.... I need money.

591 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:16:04 ID:rHIpKFWi

592 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:16:34 ID:JiirGKjh
If it's Shinjuku, I could go too.
All I have to do is look for a group of cute girls + one midget, right?

593 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:17:22 ID:8BOi0NgQ
EEEEEHHH (゚Д゚)y─┛~~
(´-`).。oO( I'm staying home then... )

594 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:17:44 ID:0IyJygbl
I wanna stalk them.

595 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:17:47 ID:EvJnsIzy
It was just a Joudan! A Michael Joudan!

596 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:17:51 ID:bohshWUj
Don't you go all (;´Д`) pant pant when you see Loli Jugs trying on cute clothes!

597 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:17:54 ID:TKhiQf69
Aren't you glad that this weekend isn't going to be the "end" for you but heaven?

598 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 23:17:57 ID:D50puFV/
"You're coming, right?"
"I'm coming, but..."
"You don't want to?"
"It's not that I don't want to, but..."
"You're so narrow-minded!!"
"I'm broad-minded!!"
"Whatever. I'm giving the phone to Miss Understanding, okay?"

"Will you come with us?"
"Ah, if it's alright, yes... Thank you."
"No, thank you."
"No, thank you."
"No, thank youw"
"No, thank youw"

What the heck am I doing?

599 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:18:36 ID:By7YQcmd
Don't listen to that guy.
On the contrary, snatch the girls away from OP and you get the harem end!
So go do your best and bring back results.

600 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:18:36 ID:0IyJygbl
Brb being depressed.

601 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:19:27 ID:iQo29BBa
Aren't you lovey-dovey. Shit, I'm so going to Shinjuku with a huge crab sign in my hand.
Gonna make Molester jump at the sight of it.

602 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:19:45 ID:ZGqONl53
Miss Understanding is the only one you don't talk to in casual speech, huh?

603 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:19:48 ID:SH5NOilb
I followed your ID and read all your posts in this thread. And I must say, I really hope you hang in there.
Hang in there, you ugly freak of nature!

604 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:19:54 ID:C/bfHhZQ
   /|:: ┌──────┐ : :|
  /.  |:: |          | : :| ← Display
  |.... |:: |         | : :|  mumble mumble mumble mumble
  |.... |:: |         | : :|      mumble mumble mumble mumble
  |.... |:: └──────┘ : :|          mumble mumble mumble mumble
  \_|    ┌────┐   .|     ∧∧  mumble mumble mumble mumble
      ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄     (  _) ← Me
             / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄旦 ̄(_,   )
            /             \  `
           | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|、_)
             ̄| ̄| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| ̄| ̄

605 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:20:03 ID:rHIpKFWi
The crime of having this much luck deserves the punishment of exposing his face to the VIPPERs... Am I right, guys?

606 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:20:04 ID:By7YQcmd
Guys, let's go raid the single men or loser men board and be depressed together.

607 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:20:06 ID:TKhiQf69
Ahh, I wanna go to Shinjuku...
But I live in Osaka...

I'll be counting on you guys to post pics and vids.

608 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:20:07 ID:l6PEMA1h
Shit is pissing me off. I'm gonna call a call girl over and report about it live in this thread.

609 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:20:13 ID:TAHdvGuH
Yamaoka, huh... Hope he doesn't die in the hospital trying to protect a nurse from zombies again.

610 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:20:29 ID:JiirGKjh
Ehh, so do we all go to Shinjuku carrying a crab or what?

611 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:20:31 ID:160uXhmm
I didn't know other people's happiness could shine so bright...

612 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:20:33 ID:bohshWUj
..............you seem to like that pun a lot, but it's lame.

613 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:20:45 ID:RAo8j1R6
Whatever you do, don't go to the Tokyu Hands in Shinjuku! Just don't!

614 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:20:56 ID:Cp/8ncN+
Do it!

615 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:21:02 ID:rHIpKFWi

616 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:21:12 ID:By7YQcmd
Do want.

617 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:21:20 ID:C/bfHhZQ
You got the Command Prompt in your ID.

618 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:21:20 ID:8BOi0NgQ
(´-`).。oO( When I see OP having lovey-dovey phone calls... I feel like going to Shinjuku and fucking up the date for him... )

619 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:21:31 ID:0IyJygbl
Why are you stalking me?
Bu thanks, I'll try to hang in there.

620 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:21:36 ID:EvJnsIzy
..............and I was pretty confident about it...

621 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:21:42 ID:177iwhOI
But then your little sister comes into your room...

622 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:21:42 ID:Gu15nGr5
☆-(ノ゚Д゚)八(゚Д゚ )ノ Are you me?

623 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:21:48 ID:q/dR7VA+
Shines too bright... have to extinguish that light... and bring darkness to the world...

624 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:22:10 ID:yYVaGBeN
I wonder if OP will be able to bear the incredibly annoying shop assistants in women's clothing stores.

625 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 23:22:50 ID:D50puFV/
We agreed to meet up at the train station this Saturday morning.
"Good night then."
"Yeah, good nigh-" "Ah, can I talk to him for a sec?"
"Huh? What?"
"I'm handing the phone to Miss Kansai!"
"Eh? Ah?"

Back to Kansai.

"You better thank me for this."
"No way."
"Thanks to me, a midget like you will get to walk around town with a group of girls, you know?"
"I didn't ask for it."
"You should be more grateful to me."
"Thank you, Miss Kansai."

Kansai is a good person...

626 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:23:20 ID:By7YQcmd
Going by what happened in Train Man, this is the part where we give OP all kinds of fashion advice.

627 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:23:25 ID:SH5NOilb
Could you please end all your sentences with "VIP QUALITY" when talking to the girls on Saturday?
It'll make it easier for us to find you.

628 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:23:25 ID:m9lqibX+
I'm in Kansai too.

March in Shinjuku singing the song from the Kani Doraku commercial, my VIPPER brothers in Tokyo!

629 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:23:44 ID:By7YQcmd
I genuinely laughed.

630 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:24:15 ID:rXJtSgAH
Ahh, I wanna stalk them too...

631 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:24:19 ID:IbriZMFB
The VIPPERs swoop down on Miss Understanding and co., but Molester Man shows up and gallantly beats down the VIPPERs.
Miss Understanding falls madly in love with Molester Man's manliness.

632 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:24:24 ID:bohshWUj
OP's gonna have a pretty girl on each arm... No, a pretty girl on each limb! Fuck!

633 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:24:28 ID:EvJnsIzy
Molester and Kansai would make a great comedian duo.

634 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:24:32 ID:SH5NOilb
Go wearing clothes made of leaves.

635 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:25:05 ID:TKhiQf69
Tore tore pichi pichi kani ryouri~|Д`)・・ ♪

Nice to meet you, I'm Kida Taro, the Mozart of Naniwa.

636 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:25:05 ID:MW2ks1G1
Yeah. I'd prefer the Kansai end too.

637 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:25:06 ID:l6PEMA1h
That's it!

638 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:25:17 ID:By7YQcmd
I'm gonna make the rain that's expected on Sunday fall on Saturday!

639 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:25:18 ID:C/bfHhZQ
How can there be such a happy VIPPER in this worlwdmlkwdf;lcdcdvfbnsht

640 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:25:33 ID:PElHXV1k
Whoawwwwww I'm starting to hate OPwwwwwwww

641 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:25:56 ID:Gu15nGr5
Tomorrow, you have to go to a beauty parlor, buy clothes, and grow a few centimeters...
You got a lot of work to do, OP.

642 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:26:02 ID:bohshWUj
The problem is, do VIPPERs know enough about fashion to give him advice...?

643 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:26:09 ID:8BOi0NgQ
Places in Shinjuku women go to for clothes... There's Marui near the east exit of the station...
(´-`).。oO( Chances of meeting them are higher if we stake out in front of Shinjuku Alta. )
However, Shinjuku on weekends is... extremely crowded...

644 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:26:21 ID:/iKHBJYP
I was thinking of going to Shinjuku too, but it's on Saturday morning, huh... I'll be out drinking with friends until Friday morning...

645 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:26:30 ID:MW2ks1G1
This thread is full of fantastic VIP QUALITY.

646 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:26:47 ID:Q7UhNqcw
Kansai is so pushy.
I feel like your fate with Miss Undie will depend on whether Kansai approves of it or not.

647 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:27:28 ID:EvJnsIzy
But if he goes to a beauty parlor and changes his hair style, Kansai won't let it go unnoticed. She'll totally make fun of himw

648 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:27:40 ID:C/bfHhZQ
I installed an auto-refresh add-on to my 2ch browser just for this thread.

