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I got totally mistaken for a molester part 25

1 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:23:35 ID:nnbAYHWX
     Everyone in VIP, no, in 2ch, please hear me out.
     The other day, I was totally mistaken for a molester.
     And I don't mean it as a joke, I was actually mistaken for one in the blink of an eye.

It all started with this...

Previous thread:
I got totally mistaken for a molester part 23 (actually part 24)

Templates omitted.
↑ A detailed summary is being written here at a totally amazing pace.

>>950 starts the next thread.
※ No fighting among VIPPERs allowed.

There are several side-stories that have derived from this thread.
↓ Go to this thread if you're interested:
[Pork] Recharger Man [Cutlet]

2 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:23:47 ID:cHLi0j0F
(゚∀゚ )

3 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:25:17 ID:iWvgMLFx
Canned crab.

4 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:25:46 ID:Ru7PvnVT
Whoawwww >>1 Thxwwww Pfffwwww

5 : (・ω・ ミ 3 )∋ : 04/11/29 03:25:47 ID:W9Zb6KO4
+   +
  ∩_∩  +
 (0゚・(ェ)・) ba-dump ba-dump bear bear
 (0゚つ旦O +
 と__)__) +

6 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:25:48 ID:KVORh+vg

7 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:25:55 ID:ZpqVDNiI

8 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:25:56 ID:pHg4/a0F

9 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:26:25 ID:kJ6CAmnp
I suddenly feel this urge to convince everyone in the thread to give crab sticks a try.

10 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:26:48 ID:QCRlcOsN

11 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:27:09 ID:wrw/IBb/

12 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:27:23 ID:7EbNMO4k

13 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:27:28 ID:6JlxFTt5

14 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:27:30 ID:0E9/ecbe
(ノ∀`) Oh boy

15 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:27:57 ID:nnbAYHWX
The other day, I started the new thread in the live watch board.
It's not like I didn't care which board. It was an accident.
I still regret it now.

16 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:28:51 ID:W9Zb6KO4
1000 Name: VIPPER [sage] Date: 04/11/29 03:28:25 ID:7EbNMO4k
If this is 1000, I get the Kansai end.
Molester gets the Loli titfucking end.

17 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:29:01 ID:nnbAYHWX
We got another batshit crazy 1000 GETw

18 : Previous thread's 1000 : 04/11/29 03:29:03 ID:7EbNMO4k

19 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:29:07 ID:YT0aIUKG

This is going to be another long night.

20 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:29:20 ID:Ru7PvnVT
You're that guy!?
Sorry for the harsh words that time.
I still regret it now.

21 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:29:21 ID:0E9/ecbe
1 Name: VIPPER Date: 04/11/05 19:48:21 ID:w8ZHuVTS

You forgot to include this. Well, not that I have any right to complain as the one who failed to start part 20.

22 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:29:32 ID:f9S7kT+X
That was you! Crab.

23 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:29:35 ID:KqwZ3wkz

24 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:29:36 ID:pHg4/a0F
Your wish was unexpectedly kindw

25 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:30:08 ID:oUkmD3rX

26 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:30:26 ID:JxE6T2u6

27 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:30:54 ID:nnbAYHWX
It was an important lesson that reminded me of the responsibility that comes with making a thread,
an act that is often taken too lightly when you're used to VIP.
I still feel grateful now.

28 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:31:07 ID:YT0aIUKG
Molester has vanished once again.

29 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:31:14 ID:r6IcnLF2
I know I'm being annoying, but what does
>>I tried it out just now on a completely unrelated board and it was a completely different tripcode, you fraudw
even mean?
Of course, I know that tripcodes are the same on all boards,
but what did he exactly try out?

30 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:31:26 ID:kJ6CAmnp

31 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:31:34 ID:KVORh+vg
There are still more than 15 people ITTw

32 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:31:37 ID:ZpqVDNiI
I wonder if Molester is thinking deep and hard about what to do next...
Or he's watching anime right now.

33 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:31:57 ID:i/rkqjAF
I feel like masturbating again. Discuss.

34 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:32:02 ID:Ru7PvnVT
You're a good guy. Your post had me tearing up and shit.

Molester tried making a tripcode using Kansai's real family name,
but it was completely different than the guy in the previous thread was using.
And with that, it was proven that that guy was just bluffing.

35 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:32:04 ID:f9S7kT+X
Umm... I'm going to make crab hot pot. Do you want to come to my place?

36 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:32:15 ID:KVORh+vg
( ゚Д゚)っ● EAT SHIT

37 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:32:35 ID:WSltLQ5R
Do you know your multiplication tables?

38 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:32:36 ID:wrw/IBb/
...so is he going for the Kansai route now?
Hmm... Am I the only one who thinks it's going to be a piece of cake?

>>33 You know that it decreases your life expectancy, right?w

39 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:32:37 ID:KqwZ3wkz
He must have made a tripcode from Kansai's real family name in some test thread or something.

40 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:32:40 ID:oUkmD3rX
Let me simplify things a little.

Loli likes Molester.
Kansai either likes Molester or is indifferent towards him.
Molester likes Kansai more than Loli.

That is all there is to it.

41 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:32:42 ID:0E9/ecbe
How many semen do you have to kill until you're satisfied!?

42 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:33:06 ID:Ru7PvnVT
Well, even if you say "it was proven that that guy was just bluffing"
we have no way of knowing whether Molester really tried it out or not,
nor is there any need to, I dare say.

That's because this is News Flash VIP.

43 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:33:07 ID:YT0aIUKG
>Is her family name Sakamoto?

I'm really curious about this post from the previous thread.

44 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:33:11 ID:QCRlcOsN
He did a tripcode test using Kansai's family name.

Are you trying to say that you can do a tripcode test without actually making a post?

45 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:33:14 ID:WuG56WEj

I feel like masturbating after seeing this.

46 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:33:14 ID:f9S7kT+X
The shrine maiden pic didn't really do it for me.
I am hard now though.

47 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:33:31 ID:pHg4/a0F
If she likes him, she's sure to be interested in what he's into.

Loli: "Oh yeah, I wonder what VA means... Let me google it."
Loli: "Is this that website called 2ch? Don't tell me Mr. Molester is a..."

is what I thought at first, but when she actually googles it,
Loli: "What is this? Yoshida Sensha? He reads manga like this...?"
is how it might go.

48 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:33:57 ID:KVORh+vg
Loli and Kansai are pretty good friends.

This little detail complicates everything.

49 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:34:07 ID:Ru7PvnVT
That's nothing. Go back to the previous thread and check out the URL in post 953.

50 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:34:30 ID:tHCDh01u
That's a love triangle if I ever saw one.
I guess, Miss Undie is the odd one out now, huh?

51 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:34:37 ID:r6IcnLF2
Ahh, now I get it.
Seems like my brain has completely stopped working.

52 : Previous thread's 1000 : 04/11/29 03:35:10 ID:7EbNMO4k
Uhh, it was just a name that caught my eyes in the google search results.

53 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:35:16 ID:VqVtLcim
I'm in the Loli camp, but I feel like even if we managed to get him back on the Loli route,
it won't really go anywhere anyway...

I don't think we have to worry about the ABC story. There are too many uncertainties.

Take a chance and go for Kansai!
Even if you get turned down, you don't have anything to lose.
You'll just be back to your previous lifestyle.
 If anything, you'll have gained something valuable.

You might not get to have any seicross either, but you'll want to get yourself a girlfriend first anyway.

54 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:35:24 ID:f9S7kT+X
Moleeeester, don't be embarrassed and come out.

55 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/29 03:35:30 ID:OHOnsYLn
I feel like doing it too now.

56 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:35:42 ID:7EbNMO4k
So, where is Molester?

57 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:35:44 ID:WSltLQ5R
Hokkaido bros are shaking right now.

58 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:35:45 ID:KVORh+vg
Earthquake with seismic intensity of 5 in Kushiro. Discuss.

59 : &rlo; : 04/11/29 03:36:21 ID:kJ6CAmnp
On nights when the moon is this blue, strange things can happen

I'd love to try out strange masturbation.

60 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:36:25 ID:f9S7kT+X
O-Oh no, someone save the crabs!

61 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:36:39 ID:nnbAYHWX
Is Kushiro going to be okay!!!!?? Wasn't there a guy from Hokkaido in the thread earlier!?

62 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:36:50 ID:KqwZ3wkz
Don't you have a heart?

63 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:36:56 ID:vFXnLHrJ
It woke me up.

64 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:37:06 ID:7EbNMO4k
I wonder whose jugs are bigger. Loli or Jessica from DQ?

65 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:37:13 ID:pHg4/a0F
get a girlfriend → seicross
Just seeing someone advocate for this order of things makes me happy somehow.
I was starting to wonder if I'm the only one. Or if I'm considered old-fashioned now.

66 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:37:53 ID:wrw/IBb/
I see...
When a guy gets involved, friendship between women becomes thinner than paper.
It's extremely rare that a woman gives up on a guy for her female friend.

Loli's behavior is a great example of thisw

67 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:37:57 ID:YT0aIUKG
My homeroom teacher in third and fourth grade of elementary school had the same name.
Let's just leave it at that.

68 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:38:04 ID:WuG56WEj
I'm hungry. I think I'm going to bed.

69 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:38:11 ID:vFXnLHrJ
(・∀・)I live in Kushiro.

70 : ◆wS2fCa8rNY : 04/11/29 03:38:24 ID:fT02Bc6c
It's just lowercase Latin letters, huh?

71 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:38:33 ID:KqwZ3wkz
Are VIPPERs immortal or something?w

72 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:38:46 ID:QCRlcOsN
Are you okay?

73 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:38:48 ID:nnbAYHWX
Are the crabs safe?

74 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:38:53 ID:f9S7kT+X
Hold on, Kansai isn't supposed to be anything like that (seen through Molester's lens).

75 : &rlo; : 04/11/29 03:39:11 ID:kJ6CAmnp
It's the birth of another Kuril Island. (((( ;゜Д゜))) shake shake

76 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:39:31 ID:oUkmD3rX
A model VIPPER.

77 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:39:31 ID:KVORh+vg
A tsunami warning has been issued. (・∀・)

78 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:39:40 ID:TJvwh6Au
I've finally caught up...
What the hell, Molester!? You didn't do it!?
I left my girlfriend hanging, making her all suspicious just to get home asap
and this is what I get? *angry*

79 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:40:05 ID:KqwZ3wkz
According to the ETA of the tsunami, you have 20 minutes left.

80 : &rlo; : 04/11/29 03:40:11 ID:kJ6CAmnp
Everyone's ignoring >>55 for some reason. Discuss.

81 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:40:13 ID:YT0aIUKG
The swaying of Loli's heart and boobs has caused the northern lands to shake.

82 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:40:35 ID:QCRlcOsN

83 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:40:43 ID:f9S7kT+X
You should go to a sandy beach after the tsunami.
There'll be tons of crabs there for the taking.

84 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:40:44 ID:pHg4/a0F
I'm not one to talk, but what in the fuck are you doing? LOLww

85 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:41:05 ID:KVORh+vg
She also caused quite the stir in Molester's heart.

In my crotch too.

86 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:41:06 ID:nnbAYHWX
And the emotions and tears she wasn't able to hold back anymore are closing in on us now in the form of a tsunami.

87 : &rlo; : 04/11/29 03:41:23 ID:kJ6CAmnp
TBS, what happened to the south of Kantou?wwwwwwwww

88 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:42:00 ID:vFXnLHrJ
Well, you get used to earthquakes after a while.(・∀・)
But I'm glad I fastened my bookshelf to the wall after it almost killed me in an earthquake two years ago.
It's so cold out I don't feel like going out to see the tsunami.

89 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:42:07 ID:KVORh+vg
I guess Western Japan has submerged.

90 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:42:38 ID:WSltLQ5R
My sides hurtw

91 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:42:42 ID:P5qNE6Y2
Before I go to bed, let me repost this.
Molester, I want you to really consider this direction.
Well then, good night, everyone.

Why don't you just ask Kansai for advice about Loli?
She's like the leader of the family restaurant gang, so I feel like it could actually work.

Here's how it would go in my imagination:
Molester: "The other day at Loli's place, ..."
Kansai: "Seriously!? So, how do you feel about her?"
Kansai: "I know I'm a wuss, but I don't, umm, do that kind of thing with a woman I don't love."
Kansai: "Huh, are you still in love with Miss Undie or what?"
Molester: "What? I'm notw"
Kansai: "Who is it then?"
Molester: "Didn't I tell you that only you can be my partner?"
Kansai: "(∩ ゚д゚) Ahh! Ahh! I can't hear you!"

92 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:42:57 ID:uAdAVsoH
Guess I'll be rotting at the bottom of the sea soon...

93 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:43:24 ID:KVORh+vg

94 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:43:25 ID:pHg4/a0F
It's already half past 3!?
As always, the hours fly by when I'm here.

95 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:43:32 ID:wrw/IBb/
Loli's boobs are so gigantic they can cause earthquakes, huh?w That's terrifyingww

96 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:43:38 ID:KqwZ3wkz
Yeah, it's always a good idea to shut your brain off for a while.

                                Like hell it is, you dumbass.

97 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:43:49 ID:7EbNMO4k
In that case, how is TBS still broadcasting?w

98 : &rlo; : 04/11/29 03:44:34 ID:kJ6CAmnp
The earthquake in Hokkaido was caused by Molester giving himself a rubdown with a dry cloth of sadness.

99 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:44:36 ID:KVORh+vg
I'm in Tokyo.
I can see the lost continent Mu when I look out the window.

100 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:44:39 ID:wrw/IBb/
Who did the announcement on NHK?ww

101 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:44:53 ID:VqVtLcim
Like I keep saying, Loli must have gotten Kansai's consent.
It should be obvious from Molester's past reports
that Kansai and the girls have a sense of honor and decency though.

There are more women, who got their shit together, than you think.

102 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:45:04 ID:pHg4/a0F
Oh shit... My wife got up...
Guys, I'll be going ahead. ノシ

103 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:45:30 ID:65b7Pziu
Fuji TV is only showing Hokkaido...w

104 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:45:30 ID:KVORh+vg
One thing's for sure, it wasn't Mr. Satouwwwwwww

105 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:45:52 ID:nnbAYHWX
Good luck with real seicross.

106 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:46:17 ID:7EbNMO4k
Who cares about Honshu... It's only the largest and most populous island of Japan.

107 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:46:36 ID:YT0aIUKG
Say hi to your wife from me.
Say hi to your wife from me.

108 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:46:44 ID:nnbAYHWX
Good thing it was only a small tsunami.

109 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:46:45 ID:rVNKYbfB
>1     I'm a bit late, but crabs for starting the thread.
>Molester  It's going to be tough if Kansai already knows about the Loli incident or finds out about it.
        But well, you know, hang in there~ノシ

110 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:46:58 ID:pYKKOP3B
So what do you want to do, Molester?w
You haven't said anything about what you think all night.

111 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:47:23 ID:QCRlcOsN

Has Molester gone to bed?

112 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:47:48 ID:KVORh+vg
They're urging everyone in Nemuro to evacuate.

On such a blistering-cold morning.

113 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:47:51 ID:TJvwh6Au
It's true that I've cheated on her, but today I left her hanging for this!
Damn you, Molester.

114 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:47:58 ID:ZpqVDNiI
I don't think Molester can make up his mind...
He did say what he thinks. He said both.

115 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:47:59 ID:oUkmD3rX
Molester, are you still watching?
No matter how long you wait, there won't be a conclusion or a consensus, you know?

116 : &rlo; : 04/11/29 03:48:30 ID:kJ6CAmnp
His report mentioned Loli e-mailing someone, but was she really e-mailing Kansai?
I think it's much more unlikely than the whole "Kansai is girl A" theory. Am I the only one?

117 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:48:53 ID:YT0aIUKG
Once Molester has made his earthshaking decision on what he wants to do next, all we can do is suggest adjustments or criticize his decision...
I guess it's business as usual at this point, huh?

118 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:49:09 ID:KVORh+vg
The consensus ITT is "Contact them asap."

