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I got totally mistaken for a molester part 11

1 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:31:43 ID:INGL0QDX
1 Name:VIPPER Date:04/11/05 19:48:21 ID:w8ZHuVTS
Everyone in VIP, no, in 2ch, please hear me out.
The other day, I was totally mistaken for a molester.
And I don't mean it as a joke, I was actually mistaken for one in the blink of an eye.

It all started with this...

Previous thread:
I got totally mistaken for a molester part 10

Templates omitted.
↑ Go here for a summary of the threads.

2 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:32:41 ID:CMlevAYb
Wow, 11th thread?
I'm so late to the party.

3 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:35:00 ID:c+96W2KO
>>1 Thanks.

4 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:35:04 ID:1w1pGN6S

5 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:35:15 ID:H6VMRCMh
Whoawwww OKwwwwww


6 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:35:52 ID:B3PEUjSn
Thanks a lot.

7 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:37:39 ID:gQC/FasD
Hey, guys.
What is NEVADA?

8 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:38:09 ID:HH4F2ge8
Thank you.

9 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:38:15 ID:mj6Ycz0y
Crabs a lot.

10 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:39:23 ID:QBB+qQON
A pretty girl from Nagasaki.

11 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:40:22 ID:9YUxL0Gq

12 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:40:41 ID:YtZL/6Zy
"That's embarrassing."
"Don't say that."

Kansai is so moe.

13 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:41:44 ID:qjvKSmTM
>So that's why she got mad... That guy in the thread who predicted this must be really smart.
Instead of calling others "really smart", why don't you try using your own head for a change?

14 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:41:47 ID:wm8Ud8w9
We broke through the 1000 posts barrier again! lol

15 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:42:02 ID:+tbKG5Wj
I got 1001 twice in a row now, yesterday and today. What do?

16 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:42:06 ID:QBB+qQON


17 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:42:16 ID:bupnGF4S
Crabs you very much.

18 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:42:27 ID:H6VMRCMh
1001 Name:VIPPER Date:04/11/16 19:41:25 ID:+tbKG5Wj
I'm going for 999 today!!

19 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:42:57 ID:3lNkHDaG
Kansai is mine.

20 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:43:04 ID:mj6Ycz0y
I'd have punched your lights out if I'd been near you.
Get your shit together, Molester.

21 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:43:11 ID:HsJROYTx

22 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:43:17 ID:1w1pGN6S
1001 VIPPER New! 04/11/16 19:41:25 ID:+tbKG5Wj
I'm going for 999 today!!

1002 1001 New! Over 1000 Thread
 *     +    巛 ヽ
            〒 !   +    。     +    。     *     。
      +    。  |  |
   *     +   / /   Yeeeeeehaaaaaawwww!
       ∧_∧ / /
      (´∀` / / +    。     +    。   *     。
      ,-     f
      / ュヘ    | *     +    。     +   。 +        This thread has reached 1000 posts.
     〈_} )   |                                The next thread too will have... VIP QUALITY!!
        /    ! +    。     +    +     *         http://ex7.2ch.net/news4vip/
       ./  ,ヘ  |
 bang ||| j  / |  | |||

23 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:43:18 ID:H6VMRCMh
What? No, she's mine.

24 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:43:30 ID:0BJjc0kv

25 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:43:57 ID:INGL0QDX
Is this SukuRan?

I've never seen it, but the blond girl is kind of like Kansai, don't you think?

26 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:44:04 ID:CMh2egyk

27 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:44:28 ID:sLHonNuT
So, what do we do now?
Molester doesn't have a reason to call Kansai anymore because he had to go and end the call all of a sudden.
Molester, you dumb fuck!!

28 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:44:37 ID:ZoS7JZMh
Let's see.
Sukuran = Sukuranburu Ranningu = Scramble Running = A documentary about young boys that put their lives on the line by crossing streets on a green light.
Am I close?

29 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:44:52 ID:Uf9e/6lE
Crab sushi.

30 : (・ω・ ミ 3 )∋ : 04/11/16 19:44:51 ID:7vQhkYQp
+   +
  ∩_∩  +
 (0゚・(ェ)・) ba-dump ba-dump bear bear
 (0゚つ旦O +
 と__)__) +

31 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:45:07 ID:wm8Ud8w9
Huh, wasn't School Rumble one of those manga you can read in a magazine?
Wasn't it about basketball??

32 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:45:30 ID:bupnGF4S
Shouldn't it be "on a red light"?

33 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:45:39 ID:1w1pGN6S
>An odd manga where most of the plot revolves around the side-characters while the main character gets left behind.

It's like a description of this thread!

34 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:45:49 ID:4s/qHl6y
Looks like a shitty anime...
I can't believe Molester picked that over Kansai...
Is Molester like those creepy guys they showed in the Fuji TV special on Akiba otaku the other day?

35 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:47:38 ID:3lNkHDaG
Molester is a 20-year-old virgin loser.
Kansai, on the other hand, is a beautiful 20-year-old non-virgin woman full of compassion.
They live in different worlds.

36 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:48:25 ID:V/Z0WESa
Guys, guys,
we need to give Molester props for at least saying
"I'm sure it was thanks to you that I was able to cheer up."

37 : 611 : 04/11/16 19:48:31 ID:H0RHkHYE
I think I know Miss Undie, Kansai, and Loli Jugs in real life.
I think they're my colleagues... What do?

38 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:48:45 ID:sLHonNuT
What are you talking about? Kansai-tan is a virgin.

39 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:49:11 ID:1+anLzzc
>"Anyone would have been worried! You had turned all pale. As pale as the giant cigarette man from the Nicorette commercial!"

I lol'd. Kansai is hilarious.

40 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:49:17 ID:1w1pGN6S
It hurts my heart to think of Kansai as a non-virgin, but she's most likely not a virgin anymore.

I wonder when she lost her virginity and to whom.
I wanna know!

41 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:49:21 ID:qjvKSmTM
God has descended upon us!

42 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:49:27 ID:ZoS7JZMh
Hey, 611, who are you!? Introduce yourself!

43 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:49:41 ID:bupnGF4S
Are you serious?

44 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:49:44 ID:1w1pGN6S
Please elaborate.

45 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:49:52 ID:0BJjc0kv
Why would he pick SukuRan over her... Is he stupid?

is what Lady just told me to post. She's sitting next to me right now...

She's totally dominating me. orz

46 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:50:03 ID:QBB+qQON
The same Kansai made the "It's just a Joudan. A Michael Joudan" joke, you know? You think that's hilarious too?

47 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:50:14 ID:HsJROYTx
Are you Miss Yamaoka?

48 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:50:24 ID:1w1pGN6S
What about Yamaoka?

49 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:50:25 ID:Gk5RIRqB
Dude, you're playing with fire.

50 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:50:47 ID:0BJjc0kv
It's happening!

51 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:51:15 ID:iJaExcyt
This is SukuRan:

52 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:51:15 ID:wm8Ud8w9
>>37 must be the chief from the family restaurant.

53 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:51:22 ID:V/Z0WESa
Kansai's cuteness more than makes up for it.

54 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:51:30 ID:3lNkHDaG
Do you mean dominating as in she's the one in charge in your relationship?
Or is she sitting on your face right now?

55 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:51:32 ID:HH4F2ge8
It's here━(゚∀゚)━!!

56 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:51:45 ID:UbgZXu5i
What!? I happen to work there too!

57 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:52:07 ID:4s/qHl6y
Please elaborate.

58 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:52:23 ID:Uf9e/6lE
Who are you? Explain yourself!
Now that you've seen this thread, we can't let you get out of here alive!

59 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/16 19:52:33 ID:phlzYB7A
It's a sin to tell a lie, baby...

60 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:52:45 ID:6f/3tAK4
611 again, huh?

61 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:52:46 ID:0BJjc0kv
The former.

A co-worker, huh?
It's happening!

62 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:53:02 ID:1w1pGN6S
Get Lady over here.

63 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:53:15 ID:e8Nnh7I0
Alright, time to kidnap >>37, tie him up, and interrogate him.

64 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:53:22 ID:QBB+qQON
Please tell her she can sit on my face anytime.

65 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:53:26 ID:9YUxL0Gq
Get Lady's pussy over here.

66 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:53:52 ID:K4jRHhTp
A co-worker is here━━(゜∀゜)━━!!!!

67 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:54:24 ID:roimTdGX
Please let me take Lady as my wife.

68 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:54:42 ID:ZoS7JZMh
OP, you're the pale skinny guy with glasses that works night shifts at Daddy's Hamburg, aren't you?

69 : (・ω・ ミ 3 )∋ : 04/11/16 19:54:55 ID:7vQhkYQp
What if >>37 really knows the girls and shows them this thread...

I've been waiting for something like this to happen!

70 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:55:02 ID:0BJjc0kv
I told her. (´・д・`)

She said "That guy's just as stupid as Molester..." with a smile on her face.
(´-`).。oO( She has a sadistic side... )

71 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:55:03 ID:Uf9e/6lE
Molester is shitting his pants right now.
Explain yourself already!
Or we can't move on.

72 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:55:16 ID:qjvKSmTM
I want to get punished by her whip.

73 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:56:30 ID:Gk5RIRqB
Not again...

74 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:56:49 ID:9YUxL0Gq
Resorting to obvious baits now, huh?

75 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:56:50 ID:QBB+qQON
Let Lady use your PC so she can post something herself.

76 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:56:51 ID:V/Z0WESa
Now shout "Suck my dick!" at her!

But don't say it like "Some guy on VIP says 'Suck my dick!'.", say it like you're the one who's saying it, got it?

77 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:57:01 ID:sLHonNuT
Make a tripcode with Kansai's real family name as the password.
Molester does the same and if their trips match, this thread is over.

78 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:57:02 ID:3lNkHDaG
Hey, please convince Lady to sit on my face too.
I'll pay 3000 yen.

79 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:57:08 ID:4s/qHl6y
Does Kansai look like the Java Man?

80 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:57:27 ID:1w1pGN6S
Sorry for going off-topic, but that dumb dog we keep in the office has run off...... orz
With the leash on and everything.

Hate to leave when it's getting good, but I gotta go.

81 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:57:42 ID:viRO0FS+
A long time ago, there was a guy like Molester Man who made a similar thread in VIP,
until some other guy popped up and started posting "I know who OP is!".

His post number was 611!

82 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:57:50 ID:qjvKSmTM
Hey, I'm watching Before After toow

83 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:57:50 ID:B3PEUjSn
You're a smart one.

84 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:58:42 ID:e8Nnh7I0
That's not the name of the TV show thoughw

85 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:58:52 ID:wm8Ud8w9
Please elaborate a bit.

86 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:58:54 ID:KNxHyHrg
Where'd Molester go?

87 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:59:01 ID:Uf9e/6lE
It was just bait, huh?
I'm not mad though. It got my hopes up, but it was fun!

88 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:59:32 ID:ZoS7JZMh
Now I get it. It's a pun on whip and VIP, huh? That's some advanced wordplay right there.

89 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 19:59:47 ID:0BJjc0kv
Lady is smiling...
It's a scary smile to be honest... Her eyes are those of a sadist. (´;ω;`)

90 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:00:20 ID:1w1pGN6S
Wow, you know so much~

You're like a walking encyclopedia of VIP.

91 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:00:37 ID:K4jRHhTp
You're a genius, second only to me.

92 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:00:39 ID:T5xvmSrc
Let's be honest. Does anyone here still give a fuck about Lady? That ship has sailed.

93 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/16 20:00:39 ID:phlzYB7A
Well, I'd be fine with >>37 posting their initials. Then I could tell you guys if he's lying or not.

94 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:00:44 ID:QBB+qQON
And I'm telling you to let her post here!

95 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:00:51 ID:3lNkHDaG
(;´Д`) pant pant
Ask her to handcuff me and play with me like I'm her toy.
I'll pay 5000 yen.

96 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:01:25 ID:Uf9e/6lE
Is it just me or is Coffee Lounge seriously trying to get Lady to sit on his face now?

97 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:01:32 ID:B3PEUjSn
No, all you gotta do is trip up at the same time like >>37 said.

98 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:01:45 ID:0BJjc0kv

99 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:01:45 ID:sLHonNuT
Yay, someone thinks I'm smart.

Is it possible to use kanji for your tripcode?
If yes, 611 and Molester get tripcodes with Miss Understanding's and Kansai's names after the # in the next hour or so.
If 611 doesn't do it, or if the tripcodes don't match, he's fake.
And Molester can feel safe again.

100 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:01:48 ID:iJaExcyt
You do know that you're the one who will have to go out with that sadistic lady, right?
Better get used to the thought.

101 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:02:21 ID:qjvKSmTM
For someone unfamiliar with 2ch lingo, it's like you're telling them to trip up and fall at the same timew

102 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:02:45 ID:6f/3tAK4
Posting with the name 611 and saying you know the OP is a meme.

103 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:02:48 ID:V/Z0WESa
Sorry, there are so many side characters now, I'm not sure who you are. Are you Recharger Man?

104 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:03:22 ID:B3PEUjSn
Okay, so they have time until 9 pm to trip up, huh?

105 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:03:44 ID:ZoS7JZMh
>>99 You're smart, but also dumb. Your previous post was already perfect, why did you have to add stuff?

106 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:04:08 ID:qjvKSmTM
Call her mistress from now on.

107 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:04:19 ID:0BJjc0kv
I'm Coffee Lounge.

Looks like they're going to compare tripcodes now. This could get interesting.

108 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:04:22 ID:e8Nnh7I0
In b4 Molester forgets to add # when setting the tripcode and we see Kansai's real name.

109 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:04:27 ID:V/Z0WESa

The more I look at 611's ID (>>37), the more it looks like HORAHUKI to me.

110 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:05:03 ID:sLHonNuT
We need some rules or they might end up writing the same name with different characters or so.

111 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:05:26 ID:wm8Ud8w9
Good call.

Hey, Molester! Don't forget the #! You mustn't forget it! Something terrible will happen if you do! Don't forget it!

112 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:06:17 ID:1w1pGN6S
It's BAIT, guys. I didn't know about the 611 meme either, but I looked it up.

113 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:06:44 ID:Uf9e/6lE
Hear me out, Coffee Lounge.
You come off as a masochistic loser because you give in as soon as someone criticizes your posts!
This thread needs Lady! She adds warmth to it!
Now come back with more comments from Lady about this thread!

114 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:07:07 ID:qjvKSmTM
That guy who claims to know the girls should just post their initials.
Tripcodes aren't safe. Someone might crack them and get their real names.

115 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:07:31 ID:6f/3tAK4
611 is a reference to a different thread.

611 Name:VIPPER [] Date:04/10/13(Wed) 19:57:52 ID:LxrGXtbW
Wait, I got a question!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think I know you!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know who you are!!!!!!!
I can't believe it!!!!!!!

Don't do it!!!!
Cuz I just realized who you are!!!!
I'll post the name of your university and you tell me if I'm right, okay???????

116 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:08:04 ID:8v+Nqj4G
Why even bother checking if 611 is fake or not?
Let's just say he's a troll and ignore him.
Even if he wasn't, he'd just end up spoiling everything for us.
Just imagine him sitting in front of his monitor smiling to himself because he knows OP and we don't.

117 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:08:36 ID:jYuF0gdY
I don't think OP made the name Yamaoka up. It's probably her real name.

118 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:08:45 ID:9YUxL0Gq
I was in that thread.
That guy was pretty fucking annoying.

119 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:09:05 ID:QBB+qQON
Then we don't need Coffee Lounge either.

120 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:09:22 ID:V/Z0WESa
Well, in any case...


121 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:10:19 ID:1X3ztnoS
Shit, we wasted too many posts on the 611 guy.
This isn't VIP QUALITY at all.

122 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:10:55 ID:B3PEUjSn
Molester, let's discuss what your next move should be.

123 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/16 20:11:04 ID:phlzYB7A
Did you call me?

124 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:11:06 ID:jYuF0gdY
Nah, this is VIP QUALITY too.

125 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:11:35 ID:0BJjc0kv
(´・д・`) SAD
I'm calling it a day.
Hopefully, something new will have happened when I come back tomorrow, but tonight, I'll hang in there for as long as my body allows me to.
You hang in there too, Molester.

126 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:11:44 ID:K4jRHhTp
When is OP going to molest somebody?
Btw, what's with the name Molester Man? You don't want people to think this is a poor man's Train Man, do you?

127 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:12:00 ID:qjvKSmTM
Wait, do you have something planned for tonight?
Switch places with me!

128 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:12:00 ID:V/Z0WESa
I assume nothing new happened since your phone call right before SukuRamu?

129 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:12:26 ID:sLHonNuT
You can't post something alarming like that and run off like nothing was the matter.

130 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:12:30 ID:K4jRHhTp
When is OP going to molest somebody?
Btw, what's with the name Molester Man? You don't want people to think this is a poor man's Train Man, do you?
Wasn't there a name with a bit more VIP QUALITY?

131 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:12:46 ID:Uf9e/6lE
Coffee Lounge is going to get facesitted tonight.

132 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:12:53 ID:e8Nnh7I0
Let's call him Lord Molester then.

133 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:12:54 ID:UqzFD6XV
Molester is the worstwwwwwwwwwwwwww
But that's what I like about him.

134 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:13:00 ID:4s/qHl6y
Pork Cutlet and Coffee Lounge should just go back to being anonymous already.
They're starting to get really annoying.

135 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/16 20:13:03 ID:phlzYB7A
No, I mean I don't even have an excuse to call her anymore...

136 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:13:13 ID:OSnmFhJ4
(・∀・) GET OUT!!

137 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:13:49 ID:bp0CUd4Q
Lady suddenly pokes Coffee Lounge in the forehead.
"What was that for~? (´・д・`)"
"Hahahaha (・∀・)"
I bet this is happening right now.

138 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:13:56 ID:wm8Ud8w9
I don't mind Pork Cutlet because he regularly reports back interesting stuff.
Coffee Lounge, however, isn't as interesting anymore because he can't post anything interesting with Lady watching him.

139 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:14:27 ID:V/Z0WESa
Well, for one, you haven't talked to her about when to meet up next time yet, have you? But if you have and forgot which day because you were too flustered...

Whoawww OKwww Game overwww

140 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:15:57 ID:8v+Nqj4G
>What's so interesting, you bitch...

>Only a few minutes had passed since she joined us and I was already so annoyed at the Kansai girl I could scream. Well, she's not really from Kansai though.
>I just can't get along with people like her. Even back when I still had friends, I used to dislike this type of girls.
>I bet she was class representative in grade school and said stuff like "Teacher! Molester is scribbling in a library book!!".

Hard to believe there was a time when OP used to post stuff like this about herw

141 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:16:34 ID:Uf9e/6lE
Look, there are guys here who get hard at the mere thought of Lady watching them.
We need Lady. She gives this thread warmth.

142 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:16:40 ID:B3PEUjSn
"Let me treat you to something to thank you."
Something like this?

143 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:16:49 ID:1w1pGN6S
I don't see why you should call her again today in a hurry, but if you're going to...

"Hey. Sorry for ending the call so abruptly earlier. I'm done with my assignment now.
I was about to go get something to eat because I'm starving. Wanna join me?
I'm not going to pay for you though."

How about this?

144 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:17:11 ID:qjvKSmTM
Oh right, OP still hasn't properly thanked her for treating him to beef bowl.

145 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:18:17 ID:sLHonNuT
It's all because you had to choose SukuRan or whatever that shit is called over her.
Call her now and tell her
"I've finished my assignment. I'd like to thank you for what you've done for me. Let me treat you to something good.".

146 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:18:19 ID:4s/qHl6y
Listen, Molester.


Gain momentum by going berserk and confessing your love in the following order:

             Kansai → Loli Jugs → Yamaoka → Miss Undie

147 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/16 20:18:50 ID:phlzYB7A
I've been meaning to say this for a while now. I didn't choose SukuRan over her!!
Our conversation was already about to end anyway when I ended it.

148 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:19:16 ID:8v+Nqj4G
I think you're on the wrong board.