649 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:28:05 ID:yYVaGBeN
With a group of good-natured girls like that, there's no doubt that OP will eventually start going out with one of them.
The only question is, which one of them will it be?

650 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:28:14 ID:9Imx1OlX
Listen, Molester, you probably don't know because you're a virgin, but there's nothing more tedious and boring in the world than going shopping with women.
Will you be able to endure endless hours of agony?

651 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:28:14 ID:E9qitAMy
It doesn't matter how you do it, just send some crab to her place.

652 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 23:28:38 ID:D50puFV/
"Good boy. Well, good night then... Ah, want a few pieces of advice from Miss Kansai?"
"Don't take too long to reply to her e-mails."
"Also, persistent e-mails are a no-no."
"........tell her I'm sorry please."
"Tell her yourself."
"Eh? Does she find me annoying?"
"When it comes to your e-mails, yes, she's a bit annoyed."
"I forgot to mention that my advice isn't free. Treat me to something next time."
"I'll treat you to beef bowl."
"Domestic beef, okay?"
"More like Aussie beef."
"Okay, that's all from me!!"

"Ah, well, Mr. Molester."
"Ah, yeah. See you on Saturday at 10 am at the station then."
"Yes! Good night."
"Yeah, good night."

This is how the call went. I left out some small talk though.

653 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:28:55 ID:By7YQcmd
I think OP belongs to the type of guys who are happy just by being around women.

654 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:29:30 ID:By7YQcmd
She thinks OP's e-mails are annoying!

655 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:29:38 ID:isA9Fj3v
I want advice from Miss Kansai too. I'd even pay for it.

656 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:29:50 ID:EvJnsIzy
Kansai is awesome.

657 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:29:57 ID:177iwhOI
It'd make great fodder for conversation.
Go to a beauty parlor, >>1!

658 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:30:05 ID:rHIpKFWi
Could it be that Molester has found in Kansai someone even more precious than a girlfriend, namely a good friend?

659 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:30:12 ID:lKVanHkK
> "When it comes to your e-mails, yes, she's a bit annoyed."

Looks like there's still hope for us.
This might actually be what Kansai HERSELF thinks about Molester's e-mails though.

660 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:30:21 ID:uN9ylgJI
Yay, she thinks OP's e-mails are annoying!!

661 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:30:40 ID:By7YQcmd
>>658 said something good.

662 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:30:48 ID:/iKHBJYP
Kansai is such a great woman... Oh wait, I forgot I'm a Loli Jugs fan through and through!

663 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 23:31:00 ID:D50puFV/
Oh crap! I can't wait until Saturday! Oh crap! I forgot all about the test tomorrow!!

664 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:31:07 ID:EvJnsIzy
>Don't take too long to reply to her e-mails.

Does this mean we're useless now...?

665 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:31:10 ID:E9qitAMy
Is she saying we're making her wait too long?

666 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:31:27 ID:By7YQcmd
Thank you very much!

667 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:31:34 ID:q/dR7VA+
Think Train Man was good? Think again! Read the real-life dating sim Molester Man now! Only on VIP!

668 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:31:42 ID:TKhiQf69
I want OP to go wearing something completely different on Saturday than last time.

669 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:31:45 ID:lKVanHkK
Who's the most popular character in this thread?
For me, it's Kansai all the way.

670 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:32:13 ID:By7YQcmd

671 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:32:20 ID:9Imx1OlX
Gotta be crab.

672 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:32:27 ID:Cp/8ncN+
You're right. OTL
Well then, you're on your own from now on, Molester.

673 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:32:29 ID:iQo29BBa
ノ My vote goes to Kansai too.

674 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:32:30 ID:C/bfHhZQ
Looks like you'll have to be even more careful when dealing with Miss Undie than until now.

675 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:32:45 ID:Q7UhNqcw
I read that as

"I'm a Loli Jugs fag through and through!"

676 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:32:46 ID:EvJnsIzy
Crab, I think.

677 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:33:04 ID:8BOi0NgQ

678 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:33:10 ID:uN9ylgJI
For me, it's Meganesh all the way.

679 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:33:25 ID:TKhiQf69
Kansai seems like BFF material.
I have similar conversations with my male buddies all the time.
I wish I had a female BFF though. There, I'm starting to envy OP again.

680 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:33:38 ID:q/dR7VA+
Same here.

681 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:33:38 ID:C/bfHhZQ
>>102's nipple.

682 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:33:51 ID:MW2ks1G1
Current popularity ranking:
1. Kansai ↑
2. Loli Jugs ↓
3. Miss Undie -
4. Yamaoka (new)
5. Crab ↓
6. Meganesh -
7. Bakatono -
8. Molester Man

683 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:34:08 ID:y8NwScYD
Does OP even realize that his situation just got a whole lot more difficult?
There's the problem that the other girls seem to know you're after Miss Undie. There's the question what to wear when you go all the way to Shinjuku to go shopping with them.
It's pretty much impossible to clear the other routes now, and there's also the pressure of talking to Miss Undie while the other girls are looking at you with a huge grin on their lips.
All I can say is, hang in there, OP.

684 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:34:11 ID:Q7UhNqcw
Yamaoka for me.

685 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:34:17 ID:bohshWUj
I know OP's replies were slow because he was on 2ch discussing every e-mail with us, but were his e-mails really that persistent?

686 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:34:29 ID:lKVanHkK
I want OP to get slapped by Kansai for going too far and get the bad end.

687 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:35:04 ID:uN9ylgJI
Oh hey, haven't seen a rankingfag for a whilew

688 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:35:26 ID:lKVanHkK
Yamaoka might be fat though. Hell, Yamaoka might be a guy for all we know.

689 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:35:34 ID:bohshWUj
Crab for me too.

690 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:35:37 ID:JiirGKjh
Well, I don't know about OP being persistent, but his e-mails make him sound like he's in love with her.

691 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 23:35:56 ID:D50puFV/
I don't give a damn about any of that.
It's been like five years since I last went somewhere with such a big group of people. And this time, it's a group of girls!
The last time I did something with so many girls must have been in elementary school when we had to work in groups. Do you now get why I'm excited!?

692 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:36:29 ID:EvJnsIzy
I wonder if the girls will pick out clothes for Molester this weekend. Better take enough money with you.

693 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:36:40 ID:lKVanHkK
In the love game, you can't keep pushing all the time.
At times, you have to pull back too.
For instance, say "Sorry! Something came up!" and call the Saturday date off.

694 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:36:42 ID:e5ODGgJt
Eh? Is there going to be some sort of crazy religious cult meeting in Shinjuku this Saturday or what's going on?

695 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:36:44 ID:MW2ks1G1
OP, you've told us enough of the eroge you're making. You shouldn't give away the entire plot.

696 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:36:46 ID:bohshWUj
I'm afraid she's gonna be like "Don't get any weird ideas just because we had a little chat.".

697 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:37:22 ID:Q7UhNqcw
Good for you. Congrats.

698 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:37:23 ID:ZGqONl53
Why don't you write an e-mail to Miss Undie for now and ask her who Yamaoka is?

699 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:37:28 ID:uN9ylgJI
When I was in high school, I went on a trip with 4 girls just because I happened to be dating one of them.
It wasn't a pleasant experience.
In short, they treated me like I wasn't even there.

700 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:37:38 ID:lKVanHkK
I heard there'll be a cabbage cult event in Shinjuku this Saturday.
Is that why?

701 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:38:09 ID:HDwtDjfw
(・∀・) Zoom zoom zoom♪

702 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:38:18 ID:C/bfHhZQ
Betting 300 Yamaoka's that
OP gets carried away and goes berserk. → Kansai gives him hell.

703 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:38:19 ID:/iKHBJYP
Kansai's so going to tease OP about it on Saturday.

704 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:38:25 ID:MW2ks1G1
Machi again?
Now I feel like drinking coffee milk...

705 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:38:46 ID:5z+GXPof
Here's how I feel right now.


706 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:39:12 ID:EvJnsIzy
Hair crab!

707 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:39:23 ID:m9lqibX+
Ask the Fashion Leader about fashion matters.
It'd make for a nice Molester Man x Fashion Leader collaboration.

708 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:39:32 ID:uN9ylgJI
It's Bear Sensei━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!!!