119 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:49:10 ID:nnbAYHWX
That was an unexpected confession, but thanks for confiding in us.

120 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:49:21 ID:El3EUoTk
I'm going to bed now,

but Molester, just don't ask any of the girls for advice!

They'll think you're the biggest pussy ever.
Don't say a thing until Kansai asks you about it.
If she asks you why you did it,
"Because there's someone I like."
"Who is it?"
give it to her like that.

Also, make sure to apologize to Loli.
"I just can't see you in that way."
Say something like that.
Don't mention a thing about how you like Kansai.

Be careful about these things and you should be able to avoid having to spend Christmas in 2ch.

121 : &rlo; : 04/11/29 03:49:25 ID:kJ6CAmnp
Earthshaking decision... lol

122 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:49:43 ID:uAdAVsoH
In Osaka, no channel other than NHK is even reporting about the earthquake.
TBS is showing some weird music show.
TV Asahi: weather forecast.
Fuji TV: some band's concert maybe?
ytv isn't even broadcasting right now.

123 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:50:15 ID:i/rkqjAF
im gonna die earthquake i'm gonna die

124 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:50:54 ID:El3EUoTk
Hey, hey!

125 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:51:12 ID:f9S7kT+X
It's all because you masturbated.

126 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:51:29 ID:i/rkqjAF
this isn't the time to be masturbating i'm gonna die

127 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/29 03:51:30 ID:OHOnsYLn
Yeah, definitely no time to be masturbating.

128 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:51:42 ID:KVORh+vg
Alright, I'll be off too.
Gotta eat, take a bath and go buy Jump. ノシ

129 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:51:45 ID:nnbAYHWX
What's wrong? You live in Hokkaido?

130 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:51:46 ID:WSltLQ5R
Do the natural vibrations feel that good or what?

131 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:52:00 ID:iWvgMLFx
I know that feelw

132 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:52:06 ID:7EbNMO4k
So, what are you going to do next?

133 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:52:27 ID:wrw/IBb/
Who knew that blowing a huge load was an omen of earthquakes.

134 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:52:34 ID:pYKKOP3B
>>114 Both of them!?
How shamelessw

135 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:52:37 ID:WuG56WEj
And I'm at a loss.

136 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:52:41 ID:r6IcnLF2
Molester is actually still here?

137 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:52:49 ID:YT0aIUKG
Eh? Do we really want him to apologize to Loli? He'd not only be pouring salt in her wounds, but even risk ruining his friendship with the family restaurant crew.
If he keeps his mouth shut, it'll just be an embarrassing anecdote between Loli and him. The Loli route would be secure too.

I doubt Loli would tell anyone about something so embarrassing like how she offered seicross to Molester and got turned down.

138 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:52:56 ID:nnbAYHWX
Put your pants back on and take refuge somewhere.

139 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:53:32 ID:VqVtLcim
Even if he tells Kansai what happened after so much time has passed,

it'll only end up confusing her because your side of the story is bound to be very different than Loli's.

But I have to say, Molester and the people in the Kansai camp are real men for taking on the much harder Kansai route.

140 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:53:34 ID:KqwZ3wkz
Ever since I started frequenting this thread, I don't feel any repulsion towards the word "Molester" anymore. Discuss.

141 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:54:09 ID:7EbNMO4k
Run away with just trunks on.

Getting told "Your legs are quite hairy."
can be the beginning of a love.

142 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:54:42 ID:YT0aIUKG
Molesting is bad.

143 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:55:03 ID:nnbAYHWX
Yeah, you can't ask the girls for advice, especially if they're friends of Loli.

144 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:55:22 ID:ZpqVDNiI
Just saying "both" was kind of misleading. My bad.
- He likes Kansai.
- But he's a virgin.
They're both reasons why he didn't do it.
I think people are getting tired of saying this, but make up your mind by tomorrow morning and e-mail one of the girls.

145 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:55:24 ID:QCRlcOsN

From the live watch board.

146 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/29 03:55:44 ID:OHOnsYLn
What to do next, huh... I don't know if I should be the one contacting them... Not sure what to do.
For now, I think I'll just take a bath and go to bed...

147 : &rlo; : 04/11/29 03:56:31 ID:kJ6CAmnp
I don't think they will contact you if you don't.

148 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:56:58 ID:ZpqVDNiI
It's just like you to choose to run away, Molester.
That might be the end of the line though. Thanks for everything so far.

149 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:57:12 ID:QCRlcOsN
I feel like it'll be the end if you don't do something...
Women can be scary when they band togetherw

150 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:57:13 ID:oUkmD3rX
I bet we've posted about every possible way of going about it.
There's no right or wrong when it comes to the love game.
We've all asked people out and been turned down, and found our own way.
It only makes sense that we can't agree on one way.
So don't think too hard about it.

151 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:57:14 ID:VqVtLcim
Contact them asap!

............is what everyone's been saying, right?

But until he's decided which girl to go for, he can't send an e-mail!!

Too bad!!!!

The order is: Select girl → Come up with what to write → Send e-mail

Get rekt!

152 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:57:18 ID:YT0aIUKG
Who are you going to contact?

153 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:57:35 ID:7EbNMO4k
That might be okay for today,
but the longer you wait the harder it will be to contact any of them, don't you think?

154 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:57:59 ID:i/rkqjAF
I was masturbating when the earthquake started, so I woke up my little sister, put on a pair of pants, threw away the tissue, headed out, ran to the convenience store I work at, called a colleague who's like my mentor and got told "You're so dumb. You must feel really dumb now.", but I'm scared of the tsunami.

155 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:58:36 ID:i/rkqjAF
Ahh, sorry for going off-topic again. Just ignore my post ahhhhh

156 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:58:44 ID:pYKKOP3B
Are we talking about masturbating again?
In that case, I will go to bed after having fun with Jessica.

157 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:59:13 ID:KqwZ3wkz
>>91 Weren't we all pretty much OK with this one?

158 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 03:59:23 ID:QCRlcOsN
Calm downw
Also, post pics of your little sister.

159 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:00:20 ID:WuG56WEj
>>91 has my approval too.

160 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:00:20 ID:i/rkqjAF
I'm calling my sister right now. Help me.

161 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:00:31 ID:RIe6Lw7b
Just sent a link to the summary site to London Hearts.

162 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:00:39 ID:oDyI5CRT
Your post has too much QUALITY to ignoreww

163 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:00:41 ID:FruZj7Rl
At last, I have caught up with you guys.
I, for one, was so glad that he didn't do it, so I'm going to masturbate now.

164 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:01:42 ID:7EbNMO4k
>Kansai: "Seriously!? So, how do you feel about her?"

I don't think she will reply like this.

165 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:03:01 ID:i/rkqjAF
uaww slvgyuhf anohter earthqugghjk━━━(゚∀゚)━( ゚∀)━(  ゚)━(  )━(  )━(゚  )━(∀゚ )━(゚∀゚)━━━!!!!!
fjasdhboasj another aonthre eathrqukaaeee

166 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:03:15 ID:i/rkqjAF
its another eartthtquaaek hellllpppppppppp

167 : &rlo; : 04/11/29 04:03:35 ID:kJ6CAmnp
We don't know what to do because we can't tell what kind of connection Loli and Kansai have.

I wonder if we'll get another unexpected twist tomorrow.

168 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:03:52 ID:oUkmD3rX
Are you alrihgt?

169 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:03:55 ID:r6IcnLF2
You didn't have SEX with Loli because you like Kansai, alright?
You didn't say it at the time because you were too perplexed or something.
There's no need to say anything to Kansai for now. This is something you should only talk to Loli about.
Once you tell Loli that you like Kansai, you have no choice but to confess your love to Kansai.

We don't know if Kansai likes you or not, but now that it's come to this, you can't just wait and do nothing.

170 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:04:02 ID:KqwZ3wkz
Why not? It's true that she might not sound as uninvolved when talking about her BFF Loli,
but if you're going to be a naysayer, you'll have to post a better idea, no?
I'm completely out of ideas...

171 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:04:05 ID:WuG56WEj
I won't be able to go to school again tomorrow because of this thread.

172 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:04:48 ID:Rgqitkfv
Whether it goes like >>91 or not, Molester will gain a lot of experience points from this, so we should just let him do whatever he thinks is right!

Though there is the possibility that he will never have another encounter for the rest of his life, not even with a slime.

173 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:04:59 ID:KqwZ3wkz
Get off the internet and go get yourself as many crabs as you can.
Also, stay away from buildings.

174 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:06:00 ID:i/rkqjAF
I'm putting back the pile of light novels that fell out of my bookshelf in tears right now.
Molester, hang in there. You have to hang in there.
If you die in an earthquake, you'll regret it forever. Do something with your life before it's too late.
I haven't read the archive, but hang in there, man, hang in there.

175 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:06:20 ID:oUkmD3rX
Am I a naysayer...?

I just don't want him to use Loli as an excuse when confessing his love to Kansaiw

176 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:06:50 ID:oDyI5CRT
I'm worried, but then again you're posting in this thread, so it can't be too bad, right?

177 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:06:59 ID:KqwZ3wkz
More importantly, the expected highest temperature for Osaka has dropped below 20 degrees. Discuss.

Are you trying to kill me?

178 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:08:13 ID:nnbAYHWX
Let me tell you what I'd do if I was you, Molester.

Ask Loli indirectly how she really feels and tell her indirectly that there's someone you like. (Don't reveal that it's Kansai.)
Treat Kansai the same way as before. If she asks you about what happened, say "Sorry, I can't talk about it. It only concerns Loli and me."

I don't think I can agree with >>91. When you think about Kansai and Loli's feelings,
you can't be completely honest with either of them.

179 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:08:54 ID:wrw/IBb/
It's not enough to just call or e-mail Loli.
If you're going to apologize, it has to be in personw
Tell her in person "It's not that I didn't do anything. I couldn't do anything. I'm sorry for embarrassing you like that."
and it should be fine. Also, tell her you're not gayw
It's not like you did something bad and ruined your friendship with Loli,
so I don't think you need to worry so much about losing Loli.

Btw, what if she was just trying to make up for puking on your bed with seicross?

180 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:09:03 ID:i/rkqjAF
I'm fine, I think. I'm still scared though.
I've experienced both the great hanshin earthquake and the one in Tokachi last year, so I'm scared shitless.

181 : &rlo; : 04/11/29 04:09:13 ID:kJ6CAmnp
He might be able to buy some time by apologizing to Loli.

That is, if he doesn't get stabbed by Loli before that.

182 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:10:11 ID:wrw/IBb/
Whoawww What about aftershocks?ww
Be safe!

183 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:10:27 ID:oDyI5CRT
All we can do is wait.
Molester has to make up his mind first.

184 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:10:55 ID:7EbNMO4k
Here's why I don't agree with >>91
I don't like the thought of Molester talking to Kansai about what happened between him and Loli. It's tactless.
There's no need to talk to Kansai about it at all.
No, as a man, he shouldn't talk to her about it, don't you think?

185 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:11:08 ID:i/rkqjAF
I heard there'll be aftershocks with a seismic intensity of 4.
I'll stop going off-topic and go to the earthquake board now.

186 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:11:36 ID:oDyI5CRT
I'm sorry.
My parents had a rough time too during the earthquake in Niigata earlier this year. I should have been more thoughtful.

187 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:11:58 ID:5yPVodKI
There is the option to wait, of course.
Loli made the first step, so it's hard to imagine that this will be over without her contacting him again.
It's true that you can minimize the risk of making mistakes by waiting for the other party to move first and reacting to it appropriately.
But there's the risk of losing the Kansai route while you're waiting. Also, it's impossible to predict what Loli might do next, so we can't prepare for it at all.

At least, when you move first, you won't have to worry about those things, is what I think.

188 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:12:10 ID:wrw/IBb/
Just stay here. There are only a few people left right now anyway, no one will mindw
At least, keep this thread open in a separate window plz.

189 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:13:18 ID:oDyI5CRT
I too think that >>91 is out of the question, both as a man and as a person.

190 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:13:47 ID:wrw/IBb/
Yeah, right?
If you don't do anything at a time like this,
they'll just be like "I don't know what that guy is thinking!!" and think you're creepy.

I recommend doing something.

191 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:13:55 ID:i/rkqjAF
Thanks for the kind comment.
I was masturbating just a few minutes ago. I feel so stupid now.
My little sister is so shaken up she's using polite speech on me, it's kind of moe.
She sent 6 e-mails in total.

192 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:14:42 ID:wrw/IBb/
How old is your little sister?wwwwww Whoawwwww That sounded sowwww inappropriatewwwww

193 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:14:59 ID:7EbNMO4k
The problem is that if you decide to wait,
it becomes hard to find the right timing to act again.
It's not like you have anything in particular to contact them about.

Instead of talking to Kansai about it,
I wonder if Molester can't feel out Miss Understanding or Butler for information first.

194 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:14:59 ID:nnbAYHWX
Looks like you've calmed down.
Make sure to check if you really put on underwear.

195 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:16:03 ID:i/rkqjAF
She's 18.
The tip of my penis is wet for some reason, but I feel like I have more important things to worry about rigth now.

196 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:16:06 ID:oDyI5CRT
Polite speech → "Stop using polite speech." → Whoawwwww
I feel like I've seen this turn of events a few hours ago......

197 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:16:26 ID:KqwZ3wkz
You better not go talking to any girls in your underwear.

198 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:17:00 ID:i/rkqjAF
I put on pants, but my fly was open.
I can't believe I went to the convenience store like that.
So embarrassing.

199 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:17:30 ID:wrw/IBb/
There's no need for a consensus on this board. Plus, the earth is shaking.

Just keep throwing your opinions out there.

200 : &rlo; : 04/11/29 04:18:18 ID:kJ6CAmnp
The anal fuck onanist from Hokkaido (and his little sister) has overtaken the threadwwwwww

201 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:18:52 ID:65b7Pziu
I mostly agree with >>91,
but when he talks to Kansai, he should be ready to confess his love
and it should be in person at the bare minimum.

I think, instead of probing the other girls for info,
he should just focus on how to deal with Kansai and Loli.

202 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:19:06 ID:r6IcnLF2
Tomorrow is not too late.
Just say you needed a day to think about everything. Either way, doing nothing and waiting is not an option.
But if you still want to get with Loli after all that,
you can forget about going out with either of them.

203 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:19:53 ID:wrw/IBb/

You should be fine as long as you still have electricity.
Whenever a big earthquake hit in the past, a power outage followed right away.
For now, just hold out until the sun rises. You're sure to calm down when it gets bright out.

204 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:20:14 ID:vFXnLHrJ
Well, I think he should save his virginity for Kansai and if he ends up getting turned down by both Loli and Kansai, then that's just how it is.
It'd be a lot like Molester, sincere and faithful. As a man, he'd be the taking an L though.

I was totally fine this time because I fastened my bookshelf to the wall after the Tokachi-Oki earthquake.
In the 19 years I've been living in Kushiro, I've experienced about 5 or 6 huge earthquakes and I'm so used to them now. ( ^ω^)
Should we go check out the tsunami? Or is it too late?

205 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:21:32 ID:i/rkqjAF
I'll do my best.
I feel like I know you from somewhere.

206 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:21:50 ID:oUkmD3rX
This is assuming you want to confess your love to Kansai,
but I think you should simply ask her to go out with you.
If she asks where that suddenly came from,
you could just tell her you wanted to make things clear.
If Kansai already heard about it from Loli, she'll know what you mean, and if she hasn't, there's no need to tell her.
And whether you get to go out with her or get turned down, Loli will eventually hear about it,
so that's how she'll find out why you turned her down, right?

I just think a love confession should only be about how much you love someone and that's it.

207 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:22:22 ID:KqwZ3wkz
Whatever the reason, I was impressed by how manly you were when you told her you won't do anything.
If you see it through to the end and manage to go out with Kansai,
I will cry.

208 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:22:52 ID:vFXnLHrJ
Whoawwwwwwwwww I've been found outwwwwwww

209 : &rlo; : 04/11/29 04:23:13 ID:kJ6CAmnp
You guys are being surprisingly hard on Molester.