149 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:20:27 ID:1X3ztnoS

150 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:20:32 ID:sLHonNuT
Well, let's put SukuRan aside for now.
What are your plans now? Are you going to look for an excuse to ask her out, or do nothing and wait? Are these the only options?

151 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:21:03 ID:8v+Nqj4G
I seriously think you shouldn't call her again today.
What if she asks you all kinds of questions about that assignment you said you were going to finish?

Well, I guess you could somehow make do with your nice handling skills again. That is VIP QUA-

152 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:21:23 ID:1w1pGN6S
If you say it like "Let me treat you to something", she'll just try to talk you out of it.
Instead, tell her that you'll split the bill, but pay all of it in the restaurant.

153 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:21:23 ID:Uf9e/6lE
Don't do anything direct. Don't call her or ask her out yet.
But you could send her a pic of your snakes with the message

"Thank you for the beef bowl last time!"

Wouldn't it be better for now if you didn't ask Kansai out for something that's unrelated to the stalker case?
You shouldn't make it too obvious that you're switching routes from Miss Understanding to Kansai.

154 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:21:37 ID:roimTdGX
┃┌┬┐            ┃   ┏ NEXT┓
┃├┼┤┌┐        ┃   ..┃┌┬┐┃
┃└┴┘├┤┌┬┬┬┨   ..┃├┼┤┃
┃┌┐┌┼┤├┼┴┴┨   ..┃└┴┘┃
┠┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┬┐┃   ┗━━━┛
┠┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤┃    . . .... ..: : :: :: ::: :::::: ::::
┠┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤┃         Λ_Λ . . . .: : :
┠┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤┃        /:彡ミ゛ヽ;)ー、 . ::
┠┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤┃       / :::/:: ヽ、ヽ、 ::i . .::    ← Molester
┠┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤┃       / :::/;;:   ヽ ヽ ::l .
┠┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤┃  ̄ ̄ ̄(_,ノ  ̄ ̄ ̄ヽ、_ノ

155 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:21:48 ID:K4jRHhTp
You low-quality piece of craaap!

156 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:23:25 ID:B3PEUjSn
This one seems pretty good.
Though I think I'd leave out the "I'm not going to pay for you though.".

157 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:24:16 ID:qjvKSmTM
It's Molester's turn to treat her to something because she treated him to beef bowl last time.

158 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:24:25 ID:wm8Ud8w9
OP really shouldn't be too obvious about switching routes.

159 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:24:30 ID:CMh2egyk
What is Molester doing? Molesting someone?

160 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:24:50 ID:sLHonNuT
I'm worried it might be too late to call her today. She still lives with her family, right?
I feel like OP should wait till tomorrow or so.

161 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:25:28 ID:1w1pGN6S
Okay, then without the "I'm not going to pay for you though." at the end then.
If she says "It's your treat.",
OP should reply with "No fucking wayw",
but pay for her later anyway.

162 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:25:29 ID:B3PEUjSn
So, Kansai hadn't even noticed OP's answering machine message, huh?
Wait, does that mean she called him of her own accord...!!???
Molester, what the hell are you doing on 2ch!?
Ask her out for dinner!

163 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/16 20:25:32 ID:phlzYB7A
I'm scared, guys... I think I'm seriously falling in love with her.

164 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:26:14 ID:B3PEUjSn
Good idea.

Did Molester disappear again?

165 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:26:18 ID:Gk5RIRqB
This slow development is very good. After all, true love needs time.

166 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:26:20 ID:V/Z0WESa
OP is hereーーーーーーーーーーー

Kansai still lives at home with her parents. This part is very important.

167 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:26:29 ID:K4jRHhTp
Kansai is watching this thread right now with a huge grin on her face and is waiting for OP to call her.

168 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:26:34 ID:OSnmFhJ4
That's what it means to be human, Molester.
Can you feel your inner cosmo?

169 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:26:36 ID:B3PEUjSn
Ah, there he is.

170 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:26:43 ID:4s/qHl6y
Go watch some Beauty Colosseum.
It'll make you realize that you're in fact a very lucky man, Molester.

171 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:27:07 ID:1w1pGN6S
He's here, he's here, he's here, he's here, he's here!!!!!

172 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:27:28 ID:Uf9e/6lE
Asking her out for dinner now would be a dick move.
She'd know right away that you've already switched targets.

173 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:27:42 ID:iJaExcyt
You're just taking precautions in case Kansai finds this thread now.

174 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:28:44 ID:sLHonNuT
The people in this thread have decided by majority vote that you shall ask her out for dinner.
You owe her a lot by now anyway. Time to show her you're a man, OP.

175 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:28:55 ID:8v+Nqj4G
I too think an e-mail or a call is enough for today.
She probably can't leave home this late anyway, right?
When she stayed out late last time, it was a Saturday and she still got a call from home and everything.

176 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:28:59 ID:wm8Ud8w9
Yeah, how about making it a habit to treat each other on Sundays?
It's better to wait a few days, isn't it?

177 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:29:08 ID:qjvKSmTM
I bet it's not Kansai OP's seriously falling in love with but Hisui.

178 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:29:18 ID:1X3ztnoS
I feel like he should ask her in a simple casual manner. Something like
"I'm starving. Wanna go grab something to eat?".

Don't take her to some fancy place either. Just go eat what you feel like eating with her.
That's all.

You know what, I just want something new to happen.

179 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:30:01 ID:K4jRHhTp
I guess, when the Internet and 2ch become mainstream one day,
we won't be able to have threads like this anymore. (´д⊂

180 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:30:07 ID:bupnGF4S
Wouldn't it be better to slow down a bit more?

It's more interesting for the thread if you keep going like that, but is it really worth it?

181 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:31:08 ID:8v+Nqj4G
Does Kansai drink? Is she allowed to drink?
You could ask her out for a drink this weekend or so.

182 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:31:41 ID:1w1pGN6S
Look, Molester.
The way I see it, men and women can't be friends.

Which is why I'm sure you'll come to love Kansai even more than you did Miss Undie.

183 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:32:15 ID:Uf9e/6lE
The majority vote doesn't mean shit if you, don't agree with us, Molester.
What are your thoughts on this?

184 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:32:19 ID:Gk5RIRqB
When that happens, we'll probably have to emigrate to the Yahoo BBS or some other place that's mainstream right now.

185 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:32:35 ID:4s/qHl6y
I want to hear Molester's opinion.

186 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:32:48 ID:8v+Nqj4G
It's already
Kansai > SukuRan >>>>>>>> Miss Understanding
for OP. Slowpoke!

187 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/16 20:33:16 ID:phlzYB7A
Wait, you want me to ask her out tonight!?

188 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:33:43 ID:KNxHyHrg
Gotta get 'em while they're hot, man.

189 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:34:05 ID:6ruvgIwM
Now that you've abandoned the Miss Undie route and managed to hit it off smoothly with Kansai,
there's no need for creepy excuses like thanking her properly and stuff like that anymore.

"When I hung up on you earlier, I said I have to finish an assignment, but I was actually watching anime."
"Anime? That's why you can't make any friends."
"I do have a friend now. One I can dine out, go shopping for clothes and hang out in manga cafes with."
Like that.

190 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:34:17 ID:Uf9e/6lE
It was just a suggestion. What would you say is the best thing to do?

191 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:34:47 ID:1w1pGN6S
Well, she might have already had dinner by now, but hey, if she really likes you,
I'm sure she'll make up some excuse to come out and meet you. Won't she?

192 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/16 20:35:47 ID:phlzYB7A
No way, I can't contact her several times a day... I'm not her boyfriend or something.
I was going to wait for her to contact me, and only contact her myself if something else comes up.
Basically, I was just going to wait for some sort of excuse to see her again...

193 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:36:54 ID:I/NA/JgB
Yeah, you can't hurry love.

194 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:37:44 ID:ZoS7JZMh
What you gotta do is get her drunk somehow. It's the only way if you want to know her true feelings.

195 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:38:32 ID:sXr0keOK
If that's what you think, we're of course fine with it. Right, guys?

196 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:39:34 ID:B3PEUjSn
Oh, looks like we have your attention now.

Even if you ask her out for dinner now,
I'm sure she'll just say she's already had dinner with her family.

Molester: "Yadda yadda dinner yadda yadda?"
Kansai: "Ehh, I've already had dinner though."
Molester: "No way..."
Kansai: "Then how about this weekend? Are you free then?"

Make it happen.
You can do it!

197 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:39:44 ID:jYuF0gdY
Molester, make sure to take down the posters on your wall, just in case.

198 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:39:50 ID:Uf9e/6lE
That's one half-baked answer. Are you going to contact her today or not?

199 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:39:49 ID:1w1pGN6S
"I'm starving. Wanna go grab something to eat?"
"Huh? What time do you think it is? I've already had dinner! (Oh no!! What am I saying...)"
"I see. Alright then, I'll just go alone."
"W-Wait. ......sigh. I just remembered I need to return a movie. I'm coming with you..."
"Huh? But you said you already had dinner."
"....................sigh...... Why does it always have to be like this............"
"Eh? Are you coming or not?"
"I said I'm coming!!" (half pissed off)
"..................okay." (Molester pisses his pants)

Make something like this happen please.

200 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:40:08 ID:UqzFD6XV
For starters, invite her over to your place.

201 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/16 20:40:58 ID:phlzYB7A
pant pant............ Ugh!!

202 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:41:06 ID:1w1pGN6S
Tsk! Thanks for stealing my thunder.

203 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:41:33 ID:flrbCUxc
You could ask her to come get the CD she wanted to borrow from you. Then enjoy some crab together.

204 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/16 20:43:02 ID:phlzYB7A
I don't have any crab left!!

Echizen crab → Made sashimi out of the legs, and cooked the main body in miso soup and sake. It was delicious.
Hair crabs → Boiled them both in salty water. MUAHAHAHA

205 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:43:23 ID:1w1pGN6S
He said he already ate all the crab.

206 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:44:24 ID:I/NA/JgB
Noo, our crab...

207 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:44:32 ID:B3PEUjSn
Sorry, sorry.
I just couldn't stop my imagination.

208 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:44:55 ID:qjvKSmTM
Before you run off to confess your feelings to her because you think you're in love with her, stop for a moment and ask yourself if your feelings are real.

209 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:45:18 ID:flrbCUxc
Oh okay, well, hang in there, OP!

210 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:45:29 ID:Uf9e/6lE
So much for the VIPPER crab party.

211 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:46:31 ID:4s/qHl6y
You guys need to put yourself in Molester's shoes.
Dude's been alone for so long now that suddenly getting to know all these new people is confusing the fuck out of him.

212 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:46:37 ID:V/Z0WESa
You should have used the hair crabs for the miso soup.

>Boiled them both in salty water. MUAHAHAHA
You normally do this with king crabs.

213 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:46:48 ID:hf549ORF
You know what, why don't we just leave all calls, e-mails and the timing thereof to Molester?
We VIPPERs already had our chance with Miss Undie and we fucked it up.

All we can do now is stand behind Molester and root for him. Or curse him, if you don't want him to succeed.

214 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:48:11 ID:1X3ztnoS
From what I've seen in the last few days, it wouldn't be strange at all if OP contacted her everyday.

Especially, since girls don't like having dinner alone, I'm sure she'd say yes if he asked her at the right time.

215 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:48:21 ID:Gk5RIRqB
It's interesting to see how careful everyone in this thread has become.

216 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:48:23 ID:wm8Ud8w9
Okay, if asking her out for dinner tonight is a no-go, how about you tidy up your room?

217 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/16 20:48:23 ID:phlzYB7A
You're right... What I do know is that I've never felt like this about someone before.

218 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:48:47 ID:8v+Nqj4G
"What made you fall in love with me?"

Every woman asks this question sooner or later.

Molester. What will you answer?

219 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:48:56 ID:1w1pGN6S
Well, that's true, but we wouldn't be VIPPERs if we didn't butt in anyway.

220 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:49:14 ID:36BxnApd
For the umpteenth time:

Send an e-mail with a pic of your snake with the text

"Look, it's my snake~ SLURP SLURP SLURP SLURP SLURP"

221 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:49:45 ID:wm8Ud8w9
Well, can't say anything against that one. Get on it, Molester.

222 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:50:11 ID:1X3ztnoS
The snake card is a very important card that should be only used to lure her into his place though.

223 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:50:26 ID:YtZL/6Zy
Let's take a moment to decide which line by Kansai was the most moe today:

For me, it was clearly
"That's embarrassing."
"Don't say that.".

224 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:51:12 ID:V/Z0WESa
It's moe how Molester only remembers what the VIPPERs said AFTER he's gone berserk.

225 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:51:41 ID:4s/qHl6y
Watching Dancing Sanma Palace now.
Crabs are (゚д゚) GOOD!

226 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:53:29 ID:Uf9e/6lE
I seriously think sending a snake e-mail is a great idea.
It should help you escape this stiff and awkward mood, so you can finally go back to joking and having normal conversations with her.
The best thing about the snake e-mail is that you can send it anytime you want.
Well, it's for you to decide, Molester, but we wouldn't be VIPPERs if we didn't butt in anyway.

227 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:53:58 ID:B3PEUjSn
So, tell me, Molester.
Are you really not going to do anything today?

228 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:54:42 ID:4s/qHl6y
I'm going to move out of this thread if you're not going to do anything. Is that okay with you?

229 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/16 20:54:57 ID:phlzYB7A
That's the plan for now.
Unless one of the VIPPERs comes up with an incredibly good idea that suggests otherwise, but I doubt it.

230 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:55:00 ID:sLHonNuT
You should really consider giving your room a makeover for the fated day.
What is your room like?

231 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:55:32 ID:Gk5RIRqB
Having seicross in a room with snakes.
That's pretty lewd, actually...

232 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:55:47 ID:1X3ztnoS
Race off on a stolen bike!

233 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:56:40 ID:I/NA/JgB
:And the crab was never seen again…::::。::::::::::::::::: ゜.:::::::
:. .:::::。:::........ . .:::::::::::::::::。:::...... v .. v :::::::::::::。:::........ 。:::::::::::
::::::: :::::::::.....:☆彡:::: :::::::::::::::::::: Ξ凸ミ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:: :::::::::::::::::: . . . ..: ::::::::::::::.... .... .. .:::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:..::::.. .... .. ........ . ....... . ...... . ............ . ....... . .... .. .:.... .... ..
:.... . ∧∧   ∧∧  ∧∧   ∧∧ .... .... .. .:.... .... ..... .... .. .
... ..:(   )ゝ (   )ゝ(   )ゝ(   )ゝ ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......
....  i⌒ /   i⌒ /  i⌒ /   i⌒ / .. ..... ................... .. . ...
..   三  |   三  |   三  |   三 |  ... ............. ........... . .....
...  ∪ ∪   ∪ ∪   ∪ ∪  ∪ ∪ ............. ............. .. ........ ...

234 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:57:48 ID:1w1pGN6S
In other words, you're saying there haven't been any incredibly good ideas so far... orz

235 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:59:18 ID:1X3ztnoS
I thought the same thing... orz

236 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 20:59:46 ID:sLHonNuT
Give your room a complete makeover. Make it a room that won't make Kansai feel uncomfortable should she visit you one day.
Get rid of all your otaku goods.

237 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:00:41 ID:1w1pGN6S
And when he added "but I doubt it", he meant that we won't be able to come up with any good ideas from now on either...... orz

238 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:01:34 ID:kRvBkMxG
Molester, you better not quit being an anime otaku!

239 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:02:00 ID:36BxnApd
Once Kansai sees a pic of your snakes, I'm sure she'll want to see them in real life.
Clean up your room today and send her an e-mail about your snakes tomorrow.

240 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:02:12 ID:B3PEUjSn
Don't let him get you down, bro!
Molester has always ignored us. We should be used to it by now.(´・ω:;.:...

241 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:02:16 ID:8v+Nqj4G
 _| ̄|○/>

 _| ̄|○<<

  _| ̄|○  ノ)

  _| ̄|○ ○| ̄|_

242 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/16 21:03:07 ID:phlzYB7A
But look, I already had a pretty serious conversation with her today and it was already late when I hung up.
Now you want to come up with a plan so good it convinces me to call her again tonight? Be my guest, but I bet even Zhuge Liang couldn't come up with something like that.
I wouldn't even if everyone in this thread asked me to.

243 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:03:57 ID:1w1pGN6S
Yeah...... You're right.

But you know, I can take getting ignored, but getting told that we won't be able to come up with anything good? Damn.

Molester is still moe though.

244 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:04:18 ID:hf549ORF
If you want serious advice, don't get too hung up on courtesy, etiquette, consideration and all that crap.
Judging from your reports, I'd say you're already friends with her. And once you're friends, you don't need any schemes, and strategies anymore.
OP doesn't need any advice on how to get closer to her anymore. When it comes to starting and making conversations, Molester has already surpassed us VIPPERs. (Anyone could with some real-life experience.)
OP doesn't need our help right now. It's not like there was some misunderstanding between Kansai and him, on the contrary, they've managed to hit it off quite well.
So, instead of looking for weird excuses to contact her, we should just let OP do his thing and watch over him.

245 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:04:40 ID:I/NA/JgB
Even if Kansai looked up at you with teary eyes and begged you to?

"But I... want you to look at me and me only..."

246 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:05:56 ID:V/Z0WESa
If Molester should ever make Kansai cry, I'll quit being a shut-in just to hunt him down.

247 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:07:19 ID:iJaExcyt
Train Man quit his otaku ways for Hermes though.

248 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:07:32 ID:kpYIG9Kf
Has Miss Undie contacted you?
If you don't have anything to do, redo your room or google for self-defense products.

249 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:07:37 ID:1X3ztnoS
It'd be funny if the Glasses route made a sudden comeback now.

250 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:08:54 ID:roimTdGX
I imagine a drink date with a girl to be easier in many ways than a lunch/dinner or shopping date.

251 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/16 21:09:51 ID:phlzYB7A
I'd reply "I'll think about it when you're as cute as Yuki.".

Though I guess she'd get mad at me if I did, so I'd probably just turn into a closet otaku.

252 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:10:43 ID:4SxXTbKE
You don't need a noble reason to ask her out every single time, you know?

"To thank you for last time......"
"To return your favor for the other day......"

Stuff like this is what makes you appear annoying. No one wants to hang around with someone that's too stiff and formal.

"I just had this great idea. Let's have lunch together sometime this week."

This should do it.

253 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:10:44 ID:8v+Nqj4G
Let me say it for the third time.
Your priorities are messed up.

254 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:10:47 ID:nOIWI3S0
Only losers quit being an otaku because they got themselves a girlfriend.

255 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:10:59 ID:t6Z5rIAm


256 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:11:11 ID:I/NA/JgB
Who the hell is Yuki?

257 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:12:08 ID:sLHonNuT
But what if you actually pull it off and start dating her?
Why don't you take down your AIR poster at least?

258 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:12:25 ID:1w1pGN6S
Omit the first part:

"I just had this great idea."

259 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:13:09 ID:8v+Nqj4G
Imagine a slightly drunk Kansai with slightly red cheeks looking up at you. NICE (゚∀゚)!!

260 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:13:45 ID:kRvBkMxG
Why do you guys assume she won't like him just because he's an otaku?

261 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:15:46 ID:Uf9e/6lE
Meanwhile, while Molester and the VIPPERs were pondering over what to do next,
the stalker everyone had forgotten about was about to make his move.

262 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:16:20 ID:1X3ztnoS
Molester, don't you want >>259 to happen? It could happen tonight! Don't you wanna see her like that??

263 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:16:33 ID:hf549ORF

"Have you already had dinner? If not, wanna join me?"

should be more than enough.

If she says she can't, say "Okay, another time then." and hang up.
Don't try to convince her. Don't ask her when she's free either.

264 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:17:00 ID:gc8ICkvq

265 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:18:09 ID:kpYIG9Kf
Because Molester isn't used to having social relations, he's too considerate of her to make a move... Welcome to the sad saga that is Molester's life.

266 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:18:10 ID:1w1pGN6S
I wonder how many times Coffee Lounge has done it by now......?

267 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:18:23 ID:I/NA/JgB
"A cute girl like me is right next to you and you prefer those drawings...?
Can drawings do this? And this, and that... Can they!?"