709 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 23:39:38 ID:D50puFV/
I couldn't do that even if I were to die tomorrow.
You're right. When I was on the phone, I was so preoccupied with the conversation that I didn't ask anything about Yamaoka.
I don't even know if it's a man or a woman...
Like I said, this isn't Machi!

710 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:39:46 ID:MW2ks1G1
Who's that?
Asari Yoshitoo?

711 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:39:49 ID:lKVanHkK
"When it comes to your e-mails, yes, she's a bit annoyed."
"When it comes to your e-mails, yes, she's a bit annoyed."
"When it comes to your e-mails, yes, she's a bit annoyed."

712 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:40:26 ID:8BOi0NgQ
This is the first picture in this thread that I can see on my cell phone. (PД`q)゚.

713 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:40:38 ID:gioMDD0a
I bet you were just annoying as fuck.

I tried it with five girls once.
It felt like a haremwww

714 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:40:39 ID:FC4/vEUm
( ゚д゚)、ptooey

715 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:40:54 ID:ozLMdrd1
Molester Man is such an optimistic guy.

716 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:41:02 ID:C/bfHhZQ
Σ(´Д` Who the hell!?

717 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:41:07 ID:lKVanHkK
        , ;=====、、
      //     ヽ
      |,r'' ̄ ̄ `ヽ|
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---'@| || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|| |@--‐
  // |  |        |' | | |
  // | \`‐----‐'/ | | |
 /// |  |  ̄ ̄ ̄ |. |\| |
,// |   \_|____|_/  'l| |
@ | ■ | |      | | ■ | @
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冂               冂
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\_`ζ          τ'_/

718 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:41:36 ID:By7YQcmd
Space Family Carlvinson again!?

719 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:41:58 ID:C/bfHhZQ
Suddenly out of nowhere, the father from Carlvinson! lol

720 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:42:00 ID:5z+GXPof
Now you know what kind of guys will be stalking Molester Man the day after tomorrow!

721 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:42:06 ID:uN9ylgJI
You're saying it was my fault?
It was a traumatic experience for me back then.

Look at me now. I'm a shut-in.

722 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:42:08 ID:177iwhOI
It's Father━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!!

723 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:42:23 ID:Gu15nGr5
Σ(||゚Д゚) Eeeep
(((( ;゚Д゚))) T-Take this crab. It's all I have. Just spare me my life...

724 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:42:41 ID:9Imx1OlX
I think it's better you don't write any e-mails to her anymore.
Go to bed like a good boy.

725 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:42:55 ID:iQo29BBa
Why don't you ask Kansai about Yamaoka instead?
Kansai would tell you, wouldn't she?

726 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 23:43:26 ID:D50puFV/
Let me pretend she didn't say that for tonight. I want to fall asleep with this happy feeling in my chest.

727 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:43:55 ID:EvJnsIzy
But they already said good night to each other. He'll have to ask tomorrow.

728 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:44:14 ID:tMO36EhX
Miss Undie




Loli Jugs





So all we have to do is find a group of people that look like this in Shinjuku this Saturday, right?
Whoawwwwwww Too easywwwwwwwwwww

729 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:44:22 ID:3qxNpHAk
>>1 Go buy the latest issue of Men's Egg asap.

730 : Matatabi Pokke ◆CAT//d2lZo : 04/11/11 23:44:24 ID:CB6UTMx2
What a coincidence. I have to work in Shinjuku this weekend..... (´・∀・`)

731 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:44:35 ID:m9lqibX+
That she finds our e-mails annoying is a big problem imo.
What do we do?

732 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:45:12 ID:8BOi0NgQ
Ehhh (゚Д゚ノ)ノ
(´-`).。oO( I wanna see the four badger-game girls... )
I'm going to bed now. Hope tomorrow will be as exciting as today.

733 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:45:19 ID:TKhiQf69
When it comes to your e-mails, yes, she's a bit annoyed. ← She's basically saying that she's annoyed by us VIPPERs, right?

734 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:45:50 ID:C/bfHhZQ

ノ http://www.teksel.com/realtek/realtek_logo.jpg

735 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:45:52 ID:Gu15nGr5
I don't think it's something to worry about.
I'm positive that it's just Miss Undie's way of hiding her embarrassment in front of Kansai.

736 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:45:53 ID:MW2ks1G1
That's like the cast of a TV show or something.
Quite the line-up there.

737 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:45:59 ID:3qxNpHAk
Go shopping for clothes tomorrow with Kansai so you have something to wear when you go shopping on Saturday.

738 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 23:46:02 ID:D50puFV/
Yeah, it'll have to wait for tomorrow.
Damn, I'm so hyped right now!!

739 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:46:21 ID:e5ODGgJt
"When it comes to your e-mails (and her e-mails being posted on VIP), yes, she's a bit annoyed."

740 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:46:22 ID:iQo29BBa
We still don't know what Molester looks like.

741 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:46:25 ID:E9qitAMy
Isn't the first line of your sleeping Mona AA kinda off? It was like that yesterday too.

742 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:46:25 ID:RR0BYdyV
The more you're hyped about something, the more disappointed you will be when the time comes.

Plus, you're the type to make the biggest mistakes when you're excited about something...

743 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:46:46 ID:ZGqONl53
When she says she's annoyed by OP's e-mails,
doesn't it mean that she often simply doesn't know what to reply to them?

744 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:47:46 ID:iQo29BBa
Maybe she doesn't know how to end the conversation and is annoyed because it goes on longer than necessary.

745 : Matatabi Pokke ◆CAT//d2lZo : 04/11/11 23:48:38 ID:CB6UTMx2
I might run into Mr. Molester during work on Saturdayw

746 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:48:44 ID:q/dR7VA+
Mr. Yamaoka


747 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:49:00 ID:SFm+8JUI
Where shall we wait for you on Saturday, Molester?

748 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:49:28 ID:m9lqibX+
Hmm... I wonder if she could tell from OP's e-mails that he's just trying to get here into bed.
How about writing shorter e-mails that are more to the point from now on?
As far as clothes are concerned, you can't go wrong with Uniqlo!

749 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:50:27 ID:3qxNpHAk
No, go wearing a sweatsuit!

750 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:50:38 ID:TKhiQf69
I think I found your brother, OP.

Airplane Man

751 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 23:50:57 ID:D50puFV/
I really don't know what to wear... Lately, I've been trying to read fashion-related threads and they all seem to recommend name-brand clothes.

But even if I wanted to buy name-brand clothes, they never have any in size S... Makes me want to cry...

752 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:51:07 ID:C/bfHhZQ
>>728 Revised cast of characters ver.1.01

Miss Undie




Loli Jugs


Mr. Yamaoka






753 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:51:12 ID:By7YQcmd
Okay, KARL KANI sweatsuit it is then.

754 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:51:13 ID:y8NwScYD
She wants to forget about the stalker, but OP keeps reminding her in his e-mails and scaring her. Anyone would be annoyedw

755 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:51:27 ID:8BOi0NgQ
Seems like AAs get distorted when you post them from your cell phone... Zzz

756 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 23:52:32 ID:D50puFV/
Why am I still an ape person!?

757 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:53:11 ID:3qxNpHAk
How about a Gyaru brand to surprise them?
Go dressed up like a Center Guy.

758 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:54:05 ID:C/bfHhZQ
Ask Kansai which celebrity you look like.
Then, and only then, will we change the ape man picture.

...if we feel like it.

759 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:54:09 ID:By7YQcmd
>You're gonna get crab delivered to you!
Which one of you faggots was this?w

760 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:54:25 ID:ozLMdrd1
Loli Jugs


761 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:55:08 ID:C/bfHhZQ

762 : Today's e-mail conversation with Miss Undie : 04/11/11 23:55:41 ID:bohshWUj
"Thanks for today. I realized only after I got home that you paid for my lunch... Thank you very much. It was delicious.
It was fun talking to you all about all kinds of things.
And as for the matter you wanted my advice on... How should I put it...
I'll try to help you with all I have.
Please contact me anytime you want."

"I'm relieved that you liked what I ordered for you. I enjoyed myself too.
Today, I wanted to introduce you to Miss Kansai.
I'm glad that you two seem to get along."

"Miss Kansai seems like a very dependable person.
I don't know what I can do for you, but I'll do what I can, so there's no need to be so worried."

"Thank you for worrying about me...
It's really encouraging to hear that as I have been very anxious lately. I'll directly ask you if there's anything."

"Feel free to e-mail me about anything.
Writing e-mails can help you calm down and be a nice distraction too."