By the way, Molester doesn't seem as down as he was after that trip to Akihabara. I guess it hits different when it's Loli vs. when it's Kansai.

210 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:24:29 ID:wrw/IBb/
I would confess my love to Kansai like
"I almost had a thing with Loli,
but I didn't do anything because I'd rather have seicross with you, Kansai, the one I love."

211 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:25:45 ID:wrw/IBb/
He'll start to regret it later, he just doesn't know it yet.
"Oh, man, why did I not hit that..."
he'll sayw

212 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:27:04 ID:vFXnLHrJ
I wish I could go back to when I was in junior high... I was such a brat...
I want to lose my virginity...

213 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:27:09 ID:oDyI5CRT
On various occasions so far, I have shared my opinion on when to send an e-mail and what to write, most of which Molester ignored,
but I believe that my opinion should not matter when it comes to whether he should go for Loli or Kansai.
Even if Molester declared that Kansai is the one he likes, I still don't think I should chime in.

That's why I will wait until Molester himself makes it clear who he picked.

214 : &rlo; : 04/11/29 04:27:36 ID:kJ6CAmnp
I see.
I guess he will regret not doing it with Loli when he gets turned down by Kansai...

215 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:27:58 ID:KqwZ3wkz
vFXnLHrJ suddenly revealing a weak side is so moe.

216 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:28:58 ID:KqwZ3wkz
And Molester has really gone to sleep now. Discuss.

217 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:29:47 ID:oUkmD3rX

When we regret not having done something (not just seicross), for some reason, we're always so sure that it would have worked outw

218 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:29:55 ID:wrw/IBb/
www Rightww That or when he gets dumped by Kansaiwww

219 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:30:18 ID:wrw/IBb/
The fish that got away is always the biggest.

220 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/29 04:30:18 ID:OHOnsYLn
At last, I'm off to sleep. Discuss.

Good night.

221 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:30:42 ID:wrw/IBb/

222 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:31:06 ID:KqwZ3wkz

223 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:31:36 ID:i/rkqjAF
Molester, bye-bye.

224 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:31:38 ID:5yPVodKI
Now that he has turned down Loli, it might be the best timing to confess his love to Kansai.
Even if he gets turned down, he theoretically still has a chance with Loli.
It is only a very theoretical chance though.

225 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:33:07 ID:oUkmD3rX
Whatever you decide, Molester,
I will most likely troll the shit out of you and make fun of it in the thread,
but I will not deny it.
Good night.

226 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:34:05 ID:BwDIAGWu
5 crabs that he will regret not doing Loli whether he ends up with Kansai or not.

227 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:34:29 ID:br78LLsg
Loli is gradually turning into Priscilla in my head. Discuss.

228 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:34:47 ID:KqwZ3wkz
It will sting just a little for a long, long time.

229 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:35:17 ID:i/rkqjAF
I can't get over how my little sister is still using polite speech here and there, but other than that, she seems to be okay now.
Brb preparing for evacuation.
You could easily freeze to death at this time of the year.

230 : &rlo; : 04/11/29 04:35:31 ID:kJ6CAmnp
Good night.

231 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:35:57 ID:oUkmD3rX
Take care not to catch a cold.

232 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:36:27 ID:KqwZ3wkz
I checked the weather forecast just now and it said it'll be like 2 degrees out tonight.
Don't die, man. Night.

233 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:36:34 ID:6JlxFTt5
Crabs. ノシ

In any case, you need to make a decision, Molester.
Kansai or Loli, I think you still have a chance with either of them. It's not too late yet.
Make your decision first and then we'll think about how to go about it.

234 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:37:12 ID:nnbAYHWX
Crabs for staying up till early morning.
I'm going to bed too. It's dangerous to be on VIP past 4 am.

235 : &rlo; : 04/11/29 04:38:21 ID:kJ6CAmnp
Somehow I feel like he'll be able to decide by himself this time regardless of what the VIPPERs think.

But wait... that's exactly the kind of character growth the thread starter usually goes through at the end!

...I feel like the only thing that's growing is Molester's little Molester though.

236 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:38:42 ID:oUkmD3rX
I think he could try going for the friends forever route too.
Now, this may seem like a safe choice, but it's just as unpredictable as the other routes.

With that said, I'm gonna go to bed too.

237 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:39:05 ID:nnbAYHWX
Oh yeah, let me say one thing before I go.
It's not rare at all to fall for someone because they fell in love with you first.
I'm neither in the Kansai camp or the Loli camp, but I do think that you did the right thing in today's report.
I'm off, this time for real. Crabs.

238 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:39:51 ID:r6IcnLF2
Good night.

239 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:40:17 ID:KqwZ3wkz
I'm going off too.

I hope Molester can take pride in what he did this time.
Also, Kansai for life. ノシ

240 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 04:43:21 ID:5yPVodKI
I like how that still leaves the grande finale open.

Think about it hard and make a decision by yourself.
Whatever you choose, it'll be a good life experience for you.

241 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 05:17:07 ID:oDyI5CRT
Since the thread's empty right now, let me use this opportunity to leave a message for Molester.

We still have some time left till Christmas, but it's time to make a decision.
For starters, I want you to reminisce on all the good shit that happened, like Kansai's smile and the conversations you had with her including the ones by e-mail,
or what happened in Loli's room and her jugs peeking out of her bathtowel, and how you went shopping with both of them, and so on.
While you're remembering everything, I'm sure you'll reach a conclusion.

This kind of thing isn't something you figure out using your brain or by listening to other people's opinions.

242 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 05:30:28 ID:i54TpUn1
I slept through the whole thingwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
What's more, the moment the party in this thread ended, Crotch Guy is saying he's going to sleep toowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Whoa, I have so much to share but no place to go towwwwwwwwwwwwww

243 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 05:31:06 ID:i/rkqjAF
Be it Kansai or Loli, one thing I learned today is that you have to be careful when you're masturbating.

I'm going to sleep! I don't care if I die in my sleep!

244 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 05:36:43 ID:VFs+BWqf
Then let me share what I think too.

I think it's better if you don't tell Kansai about what happened with Loli.
You're probably not the type to tell on somebody anyway,
but I bet Kansai can't stand it when friends talk behind each other's backs.
Remember how Kansai didn't want to talk about Miss Undie's relationship with her parents when you asked her way back?
Plus, it's not like it's something she could give you advice about.
I guess it could trigger the Kansai flag if she likes you, but if she doesn't,
she'll just think you're bragging to her, which would be very out-of-character for you.
Don't you accidentally let it slip to Kansai! You'll lose her trust.

After what happened with Loli, you should just completely give up on her.
Maybe she was just testing you or maybe all she wanted was a fling, right?
After all, you're the one who'll end up getting hurt, Molester.
Besides, a girl who suddenly invites you into her room and lets you have seicross with her?
Not doing it was the right decision without the shadow of a doubt!

Winter is sprinkled with events,
so for now, I think you should just hang out and go drinking with the family restaurant gang.
I'm sure, when you see them the next time, Loli will be acting surprisingly normal. Don't worry about it too much.

Hey, let me tell you one last thing!!!
I'm not sad... I'm not envious of you at all...

245 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 05:36:52 ID:0E9/ecbe
Don't die.

246 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 05:47:41 ID:6JlxFTt5
    ________| ノ      ヽ Zzz・・・
   γ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/  ─   ─ |
   / ※ ※ ※ ※  /|    ( _●_) ミ__
  ./ ※ ※ ※ ※  / 彡   ,,__(,,..)__ /__)

247 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 05:50:49 ID:VFs+BWqf
Hang in there, AF.

248 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 06:09:00 ID:VFs+BWqf
Good night, bear.
Let's hope that tomorrow will be a happy day for all of us.

249 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 06:54:04 ID:OdguGOO7
Hurry up and move the thread to the loser men board already.
This thread is so out of place on VIP it's fucking annoying.

250 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 07:00:57 ID:tHCDh01u
The thread would be out of place on the loser men board too imo.

251 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 07:19:04 ID:ElGw6Pk/
This spring, I started my first job at a company and made the first step to becoming a full-fledged member of society.
Working full-time was tough and lonely, so I quickly developed a light form of depression as a result,
but I kept completing the tasks I was assigned.
As I got gradually used to work, I slowly started to feel like work was actually fun.
After work, I would go drinking with my co-workers and quickly became friends with them.
Life was pretty fulfilling everyday.

Meanwhile, I had developed a crush on someone from my company.
It was a woman, who had joined the company last year and was a year older than me.
She had pretty long hair and a slender figure.
She was totally my type, so I wanted to get to know her better.

One day, she asked me out for drinks.
We had gone drinking before, but it was the first time it was just the two of us.
At first, I was nervous about what we'd talk about,
but we had fun talking about work and our co-workers over drinks.
Just when I was starting to feel slightly tipsy,
her face went stiff all of a sudden.
I asked "What's wrong?" and with a look of terror on her face,
she screamed "...be-behind you!!!!"

Surprised, I turned around and that's when I woke up.
Good morning, you guys.

252 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 07:19:50 ID:VFs+BWqf
Good morning.
Morning has come.
Now, what's going to happen today?!

253 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 07:20:36 ID:zAzGWmOH
Who is it going to be tomorrow!?

Morning, guys.

254 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 07:42:15 ID:XJHf61n1
I overslept and missed it, but did Molester pick the Kansai route at the end or not?
At least, I think it was the right decision to not do it with Loli.

Good morning, you guys.

255 : 今頃ロリは・・・ : 04/11/29 07:46:07 ID:uiUWsocs
Adventure Log 1
 Hero: Molester Lv5

Delete adventure log?


256 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 08:00:36 ID:Zni7Xtws
This is so sad━━━━━━━━\(`Д´)ノ━━━━━━━━━!!!!!!!!!!!

257 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 08:07:22 ID:rW6a+kH0
Molester, you better do something today.

258 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 08:18:18 ID:GXWrP7aT
If I'm going to have a boner anyway, I want to have a boner reading about having seicross with Kansai.
Molester, hang in there.

259 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 08:25:28 ID:N6B2GnsZ
Loli getting her heart broken has only made lolita girls with huge breasts more moe for me.
Good morning. ノシ

260 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 08:27:36 ID:T6qeJ3mX
When Loli was talking about women who are into cute guys, she was really talking about herself.
But Molester did really good. Well, it could be that he just didn't have the balls, but he still did good.

Also, I wish a good morning to you guys.

261 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 08:30:27 ID:N6B2GnsZ
Maybe it's not that he didn't have the balls but that she had breastsw

262 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 08:36:41 ID:Yz3G4v2C
Whew, I've finally read up to this point.
That was a huge opportunity he let slip by.
I don't think he'll get another opportunity like that.

You guys, good morning. ノシ

263 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 08:42:36 ID:oXOAK6tD
Here are my two cents after less than four hours of sleep.

First of all, I think you should wait for the girls to contact you first.

In case Kansai contacts you (after hearing about everything from Loli) and you confess your love to Kansai:
- Kansai end
- Extinction of all routes (back to your normal life you go)
These two outcomes are the most likely.

In case Loli contacts you (and she hasn't talked to anyone about what happened):
- Loli end
- Kansai end
- Extinction of all routes (back to your normal life you go)
Any of these are possible.

As you can see, you have to tread very carefully now, Molester.

264 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 08:51:53 ID:tojCJ2DM
Morning, guys.
It was so frustrating to watch Molester's incompetence from my cell phone.

265 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 09:12:20 ID:omdI/g7G
Does Loli resemble Ichii Shizuka?

266 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 09:13:10 ID:KJU96rlq
I will take care of Loli instead.

267 : You_can_easily_tell_a_VIPER_when_you_see_one ◆QKO2OCjVyc : 04/11/29 09:21:53 ID:FMY9mPti
So he didn't do it after all...

268 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 09:27:02 ID:r6IcnLF2
I only had 4.5 hours of sleep too.

Good morning, you guys.

269 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 09:37:11 ID:wVObSooT
It's just weird to go to a girl's place if you don't have any interest in doing her.
Molester, you probably think friends go to each other's places all the time, but that's just the delusions of a virgin.
If you don't have any interest in doing her, don't go to her place. No, it's weird that you don't have any interest in doing her in the first place.
I think it was a mistake that he went to Loli's place at all. What about you guys?

270 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 09:41:33 ID:eem4RMqW
If you get a bad end, all you have to do is try again.

271 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 09:44:33 ID:r6IcnLF2
Well, I know what you mean, but I don't think it's that simple.

272 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 09:54:22 ID:r6IcnLF2
I'm extremely curious about if the girls contacted each other
and if yes, what they told each other just before and after the incident.

And why do the chicks all have the hots for Molester?
What makes him so attractive?
Is it his talk skills or is he actually good-looking?

At the same time, I'm starting to have doubts about
if Kansai, Loli, and Miss Undie are really as cute
as Molester always makes them out to be.

273 : (・ω・ ミ 3 )∋ : 04/11/29 10:01:18 ID:Sutuge0B
+   +
  ∩_∩  +
 (0゚・(ェ)・) ba-dump ba-dump bear bear
 (0゚つ旦O +
 と__)__) +

274 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 10:01:40 ID:FH8lvIiG
Sigh... It's morning... That was a long night...
I'll be off to work now.

Good morning, guys.

275 : You_can_easily_tell_a_VIPER_when_you_see_one ◆QKO2OCjVyc : 04/11/29 10:02:52 ID:FMY9mPti
Good morning. Please do your best at work.

276 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/29 10:05:09 ID:OHOnsYLn
Oh boy... I'll never make it to second period on time.

Also, the curry I made three days ago tastes kind of different now. I wonder if it's still okay.
It stinks a little too.
I've been repeating the reheating it → eating it → putting it in the fridge → reheating it cycle............ but yesterday, I accidentally left it out all day...
I mean, I've already had it this morning, but I'm asking because there's still two meals' worth left.

277 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 10:05:57 ID:KJU96rlq
He's here.

278 : You_can_easily_tell_a_VIPER_when_you_see_one ◆QKO2OCjVyc : 04/11/29 10:07:14 ID:FMY9mPti
The curry roux should still be fine,
but the vegetables, the meat and the rest has probably long gone bad. You have to put it in the freezer.

279 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 10:07:28 ID:9wRJj83/
Just because he's an otaku doesn't mean he's like the losers in the single men board.
Molester is actually Kousaka from Genshiken. You heard it here first.

280 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 10:07:44 ID:r6IcnLF2
It should be okay if you reheat it properly every time.
Plus, it's winter.

281 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 10:09:15 ID:tojCJ2DM
Do you guys think the Loli flag has disappeared?

282 : You_can_easily_tell_a_VIPER_when_you_see_one ◆QKO2OCjVyc : 04/11/29 10:10:08 ID:FMY9mPti
She should have a better opinion of him now because he didn't do anything. That is, if she was trying to seduce him.

283 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 10:10:28 ID:Yz3G4v2C
I'm sure it's disappeared.

284 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 10:10:34 ID:r6IcnLF2
>>281 Let's say, it hasn't disappeared completely.

285 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 10:11:20 ID:oV6YV8gd
This isn't an eroge.
There are no flags that can be activated and deactivated.
Too bad.

286 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/29 10:12:18 ID:OHOnsYLn
I usually eat it three times a day until it's gone though... I'd rather not put it in the freezer.
One thing's for sure. I'm not handsome.
The thing is, I always sucked at sports, so it's no wonder that I wasn't a popular kid in grade school and junior high.
Oh well, I guess I don't have a choice but to eat it... Man, how I wish I hit the lottery.

287 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 10:14:59 ID:9I+//tJi
Molester-tan, good morning! (・∀・)ノシ
Have you had breakfast like a good boy? What are your plans today?

Anyhow, good morning to you guys too! (・∀・)ノジ

288 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 10:16:00 ID:tojCJ2DM
Yeah, that's what I thought.
The best thing would be probably to keep both the Kansai route and the Loli route alive,
but I don't think Molester could pull it off...

289 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 10:18:54 ID:r6IcnLF2
It's not just Molester. No one could pull that off.
Kansai and Loli are too close for that.