Instead of slightly drunk and looking up at me, I like to imagine her dead drunk with set eyes.

268 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:22:26 ID:V/Z0WESa

I've fallen in love with the Kansai in Molester's reports.

269 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:23:33 ID:4s/qHl6y

You're not the only one. I have too. OTL

270 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:24:34 ID:qiBHlxX2


271 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:24:58 ID:e8Nnh7I0

272 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/16 21:25:59 ID:phlzYB7A

273 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:26:45 ID:1X3ztnoS
Okay, I laughed.

274 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:27:39 ID:V/Z0WESa

You son of a bitch!

275 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:29:42 ID:jYuF0gdY
I wish I was in love too...

276 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:32:40 ID:CeybmO7F
Finally caught up with the thread.
I was wondering why there were so many new posts, but OP got a call from Kansai, huh? That explains it.

Props to OP who always manages to make the thread grow everyday!

277 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:34:29 ID:CeybmO7F
Figures that the thread's already dead by the time I catch up with it... orz

278 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:36:34 ID:V/Z0WESa
Make yourself useful and read OP's posts about Kansai today one more time. What do you think?

279 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:38:35 ID:pIP4cY4q
No one else seems to notice,

but chances are high that she used to be a delinquent.

280 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:40:35 ID:pIP4cY4q
('A`) ('A`)

Where'd everybody go?

281 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:40:39 ID:V/Z0WESa
I won't let anyone speak ill of Kansai! She's no delinquent!
She's just a bit too meddlesome, earnest, and naive. I mean it all in a good way though.


282 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:40:57 ID:CeybmO7F
Do you mean this part?

I like to imagine that Kansai was worried Miss Undie might have told Molester how she feels about him.
Yes, that's right, Kansai is actually starting to fall for Molester too...

283 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:42:25 ID:roimTdGX
And I say OP is on the forever alone route!

284 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:43:27 ID:YtZL/6Zy
Like Molester said, Kansai is simply one of those lively university students...
Well, maybe that's just how most university students are nowadays. I have no idea though since I don't know any.

285 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:44:25 ID:V/Z0WESa
Whoa, I didn't expect a serious reply! But yeah, I wanna know how Kansai feels about Molester too.
Though people often don't tell you about their true feelings even if you're best friends with them...

I also wanna know how Kansai feels about me. Hehehe...  OTL

286 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:46:03 ID:Qm8dONvV
They say a close dandelion is better than a rose out of reach.

But how come there are only roses around you, Molester? _┝ ̄|○

287 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:46:04 ID:4s/qHl6y
I think you're a tough guy, Molester.
I can't even imagine living alone without any friends.
What was your everyday life like before you met Kansai and Miss Undie?

288 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:47:00 ID:CeybmO7F
I'm always serious when I'm horny!

In my imagination, Kansai is extremely shy and serious, especially when it comes to love.
There's no way Kansai would keep someone company for a whole night just because she felt bad about something.

Here's what really happened:
Kansai and Miss Undie had the following conversation in the restroom when Molester went shopping with the four of them.
Kansai: "So, what do you think of Molester?"
Miss Undie: "Huh.... I think he's a really good person."
Kansai: "I'm not talking about that! Do you like him or not?"
Miss Undie: "Hmm... As a man... he's not really my type..."
Kansai: "............I see. ......maybe I'll take him then. (in a very small voice)"

289 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/16 21:47:08 ID:phlzYB7A
There's barbed wire between me and them though. OTL

290 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:48:24 ID:CeybmO7F
And I shall proudly confess!

This thread makes me frisky!

291 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/16 21:50:26 ID:phlzYB7A
Then I too shall proudly confess!
The reason I stopped posting for a while is because I was having shadow sex with >>51!!

292 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:50:48 ID:pIP4cY4q
Everything that has happened so far was part of Kansai's master plan.

293 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:50:57 ID:V/Z0WESa

294 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:54:10 ID:ud7u9QEV
I missed out on all the action... oLs

295 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:55:17 ID:1X3ztnoS
Come on, OP, ask her out for a drink already.
But do it casually. Her place isn't far from yours, is it??

And after a few rounds of beer, tell Kansai everything you've felt and thought about her since last Saturday.

296 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:55:30 ID:CeybmO7F
I'm acting like I was here all day, but I missed out on everything too.
It's not the first time either, I'm always too late to the party... orz

297 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:56:17 ID:ZoS7JZMh
You were masturbating to anime????
A 3D woman would be wasted on you.

But well, now that you've come this far, ask her out for a drink or something.

298 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:56:38 ID:bp0CUd4Q
I noticed how kind girls like Kansai all realize one day that ugly men are usually purer and more innocent than handsome ones, and basically brainwash themselves into falling in love with ugly men.

299 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:56:51 ID:V/Z0WESa
If you're gonna fap, why don't you think of Kansai when you do it?

300 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/16 21:58:30 ID:phlzYB7A
Molester's wonderful everyday life ~Semester weekday edition~
07:00 Wake up, have breakfast, watch SAKUSAKU, a little bit of 2ch.
08:30 Head out to university, attend morning lectures.
12:30 Lunch break. I have lunch alone, and usually browse 2ch in the PC lab. Attend afternoon classes.
17:30 Come home (the time varies), head out to get something to eat, check my collection of links, 2ch, watch recorded anime.
24:00 Continue to surf the net. Watch late-night anime or record them if I'm too tired. Bedtime.

~Holiday edition~
12:00 Wake up, 2ch, net, anime, etc.
04:00 Bedtime.

~Part-time edition (night shift)~
Wake up at 12:00 or later so I don't fall asleep at work. 2ch, net, anime, etc.
21:40 Head out to work.
07:00 Come home from work, watch Dekaranger, Kamen Rider Blade, Pretty Cure.
10:00 Doze off, wake up (or not), 2ch, net, anime, misc.
Go to bed sufficiently early depending on how many hours I've slept and when I have to get up on the next day.

Kinda like this, I guess!!

301 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:59:40 ID:yH1mUEky
All you have to do is tell her
"I like you!".
Use your snake if you want an excuse to call her.
Snake snake.

302 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:59:47 ID:pIP4cY4q
Congratulations, you're a textbook example of a useless piece of trash!

303 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 21:59:47 ID:1X3ztnoS
I know what you mean. And most of them haven't even had any bad experience with handsome men.

I want Molester to take a more aggressive and optimistic approach from now on.

304 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:00:00 ID:Gk5RIRqB
You sure your room doesn't smell?
Do you do your laundry regularly?

305 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:01:54 ID:CeybmO7F
I, for one, would find it more boner-inducing if OP waited for her to realize that she's in love with him and confessed to him first.

306 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:02:11 ID:V/Z0WESa
Now that I've fallen in love with Kansai,

I find myself wishing that Molester doesn't end up with her.

O    TL

307 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:02:27 ID:qiBHlxX2
I'm so jelly you get to watch Kaela every fucking day.

308 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:03:10 ID:4s/qHl6y

Wow... Just wow...

309 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:04:04 ID:ud7u9QEV
Akagi Ai was superior.
Right? You do agree with me, right, Molester!?

310 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:04:14 ID:I/NA/JgB
Hold your horses, guys.
We can't just charge in head first.
I get that you all want something dramatic to happen, but OP should stick to e-mails and calls until they know each other better.
Also, asking a girl out for a drink isn't as easy as you guys seem to think.

311 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:04:17 ID:i37GmO2f
Collection of links?

312 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:04:54 ID:HqvGrHh6
Why does Molester have no friends again? He seems like a funny guy.

313 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:06:00 ID:kRvBkMxG
>>312 Learn to differentiate between the Internet and real life.
2ch is basically heaven on earth compared to the world out there.

314 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:06:56 ID:CeybmO7F
Ah...... I wouldn't really call 2ch heaven on earth.

315 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:08:16 ID:yH1mUEky
Kansai's in love with Molester...?
Even if it was true, I wouldn't want to believe it...
(Don't ask me why.)

316 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:08:17 ID:1X3ztnoS
2ch? What is that? A place? Where is it located?

317 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:08:43 ID:iJaExcyt
They're showing crab on Fuji TV.

318 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:09:17 ID:Gk5RIRqB
Sounds like OP's got his own homepage.

319 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:11:19 ID:ZoS7JZMh
I haven't had many opportunities to meet people like OP (anime otaku),
but one thing I've noticed is that they never look you in the eye when you talk to them.
I hope you're not like that, Molester.
You're one of those rare breed of stylish anime otaku that are always up-to-date with the latest fashion trends, right?

320 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:11:24 ID:4s/qHl6y
Damn, nothing gets past you guys, does it?
Hey, Molester, post the URL of your homepage!

321 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:12:03 ID:i37GmO2f
Yeah, I thought the same thing.
Can't be bothered to look for it though.

322 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:12:20 ID:CeybmO7F
She's young and naive. I blame it on her youth...

323 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:13:13 ID:HqvGrHh6
Molester's got a homepage━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━!!

324 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:13:24 ID:iQAMnJNe
When Kansai called OP today, she hadn't checked her answering machine yet, right?
I wonder if she would have called him if she had heard his message.

325 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:14:16 ID:3lNkHDaG
Well, either way, she's never going to call him again.

326 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:14:25 ID:CeybmO7F
One of my acqauintances made himself a html page full of links to websites he likes to visit. Maybe it's something like that?

327 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:14:33 ID:hf549ORF
I thought OP was just talking about his browser bookmarks.

328 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:14:48 ID:Ex3QOED/
As always, the party's already over when I finally catch up with you guys. orz
Oh well, might as well post what occurred to me when reading your report, OP.
That phone call with Kansai? That was your chance to get her to date you, but it'd have been pathetic and underhanded because you'd have had to exploit her feelings of sympathy and guilt.
Why do you think Kansai wants to suffer for the sake of others without anyone knowing? Have you ever cared about Miss Undie so much that you went to the police to inform yourself about how to deal with stalkers, or to buy self-defense products for her, all by yourself?
You haven't and you wouldn't, Molester, unless she loves you or she's your girlfriend or something. Yet, Kansai has done so much for you even though you're just some otaku she met a few days ago.
You simply call that side of her moe and move on with your life, but no, she's not just moe, she's fucking amazing.
Damn, I suck at pep talk.

329 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:16:04 ID:kRvBkMxG
Do you believe everything they show on TV?
Go to Akiba and see for yourself.

330 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:18:07 ID:CeybmO7F
In my opinion, the fact that she called you without having heard your voicemail message is proof enough that it's not over yet.

She's going to call you again tomorrow. I'm sure of it.

Speaking of which, you've talked to her at least once everyday for the last few days now, haven't you?
You could almost say you can't sleep without hearing her voice at least once a day...

331 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/16 22:18:47 ID:phlzYB7A
Of course I am! What do you take me for!? I'm fucking fresh, man!! Though I feel like the word fresh itself isn't so fresh anymore!!

You guys really gotta stop hating on peeps just because they're "anime otaku"!! That's a fucking prejudice right there, and, man, you can't do that.

Person A: "You know, I love anime, and watch all anime they show on TV, no matter what time of the day!!
You don't think ○○-tan is a miracle of the universe? Your loss! Btw, I wear T-shirts with anime characters on them all the time!"
Person B: "You know, I love soccer, and watch all soccer matches they show on TV, no matter what time of the day!!
You don't think soccer is the best sport in the world? Your loss! Btw, I wear my favorite team's uniform all the time!!"

Both A and B are hardcore otaku, but the former is deemed a weirdo after the first sentence, while the latter is socially accepted in most cases.
Even though they're both annoying, and lack common sense.

See, the problem here shouldn't be that A is an "anime" otaku, but that he's a hardcore "otaku".
Don't judge just because someone's hobby is watching anime.
Even among anime otaku, there are creepy guys and cool guys.

332 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:19:27 ID:pIP4cY4q
Give it up, Molester, you're fighting a losing battle.

333 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:19:41 ID:Uf9e/6lE
All I can say is that when you're in Nipponbashi, Osaka, you can't tell who's an otaku and who's just a bum.

334 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:21:00 ID:H6VMRCMh
I've seen this somewhere... Is it a copypasta?

335 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:21:05 ID:pIP4cY4q

People call you creepy because you say stuff like that. ^^

336 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:21:10 ID:I/NA/JgB
I get what you're trying to say, but the real problem is that the cool guys among anime otaku are a miniscule minority.

337 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:21:15 ID:HqvGrHh6
>I've figured out the Molester Man's identity

>I've found out who that pervert who's been flashing his penis to female students in Yamanashi prefecture is.
>He usually walks up to female students on their way home from school,
>suddenly takes off his pants and underwear, and urinates on the unsuspecting girls.
>A criminal sketch was created according to the victims' descriptions and distributed to all elementary/middle/high schools in my neighborhood.
>All students are told to run away if they should see someone who resembles the sketch.
>He tried to pull the same thing on me the other day, but I ran after him and successfully tracked him down.
>His name is Murayama and he works for a company called "Naito-dense-".
>Here's the company's phone number: 055-284-5181
>Let's call this number and expose Murayama's crime!

Whoawwwwwwwwwwwwwwww They found himwwwwwwwwww

338 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:21:24 ID:CeybmO7F
Well, I, for one, don't hate on anime otaku...
I mean, my dad is an anime otaku...

339 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/16 22:21:42 ID:phlzYB7A
Realistically speaking, though, there are far more creepy anime otaku than cool ones.
You can safely say that half of the so-called anime otaku have issues of some kind.
Moreover, most people who say "I love anime" are extremely addicted to it,
while most people who say "I love soccer" aren't hardcore enough to be called otaku.

So yeah, as a general rule of thumb, if you encounter a prejudice against anime otaku, it's probably true.

Now you probably wonder why I care so much about prejudices against otaku.
It's because I'm not only an anime otaku, but a reptile otaku too. I have twice the amount of prejudices to deal with.

340 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:22:51 ID:wm8Ud8w9
I think anime otaku aren't considered creepy because they love anime, but because they love anime girls.

341 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:23:06 ID:TaZxdopi
You're also a 2ch otaku, aren't you?

342 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:23:10 ID:3lNkHDaG
Otaku who think they're not creepy are the creepiest of them all.

343 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:23:30 ID:Gk5RIRqB
Hey, OP is more rational than I thought.
I thought he was a bit of a nutcase, but you can actually reason with him.

344 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:23:34 ID:V/Z0WESa
I don't think the fact that you're a reptile otaku is as bad as the fact that you're an anime otaku.
There are many reptile lovers among normal people.

345 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:23:47 ID:hf549ORF
As long as you don't look creepy yourself, any kind of otaku is socially acceptable (with some exceptions obviously).

346 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:23:49 ID:HqvGrHh6

347 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:24:47 ID:ldrsAYBt
None of us can watch this thread 24/7, except maybe the ones without a job.
It's almost like we have morning and evening shifts in this thread too.
I work the morning shift, so I can be here all morning, but in the evenings, I can only browse 2ch on my cell phone like now.

348 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/16 22:25:06 ID:phlzYB7A
There are many otaku who actually believe they belong to the few cool otaku when they clearly don't.

I used to have otaku friends, but I grew tired of dealing with them and their bullshit, which is why I haven't made any otaku friends in university yet,
but since I'm an otaku myself, I haven't been able to make any normal friends either. Now I have zero friends.

349 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:25:15 ID:HsJROYTx
Argue all you want, but what's creepy is creepy, and otaku are creepy...

Heck, the way you keep going on and on about otaku this and otaku that is creepy too.

350 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:25:56 ID:HqvGrHh6
Proof that OP is a creepy otaku:

351 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:26:30 ID:CeybmO7F
The way I see it, people think anime otaku are creepy because they're extremely insensitive to their surroundings.
Though it's probably not just an anime otaku thing.

352 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:26:46 ID:iQAMnJNe
Was the soccer otaku one of your otaku friends? Or a normal friend??

353 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:28:21 ID:pIP4cY4q
It doesn't matter how many good arguments you present for why one shouldn't have any prejudices against otaku, OP.

It won't change the fact that you are an otaku, and that you are creepy.

354 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:29:08 ID:KgURjYpc
If you don't have anything particular to do tonight, try sending Glasses an e-mail.

355 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:29:25 ID:kRvBkMxG
2channers are considered creepy, aren't they?

356 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:29:31 ID:V/Z0WESa
You know what else it won't change?

My love for Kansai.

357 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:29:31 ID:CeybmO7F
I had to stay behind at work after the last meeting of the day to do some extra work, so I won't be able to read the whole thread until I'm home sometime tonight...
I know I post a lot for someone who's at workwwwwww

Honestly though, I only check the thread during work breaks.

358 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:30:10 ID:yoESRxWg
Finally caught up.

By the way, have you already confessed your love to Fujoshi?

359 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:32:33 ID:CeybmO7F
I think you guys are getting something mixed up......

The truth is, every human being has a creepy side.
If it's not visible to the eye, that person is just very good at hiding it.
If you look at it like that, Molester is a very honest human being.

Molester, all you can do is try to become so broad-minded that you get a boner every time someone calls you creepy.

360 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/16 22:34:32 ID:phlzYB7A
If an incredibly beautiful woman tied me up in the bedroom and said to me "You're fucking creepy!",
I'm confident I'd get a boner.

361 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:34:53 ID:V/Z0WESa
Those who don't seem creepy on the outside must be creepy underneath...

362 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:36:28 ID:yzpXCbiE

363 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:36:37 ID:ldrsAYBt
I only work during 2ch breaksw
I don't have a choice. I can't use the PC at night because my wife always complains about it.

364 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:37:57 ID:CeybmO7F
Well, you need to be mature enough to accept other people's "creepy" sides, or, even if you get married to someone, your marriage won't last long...

The first thing you have to learn after getting married is "compromise".

365 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:39:19 ID:ldrsAYBt
>363 was meant for >357

366 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:39:31 ID:pIP4cY4q
Yeah, only a handful people in the world get to marry their perfect counterpart. The rest has to make compromises.

367 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:41:10 ID:CeybmO7F
It's funny how we're both married, but our wives react so differently.
She's always nearby when I'm doing something on my PC, and she never complains about it.
I can browse 2ch without any interruptions, except maybe when my 1-year-old girl starts mashing the keyboard.

368 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:41:26 ID:i37GmO2f
I've decided to wait a bit longer.
At least, until I know Fujoshi a little better.
Now's not the time for it, me thinks.

369 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:42:29 ID:sLHonNuT
Post a pic of your daughter!!

370 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:42:58 ID:qjvKSmTM
Your comparison of anime otaku and soccer otaku is flawed. The creepy ones among anime otaku are only in it for the anime characters, right?
Have you ever heard of a soccer otaku going "Nakayama pant pant"? I'm sure there are some if you look for them, but they're a minority.
Another difference is that anime otaku are in love with fiction, while soccer is something very real.
Even among otaku, anime otaku are pretty unique in that regard imo.

371 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:43:45 ID:CeybmO7F
I can assure you, a pic of her wouldn't be interesting enough to download.

372 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:43:52 ID:pIP4cY4q
Post a pic of your daughter or your wife.

373 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:44:28 ID:k1lyLF+d
Molester really sucks at communicating with others.

This is a typical Molester post.

Even when he tries to be funny, he ends up sounding negative.
But that's what makes Molester so interesting.

374 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/16 22:44:31 ID:phlzYB7A
Looks like I derailed the thread with my unnecessary rant about otaku.

My bad.

375 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:44:51 ID:pIP4cY4q
Even if no one else finds it interesting enough to download it,
I will.

376 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:45:41 ID:V/Z0WESa
Yeah, yeah, whatever. Shut up and post a pic of Kansai.

377 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:46:46 ID:ud7u9QEV
I wanna see OP's anaconda.

378 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:46:49 ID:CeybmO7F
Not again!w
I already posted a pic of my wife a few days ago, I'm not going to post any more.

And no, I'm not going to post a pic of my daughter. I'm her father! She's mine and mine only!

379 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:47:04 ID:sLHonNuT
If the opportunity to let Kansai into your place should suddenly present itself, are you going to show her your room in the state it's in now?

380 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:47:38 ID:Gk5RIRqB
Oh, it was you, God.