"Thank you very much. Hearing that is very will-strengthening (← She actually wrote this. I guess, she really is a bit dumb after all.)
It's already late, so I think I'll go to bed now."

763 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:56:59 ID:3qxNpHAk

764 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 23:57:12 ID:D50puFV/
S-So... annoying!!
Who sent those? With e-mails like that, even a 1000-year-old love would turn coldwwww

765 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:57:38 ID:tMO36EhX
Babyface Molester


766 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:58:23 ID:By7YQcmd
Don't make me laugh like an idiot in the middle of the nightw

767 : VIPPER : 04/11/11 23:59:37 ID:C/bfHhZQ


768 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:00:15 ID:Us3SCuRZ
Are his e-mails really annoying? Should he have said good night after his second e-mail?

769 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:00:37 ID:zDWwpxAA
Airplane Man didn't get it and was like "Why crab?"w

770 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:00:38 ID:wWnkRUxy
Whoawwww That kid looks like a super hackerwwww

771 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:01:14 ID:zmHGRNNy
She must be still suspecting him.

772 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:01:43 ID:q1Ys1loJ
Compared to Business Card Man, you're in heaven, OP.

  --Is there hope for Business Card Man?--

773 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:02:27 ID:2hPsN37M
Never forget that Miss Undie is a SUPER MENTALJIN who even suspects a guy like Glasses.
We have to be extremely cautious when writing e-mails to her.

774 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:03:26 ID:qCuQS1dD
Your e-mails are too long. And your way of showing consideration is too long-winded.
Try to write shorter and more cheerful e-mails.

775 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/12 00:05:32 ID:A9ayyyXY
Hmm... Writing e-mails is difficult...

776 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:05:46 ID:tkiIOE2l
The first post of this thread made me crack up so hardw

777 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:07:29 ID:jtyQWQvg
OP's e-mails are long, alright. But most of all, they're kinda creepy.
No wonder she thinks they're annoying.

778 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:07:41 ID:Us3SCuRZ
I followed that thread too since it had like 10 something postsw
It was quite fun, but man, did it have an awful ending...

779 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:07:42 ID:zDWwpxAA
Yeah, your e-mails are pretty bad, OP.
It might be better to get to the point more quickly and end the conversation early.
You sure she isn't suspecting you because you seem so unnaturally worried about her?

780 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/12 00:09:38 ID:A9ayyyXY
Anyways, guys, let's come up with a plan for the day after tomorrow together!!

781 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:10:33 ID:lKPdKjAF
Doesn't matter what you write, just make it sound more casual.
>Writing e-mails can help you calm down and be a nice distraction too.

Reading the e-mails again, this line wasn't necessary.

782 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:11:06 ID:zDWwpxAA
I can tell you're in a good moodw

783 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:11:32 ID:8Vg7HR8b
Your e-mails are way too wordy.
Real men don't write e-mails. They call.

784 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:11:32 ID:Bz0fsnpS
What are you going to wear?
Women are pretty strict judges when it comes to fashion.

...but then again, you're going to have this problem every time you meet them.
Giving up from the beginning is also an option.

785 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:12:12 ID:emqn0kdZ
I'm back. I'm glad I was able to catch up before the party ended today.

If this was a dating sim, I'd want Yamaoka to be a dominant older sister type of girl.

786 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/12 00:12:22 ID:A9ayyyXY
In other words, you want me to show them my undying Uniqlo spirit?

787 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:13:04 ID:tkiIOE2l
Sorry, >>1.
I'm the one who suggested this one. ↓ Back then I thought it was good, but now that I've read it again, it did come out kind of creepy.
          I have no choice but to root for you from the shadows from now on. Hang in there and become happy for me.

"Thanks for today. I realized only after I got home that you paid for my lunch... Thank you very much. It was delicious.
It was fun talking to you all about all kinds of things.
And as for the matter you wanted my advice on... How should I put it...
I'll try to help you with all I have.
Please contact me anytime you want."

788 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:13:23 ID:Jawfuyif
Now don't get the wrong idea just because someone said something about Uniqlo.
You'll have a hard time on Saturday if you don't give yourself a makeover.

789 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:13:36 ID:qCuQS1dD
You need to become close enough with her this weekend that you don't have to be so damn polite in your e-mails anymore.
Women prefer men who are normally rough but can be considerate when something serious happens.
Right now, you're being way too serious and considerate.

790 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:14:58 ID:rsavpmdl
Shouldn't we leave the e-mail composition to Molester from now on?

791 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:15:16 ID:zDWwpxAA
It's time to use some of your savings and buy some clothes that are a bit more fashionable.
I bet they want to check out your fashion sense this Saturday.

792 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:16:17 ID:HAM7peps
Hey, but Kansai seems to be on your side and you two seem to get along.
Why don't you ask her for advice?

793 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:17:27 ID:qCuQS1dD
Undying Uniqlo Spirit?

Is that you, Fashion Leader!?

794 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/12 00:18:00 ID:A9ayyyXY
Kansai is great, isn't she? Kind and considerate. She's a good person.

795 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:18:16 ID:LUBO8Z9v
Advice on what? Confess to her that he's a virgin and ask her how to lose his virginity?

796 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:18:28 ID:tkiIOE2l
Even the coolest guy in the world would look lame in Uniqlo only.
Even more so if >>1 really looks like ttp://vipper.zive.net/vip/img/vip313.gif.
At least, your pants and outerwear should be something that's not from Uniqlo, don't you think?

797 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:19:06 ID:zmHGRNNy
I think Kansai already knows he's a virgin.

798 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:19:26 ID:8Vg7HR8b
Go shopping for clothes with Kansai tomorrow.

799 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:19:43 ID:Us3SCuRZ
That's a shortcut to the Kansai end...
"A virgin like you gets to date a cute girl like me, you know? Shouldn't you be a bit more thankful!?"

800 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:20:14 ID:x/Zj0GuJ
Another VIPPER from the Fashion Leader threadwwwwww

801 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:20:17 ID:ECAkbud0
You know how people often recommend just wearing a clean, plain jacket + pants to a date?
I think I saw that kind of advice in the Train Man threads too.
It's not bad advice, but I wouldn't recommend it if you don't have the looks for it or can't afford good clothes. It'll only look extremely cheap and dorky.
A parka, T-shirt and jeans combination would be a lot better.

802 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:21:10 ID:zmHGRNNy
You should be asking Kansai about fashion instead of us.

In fact, now that you have Kansai, you don't need this thread anymore.

803 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:21:41 ID:E1wO1YU2
Listen carefully, OP.
Miss Understanding must have heard it when Kansai asked you "You like her, don't you?" on the phone, so she must be half okay with it.
I bet Miss Understanding likes you too but doesn't quite dare to trust you yet,
which is why she probably figured she'd decide what to do after showing you to her friends and hearing their opinions.

In other words, you might have a girlfriend this Saturday if you're lucky. I can't believe how lucky you are.
I wish Shinjuku would get attacked by crabs and perish this Saturday.

804 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:21:41 ID:tkiIOE2l
Use this thread as a reference, >>1.
[That feel when you see someone in town] Let's talk about safe fashion choices [wearing the same clothes as you]

805 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:21:57 ID:Jawfuyif
I doubt a jacket would look that good on a short guy like Molester Man anyway.
Also, clothes are important, yes, but the most important thing is a good haircut.

806 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:23:10 ID:lKPdKjAF
Go to a beauty parlor tomorrow.
Then go get laughed at by Kansai on Saturday.

807 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:23:19 ID:tkiIOE2l
If you need wax, get a NAKANO one.

808 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:23:49 ID:qCuQS1dD
Fashion Leader and Molester are the only tripfags on VIP that matter to me.
And they might even be the same person.

809 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:24:17 ID:Us3SCuRZ
Twirl the ends of your hair with wax, OP.

810 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:24:47 ID:E1wO1YU2
Maybe Miss Understanding just doesn't like e-mails and phone calls.
In any case, I think OP should wear something that looks natural.
Even if you went all dressed up and got her to go out with you, sooner or later, she'd find out what you usually wear anyway.
What is the best outfit you can put together with your current wardrobe?

811 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:26:16 ID:ECAkbud0
Why don't you just wear a cute knitted hat that suits your babyface?
You can buy one for 1000 yen at second-hand stores. You wouldn't have to worry about your hair anymore.

812 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/12 00:26:20 ID:A9ayyyXY
A beauty parlor, huh... I'd always had spiky hair, but one day I realized it made me look like a middle schooler who just hit puberty. That's why I'm letting it grow now.
Nevertheless, I thought of going to a beauty parlor several times so far, but gave up every time...