290 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 10:20:50 ID:khfSbwRw
After spending the night at my wife's parents' place, I'm going on a business trip straight from there, so I'm posting this from my cell phone.
By the way, what did I miss while I was gone? (・∀・)

291 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 10:22:11 ID:tojCJ2DM
No, I mean, he can obviously only date one of them in the end, but it should be possible to keep both flags raised for a while, right?

292 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 10:22:51 ID:9wRJj83/
Molester didn't know what to do with his yakui curry.
Conclusion: "I guess I don't have a choice but to eat it..."

The end. That's all you missed.

293 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 10:23:35 ID:iL0iXAHZ
Good morning to you guys.

If it smells different than usual, it's yabai.
Better take anti-diarrhea medicine with you when you go out.

Sleep-deprived gang rise up.
Whoawwwwwwwww So much work to dowwwwwwwwwww

294 : You_can_easily_tell_a_VIPER_when_you_see_one ◆QKO2OCjVyc : 04/11/29 10:24:04 ID:FMY9mPti
Earn points with Kansai → Loli pulls back for Kansai's sake (You lose points with Loli)
Earn points with Loli → Kansai pulls back for Kansai's sake (You lose points with Kansai)

295 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 10:24:14 ID:riQTvSY0
Molester has so few votes he doesn't even show up in the popularity poll on the summary site anymore. Discuss.

Good morning, guys.

296 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 10:24:17 ID:1Laaepyi
If he gets stomachache from the curry, he can just get Kansai to nurse him.

297 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 10:24:27 ID:iL0iXAHZ

× yabai

298 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 10:24:49 ID:LffyHX2Y
Whoawwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I'm sleepy as hell at workwwwwwwwwwwwwww
I wish I could take the afternoon offwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

299 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 10:24:52 ID:FH8lvIiG
I bet you're not alone. Anyone, who couldn't be here last night for some reason,
will have a hard time catching up today.

My wife doesn't let me use the PC, so I was afraid I'd miss it,
but luckily I could join in from my cell phone.

Good luck catching upw

300 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 10:25:20 ID:khfSbwRw

301 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 10:25:31 ID:w0rhJOmO
This thread is still around!?

So, when will this thing end?

302 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 10:25:53 ID:tojCJ2DM
Same here. I could only lurk from my cell phone on Saturday.

303 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 10:26:23 ID:r6IcnLF2
Oh, you want him to just keep going like until now...
It's not impossible, but I it's probably really difficult.
Like people have been saying since yesterday, depending on the timing,
he could easily lose all routes at once.

304 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 10:27:30 ID:w0rhJOmO
So, what's fun about this like this?

305 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 10:28:46 ID:oV6YV8gd
Everything about it is extremely fun except for you.

306 : You_can_easily_tell_a_VIPER_when_you_see_one ◆QKO2OCjVyc : 04/11/29 10:29:42 ID:FMY9mPti
Why does this thread always attract so many trolls?

307 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 10:30:08 ID:w0rhJOmO
I see. So this is a thread for nutjobs.

308 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 10:30:35 ID:9wRJj83/
Dude, don't thank me... Now I feel bad for my reply...
What really happened is, Molester went to Loli's place, Loli went to take a shower,
and came out wearing boxers.
Loli: "Aren't you going to do something?"
Molester: "I won't."
So Molester fled from Loli's place. That's how we got to the curry problem.

309 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 10:32:53 ID:6pSHHkE5
What are you guys doing in the Molester thread on a workday morning!?wwwwwwwww
You guys should be working!!wwwwwwwwwwwwww
Whoawwww I'm at work right now too thoughww Okkwwwwwww

Good morning to you guys. (・∀・)ノシ

310 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 10:33:37 ID:iL0iXAHZ
Aren't they just virgins who are envious of Molester?

311 : (・ω・ ミ 3 )∋ : 04/11/29 10:34:33 ID:lLaH46vN
That's because everyone ITT is at work right now. <3

312 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 10:37:50 ID:w0rhJOmO
It's guys who spend all their time in a thread like this versus a guy who likes trolling them.
Which one is objectively more likely to be a virgin?www

Seems like when you're a virgin, even your insults reek of virgin.

313 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 10:38:13 ID:FH8lvIiG
Whoawwwwwwwwwwww I can't get any work donewwwwwwww OKwwwwwwwwww

314 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 10:40:23 ID:tojCJ2DM
ID:w0rhJOmO is so desperatew

315 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 10:41:00 ID:w0rhJOmO
What's so funny about that?

316 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 10:43:10 ID:eem4RMqW
Molester is a nice guy and apparently cute too,
so he's just easy to like, I guess?

317 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 10:45:29 ID:iL0iXAHZ
When you're buried under a mountain of work, it just makes you laugh, but you're the only one who's laughing.
Besides, if you don't laugh, you won't be able to make it through the day.
I know it seems creepy as hell from the sidelines.

318 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 10:48:18 ID:FH8lvIiG
I'm seriously sorry.
I'm so overloaded with work right now, I don't have any time to deal with you.
Sorry, I can't play with you right now, okay?

319 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 10:51:02 ID:fGF+fl5E
Good morning, guys.

The thread has grown so much since I went to bed at 3am.
You guys need to calm downw

Thanks to you guys, I'm not depressed like I'd normally be on a Monday morningw

320 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 10:51:25 ID:Oz2VlD70
Molester, you got your hopes up a little bit for this year's Christmas, aren't you?

321 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 10:53:08 ID:tJGpPYWI
I'm back after working a night shift.
Molester, you're a real man for what you did.
I cried a little when I read it.

322 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 10:54:57 ID:khfSbwRw
To 308:
No need to feel bad, man. I thanked you for replying to me in the first place.

323 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 10:59:27 ID:fGF+fl5E
After sleeping and taking care of work, I have finally calmed down and here's what I think.
For now, I think you should focus on not ruining your friendship with the girls when dealing with them.
I'm obviously talking about Loli, but also about Kansai and Miss Undie.

Now that you've turned down Loli's advances, Loli must be thinking
"Could it be that I'm not attractive...? Oh no, he probably feels contempt for me now."
right now.

It's not like you have the balls to confess your love to Kansai or Loli right now anyway, right?

324 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 11:22:53 ID:sbKQE7sp
So you really want him to confess your love to Kansai or Loli?

It would be different if Loli came onto him again, but the way things are now, he doesn't have a reason to confess to Loli.

325 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 11:25:19 ID:fGF+fl5E
And here's what I would do next if I was Molester.
"I forgot to take my shirt with me, so I might drop by again when you have time."
I would send a simple e-mail like this and see how she reacts.

If Loli doesn't seem interested anymore, I would give up on Loli for the time being.

If Loli seems to be acting awkward and quiet around you, then you'll have to break the silence, Molester.
"Look, the other day was just so sudden and I was honestly so surprised that I didn't know what to do. I'm not very experienced, you know?"
You should say something like this and make it seem like you just pussied out and that it wasn't because Loli wasn't attractive enough.
But if you do that, you might have to decide right there and then if you want to go out with her or not.

However, if Loli acts like nothing has happened when you meet her...
Well, in that case... you've been friendzoned and that's probably it for the Loli route.

326 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 11:30:12 ID:fGF+fl5E
No, I don't think he should confess to Loli under normal circumstances.
The same goes for Kansai too. I don't think he should confess to her for now either.

327 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 11:32:57 ID:fGF+fl5E
So, like I wrote earlier, I honestly don't think you have to say anything to Loli and can just keep treating her the same way you have been until now.

328 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 11:35:46 ID:FH8lvIiG

It's not enough that I'm overloaded with work, my superior and a woman from administration saw me reading this thread in a 2ch browser!
I want to curl up and become a heated snail too............ orz

But props to me for not letting it discourage me and making a post like this.

329 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 11:40:21 ID:9wRJj83/
My boss just called me into his office and told me

"You don't seem to be making much headway today."

330 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 11:41:13 ID:T6qeJ3mX
I think I just figured out who you are...

331 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 11:44:08 ID:9wRJj83/
Whoawwwwwww I've been found outwwwwwwwwwwwww
Wait, are you my boss?wwwwwwwww

332 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 11:45:29 ID:RFKMHANF
Yakui, it's been a day and I still can't get over the fact that he didn't do it.
I feel like I could write a whole book on what would have been if he had done it with Loli. orz
I can't focus on work...

333 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 11:47:18 ID:ZpqVDNiI
Damn, my mind was so preoccupied with this thread I barely got any sleep.
And I'm not even Molester. Why does this bother me so much?

334 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 11:49:57 ID:YT0aIUKG
You know, I think it'd be best to just show Kansai that you like her without using Miss Understanding or Loli as an excuse.
You don't need a reason. Just call her and ask her out on a date.

At least, that's what I think. Hi, everyone.

335 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 11:50:49 ID:P5qNE6Y2
I'm convinced that he did the right thing at Loli's place.
If he'd done it, he would have undoubtedly regretted it afterwards because of Kansai. Even more than he does now.

And as for what to do next, I don't think there's really anything Molester can do that would help his situation.
This is not only true for apologizing to Loli but also for confessing his love to Kansai.
I'm, of course, not saying that he shouldn't apologize to Loli. If there's an opportunity to talk to Loli one on one, he should simply apologize to her like everyone has been saying.

That's why I would recommend just waiting for now.
If you want to do something, just have some silly banter with Kansai via e-mail or phone again or something.

But it is kind of sad though......

336 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 11:52:28 ID:FH8lvIiG
I guess I deserve even more props for working several times faster even though I'm lurking in this thread!
I'm making progress three times faster than usually.

Did ID:9wRJj83/ get called into his boss's office again?

337 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 11:53:46 ID:i54TpUn1
I saw posts earlier that were telling Molester to keep the Loli route alive,
but I don't think it's a good idea.

I don't think I'll be able to explain it well even if I make a long post, but let me just say this.
The longer you're friends or lovers with someone,
the more it hurts when you lose them.

338 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 11:57:30 ID:fGF+fl5E
According to yesterday's ABC story, Kansai must be in love with Molester too.
I feel like Molester could get either of the girls with just one message.

I want to be in a situation where multiple girls are in love with you and you get to choose between then......
But I already have a wife and kids, so that ship has long sailed...... orz

339 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 12:00:58 ID:FH8lvIiG
Uhh... But that story is bs anyway.

I'm sure you know already, but apparently there was a person D and a person E too.
The "If Loli is C, Kansai has to be A." reasoning doesn't work anymore.
(That goes for "B = Molester" too.)

It might be just some unrelated story from her university.

340 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 12:01:12 ID:RFKMHANF
Same here, my friend. orz

341 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 12:05:00 ID:r6IcnLF2
Hold on, what do you guys mean with waiting?

1. Don't contact anyone and wait for them to contact you.

2. Don't bring up what happened the day before yesterday until Loli brings it up herself and don't confess your love to Kansai.
Otherwise, just act like nothing happened when talking to them.

3. Don't confess your love to Loli.

Don't tell me you guys mean 1.

342 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 12:06:17 ID:fGF+fl5E
So basically, you're telling Molester to make up his mind.

Well, I sure hope that Molester can make up his mind.

343 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 12:06:54 ID:YT0aIUKG
There's no need to confess right now. What's with the hurry?

344 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 12:07:09 ID:A/3tI1hN
 Some parts of it are probably true and some aren't.
Judging from how Loli came onto Molester afterwards,
it almost feels like she told him the story as a lead-in.

 The real question is, how much of it is true?
It's possible that girl A is fictional too,
but assuming she wasn't sure if she should make advances on Molester or not
and wanted to base her decision on his reaction to the story,
the core part ABC, the love triangle, is most likely true.
She can add as much flourish to the core of the story as she wants,
but if she changes the core, there's no point telling him the story in the first place.

345 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 12:08:35 ID:GXWrP7aT
Having a wife and kids means that you married the woman you love, right?
Is it true that you still stop being attracted to her after years of marriage?

346 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 12:12:06 ID:Ru7PvnVT
First of all, not everyone marries the woman they love the most.
There's even the term Narita divorce. Some people fall out of love after a few days, let alone years.

347 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 12:13:48 ID:tojCJ2DM
It doesn't feel like you're lovers anymore.

348 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 12:15:37 ID:RFKMHANF
I married her because I loved her and I still do, but it's four years later and things just don't feel the same as back when we'd just married anymore.
I'm honestly envious of Molester right now.

349 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 12:17:47 ID:FH8lvIiG
Of course, you do............ orz

I wonder how many years has it been since the sight of my wife's naked body stopped doing anything to me......
I still love my kids though.

350 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 12:25:29 ID:fGF+fl5E
In my case, it was more a compromise out of desperation and a certainty that I'd be alone forever if I don't marry her......
But hey, it's been four years and we still have seicross. In fact, we did yesterday.

I think I'm a reasonably happy man. At least, as long as I keep telling myself that.

351 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 12:26:07 ID:6oEhmSkr
Is this the thread for sad married people?w

352 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 12:31:40 ID:TN4V1e36
The brain chemicals love releases are said to expire three years after the wedding.
After that, it gradually turns into chemicals that make you feel calm and secure instead.

353 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 12:34:53 ID:KJU96rlq
   ヽ( ,_ノ`)ノ   Ey!
  へノ   /
    ω ノ

354 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 12:37:39 ID:r6IcnLF2
Molester is off to university, huh?
Damn it, I should have never gotten married.

355 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 12:40:12 ID:tojCJ2DM
I don't feel anything anymore either when I see my wife naked......
Even if she came onto me naked, I'd just get annoyedw

356 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 12:51:49 ID:klZ4yPSk
After my boss, I got chewed out by my superior too, but I win because I'm still here posting from my cell phone. Also, I'm in a seicrossless relationship with my girlfriend, but I win because I still have masturbation.

357 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 12:52:47 ID:5qa+Xww2
I'm a student and want to open a bank account. Do I need my student card for that?

358 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 12:53:22 ID:FH8lvIiG
I'm really worried about ID:9wRJj83/ now......

That other guy wasn't really your boss, was he?
Please give us an update. If he can't, I want his boss to give us an update instead.

359 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 12:53:37 ID:0jbXd4BV
You'll need your passport.

360 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 12:54:51 ID:FH8lvIiG
Are you ID:9wRJj83/?

I should have refreshed the page before posting.

361 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 12:55:22 ID:5qa+Xww2
Thank you very much.

362 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/29 12:56:37 ID:Xd6i9l2W
Man, it feels so nice to have your lunch break all to yourself!!

363 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 12:57:50 ID:P5qNE6Y2
He's here━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!

364 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 12:59:15 ID:FH8lvIiG
I was on my cell phone and couldn't tell you this yesterday,
so let me tell you this now.

You did really well.
As a guy, it's only natural to want to do it.
But you were able to resist it.
I've fallen in love with you all over again.

365 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 13:02:31 ID:5qa+Xww2
I don't have any friends just like Molester, but I'm off to university too.

366 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 13:02:34 ID:P5qNE6Y2
How's it going, Molester? Have you calmed down a little?

Because I haven't and all I can do to maintain my sanity is to vote for Kansai in the popularity poll the admin guy put upw

367 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/29 13:04:28 ID:Xd6i9l2W
Whoawwwwww I'm so popularwwwwwwwwww Pfff

368 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 13:07:00 ID:fGF+fl5E
What? You only noticed now?
Why do you think so many people frequent this thread?w

369 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/29 13:09:37 ID:Xd6i9l2W
I know no one cares, but let me just throw it out there just in case. I haven't been contacted by anyone.

370 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 13:10:11 ID:klZ4yPSk
>>360 That's me. For now, I don't think my boss is a VIPPER. But either way, things are looking pretty yakui for mewwwww

371 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 13:13:44 ID:fGF+fl5E
You should probably make up your mind before you contact them in a hurry.
If this was an eroge, this would be the question that forces you to pick a route, right?

372 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 13:14:49 ID:6pSHHkE5
How about you write Kansai something like "Good morning. (smiley)" for starters?

The VIPPERs could use a dose of wholesome flirting. (´・ω・`)

373 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 13:16:10 ID:FH8lvIiG
He's not a VIPPER even though he's a boss?w

By the way, so he may not be a VIPPER, but he could still be a 2channer!?