381 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:48:19 ID:iQAMnJNe
He's right. You should hide the posters and figures in your room now on the off chance that Kansai suddenly comes for a visit.

382 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:49:14 ID:pIP4cY4q
You were the God who posted a picture with a timestamp that said something like "She'll kill me if I show more.", right?

It's time to become a God again.

383 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:49:40 ID:CeybmO7F
Well, let me describe my current situation.
My wife is sitting to my right, naked above the waist, while my daughter is playing with her boobs by pinching and sucking on them.
That should give you an idea.

384 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/16 22:50:13 ID:phlzYB7A
I don't have any figures. I do have a wooden figure of some weird elephant-shaped god if that counts.

385 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:50:31 ID:CeybmO7F
And stop calling me God, for God's sakesw

386 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/16 22:50:41 ID:phlzYB7A

387 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:52:35 ID:3lNkHDaG
I fapped three times to this.

388 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:53:13 ID:V/Z0WESa
While your wife is playing with your dick by pinching and sucking on it, right?

Man, you so lucky.

389 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:53:47 ID:ud7u9QEV
I doubt Molester would quit being an anime otaku even if he managed to get himself a girlfriend.

390 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:55:06 ID:I/NA/JgB
You guys seem to be having a blast.

391 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:55:21 ID:CeybmO7F
No, the point I was trying to make is that the sight of it doesn't even make me hard.

392 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:55:41 ID:iOiQ32qX
I play with my dick by pinching it too.

393 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:55:57 ID:pIP4cY4q
Success in life ranking

CeybmO7F >>>>>>>> Molester >>>>>> unclimbable wall >> Me

394 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:56:40 ID:v1Rk7kVp
Why is Molester so far behind...?w

395 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/16 22:57:10 ID:phlzYB7A
You must be stupid. If it was me, I'd shout
"Hey! Get away from her! Or I'll make you!! Those boobs belong to me! I don't care if you're my daughter, you can't have them!!",
kick my daughter out of the way, and suck on my wife's boobs.

396 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:57:51 ID:HqvGrHh6
Looks like nothing's gonna happen tonight. Guess I'll take a bath and go to bed.
You know, something occurred to me when I was on my way home today. Could it be that no one uses the phrase
Kill yourself!
on 2ch anymore these days?

397 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:57:53 ID:V/Z0WESa


398 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:58:32 ID:wj4hRfis
Kill yourself!!

399 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:59:17 ID:V/Z0WESa
↓ Kill yourself!

400 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 22:59:58 ID:CeybmO7F
Don't be silly now. I was a 25-year-old virgin, just like Molester, when I married my wife,
so I can appreciate the modest happiness of being married to my first girlfriend, but it's nothing special.

401 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/16 23:00:01 ID:phlzYB7A
↑ Kill yourself!!

402 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 23:00:16 ID:6CV8B7D9
I know that feel, bro.
I got into a fight with my girlfriend because I didn't try to have sex with her for a whole month.
It's weird though because my friend with benefits gets me rock hard every time.

403 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 23:00:33 ID:sLHonNuT
You could join your daughter and play with your wife's boobs too. Why don't you try to conceive your second child while you're at it?

404 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 23:00:44 ID:v1Rk7kVp
OP might be able to win Kansai's heart with a lot of time and patience, provided that she doesn't have a boyfriend...
I feel like she wouldn't mind dating a creepy-looking guy as long as he's a decent human being.

Now, that leaves the question: Is Molester a decent human being?
Nope, he's trashwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

405 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 23:01:11 ID:CeybmO7F
What, no, it's just my wife. I still get an erection from other things.

406 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 23:01:32 ID:ldrsAYBt
I can't check right now because I'm on my cell phone, but what happened to the guy that said he'd found Molester's homepage?

407 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 23:01:59 ID:OSnmFhJ4
Creepy Molester is creepy.

But that's why I love you, Molester. (*´д`*) PASSION!!

408 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 23:03:07 ID:CeybmO7F
Dammit, gotta go take a bath... My wife's calling me from the bathroom...

409 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 23:03:35 ID:sLHonNuT
Like what, for example?

410 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 23:03:42 ID:V/Z0WESa
Have a nice bath.

411 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 23:04:14 ID:qjvKSmTM
I lol'd.

412 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 23:04:44 ID:HqvGrHh6
His daughter's pussy, for example. He's a fucking pedophile.

413 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 23:04:48 ID:qjvKSmTM
Ah, >>399-401... orz

414 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 23:04:54 ID:6CV8B7D9
Fool! We VIPPERs have to believe in Molester!
Even Molester should be able to become a better human being in a few years once he's matured into a fully grown adult.

Hang in there, Molester! Learn from the mistakes you've made this time and wait for your next chance!

415 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 23:06:38 ID:V/Z0WESa
The VIPPERs are jealous because they're in love with Kansai!

416 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 23:07:21 ID:Gk5RIRqB
>>402 Yeah, it feels totally different to do it with someone else than your wife.

417 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 23:07:30 ID:ClxZRGfj
I have a wife too and my one-and-a-half-year-old son is playing with her boobs right now, but I don't feel a thing either.
In fact, I never feel a thing when I see my wife naked.

418 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 23:09:32 ID:sLHonNuT
Serious question: How do you have seicross with her then?

419 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 23:11:30 ID:pIP4cY4q
Serious reply: You don't. Once you get married to someone, you never look at them the same way again.

I'm a virgin though, so I can't speak out of experience.

420 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 23:15:07 ID:1+anLzzc
● What goes on in a man's mind before he gets married...?
When John Doe realizes that he loves Jane Doe, his amygdala releases a hormone called PEA, causing him to feel excited.
You could say, PEA is an amphetamine for the brain and is responsible for those dizzy, butterflies-in-your-stomach feelings we associate with romantic love.
It also results in a loss of appetite, which is why people who are lovesick tend to lose weight.
But unfortunately, it is said that the brain only releases PEA for a period of maximum 3 years in an average relationship.
The only exception is when any form of forbidden love is involved. For instance, adultery causes the brain to keep releasing PEA.

● What happens when your relationship becomes stable and you get married...?
The PEA hormones disappear and are replaced by a new hormone called Serotonin.
Serotonin creates feelings of calm and safety, and is the reason newlyweds enjoy an overall sense of well-being.
In other words, the Serotonin stage turns your initial feelings of nervosity and jitteriness into feelings of security and comfort.

421 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 23:15:18 ID:1+anLzzc

● But what if the Serotonin runs out too...?
This stage is called the stage of ennui! Once you've passed the attraction stage (PEA), and the attachment stage (Serotonin),
you will lose all your interest in your partner, and reach the final stage of marital life!

422 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 23:15:53 ID:HqvGrHh6
I feel like eating KFC now. orz

423 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 23:17:13 ID:I/NA/JgB
That right there is the stage of ennui.

424 : 417 : 04/11/16 23:23:02 ID:ClxZRGfj
I reluctantly make love to my wife about 1 or 2 times a month.
I just don't feel any incentive to.

My ID might be different now because I'm posting from my cell phone.

425 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 23:24:36 ID:sLHonNuT
I see...

426 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 23:28:41 ID:wm8Ud8w9
I'm pretty sure they changed 2ch a year ago so that your ID doesn't change even if you post from your cell phone.

427 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/16 23:48:03 ID:phlzYB7A
And what are you supposed to do when you reach the stage of ennui?

Don't mind me, I just like amassing knowledge that will probably never be of use to me.

428 : VIPPER : 04/11/16 23:59:31 ID:nOIWI3S0
No, you just focus on winning Kansai's heart!!!

429 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 00:01:48 ID:oAyLvXQN
Come on, Molester Man.
Talk to us more.

430 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 00:05:21 ID:jrIehtZB
"You are a coward."

431 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 00:06:05 ID:Z5DVtA8g
Stage of ennui, huh... Maybe that's where me and my wife are at... We have seicross once a month or so.

Ah, but we did have seicross on Saturday after I posted that pic of her.

432 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 00:06:44 ID:meHdA6nd
Let me punch you in the face.

433 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/17 00:08:58 ID:u2KKdOHR
Okay, let's talk.

434 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 00:09:06 ID:Sk12PmtW
Doesn't matter if it's only once or twice a month.

As long as you love someone and she loves you back, you're a winner in life.

Hand over your wife, man.

435 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 00:11:27 ID:orrJb3Ao
This is turning more and more into some sort of after-partywww

436 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 00:16:13 ID:rM4hpdTq
I haven't done it for more than 2 months now.
Goddamn, reading this thread makes me want to fall in love again.

437 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 00:18:35 ID:oAyLvXQN
So, all these amazing things are happening in your life,
and no one in your semester has a clue what a lucky bastard you are.
You must be feeling superior to them to some extent, right?

438 : 417 : 04/11/17 00:19:13 ID:W21SCDqM
Want to borrow my wife?

439 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 00:20:13 ID:hO/7j5+w
Ever since my father was transferred away to work somewhere else and moved out of the house, my parents have returned to being extremely lovey-dovey.

440 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/17 00:20:16 ID:u2KKdOHR
I doubt anyone in my semester even knows I exist.
Hold the fuck up!!

441 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 00:21:03 ID:fwTRpiSa
I have a girlfriend, but we haven't done it in half a year. It's making me frisky.

442 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 00:25:53 ID:1T49lUSh
I want sloppy seconds after >>434!

443 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 00:27:02 ID:Sk12PmtW

444 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 00:28:34 ID:Sk12PmtW


445 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 00:31:15 ID:rM4hpdTq
Forget about Kansai, Tsukagoshi Tomoko is so fucking cute! Almost too cute! (;´Д`) pant pant

446 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 00:32:02 ID:S7jKVegH
You should make up your mind and stick to either Kansai or Miss Undie.
Women are very sensitive when it comes to stuff like that and they tell each other everything.

Like some guy said in the previous thread or the one before that:
If you chase two rabbits, you won't catch either. It's true.

I'm actually only posting this to check my ID.

447 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 00:32:49 ID:BzkKSL0V
OP isn't after Miss Understanding anymore. He's just using her as an excuse to get closer to Kansai.

448 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 00:41:19 ID:Z5DVtA8g
So we have an A-ko/B-ko situation here. You'll know what I mean if you've read the first Live Confession thread.

449 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 00:42:08 ID:Sk12PmtW
Chances of the Miss Understanding route: 3%
Chances of the Kansai route:       10%
Chances of the other girls' routes:     2%

Chances of Molester going berserk: 75%

Chances of the VIPPERs getting their way: 10%

450 : 417 : 04/11/17 00:42:45 ID:W21SCDqM
All I want from my wife is that she fulfils her duties as a mother.
I don't need to have any sex with her.
As long as she stays the mother of my child, you can borrow my wife anytime.

451 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 00:45:03 ID:Z5DVtA8g
You...... just gave me a boner.

452 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 00:47:48 ID:Sk12PmtW
>>450 lets a VIPPER borrow his wife → His wife falls in love with the VIPPER → She leaves >>450

→ The VIPPERs borrow his daughter too → His daughter leaves >>450 too → His wife divorces >>450

>>450 ends up all alone → Chances of >>450 marrying someone else: 0%


453 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 00:50:46 ID:m2KcApUw
The thread is slowing down...
Pork Cutlet, it's your turn!

454 : 417 : 04/11/17 00:52:09 ID:W21SCDqM
I don't have a daughter, I have a son.

455 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 00:54:05 ID:NOsX5lfe
452 is seriously giving me the creeps.

456 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 00:57:32 ID:jyVZxs+M
What, are we having an offline orgy!? You guys better all come!

457 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 00:57:56 ID:XdXMWug7
I'm turning into a VIPPER and it's this thread's fault.

458 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 00:58:09 ID:J8g3d4LP
My mom and dad are both over 50 now, but they still get along great.

They go out on a date every Saturday, and every night, around this time of the day,
I hear their bed creaking and mom laughing in a weird way (mom is the type to laugh when she's stimulated).
It's probably why their bed sheets always have stains in the middle after only a few days.

Sometimes, there's even blood on the sheets, so I suppose they really do it everyday, even when she's PMSing.

459 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 00:59:24 ID:Z5DVtA8g
You're Lady, aren't you? My penis wants to know.

460 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 00:59:32 ID:dqjftdtL
What's wrong?

461 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 00:59:43 ID:Sk12PmtW
Oh, not a daughter... Just a son, huh?


462 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 01:00:02 ID:dqjftdtL
There's no need to summon him.
No one cares about him anymore.

463 : (・ω・ ミ 3 )∋ : 04/11/17 01:01:09 ID:a9Lv758R
+   +
  ∩_∩  +
 (0゚・(ェ)・) ba-dump ba-dump bear bear
 (0゚つ旦O +
 と__)__) +

464 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 01:01:26 ID:Z5DVtA8g
You were probably talking about my daughter.
I'm not lending my wife to anyone. I couldn't sleep without her warm body next to me.

465 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 01:01:51 ID:rM4hpdTq
"Just a son"!? Who do you think you are!!!!???
Die, motherfucker, die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

466 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 01:03:45 ID:Z5DVtA8g
My dad is over 50 too, and when I went to his room the other day, he was having a blast watching a recording of Pretty Cure.
I thought to myself, "What a fortunate man.".

467 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 01:04:29 ID:Sk12PmtW
Calm downw

468 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 01:05:11 ID:1F0NYECS
I just posted in the duplicate of this thread what happened to me on the day Molester Man went shopping with the girls.
I decided to do it because I figured it's going to fall off the board soon anyway.
Feel free to check it out if you're bored.

(Click here to read his post)

469 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 01:06:23 ID:Z5DVtA8g
Well, yeah... That's just how parents are. I understand it well now that I am a parent myself.

470 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 01:07:53 ID:Sk12PmtW
You seriously don't mind me looking for it and posting it here?

471 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 01:08:02 ID:AdaRXL9W
↓ Creepy virgin otaku

472 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/17 01:09:01 ID:u2KKdOHR
Did you call me?

473 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 01:10:27 ID:dqjftdtL
↑ Creepy virgin otaku

474 : 470 : 04/11/17 01:11:00 ID:Sk12PmtW
I was going to post it here, but I changed my mind.

475 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 01:11:04 ID:1F0NYECS
Do you mean copy-pasting it here?
I don't mind at all.

476 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 01:11:25 ID:Z5DVtA8g
I had no idea there was a duplicate of this thread.

477 : 470 : 04/11/17 01:13:50 ID:Sk12PmtW
It made me so jelly I changed my mind.

478 : 475 : 04/11/17 01:14:34 ID:1F0NYECS
Well, I was feeling a bit depressed because I typed it all out in Notepad and posted it, but no one on 2ch seemed to care.
I'm happy now that I've gotten a reply though. Thanks for that.
I'm going to have another lonely fap to the memories of that day now and then go to bed.

479 : 470 : 04/11/17 01:16:05 ID:Sk12PmtW
11 Name:VIPPER[] Date:04/11/17 01:09:51 ID:Z5DVtA8g
Fuck you, man, now I've got a boner too. GJ!!

You mean this?ww Oh, it's >>476!

480 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 01:16:49 ID:Z5DVtA8g
Make sure you reach home base with her at least once.
Women always ask for the dick sooner or later, even after they had an orgasm.

We'll be waiting for your report.

481 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 01:20:47 ID:rM4hpdTq
I bet Molester is watching TV Tokyo right now.

482 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 01:23:16 ID:meHdA6nd
"I'm thinking of going out and hitting on girls today."

483 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 01:25:54 ID:1F0NYECS
Thank you for replying to my post in the duplicate thread too.
I've been exchanging e-mails with her and just found out that she's already seeing someone.
But she wrote
"Do it again, okay?",
so I'm going to hang in there a little longer.

On second thought, I shouldn't have posted about it in this thread.
Sorry for staining the thread with my shit.

484 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 01:27:29 ID:dqjftdtL
Your courage moved me to share one of my fondest memories with you.

485 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 01:30:29 ID:Sk12PmtW
I bet 50,000 null pointers that >>484 is the one with ID QBB+qQON.

486 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 01:30:48 ID:rM4hpdTq
Man, Coffee Lounge, Pork Cutlet, Fingerfucker Man all have so much interesting shit happening in their lives.

487 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 01:33:07 ID:dqjftdtL
I've been in that thread all day toowwwww
There's just not much to do at work today.

488 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 01:33:29 ID:Z5DVtA8g
I didn't get a boner from your story.

It made me sad instead......

489 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 01:33:51 ID:yeSHBD67
Two and a half hours until the hour of the wolf.
Is Molester already sleeping?

490 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 01:35:42 ID:Sk12PmtW
I CTRL-F'd "QBB+qQON" in this thread, but... there you are! ^^
Take thisーーー

つ A tiny shred of courage

491 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 01:36:41 ID:Z5DVtA8g
What? Me too!
Did you post in the previous thread this afternoon that you're going to be watching this thread and that you're afraid your boss might notice?

492 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 01:38:12 ID:dqjftdtL
It's too late now. If only my younger self had had that tiny shred of courage...

No, that must have been someone else.
There are surprisingly many VIPPERs who work full-time, you know?www

I should go to bed now. Tomorrow is looking to be a busy day for me.
Good night, everyone.

493 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 01:39:34 ID:rM4hpdTq
Holy shit, I just secured myself a date with a 30-year-old woman next weekwwwwwwww
Oh well, experience is everything.

494 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 01:39:43 ID:Z5DVtA8g
You're right, your ID is totally differentw
Good night!

495 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 01:40:33 ID:Sk12PmtW
I'm sure you'll meet someone nice again someday!

At least, that's what I always tell myself... OTL

Good night.

496 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 01:44:00 ID:yeSHBD67
There might be surprisingly many VIPPERs who work full-time but wish they were unemployed...

497 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 01:45:45 ID:Z5DVtA8g
So she's already taken, huh... But well, Big Bru from the creepy e-mails thread taught us that it doesn't mean it's game over.
It's not going to be easy though... Just try not to get yourself in trouble.

498 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 01:47:39 ID:Z5DVtA8g
Once you have kids though... You don't have a choice but to keep working your ass off... '`,、('∀`) '`,、

499 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 01:52:47 ID:hO/7j5+w

500 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 01:54:00 ID:Sk12PmtW


501 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 01:54:08 ID:Z5DVtA8g
Your story moved me to post something in >>484 too.

502 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 01:57:13 ID:XdXMWug7
I don't know if anyone cares, but I got a date this week.

503 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 02:00:55 ID:Z5DVtA8g
I care!!

But my wife is telling me to come to bed... I'll make sure to read it tomorrow.

504 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 02:03:53 ID:XdXMWug7
An old classmate from middle school invited me to the movies.
Let's see if I can get her to have seicross with me.

505 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/17 02:05:24 ID:u2KKdOHR
How old?

506 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 02:09:38 ID:zyO9GP8Y
You know what?
Maybe we should give the next thread a different name.
"VIPPERs brag about their love adventures ~Molester is around too~"
How about that?

507 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 02:10:32 ID:u7RTvfu6
That'd be kind of sad.

508 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 02:10:50 ID:hO/7j5+w
Why bother going to the movies first? Take her straight to a love hotel. And pray she doesn't have a pimp boyfriend who wants money from you.

509 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 02:13:31 ID:yeSHBD67
Huh, you're still awake, OP.

When are you going to bed?

510 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 02:13:53 ID:rM4hpdTq
Crap, I wanted to go to bed early today. 3 hours ago, actually.

511 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 02:15:36 ID:xBkg4SxF
Let me say this before it's too late: Unless you're Molester, no one here cares about what happened to you.
I don't mind one or two posts, but this is getting out of hand.
You guys get laid so quickly it's neither believable nor fun to read.

512 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 02:17:58 ID:XdXMWug7
Don't be a sour puss...

513 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 02:18:04 ID:zyO9GP8Y
That is VIP QUA-

Well, I do agree that they're not as interesting as Molester's reports.
But it's just that the thread would be pretty much dead without the side stories. Especially right now.

514 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 02:24:05 ID:xBkg4SxF
We've been having a huge party almost everyday for the last few days...
I think the thread's still going pretty strong.