813 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:26:47 ID:lGr2vlkp
What kind of clothes was Miss Undie wearing? Shouldn't you take that into account when you choose what to wear?

Sorry for the serious reply.

814 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:26:53 ID:zDWwpxAA
You could have a crab party at your place on Saturday night while you're at it.

815 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/12 00:27:19 ID:A9ayyyXY
- happiness T-shirt
- Uniqlo cardigan

- Levi's jeans
- Nike Air Force 1

816 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:27:37 ID:tkiIOE2l
You better go on an empty stomach this time.
If you pull another "I couldn't finish it" like at Pomme-no-ki, they'll think you're a real wuss.

817 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:28:27 ID:WF67Yb1X
Go looking like this:


818 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:28:35 ID:zmHGRNNy
If you're a VIPPER, go wearing a Realtek T-shirt!

819 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:28:50 ID:8Vg7HR8b
Make sure to use the line "Here's looking at you, kid." on her.

820 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:28:55 ID:qCuQS1dD
Don't get a new haircut!!!!!
She'll think you're totally aiming for her pants!
Dress up a bit more than last time if you want, but don't overdo it unless you want to make yourself look like an annoying idiot!

821 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:30:17 ID:zDWwpxAA
This might be tough for you, but no fapping until Saturday, alright?
The "No Fap Ranking" will help you.

822 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:30:45 ID:UeJI4wBG
I'd say you're as happy as your T-shirt, OP. Well, there's no need to give yourself a total makeover until Saturday, just try to grow a few centimeters.

823 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:31:04 ID:LUBO8Z9v
I bet you're going to drop by at a karaoke bar afterwards.

Can you sing, Molester Man?

824 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:31:23 ID:Zsw7w1jp
I've had enough of this.

825 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:31:29 ID:emqn0kdZ
Food. Too much. Can't finish.

826 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:31:38 ID:uzisZzLD
It'd be weird to get a new haircut now unless you wanted to get one anyway.

827 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:33:45 ID:Us3SCuRZ
If your hair is long, go dressed up like a Center Guy.

828 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:35:16 ID:WF67Yb1X
I'm sorry. I don't think I can resist going to Shinjuku on Saturday.

829 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:35:57 ID:8Vg7HR8b
If not, buy some extensions and go dressed up as a Center Guy.

830 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/12 00:38:00 ID:A9ayyyXY
The hell is a Center Guy?

831 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:40:36 ID:zDWwpxAA

832 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:40:48 ID:qCuQS1dD
For karaoke songs, I'd recommend Hip-Hop, Melodic Hardcore, Western music and anything that was popular when you were in middle school, high school.
Post some suggestions, guys. ↓

833 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:41:12 ID:WF67Yb1X
Ai wa katsu

834 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:41:40 ID:Us3SCuRZ

835 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:41:42 ID:zmHGRNNy
Kanpaku Sengen

836 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:41:43 ID:x/Zj0GuJ
I hope you can use this as a reference since our heights and weights are very similar.

For pants, you can get decent DEPT, BEAMS or JOURNAL STANDARD ones for about 10,000 yen.
You probably won't have any time to get them shortened, so try to find ones that fit you.
It'd have been optimal if you'd had the time to check out different stores and find a pair of pants that look good on you though.

For T-shirts, any T-shirt should be fine as long as its collar isn't completely worn out. The question is how much of the T-shirt should be visible in your outfit though.
Also, when you choose a color for the T-shirt, choose one that goes well with the color of your pants and your outerwear.
For example, if your overall outfit is more brown or dark blue, a T-shirt of a brighter color would be a good choice.

For outerwear and shoes, try to get ones of good quality.
Normally, I'd recommend rotating 7 to 8 shoes to reduce pain and wear and tear, but that's for another time.

In any case, pay attention to the overall balance of your outfit when you pick clothes.
It might be a good idea to use the pants as the base of the outfit.
That means, look for shoes, shirts and outerwear that go well with the pants.

837 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:42:17 ID:WzdBhWXT
Guys who can sing Dragon Ash songs well are cool in my book.

838 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:42:25 ID:Us3SCuRZ
Wait!! I take GaGaGa SP back! They only do extremely straightforward love songs, so you better sing something else!!

839 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:42:49 ID:uzisZzLD
Anyone know if there are any bargain sales in Shinjuku right now?

840 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:44:35 ID:ECAkbud0
Someone please make a video game cover for this thread.

841 : &rlo;!!Muzuitanhe (・ω・ 彡э )∈&lro; : 04/11/12 00:45:14 ID:J033FQe0

842 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:46:30 ID:9W7S5emj

You'll be fine as long as you got this.

843 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:47:36 ID:T1wOzqpi
Is that the chorus of Daitokai?

844 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:47:57 ID:zmHGRNNy
Damn right.

845 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:49:10 ID:arI9+lAW
Whoa, whoa, I just got home from work and it looks like the story took a huge leap forward while I was gone!!
I'm so jelly, Molester Man!

Molester Man at work, Molester Man at home... I can't take my eyes off >>1 anymore...

Btw, don't forget that you're just a poor student, OP.
Of course, you should dress up neatly, but it's lamer to pretend to be more than you are.

846 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:49:20 ID:Us3SCuRZ
What video game cover?

847 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:50:06 ID:uzisZzLD
Dressing up too much will just end up backfiring on you.
I think it'd be best to go wearing what you normally wear.

If you're lucky, Kansai will point out that you're always wearing the same kind of clothes.
"I don't have many clothes." → "Maybe I should get myself new clothes too." → "But my fashion sense sucks, so please pick out clothes for me." → Have the girls pick out clothes for you.

You can kill at least an hour with this.

848 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:50:39 ID:zmHGRNNy

849 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:51:36 ID:arI9+lAW
That's exactly the turn of events I had in mind.

850 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:52:55 ID:tkiIOE2l
Whoops, it's this late already.
Hang in there then, >>1.

851 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:55:10 ID:Us3SCuRZ
Here we go with the seafood again...

852 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:55:18 ID:TfHyWeKl

I quickly made something.

853 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:56:08 ID:zmHGRNNy
Miss Undie is so cheap...

854 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:56:45 ID:WF67Yb1X
Shut up and take my money!!!!!!!

855 : &rlo;!!Muzuitanhe (・ω・ 彡э )∈&lro; : 04/11/12 00:57:14 ID:J033FQe0
I lol'd at Molester Man in the back.

856 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:57:29 ID:HAM7peps
A game with a title like "THE MOLESTER MAN" can only be an eroge.

I'd buy it.

857 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 00:57:38 ID:WF67Yb1X
Good, good, very good.

858 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 01:00:00 ID:uzisZzLD
Nice one.

859 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 01:00:59 ID:RlroHKQP
Miss Undie's eyes look like Sharingan.

860 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 01:02:52 ID:q1Ys1loJ

861 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/12 01:03:08 ID:A9ayyyXY
Let me ask again. Why am I a subhuman ape!?

862 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 01:03:14 ID:66qZRBdi
Posting in an epic thread.

863 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 01:04:44 ID:uzisZzLD
Is everyone else only pretending not to notice how the family restaurant girls seem to be just toying with Molester Man?

864 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 01:05:41 ID:WF67Yb1X
Brb taking a bath.

865 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 01:08:27 ID:HAM7peps
Speaking of family restaurants, what does their work uniform look like?
I can't fap to the girls if I can't imagine the uniform...

866 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 01:08:45 ID:TfHyWeKl
Sorry, but it's the only picture I have of you...

867 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 01:10:54 ID:2QTRkZ8h
>>860 Is that some Fist of the North Star?

868 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 01:31:40 ID:UyDodc4z
The background cracked me up.
Ow, ow, my sides...

869 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 01:34:50 ID:fxtApNJM
Molester Man <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Train Man

870 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 01:57:30 ID:JPUyWn04
Do you have the money to buy clothes and get a haircut?
How big is your budget anyway?

871 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 02:00:44 ID:WF67Yb1X
560 : 1 ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/11 13:51:17 ID:D50puFV/
Yeah, well, I don't have much money to begin with.
My bankbook says I have 22 Yukichi's left, and that's including living expenses.

872 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 02:02:28 ID:jwkGRD/y
If they go karaoke-ing, OP could sing the Kai Band songs he likes so much.

873 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 02:08:44 ID:yIf+wjSD
The general rule of karaoke is not to sing any hidden gems that people don't know about,
but I can see OP belting out Kai Band songs like they were the hottest shit out right now.
That's what I like about him though.