374 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 13:16:29 ID:GXWrP7aT
I wonder if Loli still hasn't told Kansai anything yet.
Knowing Kansai's personality, I feel like she would've already shown some kind of reaction if Loli had told her.
But if Kansai had romantic feelings for Molester, there is a possibility that you haven't heard anything from her because she doesn't really know how to react right now.
For now, I just want you to do something, so could you hurry up and contact Kansai already?w

375 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 13:16:57 ID:fGF+fl5E
If only there was a way to find out if Kansai knows about what happened with Loli or not......

376 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/29 13:17:01 ID:Xd6i9l2W
Nah, even if I analyze my current situation calmly, it's really hard for me to tell which route I am on right now and which route I was on before.
The thing is, once you're on somebody's route, if you make a move on another girl,
you're headed straight for the bad end route (only recommended to see all CG scenes),
but if I was on Loli's route, I'm headed for the Loli bad end now.
But if I was on the Kansai route, I must have done the right thing.

Now if I was on nobody's route in particular, all I did was waste a great opportunity.

377 : Matatabi Pokke ◆CAT//d2lZo : 04/11/29 13:21:26 ID:s7GkeK4a
I love how you always end up using a game metaphor in any situation. (´・∀・`)

378 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 13:23:19 ID:omdI/g7G
Did Loli seem used to playing DQ? Did she have any other games?

379 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 13:24:06 ID:fGF+fl5E
Right now, I think you're at the question that lets you switch from the normal route to the Loli route.
Follow through and you'll be, well, on the Loli route.
Back out and you'll stay on the normal route which branches into the Kansai, Miss Undie, Butler and Glasses routes.

380 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/29 13:26:13 ID:Xd6i9l2W
There was no stereotypical "How do you play this game?" if that's what you mean.
She didn't read the manual either.
I didn't see any other games though. Maybe she has a separate shelf that I missed.
Aha! Loli must be one of those characters whose route unlocks very early!!

381 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 13:30:04 ID:FH8lvIiG
If she opened the wrapper and started playing the game without even looking at the manual,
she must be used to playing games.

I think we can discard the theory that she bought the game for you, Molester.

382 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 13:30:42 ID:br78LLsg
You say that, but your trip looks a bit like Bikke Bakkew

383 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 13:34:39 ID:YT0aIUKG
Oh no, he's lost sight of himself.

Are you really okay with this?
"Aren't you going to do something?"

384 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 13:34:52 ID:P5qNE6Y2
When you guys compare it to a game, I can't follow at all. Discuss.

385 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 13:36:34 ID:omdI/g7G
Bikke Bakke isn't a virgin, right?
Loli's story has to be about Molester and her.
When she told Molester about it, she just knew too much about it to be about a friend.
Especially the part about them only being acquaintances fits too well to be a coincidence.

386 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 13:42:16 ID:P5qNE6Y2
What can Molester even do right now?

1. Send "Umm... My shirt..." to Loli.
2. Send "How's the door lock I installed?" to Miss Undie.
3. Make a silent phone call to Kansai.

387 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 13:44:34 ID:6pSHHkE5

It'd be VIP QUALITY to do all three!!

Mr. Hara Taira! Please do your thing!

388 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 13:46:50 ID:GXWrP7aT
You always call them Kansai and Loli Jugs in this thread, right?
When you're talking to Kansai in real life, don't you accidentally say "You know, the other day Loli Jugs said..." or something?

389 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 13:46:57 ID:fGF+fl5E
To be frank, I think there's only a handful of virgins in this thread including Molester.

390 : Matatabi Pokke ◆CAT//d2lZo : 04/11/29 13:48:01 ID:s7GkeK4a
Yeah, what a chad, right? (´・∀・`)

I have no idea who Bikke Bakke is━━━━━(;´Д`)━━━━━!!!!www

391 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 13:48:40 ID:6oEhmSkr
I would first send an email to Loli and apologize (make excuses)...
I remember someone suggesting an e-mail like
"Please just ignore this if it's just my misunderstanding. If it's not, I apologize. It wasn't because Loli is not attractive, it was because I like someone else..."
This should be good enough.

There's also your shirt, so send an e-mail to start things off.

392 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 13:52:34 ID:LffyHX2Y
That's one creepy e-mailwwwwwwww Whoawwwwwwwwwww OKwwwwwwwwwwwwww

393 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 13:52:37 ID:fGF+fl5E
I don't see a problem with using the shirt as an excuse to e-mail her,
but he should definitely tell her the rest of it in person.

394 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 13:53:04 ID:br78LLsg
You're right.
But man, when I see Train Man and Molester Man,
you never know what life has in store for you.
You can take one step in a different direction and have so many people come into your life at once.

This year, News Flash has had so much good content.
As a result, my graduation thesis has gone down the drainwwwwww
Whoawwwwww This is VIP QUALITY...

395 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 13:53:25 ID:MGZyJTeN
I have finally caught up.
By the way, has he still not gotten his shirt back?

396 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 13:54:45 ID:P5qNE6Y2
I'm honestly undecided on the issue of apologizing to Loli.
But the "I like someone else..." part is guaranteed to become a trigger for a sudden twist down the road,
so I'd recommend doing it for VIP.
Well, it will send you straight to some kind of end, that's for surew

397 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 13:54:50 ID:riQTvSY0
Don't give up on your graduation thesis!
I happen to be in the exact same situation as you.

398 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 13:55:37 ID:br78LLsg
You haven't played Bahamut Lagoon, huh?
Bikke Bakke is a mushroom-loving fatty, but later in the game it's revealed that he's not a virgin.

399 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 13:55:55 ID:8/YVjTNg
Molester is a monster that feeds on other VIPPERs' happiness to grow.

400 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 13:57:21 ID:br78LLsg
It's not necessarily that I gave up, the prof just won't accept it anymore. (p_q)
You see, it's a research seminar. I haven't even started gathering data yet and it's already over. It's so fucked.

401 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 13:58:39 ID:YT0aIUKG
Do we really want to contact Loli?
He turned her down, or rather, ran away when she came onto him. Don't you think making excuses for it now will only make her hate him?
I doubt she wants to talk to him again this soon either.
The next time you talk to her, it should be with Kansai and Miss Understanding around. It will make it easier for her to talk to you.

402 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:00:41 ID:jJBK3rIy
In one night, two huge pimples have formed right above my mouth.
I guess I must be really stressed about something.

Morning, you guys.

403 : Matatabi Pokke ◆CAT//d2lZo : 04/11/29 14:01:48 ID:s7GkeK4a
Thx. (´・∀・`) Sounds like a fun game.

404 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:02:25 ID:6oEhmSkr
Molester's handling seems to be better when exchanging e-mails than when he talks to someone in person.
Also, I doubt that he can keep his cool when he sees her next timewww

405 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:02:47 ID:fGF+fl5E
Right now, Loli probably feels the same way as Molester did when he came back from Akihabara.

406 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:02:51 ID:6pSHHkE5
Molester, you're still young, so I don't blame you for not knowing,
but you should really read up on the meaning of "sincerity".

There is no sincerity in making excuses to Loli about what you did.
I believe the sincerest thing you can do right now is to tell Kansai how you feel about her.

407 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:05:53 ID:omdI/g7G
>"The last Dragon Quest I played was DQ V, but since everyone's buying the new one, I thought I'd give it a try."

I think this line obviously shows that Loli bought the game for Molester.
How does she know on release day that everyone's buying it? (Did she read pre-release reviews?)
Plus, she hasn't played any DQ since V. (Was it the PS2 version that came out this year?)
I bet she wanted to have conversations like "How far into the game are you right now?" with Molester.

There's no doubt in my mind left anymore. Loli is so moe~~~~

408 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:06:38 ID:br78LLsg
You're like a pure innocent child in the body of a grown man.
The type who unintentionally triggers the maternal instinct of the girls he dates
and ends up hurting them in an attempt to be sincere.

409 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:07:47 ID:cCPCyMtM
Guys, get in here!

410 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:08:30 ID:6oEhmSkr
I'd be okay with that if Loli and Kansai were complete strangers.
But they happen to be part-time colleagues and close friends,
so the question is how Kansai will find about it from Loli.
When people are turned down, some direct their aggression inwards, while others direct it outwards.
In case Loli is the latter type, we might even lose the Kansai route in the worst case.
In case Loli is the former, if you can take the sting out of the wound even a little bit,
I think you should do it. Not by making excuses, but by telling her the truth and apologizing.

411 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:08:34 ID:YT0aIUKG
Wait, I seriously don't see why he has to contact Loli.

412 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:12:59 ID:br78LLsg
I can't offer some kind of conclusive reason,
but it'd be just wrong to not contact Loli at all.
Seeing how they approached Molester after the trip to Akiba,
I suggest that he set up some boundaries first
before things go back to normal with her.

Cutting off contact with someone after something shocking has happened
is the same as sweeping problems under the rug as soon as they appearkulawsedrfftgyfujiko

413 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:15:05 ID:6pSHHkE5
...yeah... you're not even completely wrong... (´・ω・`)

Either way, I bet Loli is feeling really confused and dejected right now.
Just imagine Molester telling her "Sorry about the other day." or something.
I think it'd only make her more confused.
Instead, Molester should show Loli why he turned her down
by actually going up to Kansai and doing something. Otherwise, whatever he tells Loli now,
I feel like it just won't be very persuasive.

414 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:16:21 ID:fGF+fl5E
You know, he'll probably feel the most at ease if he goes out with Loli.
She should be able to understand Molester's otaku side the most and might not even mind going to Akihabara with him.

However, they might turn into the kind of otaku couple where each of them is just silently absorbed in their respective hobbies even when they're in the same room.

415 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:19:21 ID:FH8lvIiG
Dickrome is one of the tripfags I like as much as Molesterw

Sometimes I even wonder if they're not actually the same person.
That's how similar their thoughts and posts are.

416 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:19:25 ID:fGF+fl5E
In case you want to make an excuse to Loli:

"There's actually someone I like..." -> Kansai (Miss Undie, Butler, Glasses) route
"That was so sudden the other day that my mind went blank..." -> Loli route

Something like this?

417 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:20:08 ID:iL0iXAHZ
You know what would be scary?

Molester doesn't do anything and time just keeps passing,
so it only gets harder and harder for him to contact the girls
until eventually, unable to contact anyone, he gets a GAME OVER.

418 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:20:39 ID:omdI/g7G
Molester, if you want the easiest way to come in touch with Loli, just buy DQ8.
Then send her a short e-mail like "I saw you play it and decided to buy it."
What are you waiting for? Hurry up and buy it.

419 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:21:57 ID:Vq/PVx26
Alright, I'm finally caught up.
Even though I was here when the party went down, I figured I'd go back and reread it, but I didn't think it'd take so much time.

Anyways, are you really sure you just want to keep waiting?
I don't see how waiting will lead to anything...

420 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:22:10 ID:2V2rlYvh
Dude, you're goodw

421 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:22:18 ID:P5qNE6Y2
If you want him to be "sincere", shouldn't he tell Loli the truth about how he likes someone else?
Then Loli will understand why he did what he did too.
Suddenly confessing to Kansai, on the other hand, doesn't have anything to do with sincerity imo.

422 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:23:32 ID:YT0aIUKG
No one wants to be reminded of sexual embarrassment. I bet she would prefer acting like nothing happened over an apology from you.
Right now, just talking to Molester is enough to remind her of what happened. Don't go out of your way to bring it up. If I was her, it'd make me want to kill you.
Plus, being apologized to will only make her feel bad.

423 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:24:11 ID:6pSHHkE5
Obviously, I meant that he should tell Kansai how he feels after telling Loli that there's someone he likes.

424 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:24:52 ID:6oEhmSkr
I figured he should explain to Loli, why he turned her down, for Loli's sake.
In a way, what Loli did was almost like a confession of love,
so it only makes sense to tell her why he turned her down. And then he should apologize to her.
While he's at it, he should tell Loli how he feels about Kansai.

With all that out of the way, when he's done right by Loli, he can officially move on to Kansai and confess his love to her.
That's the right order.

425 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:25:14 ID:LffyHX2Y
She'll just end up asking him "Who is it?"

Oh well, Molester isn't here right now anyway, so let's patiently wait for his return.

426 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:26:27 ID:br78LLsg
I feel like that only applies to guys YO.

427 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:26:44 ID:omdI/g7G
In any case, I don't want to see Molester get a game over just yet, so do like I said above (>>418)
and go buy DQ8 like nothing ever happened.
Then contact Loli.

428 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:26:55 ID:fGF+fl5E
I just had this thought. What if Loli's "Aren't you going to do something?" was
actually caused by Molester peeping on her through the stained glass?

When she decided to take a shower, she may not have been fully convinced yet,
but getting peeped on made her think that she can seduce him...

Whoops, I should stop daydreaming at work...

429 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:28:58 ID:P5qNE6Y2
Even if it's technically the same thing, instead of "going up to Kansai and doing something"
shouldn't he just say it to Loli directly?

I agree with >>422 and my basic stance is that there's no need to apologize in a hurry,
but I do think that apologizing is an option.

430 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:29:11 ID:uAdAVsoH
I was reading this thread, when at dawn, the old woman I share the apartment with called me on my cell phone and said "Help me!"
So I'm like "Huh?" and hurried to her room only to see her coughing up a blood clot
that almost looked like raw liver, so I brought her to a hospital in a hurry,
but the doctor wasn't going to arrive until 9am, so I kept her company
and then we had to wait even longer because no bed was free and so on.

Whoawwwwww She had a stomach ulcerwwwwwww I'm so sleepywwwwwwww

431 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:29:16 ID:tvALu0zB

 (´・x・) ba-dump ba-dump
 ( J J

432 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/29 14:29:25 ID:Xd6i9l2W
Guys, you keep telling me to confess my love. I'd at least get it if it was Loli, but confess my love to Kansai?
I can't fucking do that. I'm not Gouda Jouji.

433 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:30:04 ID:YT0aIUKG
I apologized to a woman and she lost her shit.

434 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:30:12 ID:hrXEAzFK
Who's that?w

435 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:31:08 ID:LffyHX2Y
You spineless coward!

436 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:31:38 ID:br78LLsg
Please elaborate without derailing the thread.

437 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:31:44 ID:fGF+fl5E
I know full well that you don't have the balls to confess your love.

I was just thinking you should at least pick a route.

438 : Matatabi Pokke ◆CAT//d2lZo : 04/11/29 14:31:49 ID:s7GkeK4a
Hey, don't tell me...
After turning down Loli's advances, you're not even going to confess your love to Kansai!!!???? (`・∀・´)

439 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:32:27 ID:YT0aIUKG
You don't have to confess your love, but you should slowly start showing affection to one of the girls.
Ask one of them out on a date or something.

440 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:33:04 ID:br78LLsg
You good-for-nothing!

441 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:33:13 ID:6pSHHkE5
Agreed. If he doesn't do anything, nothing will change. Nothing will happen.

442 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:33:18 ID:P5qNE6Y2
Yeah, I know, you can't confess your love right now.
That said, you should be careful because if you make the wrong decision in regards to what to do with Loli,
the Kansai route will be gone before you know it.

443 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:33:39 ID:Vq/PVx26
Hmm... Well, I suppose asking you to confess your love to Kansai now is asking too much of you.
For now, just think about what to do with Loli.

444 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:33:52 ID:omdI/g7G
You were here? Make sure to buy the new DQ on your way home.
And no, I don't work for Enix.

445 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/29 14:34:18 ID:Xd6i9l2W
Wait, are you guys for real?
Confessing now is out of the question, isn't it?

446 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:35:09 ID:Vq/PVx26
No one said anything about confessing now.

447 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:35:41 ID:6pSHHkE5
You're not supposed to confess out of the blue.
If you did that, she'll just think you're a weirdo.

Decide on a route first.
Then act accordingly.

448 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:36:05 ID:FH8lvIiG
We might be facing the most difficult problem thus far.
After all, how you deal with this will decide the fate of all parties involved.

Molester. I'm afraid this isn't just about you anymore. This is much bigger than that...