515 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 02:33:21 ID:R5rjbVm/
Alright, I want to be a Something Something Man too.
What do I have to do?
Let's have a serious discussion about this.

516 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 02:41:21 ID:u7RTvfu6
I'm planning on confessing my love to a girl on my blog right now.

(*´∀`) Hehehe. Call me Blog Man.

Molester has inspired me and showed me that you have to do something for something to happen.
Thank you for that, Molester.

517 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 02:42:05 ID:hO/7j5+w
Steal panties.

Become Panties Man.

518 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 02:49:14 ID:eODaWwzW
By the way, could it be that Kurosawa Ai is a lot like Kansai?
She too speaks in a Kansai dialect, has a cheerful personality and looks like that Kansai look-alike girl too. The only difference is that she has huge tits.

I realized this when I was fapping to her a few minutes ago.

519 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/17 03:23:13 ID:u2KKdOHR
The Count from Gankutsuou is so fucking cool.
When I saw Maximilien in that TV spot, I couldn't help but think of Gouda from Akane Maniax.
Héloïse is erotic.

That's all from me. I'm off to bed.

520 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 03:27:21 ID:44G3+Nkm
Good night, Molester.

521 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 03:49:48 ID:r2/I7USl
Molester, when you masturbate, do you think of anime characters too?
I'm going to bed too. Good night.

522 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 04:25:36 ID:W8Gpo/PV
Am I the only one who doesn't have a fucking clue what he's talking about?

523 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 04:37:44 ID:orrJb3Ao
Don't worry.
That means you don't have any of Molester's DNA.
Or his tendency to go berserk.

You'll be able to live a nice life.

524 : (・ω・ ミ 3 )∋ : 04/11/17 05:39:08 ID:7RAfFTBM
+   +
  ∩_∩  +
 (0゚・(ェ)・) ba-dump ba-dump bear bear
 (0゚つ旦O +
 と__)__) +

525 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 06:55:27 ID:S9DV0m9p
Just got home. I'm so fucking exhausted because I had to process a huge 34,000 yen order at my part-time job today.
Come on, guys, the king is in the house!

526 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 07:17:03 ID:hO/7j5+w
I don't know who you are and I don't care.

527 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 07:20:08 ID:ved3hklP
I had some crab at work todaywwwwwww Whoawwwwww

528 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 07:32:46 ID:S9DV0m9p
Share your crab with the king!

529 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 07:33:26 ID:1r1UuLI3

               ■Molester                   ■Glasses
               □Kansai                   ○Crab bread

             ■VIPPER  □Little girl ■VIPPER ■VIPPER

530 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 07:44:18 ID:ved3hklP
m9(^Д^) Pfffhahaha

531 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 08:50:58 ID:zdn9RXWf
>Once you have kids though... You don't have a choice but to keep working your ass off... '`,、('∀`) '`,、
Quoted for truth.

532 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 08:56:33 ID:hO/7j5+w
This thread makes me think

I need love.

533 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/17 09:58:30 ID:u2KKdOHR
Okay, first things first. I have no idea what I'm supposed to do today.

534 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 09:59:48 ID:P42541cb
Good morning, you bum.

535 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 10:00:31 ID:DPgQ565p
With these words, the longest day in Molester Man's life started...

536 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 10:07:53 ID:MjpJ4XAm
>>533 Start an internet radio station.

537 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 10:09:49 ID:g+POp5Y7
Take anti-stalker measures.

538 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 10:12:11 ID:evAeMrgF
Good morning, Molester.
I'm staying home from work with a feigned illness today,
so I won't blame you if you don't do anything constructive today.

539 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 10:12:17 ID:P42541cb
Buy a present for Kansai.

540 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 10:18:10 ID:b2htDwRC
Send creepy e-mails.

541 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 10:20:10 ID:zdn9RXWf
Don't you have school today, Molester Man?

542 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 10:42:12 ID:jS4m4p4D
Why even ask if you're not going to follow our advice anyway?

543 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 10:50:26 ID:td7Vqzcf
You tell us what you want to do first.

544 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 11:08:51 ID:tBRlyDDD
I have to admit I'm jelly. I should have done that too.

545 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 11:16:42 ID:NOsX5lfe
The guy with the ID:Sk12PmtW is creeping me out.

546 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 11:20:22 ID:zdn9RXWf
Is that the one who begged me to lend my wife to him?w

547 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 11:32:43 ID:NOsX5lfe
I have kids too and I hate creepy shits like him.

You can't get laid because you're fucking creepy, ID:Sk12PmtW.

548 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 11:41:44 ID:tBRlyDDD
Looks like there are quite a few people with kids in this threadw

Don't be so hard on him though, he was obviously just joking.

549 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 11:48:21 ID:hO/7j5+w
I got a son too and he's a real dick. Get it? I'm talking about my dick.

550 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 11:49:39 ID:Ouc7S/4q
Your ID ends with DDD, that's kinda cool!

Now then, I'm off to confess my love to a girl six years younger than me. Wish me luck.

551 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 11:53:20 ID:DjWVTsoW
I'm so glad I didn't ask him to lend his wife to me too.

552 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 12:28:02 ID:IU+sWHhu
Please elaborate.

553 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 12:35:02 ID:tBRlyDDD
Make sure to report back later.

554 : You can easily tell a VIPPER by their behavior ◆QKO2OCjVyc : 04/11/17 12:41:38 ID:AkGb95PP
Okay then, I'm going to confess my love to a girl too this Friday. There's this girl I see at the station on my way to school every morning.

555 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 12:43:53 ID:tBRlyDDD
Well, I can tell you one thing for starters.
If Kansai really is like I imagine her to be, I think we can safely expect an e-mail or call from her today again.

556 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 12:56:18 ID:meHdA6nd
Isn't there a way to come in touch with her other than via e-mail or phone?
Like going to have lunch at the restaurant she works at... Guess that'd be too obvious, huh?

557 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 12:57:05 ID:o4o1wh1I
` V..V< Crab!
≡(Ξ)≡ Snake >∑===-

Next in Molester Man: Snake versus Crab!

558 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 13:02:21 ID:rpcYtq9o
No, that's out of the question.

559 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 13:18:28 ID:tBRlyDDD
In my imagination, Kansai already likes Molester, but she's still looking for reasons that justify her affection with Molester.

560 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 13:21:07 ID:+1Qh5K81
I'm worried that Molester's snake might go into hibernation soon and become a useless item for the next few months.
Molester needs to hurry up.

561 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 13:26:42 ID:DjWVTsoW
I'm not really sure if his snake is of any use to begin with.
On second thought, I guess it's Molester's only trump card to lure Kansai into his room.

Speaking of which, what happened to the CD you were going to lend to Kansai?

562 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 13:36:19 ID:tBRlyDDD
That's it!

How about an e-mail that goes like:
"Remember the CD I promised to lend to you? I just remembered it myself when I saw the CD, you know?
I was thinking I could give it to you before I forget it again, you know?
Let's eat out sometime, and I'll bring the CD, okay?"

Or something along those lines.

563 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 13:37:32 ID:g+POp5Y7
I wonder what would have happened on Saturday if Molester had noticed earlier that he still had his keys.

564 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 13:37:47 ID:gNA1cAqL
Some guy sprayed cum on my bag on the train to work this morning. And I'm a guy.

...made me cry for the first time in years.

565 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 13:38:10 ID:tBRlyDDD
Oh crap, I added one too many "you know"'s.

566 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 13:39:39 ID:tBRlyDDD
I'd cum on your bag too.

567 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 13:43:54 ID:+wwv1E9c
Reminded me of that children's song that goes like "it was shot with a gun by a hunter, y'know, who cooked it, y'know, then roasted it, y'know, and ate it, y'know".

568 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 13:50:03 ID:+ewtnUPI
ID: www

Nice ID's, guys.

569 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 13:50:47 ID:+ewtnUPI
Whoops, it was wwv.... orz

570 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 13:51:41 ID:DjWVTsoW
wwv = World Wide Vip

571 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 14:11:01 ID:hO/7j5+w
I thought it stands for


572 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 14:13:41 ID:o4o1wh1I
OP's snakes are very useful.
OP could send a picture of them to start a conversation.
It's guaranteed to be a very interesting conversation too as it's a very interesting topic.
Kansai seems to love jokes and light-hearted topics, so she's bound to love an e-mail about your snakes.
It could also serve as a nice distraction from the heavier topics.
CDs are too cliché, and even though they can spark conversations too, it would sound more like an excuse than the snakes.
In conclusion: Snakes fucking own! >∑===-
says OP's snakes.

573 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 14:14:28 ID:m2KcApUw
Is this the thread where all the losers hang out?

574 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 14:16:25 ID:tBRlyDDD
wwv = Wild Wild Vacation

575 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 14:16:36 ID:a5wW7eH2
452 Name:VIPPER Date:04/11/17 00:47:48 ID:Sk12PmtW
>>450 lets a VIPPER borrow his wife → His wife falls in love with the VIPPER → She leaves >>450

→ The VIPPERs borrow his daughter too → His daughter leaves >>450 too → His wife divorces >>450

>>450 ends up all alone → Chances of >>450 marrying someone else 0%


(´Д`) What a creep.

576 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 14:16:49 ID:meHdA6nd
This is the thread where all the VIP losers hang out.

577 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 14:20:51 ID:crFzOcmm
Good morning, folks!
Only one more hour of lecture left today. Guess I'll try to stay awake for the last hour.
Lectures are so boring if you don't have someone to talk to.

578 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 14:24:28 ID:tBRlyDDD
Pulling the snake card is quite a risky gamble though...

Cockroaches are invincible - Mission 7


It's like showing someone this picture and expecting them not to be creeped out...

If you use it right, it might become a powerful tool though.

579 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 14:27:33 ID:g+POp5Y7
Well, yeah, she did say she wants to see his snakes, but we can't conclude that she really likes snakes just from that.
It could have simply been curiosity.

But you see, it's the only weapon in OP's arsenal right now.

I guess it's a bit like a terrorist trying to blow himself up with a bomb he built himself using science books from a middle school library.

580 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 14:29:35 ID:a5wW7eH2
If >>1 and Kansai should start dating, he'd have to get rid of his snakes, wouldn't he?

581 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 14:32:54 ID:m2KcApUw
Wait, does that make Molester Man a VIP winner?
I read the old threads and the summary site, and it seems Kansai suggested going up to OP's room herself, right?
Women would never say they want to go up to a guy's room if they didn't like him!
If this isn't the biggest flag I've ever seen, I don't know what it is.

582 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 14:33:10 ID:gNA1cAqL
Ahh, so you're one of them too...

Don't look at me like that! ( ゚Д゚) FAGGOT!!

583 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 14:39:43 ID:g+POp5Y7
She didn't say she wants to go up to his room.
She said she wants to borrow a CD and see his snakes.

Last time I checked,
"I want to borrow a CD and see your snakes" didn't mean "I want to go up to your room.".
Just saying.

584 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 14:39:52 ID:MjpJ4XAm
OP will never go down the Loli Jugs route, will he? orz

585 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 14:42:43 ID:l9xIfUD9

586 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 14:53:23 ID:gNA1cAqL
Now I get why my bag got sprayed with cum even though I'm a guy...


587 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 15:00:02 ID:Ouc7S/4q
But it's a fact that Kansai said she wants to see his snakes.

OP, send her a pic of one your snakes with the message
"Look, this is the snake you wanted to see the other day.
 His name is ○○. Ah, but he'll soon go into hibernation and be inactive for months."!

How about it? But! ○○ shouldn't be a creepy name.
Don't tell me it's Tsukihime Hisui or some crap like that. Use a fake name if the real one is too creepy!!

But to be honest, I think OP shouldn't go overboard with the snake and CD excuses.

588 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 15:09:40 ID:o4o1wh1I
The snakes are old news now. It's too late to bring them up now imo.
Also, what's with the random explanation of hibernation?

589 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 15:11:52 ID:Ouc7S/4q
Eh, what happened three days ago is already old news??

Alright, scratch that then. Let's come up with new stuff to write her.

590 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 15:17:01 ID:rpcYtq9o
Have you guys already forgotten about Miss Undie?

591 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 15:22:23 ID:tBRlyDDD
Well, love works in mysterious ways.
The Miss Undie route isn't completely out of the picture yet.

592 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 15:22:54 ID:8NhJ5tV5
Cross Guard (Wiretap Detector)


They showed this on TV just now.

593 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 15:26:22 ID:xQFRJdt0
Well, it's easy for you guys to order OP around because you're not him and don't have to take any responsibility.

I can't give any advice worth shit, so I'll be just praying for OP's happiness from the bottom of my heart.

594 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 15:26:53 ID:tBRlyDDD
All I get out of this is that you must be the kind of guy a homosexual man would spray his cum on.
In other words, you probably look like the kind of guy homosexuals are into.

Wait... Are you sure it was semen? What if it was female cum?

595 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 15:34:05 ID:o4o1wh1I
Okay, maybe not three days, but it shouldn't be older than 2 weeks.
The fresher the better imo.

596 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 15:40:38 ID:yeSHBD67
Looks like Molester Man has more options to choose from for his next move this time than ever before!

597 : 586 : 04/11/17 15:47:06 ID:gNA1cAqL
No way... It can't be... You guys just made me doubt my self-image for the first time in the 23 years I've lived.

It couldn't have been female cum. It was sticky and had this fishy smell.

598 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 15:51:46 ID:tBRlyDDD
Well, there is an urban legend that says female cum turns all sticky and white if you finger a woman really good...

599 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 15:54:00 ID:g+POp5Y7
If you keep using pathetic excuses to see her like "Come see my snakes", "Borrow my CD", it'll only seem like you're coming on too strong.

Asking her straight out for a drink would be best imo.
And you could take the CD with you.
If you have a great time → Ask her if she wants to see your snakes afterwards.
How is that for a plan?

600 : 594 : 04/11/17 15:56:02 ID:gNA1cAqL
I've lost my faith in humanity. I can't trust anyone anymore.

601 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 16:03:11 ID:g3FvNBv8
Don't trust anyone!
Never look back!
Love yourself!

And don't believe anything I say!

602 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 16:08:26 ID:tBRlyDDD
Well.... VIP is like a shared blog where all kinds of people write all kinds of stuff in it...

If you believe someone on here and it's a troll, you'll regret it a short time later.
If you don't and they were telling the truth, you'll regret it too, just a lot later and a lot more.

Pick your poison.

603 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 16:28:18 ID:1r1UuLI3
What is Molester doing right now anyway?

604 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 16:31:49 ID:crFzOcmm
I was asked out by a girl just now, but I told her "No, I have to go to cram school".
I'm trying to get into Tokyo University, I ain't got time for no bitches.

605 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 16:34:54 ID:tBRlyDDD
For me, it depends on the girl that's asking me out. If she's cute enough, I'd even give up Tokyo University for her.
It's all too late for me now though...

606 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 16:49:15 ID:o4o1wh1I
I don't get people who don't believe OP but still decide to stick around. Either you believe him and stay, or you don't and get out of here.

I'm for sending a snake pic instead of asking her out directly.

607 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 16:52:20 ID:tBRlyDDD
I just skimmed over the past threads, from Miss Undie's first phone call to Kansai's last phone call.
And I got the impression that Miss Undie's and Kansai's feelings for Molester are pretty much on the same level.

608 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 16:57:41 ID:2NYCj2Vu
What Molester wants = Seicross
What he needs to get it = Momentum
Lose your momentum, and you'll just go back to being a low-QUALITY loser.

609 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 16:59:06 ID:Ouc7S/4q
You think that already qualifies as coming on too strong??
I agree that it'd be creepy to invite her over under the pretense of showing her his snakes,
but what's wrong with sending her a pic of them or lending her a CD?
I promise people to lend them something all the time only to forget about it for a week or so, and it's never been an issue...

I like the idea of asking her out for a drink, but the question is if Molester can hold his liquor or not.
It'd be a problem if his habit to go berserk got worse when he's drunk.
Asking her out for lunch or to the movies would be good too.
But whatever it is, it shouldn't be too sudden. He should ask her a few days in advance.

Kansai is a bit more popular in this thread and I can see why. She seems like a great sport.
In the end, it doesn't matter what we think about them. It's OP who'll decide and he posted >>163, so the Kansai route is the only option now.

610 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 17:17:24 ID:orrJb3Ao
One of my buddies keeps a snake called something-conda and some kind of iguana.


I never understood how he can live with that fishy smell filling his room... Do all snakes stink or does it vary from snake to snake?

611 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 17:17:45 ID:tBRlyDDD
I don't know... It could be because Molester left out a lot when he posted about that last phone call with Miss Undie.

>but Miss Understanding kept the conversation going. Either she was bored or she was actually enjoying talking to me.
>We hung up after talking for a pretty long time.

Well, all I'm saying is that Kansai is more popular because we see everything through Molester goggles, when in reality his conversations with Miss Undie were maybe just as fun.

612 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 17:18:39 ID:zdn9RXWf
I used to have a lizard that was about 70cm long and he didn't smell at all.

613 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 17:20:21 ID:o4o1wh1I
What's keeping Molester!? Did something happen!?

614 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 17:21:00 ID:pOusSKO8
And this is the end of Molester's story.

Who's next?

615 : 600 : 04/11/17 17:21:42 ID:0VSFSufh
My IP is different now, but I'm >>600...
I think I'll give humanity one more chance and trust you. Thank you for the nice advice! ノシ

616 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 17:25:29 ID:2NYCj2Vu
It'd be funny if your IP had changed.

617 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 17:39:22 ID:wDRDd6ko
Give me a break. The 'P' and 'D' keys are so close to each other it happens to me all the time.........

Wait, they're not close at all!!

618 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 17:50:53 ID:2NYCj2Vu

Q W E R T Y U I O P ←

A common typo.

                                That is VIP QUALITY.

619 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 18:06:07 ID:g+POp5Y7
But Kansai knows that Molester's crush for Miss Undie is over.
If he starts spamming Kansai with all kinds of messages now,
she's bound to think that he's after her now.

She'd have to be extremely dumb not to notice.

620 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 18:08:16 ID:pOusSKO8
No one cares what you think.

621 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 18:18:31 ID:tBRlyDDD
What I'm about to write is based on my image of Kansai.
Even if Kansai was smitten with Molester, the following two points

- Molester said he likes Miss Undie
- If she started going out with him a few days after her friend rejected him, her friends would think she's desperate

would keep her from taking the next step no matter what Molester says or does now.
So for now, Molester doesn't have a choice but to stay in her friendzone.

622 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 18:18:51 ID:aM+bDLvA
Why do you think your ID is different? Because your IP is different.

623 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 18:24:45 ID:vsz6UlVg
He doesn't even seem to know what IP is.
I doubt he'll understand what you're talking about.

624 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 18:26:42 ID:x0AO9ViV
"Don't be so kind to me. You're gonna make me fall in love with you for real."

I want Molester to say this to her. Yay or nay?

625 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 18:27:06 ID:tBRlyDDD
Who cares if it's ID or IP? I can't believe you guys ignored what I wrote in >>602.

I should have quoted someone....

626 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 18:27:12 ID:pOusSKO8
Is this the thread where all noobs come together?w

627 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 18:28:08 ID:MjpJ4XAm
>>624 You watch too many TV soapsw

628 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 18:30:16 ID:o4o1wh1I
>>625 I didn't ignore it.
I even posted a reply saying I don't get people who don't believe OP but still stick around.
I'm seriously tired of all of them.

629 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 18:31:12 ID:tBRlyDDD
The Kansai in my imagination would reply

"That's embarrassing. I'm gonna punch you."
with a smile on her face.

630 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 18:32:38 ID:x0AO9ViV
I figured it'd make for a nice transition from the Miss Undie route to the Kansai route.
A transition Kansai would be okay with, but I guess I was wrong.

631 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 18:33:45 ID:xwS2SS1W
Just going to leave this here in case this gets turned into a book one day.

A few minutes ago, I accidentally walked in on my little sister in the bathroom and she was naked. I didn't want to look, but I happened to see her nipples.
As her big brother, I was a tad disappointed that they were kind of black, but more than that, I was shocked that I got a hardon from seeing my sister naked. orz

632 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 18:36:33 ID:x0AO9ViV
I like the Kansai in your imagination.
I think I'll make up my own Kansai in my imagination.