874 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 02:10:17 ID:JPUyWn04
Must have had missed it.

I agree that it's not a good idea to dress up too much, but he can't go wearing the same clothes as last time, can he?
I wish he'd at least buy some clothes of a cheaper brand like TK or so.

875 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 02:11:06 ID:qCuQS1dD
Don't get your hair cut.
Don't wear too fancy clothes.
Making some effort is okay, but overdoing it isn't.

876 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/12 02:17:28 ID:A9ayyyXY
Okay, I guess I'll drop by at Jusco on my way home from university tomorrow and buy some fancier clothes...

But now I have to cram for the test.

877 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 02:22:51 ID:JPUyWn04
Dude, why are you so obsessed with Jusco...?
But well, the test has priority right now. Hang in there.

878 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 02:22:54 ID:NMO2GZ8s
Why the hell Jusco?

879 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 02:24:39 ID:3iAGr/qu
You can wear anything you like as long as it's not something that makes the girls not want to be seen walking around with you.
I wouldn't want to seen in favorite stores with some weirdo next to me either.

880 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 02:30:42 ID:KMkLPYhB
Since they've already seen you once, I'd simply make the girls pick out clothes for me.
It's a pain in the ass to look for clothes anyway and if they do the picking, you don't have to worry about whether they will like it or not.

881 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 02:31:16 ID:JPUyWn04
Fucking this.

882 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 02:33:01 ID:RrZN49xl
Let me give you one, only one piece of timely advice.

   Make it a rule never to wear any flannel shirts even if your life was on the line.

Do not break this rule. Best of luck to you, Molester Man.

883 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 02:33:11 ID:si6xJZcl
If you want a cheap store like Jusco, go to Daiei instead.

884 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 02:37:02 ID:3iAGr/qu
Well, when you start talking about clothes, they're bound to ask you where you usually buy your clothes from.
You could say GAP and they might actually believe you.

885 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 02:37:23 ID:si6xJZcl
But GAP isn't any good eitherw

886 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 02:39:16 ID:x/Zj0GuJ
It's still better than Uniqlo, Jusco and the like.

887 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 02:42:36 ID:Us3SCuRZ
I guess it's true that amateurs shouldn't try their hand at flannel shirts, huh?
One of my friends loves wearing them.

888 : &rlo;!!Muzuitanhe (・ω・ 彡э )∈&lro; : 04/11/12 02:45:57 ID:J033FQe0
|` /
| /

889 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 02:47:14 ID:RrZN49xl

890 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 02:47:17 ID:3iAGr/qu
They'll know it's fake if you suddenly dress up all fancy. Kansai will be like "What's with that outfit?".
And if you raise the bar like that, you won't be able to keep it up if you don't keep buying more fancy clothes. Besides, they've already seen what you normally wear.

891 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 02:48:23 ID:BCtcrDZK
>>882, >>883
Seeing the words flannel shirts and Daiei,
I just remembered this weird high-schooler I used to work with when I had a part-time job at Daiei a long time ago...

The button-down shirt embroidered with the school name he was always wearing was fine, I guess.
But what was he thinking coming to work wearing a necktie over a flannel shirt every time...

892 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 02:51:41 ID:Us3SCuRZ
That's more like the answer than a hint, but thanks.
I hope my friend is reading this thread.

893 : &rlo;!!Muzuitanhe (・ω・ 彡э )∈&lro; : 04/11/12 03:26:08 ID:J033FQe0

894 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 03:44:25 ID:UyDodc4z
Hey, why is no one pointing out that American Casual, and with it, flannel shirts are the latest fad (since last year)?
I even went and bought a flannel shirt because of thatww
But wearing a flannel shirt just like that isn't good enough.

At the very least, wear jeans of a darker color that go well with it. No pale colors. If you don't have any, buy them.
You'll also need clean shoes. No dirty sneakers.
Once you got these down, you've almost made it.

I wish you were already an enthusiastic leather pants wearer or at least interested in fashion, but... Jusco, huh... Welp.
Post a pic of your wardrobe.

895 : (・ω・ ミэ )Э : 04/11/12 03:57:27 ID:J033FQe0
+   +
  ∩_∩  +
 (0゚・(ェ)・) ba-dump ba-dump bear bear
 (0゚つ旦O +
 と__)__) +

896 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 03:59:05 ID:qTbdGdGc
It'd be great if someone could sum everything up in 10 or less lines.

897 : (・ω・ ミ 3 )∋ : 04/11/12 04:02:07 ID:J033FQe0
      ∧_∧  ∧_∧
whistle (  ・3・) (  ^^ ) < Please keep supporting us from now on too. (^^)。
   =〔~∪ ̄ ̄ ̄∪ ̄ ̄〕
   = ◎――――――◎                      Yamazaki Wataru & Borgeois

898 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 04:18:33 ID:safbYNSr
The stalker = A private detective hired by Miss Understanding's father
Just an idea I had. That's all I wanted to say. Yeah.

899 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 04:46:26 ID:r+xuRW8X
Alright, let's stalk them on Saturday!!

900 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 05:04:24 ID:5oXCUsNU
>>1 smells awfully like a conceited, scheming, persistent, delusional troll.
Even those fake boobs threads started by traps are more appropriate for VIP because they're at least funny.

901 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 05:48:12 ID:UyDodc4z
>>1's To-Do list for Friday:

- Get a haircut
- Go shopping for clothes
- Masturbate
- Make phone calls
- Write e-mails

...you're gonna be busy, OP.

902 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 05:58:35 ID:si6xJZcl
You forgot masturbate.

903 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 06:01:40 ID:UeD9jxNT
...I think you need some sleep.

904 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/12 08:19:26 ID:A9ayyyXY
I'm not getting a haircut. My hair's gotten pretty long, but as many have already pointed out, it's not a good idea as it'd make me look like I got the wrong idea.
I heard you need an appointment for a beauty parlor and I'm too scared to go anyway.
I could go to a barber shop, but whenever I've been to a barber shop, I feel like it's gotten worse than before.

I have to do the rest of the points in the list though.

Also, even though I stayed up until 5 am yesterday, I spent most of the time reading Shonen Champion and lying in my futon fantasizing.
In the end, I only prepared for the test for like 30 minutes. Ehehe.

905 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 08:21:10 ID:9W7S5emj
Oh yeah, you got a test today.

906 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 08:25:57 ID:z+Zpw2JH
I want you to go berserk and give us more unexpected twists.

907 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 09:16:06 ID:0Ywx9rOq
Go fail the test, Test Man.

908 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 09:18:51 ID:6223Jzbe
I couldn't focus on a test either if I was you.

909 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 09:34:13 ID:TzXsRrLq
This isn't the time to be taking a test, man.

910 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 09:49:00 ID:jtyQWQvg
Good morning, Molester.
For now, just try to do well on your test.

911 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 10:05:10 ID:qCuQS1dD
Give some funny answers to the test and bring back something to report.
There's no need to force yourself to buy new clothes. Instead, post a picture of the clothes you wore when you had lunch with them last time.

912 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 10:12:37 ID:lma5oZND
Hey guys, just got back from tutoring my little sister and finally caught up with the thread.

913 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 10:13:29 ID:VgzxuD1v
I fell asleep yesterday and couldn't be here last night...

Anyways, guys, clothes are important, but don't forget that that meddlesome Kansai will be there too.
She'll definitely make time for Molester and Miss Undie to be alone.
We need to come up with things to talk about when that happens.

Couldn't it be that the other three girls are hoping for Molester to confess his love to Miss Undie?

914 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 10:23:42 ID:FMszqpGe
It's still way too early for a confession of love.
The risk is too high that Miss Understanding misunderstands and thinks he really was after her body all along.

915 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 10:35:14 ID:zmHGRNNy
Morning Beam!! (★_★)ノシ

916 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 10:35:45 ID:zmHGRNNy
Post a pic of your little sister.

917 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 10:42:21 ID:VgzxuD1v
Morning what?

918 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 10:46:47 ID:EQp+oj3Q
Guys, help out if you don't have anything to do.

[Let's destroy] Click! Click!(・∀・)[Real Money Traders]

919 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 11:00:03 ID:h+U1Ge7I
The possibility that the family restaurant girls are just toying with OP isn't zero, but if OP plays along and earnestly helps them out, I'm sure Kansai will pave the path to confession for him.