449 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:36:47 ID:br78LLsg
That's not what I meantw
It's not that you can't confess your love.
You can't confess your love because you're too afraid of getting turned down.
I wasn't telling you to do it now.
You'll just have to work your way towards it.

450 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:36:54 ID:9wRJj83/
You won't have to be the one doing the confessing if you play your cards right.
On graduation day, she will tell you to meet her under the tree of legend.

451 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/29 14:37:14 ID:Xd6i9l2W
I can't do it "now" because if I confess my love now, I'll get turned down.

452 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:37:30 ID:6oEhmSkr
You're probably scared of getting rejected in case Kansai already has a boyfriend, but now that you refused to get it on with Loli,
the only excuse you can use is that there's someone else you like.
And that's the truth.
When you tell that to Loli, she will quickly find out that it's Kansai you like,
so I think it's better if she hears it from you.
And once it's out, I don't think you'll be able to hold off the confession for very long.

Keep in mind though that when you tell Loli that you like Kansai, there is a very real possibility that Loli says "Kansai has a boyfriend."
and the Kansai route ends before it even began.

453 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:38:11 ID:LffyHX2Y
You guys are so nice.

  _  ∩
( ゚∀゚)彡 Confess! Confess!

I had prepared this and was going to spam it to death.

454 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:38:50 ID:pmUQkIVG
The thing about confessing your love is that you can do it anytime.
Just by saying "There's something I want to tell you......", you can trigger a romance flag.
The only problem is, even if you can brush it off when she turns you down, she will eventually talk to her friends and acquaintances about it like
"You know that XX guy? He confessed his love to me..." so you have to be careful who you confess your love to.
It's not about who she might talk to, it's more about who could eventually find out about it.

455 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:39:12 ID:P5qNE6Y2
You don't have to "now". But you will have to soon enough.

Better prepare yourself mentally.

456 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:39:18 ID:fGF+fl5E
Confessing your love is something you should do when you're already almost dating
in order to ascertain each other's feelings and gain assurance in my opinion.

What I'm saying is, don't confess your love yet. Instead, spend as much time with the person you want to confess your love to.

457 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:39:19 ID:6pSHHkE5
It's a little early for thatwwww

Sigh... Why am I getting worked up at work too...

458 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:39:28 ID:Vq/PVx26
In the unlikely event that Kansai has a boyfriend, I feel like the Loli route would still be just barely accessible.

459 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:40:23 ID:P5qNE6Y2
Where did the "Kansai has a boyfriend" theory come from? The bike maintenance thing?

460 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:40:52 ID:LffyHX2Y
Molester: "Actually, Kansai is the one I..."
Loli: "But Kansai has a boyfriend!"
Molester: "......!"
Loli: "So can't it be me... instead?"

After locking eyes with each other for a while, they leaned in at the same time and softly pressed their lips against each other...

461 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:41:12 ID:VFpSkgPZ
I bet he only didn't do with Loli because he was too scared. He got a hard-on and tried to peep in on her when she was changing. All that crap about Kansai is just an excuse he came up with afterwards.
I also don't think there's no need to explain himself. She'll come up with an explanation that makes sense to her and be done with it.

462 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:41:23 ID:6pSHHkE5
Wasn't it made clear that Kansai doesn't have a boyfriend...?

463 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:41:24 ID:6oEhmSkr
Of course, he should apologize to Loli with that in mindw
There's nothing wrong with leaving a good impression.

464 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/29 14:42:16 ID:Xd6i9l2W
That's not all. It would be really weird if a woman like Kansai didn't have a boyfriend.

But well, the same thing can be said about Loli too.

465 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:42:29 ID:Bwt54Se4
Looks like we can't expect anything new from now on.

466 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:43:12 ID:DK6FdSHM
There's no way Loli is a virgin, right?

467 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:43:13 ID:6pSHHkE5
Don't get all insecure now. (・A・)

468 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:43:19 ID:fGF+fl5E
I think the "I ran away because I'm a coward." excuse works too.
I mean, it's the truth, right, Molester?

469 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:43:31 ID:VFpSkgPZ
But you know, if one of the girls, no matter which one, was seeing a man, there's no way they would ask some random guy they mistook for a molester for help.

470 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:44:01 ID:YT0aIUKG
When I was hanging out with a really close but ugly female friend,
she confessed her love to me after a long silence and said we should do it because she likes me.
Like I said, she was ugly, so I told her that I want to stay friends instead and apologized, which caused her to fly into a rage!
Crying with an expression I had never seen on a woman's face, she shouted "Why are you apologizing? That makes it seem like it's my fault! You're the worst!"

We didn't talk for two days after that, but we managed to make up with a friend's help.
She also told me that it was embarrassing and that she'll kill me if I talk to anyone about it.

471 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:44:06 ID:2V2rlYvh
You'd be surprised how many single women are out there.

472 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:44:40 ID:FH8lvIiG
I know this is a little off-topic, but let me ask you about Loli's boxers.

Were they women's boxers, in other words, underwear?
Or was she wearing some sort of hot pants on top of her underwear?

This won't really make a difference now, but it's been bothering me a lot, so please do tell.

473 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:45:25 ID:fGF+fl5E
It was said in part 4 or so that Kansai does not have a boyfriend.
I'm at work though and can't look for it right now.

474 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:45:31 ID:riQTvSY0
Molester, you big weenie!
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475 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:45:45 ID:omdI/g7G
Aren't you going to buy the new DQ?

476 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:46:00 ID:6oEhmSkr
Frankly, as long as he doesn't say anything that makes it seem like Loli wasn't attractive enough,
anything should be okay. I'm sure she's at least a little hurt because he didn't do anything.

Though, since he likes Kansai, he might want to use the "Actually I like Kansai..." excuse instead to see if he can find out something new about Kansai,
or even try and get Loli to become a wingman.
Whether Loli will become a wingman or not depends on her personality though.

477 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:47:09 ID:P5qNE6Y2
I wanna use it as fap material too, so please do elaborate with the most unnecessary details.

478 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:48:17 ID:fGF+fl5E
Someone posted a pic from google yesterday. I think it was some kind of spandex shorts?

479 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:48:46 ID:Bwt54Se4
Sometimes, acting like nothing happened can be the kindest thing you can do imo.

480 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:49:21 ID:6pSHHkE5
You might not be able to confess your love right now.
But... the city is already in Christmas mode now...

It may not be your kind of thing, Molester, but you should really ask her out to go see the Christmas lights.

......I mean Kansai, of course.

481 : Matatabi Pokke ◆CAT//d2lZo : 04/11/29 14:49:24 ID:s7GkeK4a
>It would be really weird if a woman like Kansai didn't have a boyfriend.

It's not about how affractive a woman Kansai is or isn't. They say love is blind, after all.
Maybe you met her at a moment in her life when she just so happens to be single!
Don't blow the opportunity of a lifetime! (´・∀・`)

482 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/29 14:49:33 ID:Xd6i9l2W
Heh, I've been studying up on fashion lately, so I actually know what it is!!
It's called "low-rise"!!
In any case, she was wearing pants that were so low that you could probably easily see her pubes if she was hairy down there.
If it'd been a little lower, half her ass would have been hanging out.
I don't know about her underwear though because when she knocked on the frosted glass, I did a 180 and fled like the wind.

483 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:50:18 ID:LffyHX2Y
Wasn't she wearing boxers?

484 : Matatabi Pokke ◆CAT//d2lZo : 04/11/29 14:50:28 ID:s7GkeK4a
affractive...... _l ̄l● I meant to write attractive...

485 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:50:40 ID:FH8lvIiG
I was on my phone yesterday, so I couldn't see what the link leads to.

Besides, it wasn't Molester who posted the pic, right?
What I want is a detailed description from Molester himself.

486 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:51:09 ID:9wRJj83/
Molester: "Actually, Kansai is the one I..."
Loli: "But Kansai has a boyfriend!"
Molester: "......!"
Loli: "So can't it be me... instead?"

After locking eyes with each other for a while, Loli started typing an e-mail to someone,
while Molester continued reading manga...
Loli: "Brb taking a shower."
And the rest is history.

487 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:51:14 ID:l+gOMvrw
I think they were asking about the type of underwear she was wearing, not the rise of her pants.

488 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:51:20 ID:LffyHX2Y
Could you please drop your trip? I can't see your post as it gets filtered.

489 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:51:38 ID:VFpSkgPZ
At this point, the kindest thing you can do is act like nothing happened.
Loli isn't stupid. She'll figure that you didn't do anything for a good reason.
And if she's not satisfied with it, she'll come to you on her own.

490 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:51:54 ID:P5qNE6Y2
If the genders were reversed in your story,
"Why are you apologizing? That makes it seem like it's my fault! You're the worst!"
is something a guy would never say, right?

I can't help but notice what selfish creatures women are on this early Monday afternoon.

491 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:52:22 ID:FH8lvIiG
Huh? I don't really get it...

In other words, she wasn't in her underwear, but she was wearing low-rise shorts and low-rise underwear?

492 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:52:45 ID:lMs1u4IG
I'm always on VIP and I'd been wondering what this thread is about,
but I just had a look at the summary site and I'm laughing my ass off.
And the thread is still going on, huh?

493 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/29 14:52:58 ID:Xd6i9l2W


It was something like this.
Something like this in black... I think.

494 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:53:32 ID:jJBK3rIy
So she was wearing low-rise hot pants?

495 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:54:22 ID:jJBK3rIy

496 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:54:25 ID:6oEhmSkr
Dude, that's like underwearw

I'll say it again. I'm impressed you withstood the temptation, Molesterwww

497 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:54:33 ID:LffyHX2Y
This gave me a boner at work.

498 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:54:35 ID:VqVtLcim
I hate to break it to you, but the Kansai route is already dead...

I just can't see Kansai and Loli fighting over you.

Loli must have asked Kansai for advice before doing what was essentially a confession of love.
She tried so hard to get you to confess your love to her.
Loli won't just suddenly stop liking you just because you rejected her once.
If anything, she probably regrets what she did. She's wondering if she should leave you alone.

And Kansai knows this.
Kansai likes you but not enough to push Loli aside so she can go out with you.
Kansai is rooting for Loli.

499 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:54:43 ID:l+gOMvrw
So she was wearing shorts...
How is that not underwear?

500 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:55:41 ID:6pSHHkE5
Dude... Don't say stuff like that. You'll just end up misleading Molester... (´・ω・`)

501 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/29 14:55:43 ID:Xd6i9l2W
Well then, now that class is over, I guess it's time to go to a classroom without a PC...

502 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:55:44 ID:FH8lvIiG
That's totally just underwear............ orz

And underneath it, a whole new world you have never seen was waiting for you.
Underneath a single layer of cloth...

503 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:56:19 ID:fT02Bc6c
If we go by Egawa Tatsuya's manga, a pretty girl with a cool personality like Kansai is usually a virgin.
Apprently, it's because everyone immediately assumes that a cute girl like that has to have a boyfriend just like you did, Molester,
and doesn't even try to ask her out.

504 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:56:54 ID:P5qNE6Y2
You left out the last sentence.

"Kansai does not know Molester's feelings for her."

The Kansai route is still alive.

505 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:56:57 ID:6oEhmSkr
I think your imagination is getting the best of you, buddy.

506 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:57:04 ID:VFpSkgPZ
Whoa, slow down.

- Loli made advances on Molester.

This is a fact. However,

- Loli likes Molester and talked to Kansai about it beforehand.
- Kansai likes Molester too.

Aren't these just pure speculation?

507 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:57:35 ID:LffyHX2Y
She must have been wet the moment she put these on.
If you'd slid in a finger from the side, you'd probably have started a flood.
I want to fool around with a girl under a heated table toooooooo!

508 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:57:54 ID:omdI/g7G
There's a bunch of assumptions in there. There was no mention of Loli asking Kansai for advice in Molester's report, was there?
In case girl A is Kansai and girl C is Loli, there's no way Loli would go to Kansai for advice.
That means, Loli won't talk to Kansai about what happened this time either.
And that's why I keep telling Molester to buy DQ.

509 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:59:24 ID:l+gOMvrw
I want to play DQ.

510 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 14:59:51 ID:YT0aIUKG
>>498 You don't have any evidence for any of that, do you?
You sure you're not saying all that just because you can't imagine Kansai and Loli fighting over Molester?

511 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:00:04 ID:P5qNE6Y2

Unsurprisingly, >>501 gets ignored by everyone because everyone's too caught up in their fantasies. Discuss.

512 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:00:31 ID:Vq/PVx26
Alright, I even clicked on the picture and enlarged it to see it in its full glory.
I'm absolutely confident that you made the right decision, Molester.
There has to be a good way to get the end you want.
Let's do our best and figure it out together.

513 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:01:32 ID:YYyJAvNa
Whoawwww I'm wearing underwear that looks exactly like thatwwwwww
I bought it at Jeans Matewwwww

514 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:01:53 ID:lMs1u4IG
Post pics please.

515 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:04:21 ID:iL0iXAHZ
You guys are somehow starting to sound more and more like high-schoolers giving each other love advicew

516 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:04:38 ID:YYyJAvNa
I'm a guy thoughw It's not as womanly as this,
but I am wearing camo boxer pants that looks a lot like this right now.

517 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:04:57 ID:LffyHX2Y
Post pics.

518 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:05:39 ID:fGF+fl5E
I do agree a little with what >>498 said.
I'm curious about his early e-mails with Loli and I'm also curious why he hasn't heard anything from Kansai after what happened the other day.

In any case, I won't budge from my opinion that Molester didn't withstand anything, he just chickened out.
Even the 3 girls know Molester's specs, so there's no need to front anymore.
If anything, acting like you could have done it but didn't on purpose is much lamer.
Then you should have just told her right there and then that you won't do it because you like someone else.

519 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:05:42 ID:tvALu0zB
But that's what's good about this thread.

520 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:05:59 ID:P5qNE6Y2
Nice fantasy!

521 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:08:09 ID:9wRJj83/
That's the good thing about this thread though.
You go back to working, only to realize that you'd received an e-mail from a client a week ago
and that the total amount you'd entered in an invoice was off by one digit,
so you come running back here and turn back into a child again!!!!!111

522 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:08:36 ID:FH8lvIiG
I'm not so sure it's just a fantasy.

I too think that she might have been at least a little wet..................

D-Don't get me wrong, I was against Molester doing it with her.

523 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:08:50 ID:fGF+fl5E
Man, you guys are intense this early during the dayw

I can't get any work done!!

524 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:10:26 ID:LffyHX2Y
No, there's no doubt about it. Just imagine sharing a heated table with a girl!

Yeah, right!? Right!?

...oh, shit, the section manager is calling me.

525 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:13:04 ID:KJU96rlq
  \ _, ,_ /
  ( `Д´)  Stay tuned!!
  ( 9 ⌒)9

526 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:13:13 ID:sbKQE7sp
You just really want to believe that Molester chickened out, don't you?

527 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:13:35 ID:hrXEAzFK
You're in the Rambo live watch thread right now, aren't you?w

528 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:14:09 ID:6pSHHkE5
I wonder if Molester ran away from us and our opinions just like he ran away from Loli...

529 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:14:45 ID:KJU96rlq

530 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:14:49 ID:br78LLsg
Yeah, it's dangerous to immediately apologize like that...
But in Molester's case, it's already the day after, for what it's worth.
Besides, it probably has something to do with the fact that she was hideous.
Sorry it took so long to reply.

531 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:16:51 ID:lgQeyc7n
Even if Molester turns out to be a huge troll, it doesn't matter as long as we had fun♪
It was the same thing with Train Man♪ Back then, I fell for it and was posting like my life depended on it (つД⊂)

532 : Peter ◆FzAyW.Rdbg : 04/11/29 15:18:37 ID:DUGjhued
Kansai always sticks up for her friends and Loli Jugs, her best friend, happens to come onto you like that.
Did it ever occur to you that it was a trap to see how you will react?

If it did, you're pretty good.
If it never did, however,

you really need some more training.

533 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:18:46 ID:jJBK3rIy
If anything is a fantasy, it's everything that happened after Molester left Miss Understanding's place.