633 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 18:36:45 ID:4OpGRgAW
Ask Kansai to introduce you to a nice girl.
She seems like the type to have lots of friends.

634 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 18:40:47 ID:g+POp5Y7
Girls think you're creepy because you always talk about imaginary girls.
Get yourselves real girlfriends, and have them say those things to you.

...says the Kansai in my imagination.

635 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 18:44:01 ID:x0AO9ViV
Damn, the Kansai in >>634's imagination makes me so hard.

636 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 18:47:03 ID:wDRDd6ko
I predict that Molester will soon post the magic words

"Guys, I got a call!"

and the neverending party continues.

637 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 18:48:59 ID:UlGCEtkq
Let's bring more attention to OP's snakes and change his name to "Snake Man"!

638 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 18:50:39 ID:vsz6UlVg
I hope OP comes back at around 10pm and posts
"Just got home from having dinner with Kansai.".

639 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 18:51:53 ID:o4o1wh1I
Hurry up and come back, >∑===-

640 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 18:55:01 ID:evAeMrgF
So what if it makes Molester look like he switched routes quickly? I don't see the problem.
As long as Molester's feelings for Kansai are true, she should understand when he explains it to her.

Besides, no woman would keep some guy company if she didn't give a fuck about him.
Prove me wrong.

641 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 19:05:54 ID:x0AO9ViV
She kept him company until dawn because she felt genuinely bad for him.

...says the Kansai in my imagination.

642 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 19:09:05 ID:2NYCj2Vu
Molester isn't making a move right now without telling us first, is he?

But I guess, one day, he won't need the thread anymore and move on and leave us behind...

643 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 19:12:06 ID:wDRDd6ko
We've never been of any help to him to begin with...

644 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 19:19:17 ID:W8Gpo/PV
Now that Molester has already cleared up the misunderstanding and become friends with the girls, he really doesn't need this thread anymore.

645 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 19:19:29 ID:zdn9RXWf
Molester should have gotten home by now. Or did he make a detour to Jusco again?

646 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 19:19:54 ID:pOusSKO8
80% of the time, Molester ignores our opinions and does whatever he wants anyway.

647 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 19:21:11 ID:R5rjbVm/
That's what's good about him though.

648 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 19:22:43 ID:2NYCj2Vu
I knew someone would say that!

649 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 19:26:30 ID:1abu6nyT
Huff huff huff huff huff huff huff huff... _| ̄|○

It took me a whole fucking day to read everything from part 1 to here.
I need a cup of tea now.

650 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/17 19:28:31 ID:u2KKdOHR
Nope, I was just at work all day!! I don't have anything to report!!

651 : Pork Cutlet ◆DlCNtecDg. : 04/11/17 19:29:10 ID:hY1/iT6M
Sorry if you guys were expecting Molester, but I'm just Pork Cutlet. I'm going to have dinner out with Fujoshi today.
To be exact, she called me sometime around noon and we agreed to meet up.
I'm waiting for her right now btw.
My plan this time is to ask her all kinds of questions and get to know her better.

I'm not sure if I'll get to it though, it's pretty much impossible to compete against her machine-gun talk... orz

ノシ I'm off then.

652 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 19:30:14 ID:wDRDd6ko

653 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/17 19:31:00 ID:u2KKdOHR
Fuck you, man!!
Reading your post right now is like coming home (= 2ch) after a long day of work, and sitting down on your couch to rest only to find a dead lizard under your ass!
Do you know how that feels!?

654 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 19:31:15 ID:wDRDd6ko
I'm sure you must be tired. No calls or messages, huh?

655 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 19:31:17 ID:zdn9RXWf
What kind of job do you work anyway, Molester?

656 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 19:31:37 ID:x0AO9ViV
Welcome back.

...says the Kansai in my imagination.

657 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 19:32:08 ID:1abu6nyT

I finally get to see Molester's posts in real-time. I'm moved.

658 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 19:32:16 ID:wDRDd6ko
Calm down and have a cup of tea too.   つ旦~
I know that feel. It's called lovesickness.

659 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 19:32:51 ID:o4o1wh1I
Pork Cutlet, make sure to keep your cards to yourself.
Put on a poker face and act like you don't give a fuck.

Molester, check your cell phone again!

660 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 19:32:54 ID:1T49lUSh
No, we don't know how that feelsw
Could you describe it in a way we can understand?w

661 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 19:33:16 ID:UlGCEtkq
Wow, even his comparisons contain reptiles.

662 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 19:33:33 ID:vsz6UlVg
What? Did your lizard die?w

663 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 19:33:55 ID:wDRDd6ko
But you know, if you've read everything from part 1, you should know by now that
even if you try to talk to OP, he'll ignore you in 8 out of 10 cases.

664 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/17 19:34:36 ID:u2KKdOHR
Eh? Has your cat never done that?
Cats often hunt animals and leave the dead bodies in places their owner is usually in, like next to your bed or a chair.
Then, they always come to you with this proud expression like they're trying to say "I killed that one! Ain't I great?".
And you, you're fucking mad because your dumb cat just killed your precious lizard, but no, you can't get mad at the dumb cat because it doesn't know any better, so you swallow your anger and-

665 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 19:34:40 ID:wDRDd6ko
>>663 was meant to be a reply to >>657

666 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 19:35:49 ID:x0AO9ViV
I didn't lose my shit like OP, but I did get irritated by Pork Cutlet's post.

667 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 19:36:06 ID:1abu6nyT
Amen to that. (´-`)

668 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/17 19:41:26 ID:u2KKdOHR
Of course not.
I just finished reading the posts I'd missed and it looks like there are two prevalent opinions.
One is to contact Kansai using my snakes or the CD as an excuse, and the other is to wait for her to contact me.

And I, ladies and gentlemen, don't have the slightest idea which is better.

669 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 19:43:02 ID:BzkKSL0V
Contact her without coming on too strong.

670 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 19:43:17 ID:wDRDd6ko
Umm... As soon as you post you're going to meet Fujoshi, everyone in this thread will know that you're Pork Cutlet ,
so there's no need for you to use a tripcode imo.

What's there to be worried about? No one's going to pretend to be you.
Even if someone did, the tripcode wouldn't change a thing because no one here remembers your tripcode anyway.

671 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 19:45:08 ID:o4o1wh1I
I hope Molester actually checked his cell phone.
He's really unreliable when it comes to that.

672 : (・ω・ ミ 3 )∋ : 04/11/17 19:45:09 ID:DqBVa6eA
            ∧  ∧
            |1/ |1/
          / ̄ ̄ ̄`ヽ、
         /        ヽ
        /  ⌒  ⌒    |
        | (●) (●)   |   I'll be looking forward to your return,
        /          |    Mr. Pork Cutlet.
       /           |    
      (          _ |
      (ヽ、       /  )|
       | ``ー――‐''"|  ヽ|
       ゝ ノ       ヽ  ノ
  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

673 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 19:45:13 ID:wDRDd6ko
Just go with what >>199 suggested.

Judging from your reply to it, you seemed to like the idea too.

674 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 19:46:37 ID:gG+Zrd27
I want something new to happen as much as the next guy...
But it's probably better to wait for Kansai to contact you for now.
Until you become so-called "e-mail friends", I'm afraid you won't be able to contact her everyday...
Well, in the end, it's your call, Molester.
Going berserk would be fine too.

675 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/17 19:47:03 ID:u2KKdOHR
Wait, isn't contacting her = coming on strong?
But then again, seeing how fast she replied to my e-mails, she must be one of those girls who love exchanging e-mails with somebody, even when she's at university.
I'm not saying she's one of those birdbrains who write pointless and annoying e-mails all the time to kill time though.
You know what I mean, stuff like
"I'm sooo bored out of my mind right now."
"Me too. Lectures are so boring."
"That's why I don't go to lectures anymore!"
In any case, even if she loves e-mails, it doesn't mean she does it everyday.

676 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 19:48:40 ID:wDRDd6ko
>it doesn't mean she does it everyday

[citation needed]

677 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/17 19:49:32 ID:u2KKdOHR
The source is my dating sim-trained frontal lobe.

678 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 19:50:37 ID:UlGCEtkq
Harmless e-mails to kill time would be okay, but inviting her over to your place, or asking her out for dinner are obvious signs of coming on too strong.
It really depends on how you bring it up though.

679 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 19:51:33 ID:IU+sWHhu

680 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 19:52:00 ID:BzkKSL0V
But people do it everyday.

681 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 19:52:02 ID:x0AO9ViV
Take your useless brain out of your head and dump it in the trash.

...says the Kansai in my imagination.

682 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 19:53:29 ID:wDRDd6ko
Dating sims teach you not to write e-mails to your female friends everyday......? orz

683 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 19:55:30 ID:Dcs+m1OA
[AV] Ooishi Ayaka - The Idol (aka Hiroko from G-AREA).avi

(AV) Ooishi Ayaka (hiroko).WMV

[pay site] (G-AREA) Hiroko (Ooishi Ayaka).zip

Ooishi Ayaka Memory (hiroko@G-Area).mpg


684 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 19:55:49 ID:zdn9RXWf
What's wrong with sending an e-mail everyday?

Not that I'm an expert. The last time I sent an e-mail was a whole week ago.

685 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 19:58:58 ID:1abu6nyT
Something about how yesterday's phone call ended still bothers me.

"Oh okay, talk to you later."

OP said the conversation was already about to end anyway when he hung up, but what if Kansai actually wanted to continue talking?

686 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/17 19:59:32 ID:u2KKdOHR
In other words, she's telling me turn myself into a cripple?
Nah, actually, dating sim protags don't e-mail much. For some reason.

687 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:00:58 ID:BzkKSL0V
I exchange e-mails with three female friends everyday.
But I don't have a girlfriend. orz

688 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:01:30 ID:wDRDd6ko
By the way, what happened to the stalker thing?

He's been keeping a low profile lately, hasn't he?

689 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:02:04 ID:o4o1wh1I
Calling each other and exchanging e-mails everyday is normal.
Calling and e-mailing her everyday when she never calls you back or replies to your e-mails is not.

I still wonder why she never noticed that you left a message on Kansai's answering machine.
It worries me.

Do you want to contact her, Molester?

690 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:03:49 ID:1abu6nyT
Molester doesn't talk to Miss Undie often enough to know what the stalker's been up to lately, does he...?

691 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:04:54 ID:x0AO9ViV
You might want to get it replaced with one that hasn't been damaged by dating sims yet.

692 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:09:10 ID:wDRDd6ko
Sometimes I wonder if Molester's already forgotten all about Miss Undie's stalker problem.
I don't mind him going after Kansai now, but even Kansai won't like it if he suddenly starts acting like he doesn't care about it anymore.

The last thing we heard is that the police are on the case now, so I guess she'll be fine,
but Molester should still do what he can to help her. How many days has it been since he's done anything for her?

It'd earn him points with Kansai too.

693 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:10:23 ID:XdXMWug7
My alter ego keeps asking what the hell I'm still doing in a shitty thread like this, so I'll stop coming here.

What a lame thread. ('A`)

694 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/17 20:11:13 ID:u2KKdOHR
I do think about what I could do for her!
But what can I do, realistically speaking?
I can't even ask her about it in an e-mail without sounding like
"Has the stalker done anything lewd to you lately? pant pant".

695 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:12:22 ID:pOusSKO8
Molester can't help her.

If he tries to help her, he'll just end up annoying her.

696 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:14:40 ID:wDRDd6ko
That's like admitting you haven't given it any thought...

Anyways, you told her you'd help her, right?
For starters, you could go shopping for self-defense products, or ask Kansai to come along or whatever.

Ah, that's it! Go shopping for self-defense products with Kansai!
Ask her!

697 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:15:22 ID:UlGCEtkq
When people post "I'll stop coming here", what are they really trying to achieve?
No one cares if they come to this thread or not, and no one's going to stop them, so why can't they show themselves out quietly?

698 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:17:57 ID:XdXMWug7
Final advice from me before I leave: This thread is lame and you should do something about it.
Now don't talk to me ever againw Fucking virginw

699 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:18:38 ID:pOusSKO8

No, you should show yourself out quietly if you're going to make a fuss about every little thing.

I don't think 2ch is for you.

700 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:19:54 ID:xhTT4RrB
What's going on? Are you guys fighting over Kansai again?
Oh, come on, let's take a deep breath together and calm down.

701 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:21:07 ID:UlGCEtkq
I only replied to your post because you seemed to be begging for attention. >BAWWW I'll stop coming here!!!
Or would you have preferred it if I'd said "No, please stay! Don't go!" instead?w

Protip: Only newfags post shit like "2ch isn't for you".
You seriously believe 2ch is some special place with special rules, don't you?

702 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:21:30 ID:GGftuAWM
I guess, in the end, it's not easy for OP to write an e-mail to any of them. (´・ω・`)

Miss Undie seems easy enough to talk to most of the time, but she probably goes into FULL TRAUMA (゚д゚) FLASHBACK mode as soon as the stalker topic comes up.

You can't even talk to her about self-defense products.

703 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:22:58 ID:Szlu2x/d
m9(^Д^) Pfffhahaha

704 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:22:57 ID:IU+sWHhu


705 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:23:49 ID:UlGCEtkq
m9(^Д^) Pfffhahaha

706 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:24:17 ID:o4o1wh1I
At times, they crack jokes,
at times, they celebrate moe,
at times, they play games,
at times, they share warez,
at times, they fight.

It's like this thread is a microcosm that encapsulates all of VIP.

707 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:24:57 ID:wnKAKTsA
Look, UlGCEtkq is getting all desperate now.

708 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:25:26 ID:fbD7lUw/
This would be the perfect time for Pork Cutlet's report! (・∀・)

709 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:25:32 ID:UKwplGGU
m9(^Д^) Pfffhahaha

710 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:26:16 ID:UlGCEtkq
m9(^Д^) Pfffhahaha

711 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:26:18 ID:Tl94KaOx
Well, I'm looking at this guy's posts right now, and he does seem like an attention whore.

712 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:26:30 ID:pOusSKO8

This guy's embarrassing.

713 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:26:51 ID:xQ8yMDe7
I see, you guys are enjoying yourself.

714 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:27:30 ID:UlGCEtkq
m9(^Д^) Pfffhahaha

I looked up your posts and... m9(^Д^) Pfffhahaha

715 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:28:36 ID:UKwplGGU
m9(^Д^) Pfffhahaha

716 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:28:42 ID:wDRDd6ko
More importantly, Molester's wandered off again.

717 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:28:49 ID:Szlu2x/d


718 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:29:07 ID:wnKAKTsA
An attention whore in VIP!? Hold the pressses!

719 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:29:57 ID:Tl94KaOx
Come on, there are other ways to ask than that.
You could ask her casually like "Any news since then?" or something.

720 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:30:05 ID:xhTT4RrB
Could it be that OP got a call from Kansai?

721 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:30:21 ID:UlGCEtkq
He reports people for small shit. m9(^Д^) Pfffhahaha

722 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:31:05 ID:xQ8yMDe7
He could ask Kansai too.
Like "Any news on Miss Understanding's stalker problem?".

723 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:31:40 ID:g8WEDA9n
Molester and Miss Undie's love cupid → Kansai ⇒ Failed.
Molester and Kansai's love cupid → Loli Jugs ⇒ Failed.
Molester and Loli Jugs' love cupid → Glasses ⇒ Failed.
Molester and Glasses' love cupid → Crab ⇒ Success.

724 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:31:41 ID:xQFRJdt0
Pork Cutlet, the fuck are you using a tripcode for!?
It's fucking annoying!
Get the fuck out of here cuz you make me fucking sick!! Make your own thread for that shit!! Dickwad! Get lost!!

725 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:32:01 ID:gfQJ3jPN
Uhh... This thread isn't like VIP at all...(^ω^;)

726 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:32:28 ID:pOusSKO8

So much anger and energy wasted on an Internet board.

I wish you'd use that energy for something else, like for work or something.

Yeah, you, I'm talking to you.

727 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:33:13 ID:wnKAKTsA

Get out of VIP.

728 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:33:40 ID:UlGCEtkq
Why do you insert a new line after every line in such a worthless post?

m9(^Д^) Pfffhahaha

729 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:34:15 ID:Szlu2x/d


730 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:35:00 ID:wnKAKTsA

I meant to tell this guy to get out of VIP, but I quoted the wrong post.

Maybe I should get out of VIP instead...

731 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:36:34 ID:Szlu2x/d
You both get out of VIP.

732 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:37:24 ID:fbD7lUw/
"Yes, really, really, Mr. Idiot >>694 "

I just realized this line from that shitty School Rumble ED is actually about you, Molester!

733 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:39:57 ID:x0AO9ViV
So, is Molester on the phone right now or what?

Talking to my Kansai...

734 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:40:13 ID:pOusSKO8
Look, guys, >>732 is a School Rumble fanboy.

735 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/17 20:41:11 ID:u2KKdOHR
Could you guys please not summon me during my private time?

736 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:42:15 ID:xhTT4RrB
He's jerking off━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━━!!!!!
Sorry to bother you when you're masturbating, but aren't you going to try to trigger an event today?

737 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:42:21 ID:wDRDd6ko
How dare you ignore our opinions and go stroking your penis!?

738 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:43:49 ID:0xCLmnZY
I told you so many times to wash your hands after that!

739 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:44:13 ID:o4o1wh1I
Even his crotch is a problem child.

740 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:44:21 ID:x0AO9ViV
What are you fapping to?

741 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/17 20:44:43 ID:u2KKdOHR
Hehe, no need to worry about that. I've already finished charging. (Or discharging?)
I'm always available for you guys! (No, not always.)
If you take masturbation away from me, I won't have anything left.

742 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:44:44 ID:wDRDd6ko
You were gone from 20:11 to 20:41.

That's one long masturbation session.

743 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:45:49 ID:xhTT4RrB
Maybe he was masturbating with the foreskin forward?

744 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:47:57 ID:0xCLmnZY
Even with the foreskin forward, you can finish in 30 seconds if you want to.

745 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:48:04 ID:pOusSKO8
What is this premature ejaculator talking about?w

746 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:48:26 ID:wDRDd6ko
Now you really can't have Kansai find this thread anymore.

Well, not like it was any different before, I guess.

747 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:48:35 ID:xQ8yMDe7
Wow, haven't heard of foreskin-forward-masturbation in a while.

748 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/17 20:49:24 ID:u2KKdOHR
Well, I had shadow seicross with Charlene today because I somehow felt like it.

749 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:49:58 ID:CtL4RFsQ
Did you get circumcised?

750 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:51:11 ID:xQ8yMDe7
I googled "Charlene" and got this guy who calls his M9 Charlene. But you're not talking about this, are you?


751 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:51:21 ID:OcZFXkck
The admin of this browser game seems to call herself "Charlene".


752 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:51:51 ID:x0AO9ViV
You don't mean that Charlene from Love-yan, do you?

753 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:51:53 ID:xQ8yMDe7
Yeah, I'm circumcised.
Now my foreskin is way too short to be pulled forward.

754 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/17 20:54:23 ID:u2KKdOHR
...........................one of my onaholes is called Charlene.

755 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:56:17 ID:jS4m4p4D
Germany vs. Cameroon is so boring so far.
From the looks of it, Germany's never gonna score a goal.

756 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:56:27 ID:g8WEDA9n
Let's get back to the main topic already━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━

757 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:57:50 ID:x0AO9ViV

758 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/17 20:58:16 ID:u2KKdOHR

759 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:58:19 ID:OcZFXkck
Charlene? Love-yan? Can someone explain what these two are talking about?

760 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:58:30 ID:g3FvNBv8
Looks like there's a shitstorm brewing in here. Let me use this opportunity to post another pic of myself.


761 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:59:27 ID:9X/BF3i2
No one cared the first time and no one will care now.
I don't know if you're the person in the pic, but don't get carried away.

762 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:59:31 ID:OcZFXkck
It's Bear Sensei-(゚∀゚)- !!

763 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:59:38 ID:iHj+BKz2
I heard about Train Man the first time today.
Is this the sequel?