There's one thing that bothers me though.
When she told him to pull himself together while Miss Undie wasn't around, I thought she was a real bro, but yesterday she asked him if he likes Miss Undie on the phone even though Miss Undie was right next her.
She might be a bit lacking in delicacy.
If he had answered "Yes, I like her.", Kansai might have directly told Miss Undie "Molester just said he likes you.".
It'd be really lame to have someone else do the confessing for you.

Kansai can become your friend or foe depending on how you handle her. So handle her with care.

920 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 11:02:49 ID:RoUXoyMA
That's because Kansai's like a meddlesome aunt.
She means no harm, but she just can't help itw

921 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 11:09:55 ID:VgzxuD1v
I'm a guy, so I don't know what's going on in a woman's head,
but I read somewhere that women are generally deeply interested in the love affairs of others.

If that is true, then the other three girls might be planning on creating an opportunity for Molester to confess his love to Miss Undie,
motivated by 30% kindness and 70% curiosity, thereby completely ignoring Miss Undie's and Molester's feelings.

Does this make any sense or is my imagination going off the rails again?

922 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 11:17:10 ID:z+Zpw2JH
You know how women often lead on loser guys just to mess with them? It's insidious, is what it is. OP, don't let them get you down!

923 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 11:18:30 ID:h+U1Ge7I
I agree. Kansai probably means no harm.
She's just a little devil, is all. Yeah.

924 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 11:20:00 ID:6223Jzbe
Just a little devil~

925 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 11:20:21 ID:3BiF7mYr
Well, Molester and Miss Undie getting together would be without a doubt the lamest end of all.
I would prefer something along the lines of "I woke up the next day and realized I had spent the night at Yamaoka's place.".

926 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 11:24:14 ID:VgzxuD1v
I think the Loli Jugs route would piss me off the most.

927 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 11:25:36 ID:zmHGRNNy
It's about time for

the return of Crabses.

928 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 11:43:54 ID:VC0VZrrq
Guys, >>1 was only able to have such an encounter because he left his room.
You guys should stop shutting yourselves in all the time and go out every once in a while!

929 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 11:44:50 ID:3BiF7mYr
Whoawwwwwwwwwwwwwwww OKwwwwwwwwwwwww

930 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 11:45:09 ID:6223Jzbe
This thread needs more erotic scenes.
For example, they're at a karaoke bar and OP suddenly gets a blowjob from Yamaoka in the restroom or something.

931 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 11:45:45 ID:zmHGRNNy
I wanna go outーーーーー

932 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 11:46:57 ID:VC0VZrrq
Just wanted to note that there are hardly any haters in this thread.
That means, the VIP QUALITY is high in this one. >>1 was right to start the thread in VIP.
It's definitely worth a read.

933 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 11:48:50 ID:/8Ok0i5k
By the way, the police is working on the case now, but the stalker still hasn't been caught yet.
Now why is that? Here's what I think.

The stalker sees Molester Man walking next to Miss Undie.
He immediately switches targets to that man to protect Miss Undie from him.
He breaks into Molester's place while he's off to school/work.
He checks Molester's computer and finds this thread in his browser history.
He quickly sends an anonymous fax message to Miss Undie saying "Check out the thread 'I got totally mistaken for a molester' 2ch.".
Miss Undie sees this thread and talks to Kansai & Loli Jugs about it.
Molester goes to meet them this weekend like a moth to a flame.

Could it be that we're heading to a Dead End instead of a Happy End?

934 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 11:48:59 ID:VgzxuD1v
Mr. Yamaoka is actually Crabses' real name.

Would be funny imo.

935 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 11:50:24 ID:6223Jzbe
Molester knows Glasses' real name, so we can rule that out. Sorry for the serious post.

936 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 11:51:43 ID:/8Ok0i5k
I just realized that it'd be better to turn Molester's story into a dating sim instead of a novelw

937 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 11:54:12 ID:BCtcrDZK
Yamaoka is actually Crabses' sister- or brother-in-law.
And Crabses, who is actually the stalker, got to know Miss Undie through Yamaoka.

Would be funny imo.

938 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 11:56:58 ID:g7SDpfC8
Finally caught up with you guys.

This thread sure doesn't lack sudden events that come out of nowhere. Damn.

Well, for fashion, go all out and buy a pricey coat.
Its brand doesn't really matter as long as you buy it from a well-known store.
No Uniqlo and co.!
The rest of your outfit doesn't have to be as pricey.
It's enough if your coat, the main part of your outfit, is splendid. Buy it now and you'll be able to wear it for many winters to come.
The only criteria for the rest of your outfit is that they should work well with the coat.

I expect the shopping course on Saturday to be Lumine, Mylord, Marui, and then street-level stores.
Might be quite tough to follow them around all day, but what's even tougher is that you'll get weird looks all the time because you'll be mainly visiting stores for women.

939 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 11:57:44 ID:g7SDpfC8
But hey, even if I write long ass posts like this, OP ain't gonna read it anyway.

940 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 11:57:57 ID:zmHGRNNy
    /            )))
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   |    | ''''''''''    ''''''''|
   |    | (  ・ )   ( ・ )l
   |     l        l  |      ________
   |  ( ~         _)  |     /
    |   |      ,―――. l    < I want to have some of the crab too.
    l .|ヽ    ー――' /      \
    ヾ |  \____ノ         ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  __/ヽ\      | l\_
 ̄     λ ヽ     / .|

941 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 11:58:27 ID:VgzxuD1v
Ah, shouldn't OP send an e-mail like
"Don't be surprised because I'm going to dress up a little."

942 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 12:00:19 ID:g7SDpfC8
I can't believe Kansai made all those implications even though she called from Miss Undie's cell phone. Miss Undie must have heard it all.

943 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 12:02:25 ID:UyDodc4z
"Dress up" "Mess up" "Fess sup"

I'm scared OP might make a typo in his e-mail which then leads to a crazy misunderstanding.

944 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 12:04:26 ID:VC0VZrrq
Well, here's how I see it. Molester is going to end up with a girlfriend, even if it may not necessarily be Miss Undie.
He's got four girls to choose from, after all. He's never getting another chance like this.

945 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 12:06:55 ID:TzXsRrLq
The eroge master who's used to having three choices to choose from tries his hand at a four-choice question.

946 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 12:14:19 ID:FMszqpGe
⇒ A: Miss Undie        B: Kansai
  C: Loli Jugs     D: Yamaoka

⇒ Ask the Audience

947 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 12:19:51 ID:x8cvYopk
By the way, why is Yamaoka the only one with an actual name?

Must be her real name.

948 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 12:24:10 ID:/8Ok0i5k
Is Molester dead?

949 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 12:25:05 ID:mK40L+44

Betting 200 Yamaoka's that if you choose to ask the audience or phone a friend,
the fifth choice "Crab" will get added.

950 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 12:36:36 ID:/8Ok0i5k
Kansai: "Molester, you have a computer, right?"
Molester: "Yeah, what about it?"
Kansai: "Then you do probably do that too, right?"
Molester: "That? What do you mean?"
Kansai: "Internet and stuff."
Molester: "Of course. (immediate reply)"
Kansai: "Auctions and stuff too?"
Molester: "I don't buy stuff, but I often check them out. (immediate reply)"
Kansai: "Then what about 2channel?"
Molester: "......did you see the Bakatono show the other day? I wonder why people said it wasn't funny because it was."

951 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 12:36:58 ID:p201flth
Isn't it possible that Yamaoka is a guy?

952 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 12:38:54 ID:/8Ok0i5k
By the way, I just stepped on the #950 mine. We're going to make this the next thread, right?

I got totally mistaken for a molester part 6

953 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 12:42:23 ID:h+U1Ge7I
Don't forget to post the new template posts.

954 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 12:58:29 ID:UyDodc4z
Sucks that there's no picture of the stalker on the summary site.

955 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 13:13:22 ID:3BiF7mYr
How about one of these for the stalker picture?




956 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 13:17:49 ID:CSFEOmT+
I'd bet a rice coupon that if you use the 50:50 lifeline, Glasses and Crab will be left.

957 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 15:06:17 ID:VC0VZrrq
Bumping the thread.

With the character relationship chart, it's like this was one of those descriptions of TV soaps you find in TV magazines.

958 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 16:27:37 ID:TzXsRrLq
Thread surfaced.

959 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 16:27:55 ID:TzXsRrLq
We're on the front page!

960 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 16:28:35 ID:RoUXoyMA
Blow all ballast!

961 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 16:29:21 ID:BqtGiYTA
Train Man imitation?