534 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:21:12 ID:VFpSkgPZ
That's the hyper-delusional thought process of a loser.

Even when a girl confesses their love to you face to face, you would still suspect that she's just messing with you and ruin your chances with her.
It's such a defeatist mentality. It's not realistic, it's pessimistic. It's not careful, it's cowardly.

535 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:23:52 ID:WSltLQ5R
What eroge is that from?

536 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:24:16 ID:br78LLsg
I agree with 534.
It's true that there are lots of sly women in the world,
but you'll most likely never run into one who would carry out a plot that elaborate.

537 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:24:37 ID:FH8lvIiG
Train Man was never confirmed to be a troll though, was he?
It seems like he was pretty damn suspicious though.

538 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:26:01 ID:fGF+fl5E
Dude, Molester himself posted something about giving up on Kansai right before the incident happened.

Besides, I like Molester and I don't want him to turn out to be that cool!!

539 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:26:39 ID:DK6FdSHM

540 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:26:43 ID:K1FNyOxI
Confess your love to Loli


Get turned down by Loli

Happy ever after end with Kansai

Seems good to mew

541 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:28:00 ID:YT0aIUKG
Well, sure, apologizing on the spot will piss her off the most, but even if you wait a day, it'll still make her feel shitty.
It won't just creep her out, it will make her hate you. Doesn't matter how much time has passed.
Also, she may be ugly but a really good person, so please don't talk about her like that.

542 : Peter ◆FzAyW.Rdbg : 04/11/29 15:29:37 ID:DUGjhued
Huh... I guess I was thinking too much into it... orz

>Kansai, who always sticks up for her friends,
>wants to make sure that Molester is the right guy for Miss Understanding, who's a stalker victim,
>so she asks her best friend Loli to test (seduce) Molester.

I immediately suspected something like this...

Sorry, Molester.

543 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:30:34 ID:9wRJj83/
When the inhabitants of this thread mess up at work or school,
the misfortune they have amassed turns into fortune for Molester.
I call this the Boxer Pants strategy.

With the above logic, Molester is guaranteed to get the good ending with Kansai.

544 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:31:28 ID:omdI/g7G
That doesn't make any sense. If that was the case, why would she ask him if he won't do something?

545 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:31:30 ID:br78LLsg
I see. I have disgraced you.
I'm sorry.

546 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:31:58 ID:Vq/PVx26
At this point, I'm actually okay with that.
If it helps Molester achieve happiness, I don't mind giving him what little good fortune I have.

547 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:32:10 ID:VFpSkgPZ
Sleep with Loli and then sleep with Kansai. That is the best possible route.
Loli may have approached you first, but then you took the initiative. You can spin it both ways.

548 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:33:07 ID:FruZj7Rl
That's right ouf of an eroge of a shounen mangaw

549 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:33:49 ID:FruZj7Rl
× an eroge of a shounen manga
an eroge or a shounen manga

550 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:34:00 ID:FH8lvIiG
Shit... I'm actually starting to mess up right now.

I was doing really well before noon too...
Then I had lunch and I suddenly lost my drive.

I've been just browsing Live2ch for a while now.
I'm not even working anymore.

551 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:34:12 ID:VFpSkgPZ
Seriously, if your brain really works like that, you should rethink your whole approach to life.
They say, knock on a stone bridge before you cross it, but that doesn't mean you should knock on a perfectly fine bridge till it collapses.

552 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:35:31 ID:tojCJ2DM
What worries me is that Kansai still hasn't contacted him...

553 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:35:49 ID:omdI/g7G
That's me in junior high. The cutest girl in school would keep coming up to me to talk in an almost clingy manner.
I used to be chubby back then, so I was convinced that there's no way she likes me.
A few years after graduating, she told me that she had a crush on me back then.
I was depressed for quite a while.

554 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:36:16 ID:DK6FdSHM
Fire a missile into a stone bridge before you cross the bridge next to it in an airplane.

555 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:36:33 ID:YYyJAvNa
http://e.pic.to/199nr Here's a pic of my boxer pants.
I'm off to watch Furuhata.

556 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:37:23 ID:hrXEAzFK
Whoawwwwwwwwwwww So creepywwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

557 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:38:04 ID:6oEhmSkr
Changing class from virgin to asshole, huh? That's a tall orderw

558 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:38:18 ID:Bwt54Se4
I think there are quite a lot of guys like that.

559 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:42:25 ID:fGF+fl5E
Yeah, same here. Now that the Akihabara incident has been settled, things shouldn't be awkward between them anymore.
What if the three girls had a talk about him and made a unanimous decision?

For example, when they dropped by the family restaurant on their way home from Akihabara, or even earlier than that...

560 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:43:36 ID:Bwt54Se4
Whoawwwwwwwww Maybe they decided to cut ties with himwwwwwwwww Pffffffwwwwwww

561 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:44:34 ID:lgQeyc7n
I wanted to experience this kind of thing when I was young. ('A`) Blargh

562 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:45:22 ID:jJBK3rIy
Just imagining a guy wearing that made me lose my bonerwwwwww Pfffwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

563 : Peter ◆FzAyW.Rdbg : 04/11/29 15:46:41 ID:DUGjhued
If you want to know how long Loli has been playing games,
you could have just looked at her PS2 model number while she was in the shower.

It's useless if she borrowed it from someone though.

564 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:46:46 ID:P5qNE6Y2
>>552 Possible reasons for why she hasn't contacted him:

[In case this was all planned out by Loli and Kansai]
They're both appalled by what Molester did when he was at Loli's place.

[In case Kansai knows about what happened at Loli's place but she also has a thing for Molester]
Kansai is waiting impatiently for Molester to talk to her about it.

[In case Kansai has a boyfriend]
She's too busy screwing her boyfriend.

565 : Peter ◆FzAyW.Rdbg : 04/11/29 15:47:33 ID:DUGjhued
I didn't see any post mentioning anything about that...
Was it in part 23?

566 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:48:13 ID:YT0aIUKG
By the way, I won't tell you to confess your love,
but I think we're way past that initial phase where all you have to do is pretend to be a normal friend and hide your feelings for her.

567 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:49:07 ID:P5qNE6Y2
That I can truly agree with.

568 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:51:17 ID:FH8lvIiG
You missed the most crucial part of his whole report...

That was the highlight!

569 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:51:18 ID:omdI/g7G
You should go back and read yesterday's report again. She said it about three times.

570 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:52:51 ID:br78LLsg
Here's Train Man and Hermes...

571 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:53:11 ID:YT0aIUKG
Who the hell cares if Loli is a gamer or not?

Can we please discuss this from a relationship point of view instead of a gamer point of view?

572 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:53:23 ID:fGF+fl5E
If Kansai is a loyal friend who can take a hint,
and if we assume that she's letting Loli call dibs on Molester, then I'm sure she'd prefer not to contact him if possible.
Especially, considering her friendship with Loli.

Also, I thought it was interesting how he suddenly got an e-mail from Loli after that Akihabara thing.

573 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:56:07 ID:P5qNE6Y2
Seriously? What's your source?

574 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 15:57:09 ID:omdI/g7G
If you're planning on apologizing, Molester, why don't you start with some small talk and apologize at the end?
That's why I keep telling you to buy DQ.

575 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 16:00:06 ID:FH8lvIiG
Please elaborate.

576 : Peter ◆FzAyW.Rdbg : 04/11/29 16:01:23 ID:DUGjhued
Didn't Mr. Molester leave as soon as Loli got out of the bath and got changed?

Brb checking the template post.

577 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 16:03:23 ID:Bwt54Se4
You can leave now.

578 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 16:04:06 ID:FH8lvIiG
Dude, you jumped on the bandwagon so latew

Better get your facts straight first.

579 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 16:04:20 ID:br78LLsg
It's just something I found somewhere...
The age and the writing style kinda matches,
but the part about the coat doesn't match, so it's probably just bait.

580 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 16:04:41 ID:P5qNE6Y2
That is possible. After all, Kansai and Loli are BFF's according to Molester.

I can see a Kansai, Loli and Molester love triangle ending coming up.

Molester: "I'm in love with you..."
Kansai: "Isn't there something you have to do before that?"
Molester: "............?"
Kansai: "What are you going to do about Loli? The way things are now............ I can't jump into your arms......"

My imagination's getting ahead of me.

581 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 16:06:01 ID:fGF+fl5E
I'm not hating, but regardless of whether it is real or not, but seeing a picture of the two is so extremely disillusioning...

582 : Peter ◆FzAyW.Rdbg : 04/11/29 16:08:45 ID:DUGjhued
I just read what happened after Loli got out of the shower.
So the right order of threads was part 22 → part 19.
I read them in the order part 22 → part 23...... So that's why the transition between the threads felt so weird.

If this was Dragon Ball, it's like I skipped the whole Frieza arc and started reading the cyborg arc next...... That was so stupid of me.

583 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 16:09:06 ID:FH8lvIiG
Oh no............

I was getting carried away lurking in this thread while working,
but I just realized the numbers I inputted are all wrong..............................

I'll have to redo all the work I did this afternoon............ orz

584 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 16:12:05 ID:VrEycho8

585 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 16:12:25 ID:Ru7PvnVT
Whoawww So clumsywwww

586 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 16:16:21 ID:O7bRHx53
Wait, among Kansai, Miss Understanding Loli, isn't Loli the one who has had the least to do with Molester so far?
Suddenly inviting him home even though they're not even that close...
All it looks like is that she's either just a slut or she's trying to forcefully rope him into a relationship.
Honestly, Molester's decision might have actually been the right one when you think about it long-term.
In the worst case, he could have ended up like Pork Cutlet.

Whoawwwwww This is the imagination of a virginwwwww I'm going crazywww

587 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 16:22:40 ID:6pSHHkE5
Molester's not posting much today for some reason...

Is he feeling down because he finished reading the archive, or is he up to something......

Either way, he must be at a loss what to do next.

588 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 16:26:06 ID:iL0iXAHZ
This is the same feeling as seeing the face of a voice actress for the first time.
Hermes is cute. Shit.

589 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 16:26:53 ID:VqVtLcim
The pic of Hermes is 100% fake.

590 : Peter ◆FzAyW.Rdbg : 04/11/29 16:28:34 ID:DUGjhued
My vote goes to him feeling down because he hasn't heard from any of the 3 girls.

591 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 16:31:11 ID:YYyJAvNa
Isn't the guy on the left Ueda from Cream Stew?

592 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 16:31:29 ID:V8EUtF2S
Are you new here?
Molester almost never posts except when he asks for advice before an event or when he posts a report after an event.
And the thread always goes dead when Molester isn't around.

593 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 16:34:23 ID:YT0aIUKG
It's because he's at school right now.

594 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 16:36:08 ID:fGF+fl5E
Molester didn't seem very depressed when he was posting around noon though...
What intrigues me more is, whether he used Loli as shadow seicross material or not.

When she puked on his bed, he didn't, so I'm curious if he did it this time or not.

595 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 16:40:13 ID:FH8lvIiG
IIRC, I think it was a 6:4 ratio of 3D to 2D for him...

But yesterday, I bet he fapped to 2D.
That's the kind of guy Molester is.
That's why this thread is still goingw

596 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 16:43:18 ID:tojCJ2DM
Sorry for going off-topic, but...

Is the guy who asked me to teach him simple gymnastics exercises on Saturday night here today?

597 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 16:44:46 ID:iL0iXAHZ
I'm curious about that too.

598 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 16:45:10 ID:FH8lvIiG
Oh, you're the orthopedic doctorw

Even with my anonymous observation skills, I didn't realize that you were here today at allw

599 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 16:46:57 ID:tojCJ2DM
I wonw

600 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 16:48:37 ID:koiToCB1
Finally finished reading up to this point.
Ahh... You guys must have had a blast yesterday. If only I had picked a closer high school, I could have been here for it too...

601 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 16:48:49 ID:9wRJj83/
I was told the same thing, so I asked her to go out with me,
she said ok and we're still together.
But we're seicrosslesswwwwwwww Whoawwwwwww
The woman I love is sleeping next to me, my dick is rock hard and we're still seicrosslesswwwwww

Thanks for donating all your luck to Molesterwwwwwww

602 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 16:49:48 ID:FH8lvIiG
I looked up all your posts and now that I know it's you, you did leave hintsw

Next time, you shall not go undetected!!

603 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 16:53:43 ID:fGF+fl5E
Dude... Your life is a living hellw
If you don't mind me asking, what's the reason......?

604 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 16:59:02 ID:9wRJj83/
My girlfriend said she's just never in the mood for it.
She seems to feel bad for it herself and sometimes even apologizes for it while crying,
so it's hard for me to bring it up.
I'm not the type to cheat or visit a brothel,
so if I marry her, I won't have seicross my whole lifewwwwwww
I'll have to masturbate for the rest of my lifewwwwwww

605 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 17:01:54 ID:tojCJ2DM
Does she have some kind of sexual trauma? In the most extreme case, was she, for example, raped in the past?

606 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 17:02:05 ID:jJBK3rIy
Is it the post where I said I was lurking from my cell phone on Saturday?w

607 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 17:03:13 ID:jJBK3rIy
What about kissing and making out though?

608 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 17:06:45 ID:FH8lvIiG
Well, also that you stopped posting sometime between noon and 3pm,
and started posting again at around half past 3pm!

It's stuff like that.

If that fails, I don't have a choice but to try to tell people apart by what they think about Kansai and Loli.
I better not go too much into specifics, or it'll only make it harder for me to tell people apart tomorroww

609 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 17:09:16 ID:6oEhmSkr
Seems like she can't see you as anything but family anymore...
You could go on a trip with her and make another attempt at it in a different environment than normal.
You might have to change things up a little.

610 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 17:10:43 ID:9wRJj83/
No, we had seicross just fine when we had just started dating.
She said that she just couldn't anymore after a while.

We do kiss and make out.
That's what makes it worse because I never get to finish......

Btw, if I don't add a bunch of wwwwww, I feel like I'm going to crywwwwww
wwww Pfffwwwwwwwwwwwww

611 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 17:13:56 ID:GXWrP7aT
She couldn't anymore after a while? What the hell did you do to her when you had seicross?w

612 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 17:14:06 ID:fGF+fl5E
I was told the same thing... That she's never in the mood for it.
In my case, everything naturally went back to normal though.

First and foremost, you should always try to have body contact with her.
Like hold her hand or have an arm around her shoulder at all times.
Eventually, you'll kiss, then french kiss, and when she starts panting, you touch her breasts and............... Ah, I'm hard just thinking about it!!

613 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 17:15:12 ID:jJBK3rIy
You may not get to finish, but you two still love each other.
Like >>609 said, don't panic and keep trying out all kinds of stuff with her. Also, don't cry. It'll just make her feel worse.
Pfffwwwwwwwwww Here, have some lolswwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

614 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 17:16:56 ID:FH8lvIiG
Cheer up.

My wife and I have been seicrossless for two and a half years now.
Well, in my case, she's my wife, so I guess it's a bit different than just dating...

Accept your fate and own it! I'm living the fap life and I'm happy!

615 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 17:18:21 ID:iL0iXAHZ
I wonder which is better, being seicrossless or having so much seicross that the top layers of the skin on your dick are scraped off,
your dick looks purple, and it just hurts to walk with your dick rubbing against your trunks, but she still forces you to have seicross with her.

616 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 17:18:33 ID:ZpqVDNiI
Nothing's going to happen if he doesn't contact them.
I can't believe he couldn't do anything even though she came onto him wearing boxer pants like that.....
If he ends up with Kansai, this is going to get turned into a book for sure.

617 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 17:22:08 ID:fGF+fl5E
You should have more seicross with your wife...... I feel bad for your wife...... orz

My wife and I have been doing it every week lately, you know?
We even did it right in front of our daughter......

618 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 17:25:46 ID:FH8lvIiG
No, no, it's me you should feel bad for.
I sometimes try to fool around with her, but she looks at me with a dead serious face and tells me to stop, you know?

What choice do I have? Fapping is all I got left. ToT

619 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 17:25:54 ID:CVCfLDlL
>>614 Your wife must be cheating.