764 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:59:41 ID:x0AO9ViV
Go get rid of it now.

765 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 20:59:45 ID:wDRDd6ko
Ehh? People fap to thatーーー???

Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about 2D in general.
Even I get a boner from seeing 2D sometimes.
But the girls in that picture look too much like little girls to get anyone excited, don't they?

↓ Something like this is more likely to give me a boner:


766 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 21:00:27 ID:k1qno4Fg


767 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 21:00:35 ID:g8WEDA9n
║  ╠╦╝╠═╣╠╩╗
╚═╝╩╚═╩ ╩╚═╝

768 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 21:03:03 ID:o4o1wh1I
You should just ask Love-yan for help.
Does that mean Loli Jugs is Minocchi!?

769 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/17 21:03:27 ID:u2KKdOHR
All five of them?
I couldn't. I couldn't throw away my life with my girlfriends.
Ehh? People fap to thatーーー???

Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about 2D in general.
I get a boner from seeing 2D all the time.
But the girl in that picture looks way too old.

↓ I shoot my load if it's something like this though:


770 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 21:05:40 ID:g8WEDA9n
So you're into flat chests, Molester?

771 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 21:05:59 ID:0xCLmnZY
Bear Sensei looks like he's having fun.

772 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 21:07:47 ID:g3FvNBv8
My bad.
I had a pretty good day and got carried away like you said.
I'll go check out NEWS FLASH or something.

773 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 21:07:51 ID:jS4m4p4D
Question to Molester: Have you decided on your next move yet?

774 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 21:07:52 ID:x0AO9ViV
You have five onaholes...
Ahh, never mind.
Just make sure Kansai doesn't find them.

775 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 21:08:28 ID:wDRDd6ko
Are you serious?

In that case, I take back what I said...
You fap to your shit and I fap to mine.

Who am I to complain about what someone else faps to anyway?
To each their own...

776 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 21:08:29 ID:OcZFXkck
Molester is into loli, huh?

777 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 21:08:38 ID:MjpJ4XAm
There's something wrong with guys who can't fap to anime.

778 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 21:11:35 ID:W8Gpo/PV
He did say that Loli Jugs' jugs were in the way.
I'm not saying I agree with him though.

779 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/17 21:11:57 ID:u2KKdOHR
No, I'm into loli.
There's pros and cons to both waiting and making a move now, so I'm thinking of going with the safer option, waiting...
Find them? There's no way she'll find them!
I'd hidden some of my porn mags so well back in my parents' place that I couldn't even find them myself!
...I got a call about them from my older sister a few weeks after I moved out though.
That's right, I'm into loli.

780 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 21:12:01 ID:0xCLmnZY
I've fapped to hentai a few times, but I could never fap to moe anime.

781 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 21:22:16 ID:DqBVa6eA



782 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 21:22:35 ID:RdIfhf+b

783 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 21:23:16 ID:jS4m4p4D
No, I was asking if you're planning on completing the Kansai route, or taking whichever route leads to seicross the fastest.
We can't plan ahead because you might switch routes again as soon as you get a provocative e-mail from Loli Jugs and walk right into her hands.
What if she's like that Rubberband woman?

784 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 21:24:27 ID:rpcYtq9o


785 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 21:24:42 ID:OcZFXkck
Do you drink, Molester? What about Kansai? And Miss Undie? Loli? Miss Yamaoka?

786 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/17 21:25:58 ID:u2KKdOHR
>We can't plan ahead because you might switch routes again as soon as you get a provocative e-mail from Loli Jugs
I won't.

Who's Rubberband woman?

787 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 21:28:24 ID:x0AO9ViV
Look her up in the summary of Train Man.

788 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 21:32:23 ID:jS4m4p4D
I'm talking about Rubber Girl from Train Man. You know, that woman that kept flirting really aggressively with Rubberband Man?
In the end, it turned out she had made a bet with co-workers that she could get him to sleep with her.
You have to be careful when you tell someone something because that someone is going to tell at least 70% of it to someone else.

789 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/17 21:33:48 ID:u2KKdOHR
Takahashi Katsumi uttered a 2ch phrase on TV. Discuss.

790 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 21:36:11 ID:o4o1wh1I
Please make something new happen, Molester!.

791 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 21:38:38 ID:a5wW7eH2
What'd he say?

792 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/17 21:38:40 ID:u2KKdOHR
If something new should happen, it'll probably be this Saturday.
But if an e-mail is good enough for you, I could send one right now.

793 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 21:40:48 ID:x0AO9ViV
Do it.

794 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 21:43:31 ID:g+POp5Y7
Something new is going to happen!

795 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 21:44:10 ID:Ik/IdYIX
Send a lewd e-mail to Loli Jugs.

796 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 21:44:47 ID:g+POp5Y7
Everything started with this today.

797 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 21:48:06 ID:o4o1wh1I
Please, please send a picture of your snake to her!

798 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 21:49:13 ID:OcZFXkck
Oh yeah, Molester did say he likes to drink.

799 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 21:49:21 ID:jS4m4p4D
Kansai wants to be a cool woman who works hard without anyone knowing, right? Why don't you try to do the same, Molester?

800 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/17 21:52:14 ID:u2KKdOHR
I think she was just pretending to be interested in snakes out of politeness..
If I sent her a pic now out of the blue as if I wanted to show it off, there's a good chance she might get creeped out by it.
I get drunk extremely fast though.
Ahh, I can imagine myself doing something like that, actually.
In fact, I used to lift in middle school without anyone knowing, until my joints gave out on me.
But you're talking about helping others, right?

801 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 21:55:05 ID:x0AO9ViV
Getting rid of Charlene would be a start.

802 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/17 21:55:51 ID:u2KKdOHR
If growing up means pretending to be someone else and getting rid of your identity, then I'd rather stay a child.

803 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 21:57:40 ID:mIinS11r
Sooner or later, you'll have to get rid of your inner child. That's what it means to grow up, boy.

804 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 21:57:41 ID:Z5DVtA8g
Finally got off work and had dinner.
Just when I thought "Ohh, so many new posts today too!", it turns out it was just you guys bickering...

805 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 21:57:56 ID:Tl94KaOx
Yeah. OP is an otaku, alright.

806 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 21:58:32 ID:Na6EYI5v
Still no e━(゚∀゚)━( ゚∀)━( ゚)━( )━(゚ )━(∀゚ )━(゚∀゚)━mail????

807 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 21:58:47 ID:x0AO9ViV
This is just me speaking hypothetically, so please don't take it seriously,
but what would you do if I was actually Kansai?

808 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 21:59:25 ID:xBkg4SxF
After reading this, I caught myself thinking to myself that Molester is cool.

809 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 21:59:28 ID:Z5DVtA8g
You have to get rid of a part of your inner child to grow up, yes,
but don't you know that there's also a part you have to hold onto to live a happy life? Daddy.

810 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/17 22:00:38 ID:u2KKdOHR
Well, you see, one of my friends came over and stayed at my place later that day!
I'm an otaku, but the kind that doesn't know anything about computers and stuff, and Yahoo is the only website I ever visit,
but that guy, he's a real computer expert, and it seems like he's been pretending to be me on some website called 2ch or something.

811 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 22:00:51 ID:jS4m4p4D
>>800 Okay then, why don't you make a list of things you could do off the top of your head?

812 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 22:01:07 ID:o4o1wh1I
Listen, Molester, you're not supposed to send the snake pic to show off.
It's only supposed to spark a conversation.
You could make a joke like "This is my thanks for the other day!" and she's bound to reply!
It'd sound natural and not like an excuse.

813 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 22:02:05 ID:gG+Zrd27
I want OP to put one of his fingers in his snake's mouth,
and send an e-mail that goes like "Look what my snake is having for dinner tonight".
No way he's gonna do it, huh? orz

814 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 22:02:29 ID:mIinS11r
Post a pic of your snake and we'll decide together if you should send it or not.

815 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 22:04:39 ID:Z5DVtA8g
Doesn't look like anything new is happening anytime soon... Guess I'll use this opportunity to go take a bath with my wife and kids.

816 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 22:06:02 ID:x0AO9ViV
And what about all the posts you posted in the threads before that...?

817 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 22:09:32 ID:EvL1OxtV
I laughed so hard at the OP I went baldw

818 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 22:09:56 ID:OcZFXkck
Watching darts on TV right now. They're saying you're supposed to throw a dart in a straight forward motion while keeping your upper arm and shoulder fixed. Hehehe.

819 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 22:14:20 ID:xBkg4SxF
Didn't Molester say that he can't post any pics because he doesn't have a digital camera and his cell phone doesn't have a built-in camera either?
I think it was when he got the crabs delivered.

820 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 22:14:34 ID:C8uiMfOn
Molester, the e-mails you sent to Miss Undie because you were worried about her were pretty creepy.
The ones you sent to Kansai because you were bored, on the other hand, were great.
And as soon as you started going after Kansai, your e-mails to her have gotten creepier.

So, here's my advice: Forget about asking her out for lunch/dinner and stuff like that for now.
Just send her some random e-mail about snakes or anime, it doesn't matter.

821 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 22:22:59 ID:fbD7lUw/
You're going to watch the Ring ni Kakero episode tonight, aren't you? I would too, but I have to go to bed soon.

822 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 22:25:00 ID:Na6EYI5v

823 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 22:32:35 ID:8b4DSk+t
Btw, I saw Hoshino Asuka on magazine covers today. She was featured in Young Animal too.

824 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 22:32:36 ID:mIinS11r
Man, Molester's wandered off somewhere again.

Come back, Molester. We miss you.

825 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 22:33:08 ID:jS4m4p4D
So, is Molester going to send an e-mail now or what?

826 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 22:34:02 ID:Qd4WoW9O
It's a typical trait of virgins to act really awkward when talking to the girl they like.
OP even said he finds it easier to talk to Miss Undie now that he's given up on her.

827 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 22:34:53 ID:tH3Txs31
Molester, take everything that is posted in this thread with a grain of salt.
It's just advice, you don't have to follow all of it.

828 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 22:37:14 ID:g+POp5Y7
It's a bit too late for that now, isn't it?w

829 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 22:39:50 ID:g8WEDA9n
I miss the pure and innocent Molester who only had eyes for Miss Undie...........................(in a very small voice)

830 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 22:50:07 ID:nUeRotrK
Still nothing new to report?

If it feels too awkward to send an e-mail to Kansai, why don't you just walk over to her place and ring the bell?

831 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 23:00:01 ID:o4o1wh1I
Molester doesn't seem to be around. Should we brace for impact?
Or is he busy samefagging somewhere else?

832 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 23:01:16 ID:xQ8yMDe7
Yeah, it's hard to act natural in front of the person you like.
As soon as you realize you like a girl, it's over.
You try your hardest to act cool in front of her,
but you fail miserably and regret it afterwards.

833 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 23:02:02 ID:g8WEDA9n
I wonder if Molester is watching "Ping Pong".

834 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 23:04:48 ID:xQ8yMDe7

835 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 23:05:49 ID:diGvyje7
But Ping Pong is just as lamew

836 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 23:08:06 ID:xQ8yMDe7
Yeah, it is and I've already watched it a couple of times, but I just can't help it. Love the movie.

837 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 23:11:21 ID:Z5DVtA8g
Molester suddenly going off somewhere and not posting for hours is nothing new though.

838 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 23:12:29 ID:jS4m4p4D
Maybe OP should ask Kansai if she wants to play ping pong with him after the movie.

839 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 23:13:01 ID:Na6EYI5v
I'm watching Ping Pong for the first time.
It's so lame.

840 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 23:14:20 ID:xQ8yMDe7
It'd be more like Molester to ask her like this:
"I just bought a table tennis table! Let's play Ping Pong!"

841 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 23:17:45 ID:g8WEDA9n
And we'd all chant "Molester Kenzan!".

842 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 23:18:56 ID:1T49lUSh
I want OP to go all out. You know, like asking her to fly to Guam with him the day before the flight.

843 : VIPPER : 04/11/17 23:52:58 ID:nUeRotrK
And everyone stopped posting at once...

Molester, take responsibility for this!

844 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 00:17:27 ID:I0rmqost
Alright then, let me analyse Kansai and Miss Undie's feelings using the Kansai and Miss Undie in my imagination.

Kansai and Miss Undie had the following conversation in the restroom when Molester went shopping with the four of them.

Kansai: "So, what do you think of Molester?"
Kansai's heart: (I hope I'm not getting ahead of myself again... But I told Molester I'd help him get together with Miss Undie, so I have to do something...)

Miss Undie: "Huh.... I think he's a really good person."
Miss Undie's heart: (Mr. Molester is a really good person, but... if I said I like him, Kansai might think I'm an easy woman..."

Kansai: "I'm not talking about that! Do you like him or not?"
Kansai's heart: (Ahhh! Maybe it really was a misunderstanding on my part! What if Miss Undie says she hates Molester... What do I tell Molester?)

Miss Undie: "Hmm... As a man... he's not really my type..."
Miss Undie's heart: (What do I answer... If I tell her the truth, she's going to be chew me out... I can't say it!)

Kansai: "............I see. ......maybe I'll take him then. (in a very small voice)"
Kansai's heart: (Sigh... It really was a misunderstanding on my part... How do I explain it to Molester... But... I'm relieved...)

Sigh... Now I'm hard.

845 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 00:47:37 ID:IyCS5FqL
Do we even need a new thread for this?
It's already game over.

846 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 00:48:07 ID:CBMgD+DB
If you think it's game over, just stop coming here then.

847 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 01:01:08 ID:5imuycSo
Game over? The game's only just begun and he's at the most enjoyable part right now.
But in order to keep things interesting for the VIPPERs, OP might want to mix things up a bit by going berserk every now and then.

848 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 01:05:12 ID:I0rmqost
This isn't the time to be sitting around and hoping that >>1 will bring back something interesting. Let your imaginations run wild and post your fantasies instead...

Seriously though, today was the first day in a while that nothing new happened.

849 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 01:14:29 ID:3cN836NO
Isn't it because we chased Coffee Lounge and Pork Cutlet out of the thread?

850 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 01:17:43 ID:I0rmqost
True, we can't keep the thread going with just Molester alone.

851 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 01:21:25 ID:dKjZU3wQ
I wish I could make Molester understand that momentum is all you need sometimes.

But well, building up momentum and going berserk are two different things.

852 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 01:23:56 ID:I0rmqost
Building up momentum in the wrong direction is the same as going berserk though...
Besides, in order to build up momentum, you need to make a move first and OP can't find a good reason or excuse to.

But who knows, maybe Kansai is feeling the same way right now.

853 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 01:33:04 ID:WCRKsMie
Problem is, Molester's already gotten tired of this thread though.

854 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 01:34:55 ID:dXU2KrYy
Pork Cutlet was chased out?
When did that happen?

855 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 01:37:30 ID:I0rmqost
He wasn't.... Here's his latest post: >>651

856 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 01:43:51 ID:utBv7dqm
I'm personally hoping for Pork Cutlet to get stabbed to death.

857 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/18 01:59:40 ID:mERigraa
I can't believe I fell asleep reading Jump. It was that boring.

Now I'm just glad I set my VCR to record today's Futakoi and BECK... I'll watch them tomorrow. Or should I say today?

858 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 01:59:46 ID:I0rmqost
Did you guys notice how everyone who has posted about themselves in this thread had only good things to report except for Molester?

859 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 02:05:25 ID:S1cXQEtf
Any plans for this weekend?

860 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/18 02:07:41 ID:mERigraa
I'll try to initiate a casual conversation with one of the girls to find out something new about Miss Undie's stalker situation.
And then, I might get to hang out with them again since I haven't fucked up yet and the girls still seem to be cool with me.

861 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 02:08:37 ID:S1cXQEtf
Eh!? Σr(‘Д‘n) With Miss Undie too??

862 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 02:09:48 ID:8fTtKUEZ
Tomorrow is D-Day then.

863 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/18 02:11:58 ID:mERigraa
I don't see why not.
I doubt anything has changed since last week, but I'm still worried about her stalker problem.
Well, yeah, if no one contacts me tomorrow, I'll contact them.

864 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 02:13:35 ID:S1cXQEtf
Sounds like a plan.
It'd be great if you could go somewhere with the girls again.
(,,゚Д゚) Hang in there, Molester! Good ( ゚д゚) luck!

865 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 02:15:26 ID:utBv7dqm
Hocchaaan! Ho-Hooo-Hoooaaah!! Hoaaaah!!

866 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 02:15:35 ID:8fTtKUEZ
Looks like we have another weeekend of people stalking Molester and falling in love themselves ahead of us.

867 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 02:19:19 ID:HZinYInl
I just watched Futakoi and BECK, but they were both shit.
Even Japanet Takata is more interesting.

868 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 02:21:06 ID:I0rmqost
See, that's where our opinions diverge.
I don't think you should bring up the word "stalker" at all until you're ready to ask her
"I've found some good anti-molester goods. Would you like to check them out with me?"

Your job, Molester, is not to catch the stalker but to heal the emotional scars he's left.

If you really feel like helping Miss Undie, even if she won't go out with you,
you should meet up with her and talk to her to help her cure her androphobia.
You're her only male friend, no one else can do this.

Besides, in my imagination, the Miss Undie route is long from over yet!

869 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 02:22:53 ID:AdfX3dLg
>And then, I might get to hang out with them again since I haven't fucked up yet and the girls still seem to be cool with me.
That's some confidence. Where does it come from? You're talking about hanging out with them two weekends in a row! You might want to lower your expectations, my friend.

870 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 02:26:31 ID:I0rmqost
His baseless confidence is what makes Molester Man interesting though.

I guess I just love how much of a premature ejaculator he is.

871 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/18 02:27:51 ID:mERigraa
But it was you VIPPERs who insisted that I should take concrete measures against the stalker, even if only a little.
Originally, my plan was to wait for her to ask me for help, and to help her with all my power when she does,
but now... I understand what you VIPPERs meant.
Even if I'm worried about her and ready to help her anytime, she'll never know because there's no such thing as telepathy.
As long as I don't do anything concrete, it'll just look like I don't care.

872 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 02:30:58 ID:I0rmqost
Wow, you've grown...

Up to now, you were just a problem child to me, but now you're like a problem child with a brain to me.

873 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/18 02:32:07 ID:mERigraa
I can't think of a reason why they wouldn't want to hang out with me again, except maybe Miss Understanding.

874 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 02:38:34 ID:I0rmqost
What? Did you do something to Miss Undie that would make her not want to see you again?

875 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 02:40:08 ID:lYFW7YWJ
Maybe they think you're creepy or something.

876 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 02:40:35 ID:VkccMDrp
You seem like a pretty decent guy for someone who doesn't have any friends.
And you have a knack for writing too.
Do you like books?

In any case, you've earned yourself a new follower. I'm just a middle-aged guy though.

877 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 02:45:03 ID:I0rmqost
Don't worry, I'm a middle-aged guy too.
And there are surprisingly many guys with kids in this thread.

878 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/18 02:45:51 ID:mERigraa
No, but if any of the girls had a reason to not see me again, it'd be Miss Understanding.

But well, it's just my guess. There's always the possibility that they don't want to see me again simply because they think I'm creepy.

879 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 02:46:23 ID:HZinYInl
Is it alright to bring up the stalker, or rather, self-defense products when talking to her?

I was so surprised when OP didn't suggest looking for self-defense products when he was out shopping with them in Shinjuku.
Well, I suppose he forgot because they were so busy shopping for clothes. ← Is it something you can forget that easily though? (゚д゚)

880 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 02:49:50 ID:I0rmqost
Well, during the first half of the shopping trip, he was dragged around all over Shinjuku on their shopping spree and couldn't find the right time to bring it up.
And during the second half, he was busy being depressed after hearing from Kansai that the Miss Undie route is over...
It was just not the right day for self-defense products.

881 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 02:51:55 ID:5imuycSo
Well, it's not something you bring up when all her friends are around.
Luckily, Molester had enough common sense to know this.