962 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 16:41:05 ID:/8Ok0i5k
Well, >>1 seems fast asleep.

963 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 16:45:43 ID:94Rg0v10
That is VIP QUALI-

964 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 16:53:22 ID:TzXsRrLq
Didn't Molester Man have a test today?

965 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 17:01:48 ID:/8Ok0i5k
Btw, why is Loli Jugs the only one in a box marked with a ★?

966 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 17:03:04 ID:6223Jzbe
The ★ is there to cover her nipples.

967 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 17:12:23 ID:lt8WO6sb
This thread will be dead in the blink of an eye when >>1 comes back, so someone please start the next thread.
Whoever gets >>970 shall do it.

968 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 17:16:01 ID:RoUXoyMA
The duplicate thread from yesterday is still alive.


969 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/12 17:19:22 ID:cDrcxFM5
Hey, guys... Thanks for the fashion tips.
I failed the test. I don't mind though because I love Japan and don't care much for English.
Besides, if this had been a English Proficiency Test, I'd have prepared more seriously and easily aced it.

Anyways, I'm too excited about tomorrow that I can't focus on the lectures at all.
Actually, I'm in one right now.

970 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 17:20:36 ID:RoUXoyMA
He's here*:.。..。.:*・゚(n‘∀‘)η゚・*:.。..。.:* ミ ☆
Hang i( ゚д゚)n there

971 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 17:21:19 ID:Fmu0mLs8
Pay attention to the lecture.
You have to give off an aura of seriousness at all times.

972 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 17:25:44 ID:/8Ok0i5k
Dude, you seem extremely happy since yesterdayw

973 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/12 17:26:38 ID:cDrcxFM5
Anyways, I did some research and it seems like there are no brand stores in my neighborhood.
If I go to a bank now, the ATM would charge a fee for withdrawing money at this time of the day. Plus, I left my card at home today...
When I headed out this morning, I figured 20,000 yen cash would be enough, but it's not nearly enough if I'm going to buy brand clothes.
I could head home, get my card and then get on a train... but I'd never make it in time.

So yeah, looks like I don't have a choice but to try to get some nice clothes from the golden combo of Jusco → Jeans Mate → Right-on.
Ah, but I'm not going to pick any clothes by myself. I'll only buy ones that are on display if they look like they'll fit me.
And I'll try not to get any cheap-looking ones.
I know Jeans Mate is usually full of clothes for kids, but Right-on has quite a good selection of clothes for university students.

974 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 17:30:47 ID:3iAGr/qu
This thread doesn't get boring since something new seems to happen everyday, but I wonder if OP can keep it interesting until the new Dragon Quest comes out.

975 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 17:34:24 ID:TzXsRrLq
How come you can post such a long text from your cell phone?

976 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 17:35:31 ID:nez0XZlu
Don't forget to try the clothes on before you buy them.

977 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/12 17:37:03 ID:cDrcxFM5
No, no, I'm in a classroom with computers right now.
No way, it's too embarrassing to use a dressing room.

978 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 17:38:20 ID:6223Jzbe
The ATM fees are nothing compared to the train fare, so don't be so stingy.
(It's good to be stingy normally, but today's an exception.)

979 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 17:39:32 ID:/8Ok0i5k
Are you stupid!? You can't buy clothes before trying them on...
Put them on first, look at a mirror, and check how you look in them.
And if there's a shop assistant around who seems to have a good fashion sense, ask them for their opinion too!

But first of all, rid yourself of the wrong belief that it's embarrassing to use a dressing room!

980 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 17:40:04 ID:TzXsRrLq
It's dangerous to buy clothes without trying them on first.

981 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 17:41:03 ID:Fmu0mLs8
Molester, if a dork like you buys clothes without even trying them on,
you'll just end up getting laughed at by Kansai again.

982 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/12 17:41:44 ID:cDrcxFM5
I agree with everything you said.
I may be a bit stupid, but I do have some common sense. I know why you should try on clothes before you buy them.
But I can't. It's too embarrassing. It'd be something else if they didn't mind me ruining their clothes with my sweat, but it'd still be too embarrassing.

But what I hate most about clothing stores is that the shop assistants come and start talking to you...
That is why I fucking love Uniqlo.

983 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 17:42:17 ID:+uqrgS7J
I failed last time, but I'm gonna do it today...
1000 GET!

Hope I got it this time. (´人`) Nam Nam

984 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/12 17:43:17 ID:cDrcxFM5
You came way too early againw

985 : 979 : 04/11/12 17:43:18 ID:/8Ok0i5k

All you have to do is go to a shop assistant and ask her "Can I try this on?" like it was the most natural thing in the world.
If you can find a shop assistant that looks like they know their stuff, ask them "Could you please tell me how I look in this?" and they'll gladly do it for you.
It's their job, after all, and it makes them happy if a customer asks them about their opinion.

You see, it's the other way round from the perspective of a shop assistant. People who buy clothes without even trying them on seem more embarrassing to them.

986 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 17:43:26 ID:+uqrgS7J
I failed again. (PД`q)゚. BAAAWWWWW

Hang in there tomorrow, OP♪

987 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 17:45:43 ID:Fmu0mLs8
Tomorrow's gonna be the day that decides it all, but I can't feel any enthusiasm coming from Molester.
You don't get in a girl's pants in one day.

988 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 17:45:46 ID:p201flth
I often see cheap brand clothes at Global.
Don't you have any of their stores in your neighborhood?

989 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/12 17:46:38 ID:cDrcxFM5
I know all that.
But it doesn't change the fact that I just can't do it. Ever since I was a middle schooler, I got sick and couldn't come to school whenever we had a singing test in music class!!

Now you're going to ask me why I'm giving up before even giving it a try... But you'll see, I have given it a try.
Shortly after entering university, I decided to at least quit wearing otaku clothes and tried to change my wardrobe.
Back then I tried it all, from talking to a shop assistant to using a dressing room. It just didn't work out.
If I had the ability to talk to a shop assistant like a normal person, I wouldn't be sitting alone in front of a computer in a corner of the classroom like this...

990 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 17:47:44 ID:+uqrgS7J
(´-`).。oO( I don't want to give up my quest to get the 1000th post... I only got one chance... The next time I fail, I'll give up on the 1000 GET for good... Oh, God of Comedy, please give me your blessings...)

Here I go~
It's now or never! 1000 GET!

(´人`) Please...

991 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/12 17:47:52 ID:cDrcxFM5
You mean Global Work? I know a store. It's a bit far from my place though.
They say they have clothes in size S, but when you look closely, they only have T-shirts and stuff in size S.
All their outerwear is size M. So, nope.

992 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 17:49:08 ID:nez0XZlu

993 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 17:49:14 ID:+uqrgS7J
Okay, I give up. I'll focus on giving advice to OP from now on. (´・д・`)
(´-`).。oO( Or else I'll be called the king of premature ejaculators. )

994 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 17:49:50 ID:nez0XZlu
But someone who wears T-shirts of size S should wear outerwear of size M...
Why would you want to wear skintight outerwear?w

995 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 17:50:28 ID:/8Ok0i5k
Dude... you're still way too earlyw

I see. Guess you can't do anything about it then...
The rest is up to your choice then, >>1. It's sink or swim. Make sure to choose good clothes! The fate of the Saturday date is on the line!

996 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 17:50:51 ID:g7SDpfC8
If it's that hard to bear for you, what are you going to do tomorrow?
You're going to be shopping with those girls all day, you know?
You can't say you need fresh air and get out every time you enter a store.

997 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 17:50:59 ID:zP+W+tm3
Did I get the 1000th post?

998 : Let me guide you to the next thread : 04/11/12 17:51:04 ID:IOHstfYy
I got totally mistaken for a molester part 6
We're recycling a duplicate thread. Think of it as part 7.

999 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 17:51:10 ID:s/Gulqua
If this is 1000, Molester Man gets arrested.

1000 : VIPPER : 04/11/12 17:51:12 ID:9G4zL76w

1001 : 1001 : Over 1000 Thread
 *     +    巛 ヽ
            〒 !   +    。     +    。     *     。
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       ∧_∧ / /
      (´∀` / / +    。     +    。   *     。
      ,-     f
      / ュヘ    | *     +    。     +   。 +        This thread has reached 1000 posts.
     〈_} )   |                                The next thread too will have... VIP QUALITY!!
        /    ! +    。     +    +     *         http://ex7.2ch.net/news4vip/
       ./  ,ヘ  |
 bang ||| j  / |  | |||

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