882 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/18 02:52:07 ID:mERigraa
No, it went like this:
"Let's go buy self-defense products!" → "I don't know about that..." → "But we're going shopping on that day. You should come with us.".
When she invited me along, I thought we were going to look for clothes and self-defense products.
I was even going to bring it up myself if no one else did.
But in the end, I couldn't because I'm a virgin and they were totally in that happy shopping-for-clothes mood.

883 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 02:53:26 ID:8fTtKUEZ
I think it all boils down to showing a girl the right amount of interest.
Even if you've got the timing down by now, you can't control your strength yet.
You have to avoid coming on too strong at all costs.

Also, BACK is one of those manga that shouldn't have been turned into an anime!

884 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 02:55:42 ID:I0rmqost
You were one guy on a shopping trip with four women. They wouldn't have listened to you anywayw
I know what women are like when they're shopping for clothes.

885 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/18 02:56:53 ID:mERigraa
I've never read the manga, but I'm enjoying the anime so far...
I remember it was the same with Kanon.

886 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 02:58:11 ID:HZinYInl
Am I the only one who thinks that the girls don't want OP to bring up the stalker topic?

Ah, KURAU is on.

887 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/18 03:00:32 ID:mERigraa
When I saw the title of this week's episode,
I read it as "Open your legs" for a moment.
I love my Freudian slips.

888 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 03:02:23 ID:HZinYInl

What word comes to your mind first when you see this?

889 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 03:03:06 ID:HPPbgBt1
Can I give you a piece of advice?
I don't think you'll get to hang out with them this weekend if you don't make a move yourself.
Last time, it was Kansai's idea to take you along on their shopping trip,
but her cupid scheme failed when she found out that Miss Undie doesn't feel anything for you.
Seeing how she even kept you company after that until dawn,
it's safe to assume that Kansai regrets what she did and won't do anything like it again anytime soon.
The other two girls probably feel the same way.
Their plan to bring you and Miss Undie together ended the day it started.

Don't get me wrong though. I'm not saying that you have to make a move now.
Sorry for the long post.

890 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 03:06:21 ID:I0rmqost
That's probably because I kept saying it.

I figured Molester would know what I'm talking about since he's heard about it all from Miss Undie firsthand.
In my opinion, he shouldn't use the words "stalker" and "molester" too much around her.

Remember what Kansai said? She said "The police are on the stalker case now, so you're in charge of giving Miss Undie mental support.", or something to that effect.
She did not tell him to do something about the stalker. Instead, all she seemed to want from him was to talk to Miss Undie more and just be there for her.

...damn, I didn't mean to write this much. It's about time I go to bed.

891 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 03:07:57 ID:8fTtKUEZ
When you read BACK, you imagine the music to be absolutely phenomenal.
They could have used the best musicians in the world, and I would still have been disappointed!

BACK is a tough anime to watch for both musicians and music lovers.
But nevermind that, we need to come up with a plan that gets you closer to the family restaurant squad.

892 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 03:08:50 ID:HPPbgBt1
It's BECK. (;´Д⊂)

893 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 03:09:03 ID:Fub1bnV3

894 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 03:09:12 ID:I0rmqost
Wait, you still haven't gotten a call or e-mail from Kansai today?

895 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 03:18:25 ID:HZinYInl
Agreed. I don't want to make a Gundam reference, but "stalker" and "molester" seem to be Miss Undie's block words.

As long as you don't say them, Miss Undie seems pretty unfazed by the whole stalker thing.

Let sleeping Miss Undie's lie?

Is there even a Miss Undie route? orz

896 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 03:21:26 ID:VkccMDrp
Come on, guys, let's make some noise.

897 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 03:31:21 ID:8fTtKUEZ
Don't cry. It makes me feel like you're pitying me because I'm retarded or something.
To err is human. To err twice in a row is human too.

898 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/18 05:30:20 ID:mERigraa
Damn, I can't sleep because I took a nap at a weird time earlier.

Not like it matters though since I don't have to go to university today like a normal student.

899 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 05:42:14 ID:7jLBdfcN
Wow! It's the real Molester!

How are your snakes?

900 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/18 06:01:37 ID:mERigraa
They're just fine!♪

901 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 06:05:03 ID:MPXSIfgs
Send an e-mail nooooooooooooow!

902 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/18 06:05:56 ID:mERigraa
It's too laaaaaaaaaaaate!! I mean, too eeaaarlyyy!!

903 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 06:07:27 ID:Uul+GJrI
Heya, Miyuki-tan!^^

904 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 06:08:58 ID:lM39iBUr
>>1 Is this thread going to be turned into a book too?
Is some advertising firm involved again like it was the case with Train Man?

905 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/18 06:10:01 ID:mERigraa
Brb going to buy this week's Shounen Champion.

906 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 06:11:21 ID:Uul+GJrI
I got totally mistaken for a molester part12

Next thread.

907 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 06:14:19 ID:W8lWD+8r
I don't know why I even bother going to bed when I have to be out of the house at 10am...

Now I'm wide awakew

Good night, guys.

908 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 06:14:24 ID:MPXSIfgs
Brb going to read this week's Shounen Champion in a bookstore and buy some sweets.

909 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/18 06:15:41 ID:mERigraa
Thank... you?

910 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 06:27:20 ID:bbbKVgyd
Welcome back, Molester. I just got back from my part-time job too.

911 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 06:29:30 ID:Uul+GJrI
I got totally mistaken for a molester part 12

912 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 06:29:40 ID:jG7bywca
(゚д゚) Yummy!

913 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 06:30:20 ID:tlMzd+pI
Molester Man.

914 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 06:33:49 ID:7jLBdfcN
The first thing OP does in the morning is go out to buy a Champion...
Wow! Looks like the rumors are true!

915 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/18 06:40:27 ID:mERigraa
Hmm... As always, Yujiro Hanma is the most predictable character in Baki.

916 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 07:32:52 ID:xDCoNGHd
Good morning, guys.
Did something new happen? Or are you planning on making a move today, OP?
I have great hopes because reading this thread is my sole purpose of living right now. (・∀・) GRIN

917 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 07:36:13 ID:Cr9kVjTv
OP, do you feed live prey to your snakes?

918 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 08:40:47 ID:PLPSTr3E
Well, good morning from work, guys.

919 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 08:44:41 ID:RWcWkbJX
>>906, >>911 can't be used because whoever started it fucked up the OP post.
Let's do it like we always do and let >>950 start the next thread.

920 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 08:50:00 ID:aJRFFphl
I got totally mistaken for a molester part 11

Weren't we going to use this duplicate thread?

921 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 09:23:57 ID:PUnctqye
I wonder how Molester can be so confident when nothing has happened since Sunday...

Good morning, guys.

922 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 10:13:51 ID:1yrmrMsM
In the end, yesterday passed without anything new happening.
If there isn't any new development today either, you should seriously consider contacting them, OP, if you don't want to fade out into oblivion.

923 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 10:13:54 ID:PLPSTr3E
This thread looks deader than dead. Good morning.

924 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 10:19:53 ID:1yrmrMsM
At least, the people in this thread have good manners.

Good morning, gentlemen.

925 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 10:29:27 ID:3cN836NO
Good morning, guys.
Did Pork Cutlet report back yesterday?

926 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 10:30:52 ID:PLPSTr3E
Both Pork Cutlet and Coffee Lounge have been kicked out.

927 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 10:38:34 ID:+j+zOpLL
Pork Cutlet got kicked out?
I'm going to miss him.

928 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 10:46:37 ID:PUnctqye
Every time Pork Cutlet or Coffee Lounge posted something, there was always this one guy who'd throw a fit.
I don't know what his problem was. Maybe he was just jealous.

929 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 10:58:32 ID:+j+zOpLL
That's just how VIP is.

930 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 11:10:44 ID:ZWY9ch1/
Good morning, guys.

Well, there's no doubt that the guy who kicked them out was an asshole,
but isn't it a bit weak to run away just because dissed them?
I wonder if it was their first time getting called out on 2ch.

931 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 11:19:01 ID:PUnctqye
Why should they bother posting here if all they're going to get is complaints? If I was Coffee Lounge, I'd just spend the time with Lady insteadw

932 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 11:20:27 ID:PLPSTr3E
True that. It's not like they started a thread like Molester did, so they don't have any obligations to report backw

933 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 11:27:49 ID:9pbwyKj4
I ran into a girl I was friends with back in high school.
We had a nice chat, talked about school, future plans, and our love lives.
Talking to her felt really natural too.
Almost like Molester and Kansai.
Then she told me she actually had a crush on me when we were in high school.
That's when I remembered.
I too... had a crush on her back then.

Then I woke up and it was already morning.

In reality, she's never had a crush on me and never will, but the dream made me feel a little better nonetheless.
It's a wonderful autumn morning.
Good morning, guys.

934 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 11:45:46 ID:vxf6SJIP
>>683 I'm looking for this DVD. Pls help...

935 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 13:09:59 ID:3cN836NO
I just checked, and from what I can see, both Coffee Lounge and Pork Cutlet are still around.
Pork Cutlet hasn't posted since >>651 when he said he'd go meet Fujoshi,
but I'm positive that he'll return with another interesting report...

Besides, the only posts complaining about him I see are >>653 and >>724.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who's waiting for Pork Cutlet's report.

936 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 13:49:52 ID:fy3S/Vbf
What if Pork Cutlet has already been stabbed to death!? (((((((( ;゚Д゚))))))) shake shake

937 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 14:11:03 ID:NFDCJmCh
Humans are scary...

938 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 14:34:45 ID:Q9W1pj8s
What's keeping Molester?
Is he masturbating again?

939 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 14:54:01 ID:ZWY9ch1/
It should be really easy to catch up with the thread today, even for those who worked a late night shift yesterday.

940 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 14:55:51 ID:VkccMDrp
Pork Cutlet probably stayed over at Fujoshi's place yesterday → They had sex all night and he came 5 times

And now, he's sleeping like a log.

Molester, on the other hand, is spending another quiet day cooped up in his room as always.

941 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 15:11:37 ID:3cN836NO
Am I the only one who's been hanging around in this thread all morning waiting for Pork Cutlet to show up?

942 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/18 15:13:30 ID:mERigraa
Since I still haven't gotten any calls or e-mails, I'm planning on writing an e-mail myself.
Please tell me what to send as the first e-mail and where to go with the e-mails today.

943 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 15:15:34 ID:8fTtKUEZ
"This is thanks for last time!
Now we're even, okay? o(^-^)o"
Send this with a pic of your snake attached.

944 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 15:17:21 ID:3cN836NO
"I'm thinking of buying self-defense products for Miss Understanding, will you help me pick them out?"
Send this to Kansai and when you meet her, tell her
"This is for keeping me company a whole night the other day."
and give her a present.

945 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 15:18:07 ID://NZzXWM
I was bored and checked the infoseek keyword ranking to kill time,
and one of the most searched keywords was "Kekkou Kamen".
So I googled it, and look what came up:

946 : 1 : 04/11/18 15:18:20 ID:RsjmqSYB
Morning, Molester.
Start out with a light casual jab like "Did you watch Ping Pong yesterday?",
then go for a strong straight that's not too heavy but will knock her out,
like asking her out for lunch or giving her a present to thank her for the other day.

947 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 15:18:32 ID:1yrmrMsM
If it's an e-mail to Kansai, it should be about the CD that she wanted to borrow imo. Or is there something else you could bring up?
If it's to Miss Undie... can't you use something from your phone call with her the day before yesterday?

948 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 15:24:13 ID:1yrmrMsM
The way I see it, if you don't treat Miss Undie and Kansai equally for now, you might end up losing the Kansai route too.
In other words, if you ask Kansai out, you should invite Miss Undie along too.

949 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 15:24:50 ID:Uul+GJrI

950 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 15:25:07 ID:Uul+GJrI
I got totally mistaken for a molester part 12

951 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 15:25:31 ID:Q9W1pj8s
Don't bring up stuff like thanking her for the other day etc. in your first e-mail though.

Your e-mails to Kansai have been great so far.
Just go with that kind of e-mail again.

You know, like

"Did you hear? Takahashi Katsumi said 'Kitaa! Mankai hageshiku kibonnu!' in The Fountain of Trivia."

952 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 15:30:36 ID://NZzXWM
You mean this?

953 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/18 15:34:32 ID:mERigraa
I don't think it's a good idea to ask her out or send a pic in the first e-mail.
The first one should be a short casual one.

But I can't come up with anything, mommy.

954 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 15:35:58 ID:1yrmrMsM
The problem with thanking her is that from Kansai's point of view, her keeping OP company for a night is something that's over and done with.
She might find it annoying if you bring it up again.

955 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 15:38:24 ID:N7/Htnzy
Ask her if she watched The Fountain of Trivia.

956 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 15:38:35 ID:8fTtKUEZ
What's wrong with starting with a snake pic?

You say casual, but isn't the best casual opener a funny e-mail that leads to a natural conversation?
That's why I said snake pic.

957 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 15:39:07 ID:1yrmrMsM
Well, since you're going to e-mail without a real reason...

Molester Mail: "Are you free right now?"
Kansai Mail: "Hm? Why?"
Molester Mail: "I was just curious what you're doing."

Something like this maybe?

958 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 15:40:36 ID:AdfX3dLg
Hey, everyone.
I came back because it was raining out.

Has OP already sent an e-mail?

959 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 15:41:57 ID:IyCS5FqL
This whole thing is going to end without anyone contacting OP. I'm calling it.

960 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/18 15:42:45 ID:mERigraa
I've said it before, but I think she only pretended to be interested out of politeness.
I bet she'd get creeped out if I sent her a snake pic all of a sudden.

961 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 15:44:01 ID:1yrmrMsM
That's awfully careful for a premature ejaculator like youw

962 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/18 15:45:25 ID:mERigraa
Yeah, something like that.
But I'm not really sure about starting with
"Are you free right now?".

963 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 15:48:10 ID:IyCS5FqL
Don't get your panties in a bunch just because she didn't e-mail you for a few days. You're not even that close yet.
It's also creepy to insist on buying self-defense products when they didn't even ask for it.

964 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 15:49:41 ID:Q9W1pj8s
It feels strange to see Molester write sensible things.

I don't see what's wrong with it.
How about "What are you doing right now?" then?

965 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 15:50:21 ID:AdfX3dLg
If you want a short casual e-mail, don't think too hard about it or it'll end up sounding creepy.
Something along the lines of "It's raining again! Do something about it!" should do the job.
Hold on, let me try it myself by sending it to a few women I know.

966 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 15:51:14 ID:9pbwyKj4
Isn't there something interesting you could write about? I dunno, like you just got paid or something.

967 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 15:52:27 ID:1yrmrMsM
No? Then how about...
"Are you at work?"
"I'm bored out of my mind. Got anything interesting for me?"
"Pant... pant..."

What kind of opener do you want?

968 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 15:52:44 ID:fy3S/Vbf
I remember you saying that you and Kansai are enrolled at different universities, but are your subjects completely different too?
Because if they're similar, you could talk about assignments and stuff.

969 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 15:53:31 ID:8fTtKUEZ
Is your snake that ugly-looking or what!? It should be fine as long as it's not a weird close-up.
Kansai is a grown-up woman, not a little girl. And a grown-up woman doesn't get creeped out by a pic of a reptile.
It should have enough impact to catch her attention, and you can finally thank her for what she did.

970 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 15:53:55 ID:PLPSTr3E
>It's raining again! Do something about it!<
This one seems good enough. No?

971 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 15:54:54 ID:1yrmrMsM
Btw, have you asked Miss Undie and Kansai about their hobbies and interests?

972 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 15:56:53 ID:9pbwyKj4
Do you even have a camera, OP?

973 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/18 15:57:07 ID:mERigraa
I get paid on the 24th IIRC...
The opening e-mail should be something short and casual like "Are you free right now?".
But I'm not sure about that one... Which is why I wanted suggestions.
I can't go into detail, but our subjects are quite different. A few of the basic courses we took are the same, but that's about it.
Kansai is a grown-up woman, yeah, but you see, the only difference is that if she was a little girl, she'd be like
"Eeep! A snake!? No way! So scary!! I don't want to see it!!",
but since she's a grown-up woman, she's more likely to be like
"Whoa! What the fuck!? Why are you showing me this shit!? Eh? What are you, a pervert!? Stay away from me! Go to hell, scumbag!!".
See the difference?

974 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 15:58:24 ID:AdfX3dLg
Oh, I got a nice reply.
Looks like today is Beaujolais Nouveau Day, the annual release day of a very popular wine. The woman I e-mailed says she's going to go drink it after work.
Women are guaranteed to reply to an e-mail about wine.

975 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 15:59:57 ID:RsjmqSYB
You read too much manga. Women are normal people too like you and me. They get curious too, especially when they're in a group.
But it's true that if they do actually find something creepy, they'll never want to see it again, so be careful.

By the way, what about the next thread? I don't think I can start one because I already started a thread this morning.

976 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 16:00:21 ID:NFDCJmCh
Go watch the AIR movie with her.

977 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 16:00:22 ID:NU0uLZ7I
You might as well play it safe and write about the weather.

978 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 16:01:23 ID:Q9W1pj8s
I like that.

Go buy a bottle, Molester.
Then you could ask her
"Just bought a bottle of Beaujolais. Wanna drink it with me?".

Well, she'll probably say no, but it might spark a conversation.

979 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 16:01:59 ID:NU0uLZ7I
I wonder why people always think most women like wine. It's baseless and just plain wrong.

980 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 16:02:29 ID:Q9W1pj8s
Speaking of next thread, are we going to use this duplicate thread or not?

I got totally mistaken for a molester part 11

981 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/18 16:02:33 ID:mERigraa
Guess it'll have to be about the weather, huh...
"It's raining out and I don't feel like going out. Not that I was planning on going out in the first place."
Damn, it sounds too gloomy.

982 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 16:02:48 ID:PLPSTr3E
Is >>950 going to be the next thread?

983 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 16:03:53 ID:MPXSIfgs
Looks okay to me.

984 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 16:04:20 ID:RsjmqSYB
Nah, the OP of that thread is a retard.

985 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 16:04:23 ID:+j+zOpLL
"Beaujolais Nouveau is so (゚Д゚) good!"
↑ Send this creepy e-mail. Do it.

986 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 16:05:14 ID:1yrmrMsM
I don't mind, but I personally don't like how it doesn't show up when you search for "Molester".

987 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 16:06:09 ID:9pbwyKj4
Why not just write something about the rainy weather?
If you're lucky, you might get to pick her up with an umbrella.

988 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 16:07:14 ID:PLPSTr3E
>>980 will be the next thread then?

989 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/18 16:07:47 ID:mERigraa
That's it!!

But what exactly do I write?

990 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 16:07:51 ID:8fTtKUEZ
Molester! Watch out!
It seems like you can't write normal e-mails to Kansai anymore!
The way you're acting now is creepier than any snake pic!

991 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 16:08:16 ID:1yrmrMsM
An e-mail about the rain, huh...
"It's been raining a lot lately, hasn't it? Makes me want to stay inside and do nothing."

992 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 16:10:03 ID:xDCoNGHd
"Before the rain stops and I go crazy,
I'm going to your place. See you there."

993 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 16:10:41 ID:3cN836NO

994 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 16:11:37 ID:y0YyaYuJ
Don't get so polite and formal all of a sudden. It's creepy.
Why not just use casual speech?
Something like
"I'm bored. Entertain me."
should do it.
I send e-mails like that all the time when I'm bored.
She'll reply if she happens to be bored too.

995 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 16:12:25 ID:PLPSTr3E

996 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 16:12:43 ID:y0YyaYuJ

997 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/18 16:12:51 ID:mERigraa
I've decided to send

"You at uni right now? It's raining and I'm bored."

as the opening e-mail.

998 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 16:13:07 ID:PLPSTr3E

999 : VIPPER : 04/11/18 16:13:10 ID:rrrmsLUX

1000 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/18 16:13:17 ID:mERigraa

1001 : 1001 : Over 1000 Thread
 *     +    巛 ヽ
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   *     +   / /   Yeeeeeehaaaaaawwww!
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      / ュヘ    | *     +    。     +   。 +        This thread has reached 1000 posts.
     〈_} )   |                                The next thread too will have... VIP QUALITY!!
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