620 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 17:29:02 ID:P5qNE6Y2
Please elaborate on the doing in front of your daughter thing.

621 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 17:29:30 ID:9wRJj83/
There's an old fairytale that goes like this.
Once upon a time, there was a married couple who was very close, but a witch got jealous and turned the wife into a chicken.
The husband desperately begged the witch to turn his wife back, but the witch refused to listen to him.
So the husband asked the witch
"If you're not going to turn my wife back, then turn me into a chicken too."
And the two chicken lived happily ever after.

I seriously apologize to all you guys who suffer from ED, but I sometimes wish I had ED too...
That's how bad it is.

But oh well, I got a gazillion porn sites bookmarked in my PCwwww
I'm living the fap life toowwwwww

622 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 17:30:19 ID:6oEhmSkr
This guy just mentioned something crazy like it was the most normal thing in the worldw

623 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 17:31:27 ID:Ru7PvnVT
Maybe, just maybe, >>610 is just extremely bad at seicross............

624 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 17:32:37 ID:FH8lvIiG
I bet his daughter is still only two years old and doesn't know anything yet.

625 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 17:33:04 ID:FH8lvIiG
No wayw

626 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 17:34:32 ID:YT0aIUKG

627 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 17:34:35 ID:fGF+fl5E
Whoawwwwwwwww I can't laugh about thiswwwwwwww

For starters, you should take her out, just the two of you...
Do you have kids? Wait, are you the guy who posted that he has a son?

628 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 17:36:09 ID:r6IcnLF2
Rather than the coat part,
the woman saying she wants Hermes in the first line
already shows that they can't be Train Man and Hermes.

629 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 17:36:39 ID:FH8lvIiG
There's someone else besides me who said he has a son.

But yeah, you're right, I have a son.
Ever since we had our son (ever since she got pregnant), we haven't done it even once.

630 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 17:37:07 ID:iL0iXAHZ
Or maybe his dick is just extremely smelly.

631 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 17:38:34 ID:CBM3fLTa
Oh God, it was the same for me.

632 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 17:39:52 ID:LffyHX2Y
Is it a problem if my girlfriend and I are seicrossless because I'm never in the mood for it?

My girlfriend always gives me shit for itwwwwwwww
The day before yesterday, I told her to wait until I have finished watching the football game and she went through the roofwwwwww
Whoawwwwwwwwwwww I seriously can't get it hard if it's my girlfriendwwwwwwwwww Pfffwwwww

633 : (・ω・ ミ 3 )∋ : 04/11/29 17:42:03 ID:8KiVEQsn
+   +
  ∩_∩  +
 (0゚・(ェ)・) ba-dump ba-dump bear bear
 (0゚つ旦O +
 と__)__) +

634 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 17:42:13 ID:khfSbwRw
I have a son too, but I do have seicross with my wife.
Admittedly not so often anymore lately, but we do.

635 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 17:42:24 ID:9wRJj83/
I don't know if I'm good at seicross or not, but all the girls I dated in the past
had seicross with me just fine.
I wash my dick everyday, so I don't think it smells bad...
The issue is definitely something more psychological.

Well, this kind of thing can happen to couple,
so you guys better take the masturbation aptitude testwwwwwww

636 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 17:43:15 ID:0E9/ecbe
Looks like I'll finally be able to get a good night's sleep tonightw

637 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 17:44:57 ID:FH8lvIiG
I said earlier that we've been seicrossless for two and a half years, but I was wrong.
When I thought about it again, my son is 11 months old now,
and we found out that she's pregnant in May, so it's been about one and a half years now, I guess?

638 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 17:45:01 ID:GXWrP7aT
You should try doing something completely different for a change.
For example, buy tons of lotion and take a lotion bath together and enjoy the slipperiness.

639 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 17:46:01 ID:iLGqH1ow
I'm still in school, so "I have a son, but I have seicross with my wife." is the last thing I'd want to hear my parents say.

640 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 17:46:19 ID:LffyHX2Y
Let me try that out right awaywwww

641 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 17:49:20 ID:iL0iXAHZ
Whoaawwwwwwwww No need to take it so seriouslywwwwwwwwwwwww


A girl I used to date ages ago didn't want to have seicross with me either, but it was probably a compatibility issue.
Besides, not everyone likes seicross to begin with...

642 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 17:51:09 ID:JOB5NsiF
It's so peaceful today. ー( ´∀`)y─┛~~

643 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 17:52:48 ID:FH8lvIiG
By the way, between Kansai and Loli, I bet seicross with Loli feels better.

When people say that a woman has a nice figure, I feel like they mean two different types, the slender type and the chubby type, right?
Seicross with the chubby type just has to feel better.

So white and soft.................. (;´Д`) pant pant

644 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 17:53:46 ID:wrw/IBb/
Hurry up and go see Loli already.
I'm running out of patience here.

And after that, you can go to Kansai for relationship advice
and have a thing with Kansai too while you're at it. How about it?

645 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 17:54:00 ID:CBM3fLTa
I haven't had any seicross for two whole years noww

646 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 17:54:13 ID:fGF+fl5E
Whoawwwwwwww Now I want to watch a porn flick that goes like thatwwwwwwww

647 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 17:54:56 ID:wrw/IBb/
A woman's figure doesn't have anything to do with how good her pussy feels though......

648 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 17:55:06 ID:37Ks5Owy

If this thread gets 900 replies today, the OP will do anything we say as long as it isn't anything dangerous.
You know the drill.

649 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 17:55:26 ID:FH8lvIiG
But I don't see us having seicross anytime soon, so in May next year we'll have been seicrossless for two years too.
Until then, don't you give up, dude.

650 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 17:57:00 ID:CBM3fLTa
We don't take baths together anymore.
We take turns bathing with our child.

Right. I'll try to come up with something before the year is out.

651 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:00:16 ID:tojCJ2DM
Actually, I'm sexless too.
Or rather, I just don't feel like doing it with my wife.
It's more fun playing with my son.

I'll just leave this here (for the guy who wanted the gymnastics exercises):

652 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:01:29 ID:tojCJ2DM
I think I fucked up. The link isn't working...

653 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:03:33 ID:8/YVjTNg
The dot before the file ending is missing.

654 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:05:48 ID:T2FnjIJ4
I've finally caught up, so please excuse the serious post.

Molester has been talking to Kansai a lot lately, so just like how the girls knew that Molester had a thing for Miss Undie,
they probably already know that Molester likes Kansai. (I don't know if Miss Undie has noticed it though, she seems to be a little slow.))
I wouldn't go as far as to say that Loli likes Molester, but she's clearly interested.
And that's when the attempted seicross incident occurred.

Since he didn't give in to lust and didn't have seicross with Loli, I'm sure Loli will conclude that Molester really likes Kansai
and root for Molester instead.

655 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:09:26 ID:FH8lvIiG
What's the pass?

656 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:13:12 ID:tojCJ2DM
I don't remember setting a password, but I guess I had... It's a single space.
>>653 Thanks.

For the guy who wanted the gymnastics exercises:

657 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:13:33 ID:efBz21JN
Are you the orthopedic doctor?
I don't know what the pass is...

658 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:15:12 ID:efBz21JN
Whoawwww I'm the guy who asked for it. Thanks.
Let me try them out right awaywwwwww

659 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:16:00 ID:FH8lvIiG
I'm not the one who requested it, but thanks for that. I downloaded it.

By the way, is it really okay to have this for free?
I bet you could make money with this.

660 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:16:40 ID:tojCJ2DM
It's a handout I made for my patients. It doesn't have any pictures because I usually teach every exercise in person, so it might be a bit hard to understand...... Sorry.

661 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/29 18:20:26 ID:OHOnsYLn
I guess all illness really does come from the mind... My irregular sleep schedule and my heart going on a roller coaster ride after not having been moved much since junior high
must have taken a toll on me because I have caught a cold for the first time in a long while......

662 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:21:15 ID:iL0iXAHZ
I bet it was the curry.

663 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:21:17 ID:gW5nOdyS
He's here━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!!!

664 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:22:04 ID:5yPVodKI
Whoever is telling him to buy DQ has to be joking, right?
Small talk about games will have to wait until he has apologized, slept with her or done something else to settle the matter first.
Imagine the guy, who embarrassed you, suddenly emailing you about how he bought DQ. You'd lose your shit too.
Have some delicacy.

665 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:22:15 ID:fGF+fl5E
My wife, daughter and I take baths together everyday.

666 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:22:36 ID:tojCJ2DM
Welcome backw

667 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:22:42 ID:FH8lvIiG
Get our doctor here to fix you.

668 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:23:13 ID:+ARL+h9f
Ahh, I overslept this morning.

669 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/29 18:23:20 ID:OHOnsYLn
Eating old curry won't make your joints and the back of your throat and nose hurt though...

Also, I was a little worried myself, but my stomach has been super quiet so far. The curry seems to have been okay, after all.

670 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:24:39 ID:iL0iXAHZ
But it's still not a good idea to eat spoiled food when you're feeling under the weather.
You should throw away the rest of the curry.

671 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:24:58 ID:+ARL+h9f
I'm more worried about Loli and Kansai right now.

672 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:26:30 ID:N6B2GnsZ
I faked sick to skip school today, while poor Molester was actually sick.

673 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:26:41 ID:bsg5XwsN
That's your chance to e-mail Kansai!

674 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/29 18:27:04 ID:OHOnsYLn
Oh yeah, the crab innards could be spoiled by now...
Looks like I'll be having All-Bran and two bags of Juvela C with daisy and pabron for dinner.
Guess I'll have to record tonight's anime too........................ Shit.

675 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:28:00 ID:tojCJ2DM
Get Kansai to nurse you back to health when she calls you next.

676 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:28:09 ID:P5qNE6Y2
I was reading the past threads.
Here's a conversation from when they went shopping for clothes:

"Then I got carried away... You know how meddlesome I can be."
"Yeah, I know."
"So I basically made her invite you to the family restaurant we work at."
"Ahh, that was the first time we talked."
"Yeah. And we hit it off pretty well, remember?"
"Yeah, I guess."
"You seemed like a pretty good guy to me, so I decided I'd play cupid and set her up with you for her own sake..."

It's possible that Kansai sent in Loli to make up for the thing with Miss Undie......

677 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/29 18:28:24 ID:OHOnsYLn
I'm worried too.
Not the "nursing back to health" event that frequently occurs in my romantic fantasies!?
My dream might finally come true....................................!!

Well, not like I could ever do something so shameless in the first place.
Oww, my head hurts.

678 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:28:25 ID:N6B2GnsZ
Your top priority still being anime at a time like this gives me a boner.

679 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:29:54 ID:br78LLsg
I'll just leave this here for no particular reason.

680 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:30:06 ID:Wy83LrXl
That's ittttttttt!!!!!!!!!

681 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:30:08 ID:fGF+fl5E
Ah, shit, I have to work overtime...
I'll check the thread again later when I get home, so just tell me if you fapped to Loli or not before I leave......

682 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:30:28 ID:jcLEbRq/
Why don't you send an apology mail to Loli for starters?

683 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:31:01 ID:iL0iXAHZ
When things get really bad, you go back to your parents' place.
That's normally the "getting nursed back to health" event for a single guy.

684 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/29 18:32:34 ID:OHOnsYLn
I haven't fapped to Loli.
Actually, I haven't fapped at all in the last two days.
I wouldn't be surprised if I had a wet dream tonight.

685 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:32:46 ID:a1Aev08o
Just try to get some sleep tonight without thinking about anything.

686 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:33:24 ID:jJBK3rIy
It's only when you try to play cupid for someone that they fall in love with you...
I know your pain all too well, Kansai.

687 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:33:52 ID:T6qeJ3mX
You're completely right about that. Contacting her and asking her to nurse you is too shameless.
But when you get an e-mail or call from Kansai, make sure to mention tell her.
Just mention that you're stuck in bed because you caught a cold,
and with a little bit of luck you will have triggered the "getting nursed back to health" event.
If she asks you if you've been eating well, think of it as your chance.
And well, I doubt Loli will write you, but if she does, take care because it's going to be a gamble in her case.
I don't think that Miss Undie will write you either, but if she does, it's worth mentioning.
She'll most likely tell Kansai about it. Chances are that Miss Undie might come herself as thanks for installing that door lock.

Oops, sorry for writing such a long-ass post when you're down with a cold.

688 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:35:23 ID:bsg5XwsN
No, that's not it! You're not supposed to say "I caught a cold!"
or something direct like that. Instead, take a little longer than usual to reply,
or add a bunch of typos and leave out words. Kansai is perceptive imo,
so I'm sure she'll quickly realize that something's wrong.

689 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/29 18:35:34 ID:OHOnsYLn
I want to take a bath, but it's probably not a good idea.
I should probably go straight to bed, but if I sleep now, I feel like things will get even worse if I go to bed now.

690 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:36:25 ID:LffyHX2Y
So he should just put his phone on silent mode again!

691 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:36:33 ID:P5qNE6Y2
Whoawwwww That's what I was going to postwwwww Pffffwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

692 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:37:49 ID:tojCJ2DM
Take a bath right before you go to bed, so you can go to bed warm.

693 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:38:13 ID:a1Aev08o
You're not going to die just because you didn't take a bath twice today.
Hurry up and go to bed.

694 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:38:27 ID:jJBK3rIy
When you've caught a cold, take a bath, sweat it out, and warm your body.
Don't overdo it though.

695 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:39:05 ID:CBM3fLTa
Half of Loli's jugs are made up of kindness.

696 : Matatabi Pokke ◆CAT//d2lZo : 04/11/29 18:39:13 ID:s7GkeK4a
On the contrary, you should be taking a long hot bath instead of a quick shower.
Just take care not to get cold after a bath though. (´・∀・`)

697 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:39:28 ID:iL0iXAHZ
You guys are so delusional.
Normally, when you're sick, friends don't come to your place and you don't invite friends over.

Besides, what's the point of showing yourself in a miserable condition when you're down with a cold and snot is running down your nose?
No girl wants to see that.

698 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:39:57 ID:GXWrP7aT
If I was in Loli's position and Molester apologized after what happened, it'd only make me want to die.
If you wanted to apologize, you should have done so right then and there.
And if you didn't, I'd prefer if you just pretended nothing happened.

699 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/29 18:40:38 ID:OHOnsYLn
But my nose isn't running though.
My throat hurts like shit and my body feels really heavy, is all.

700 : (・ω・ ミ 3 )∋ : 04/11/29 18:41:05 ID:St7EFjXC
+   +
  ∩_∩  +
 (0゚・(ェ)・) ba-dump ba-dump bear bear
 (0゚つ旦O +
 と__)__) +

701 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:41:14 ID:FH8lvIiG
Well, I have no idea what this is and why it was posted......

But I downloaded it anyway.

702 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:41:48 ID:5yPVodKI
Take a long bath to warm up your body, but don't make it too hot. A little above body temperature is best.
And when you get out of the bath, dry yourself off with a towel and make sure you don't get cold.
Also, Lipovitan D with hot water is extremely effective for colds.

703 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:42:15 ID:iL0iXAHZ
The snot was just an example.
Do you really want them to see you when you're feeling weak and miserable because of a cold?
It's going to be awkard for them too. It's not like they're doctors or nurses.
Hurry up and go to bed.

704 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:42:16 ID:omdI/g7G
I wouldn't want him to mention it either. Unless he changed his mind about her.

705 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:42:24 ID:FH8lvIiG

There you go, you heard it from an actual doctor. You better do what he says.

706 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:42:58 ID:T6qeJ3mX
I'm really sorry about that.

While everyone else is worried about Molester and is telling him to go to bed early,
I was only thinking about how to trigger the "getting nursed back to health" event.
How embarrassing. Sorry.

707 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/29 18:43:42 ID:OHOnsYLn
Does daisy with hot water help against colds too?

708 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:44:17 ID:T2FnjIJ4
Even if it's someone they have feelings for?

709 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:45:05 ID:koiToCB1
Molester, you better get your flu shot before it's too late.
You don't want to get the flu. That shit can easily kill you.

710 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:45:32 ID:LffyHX2Y
It's no fun without any events though, don't you think?

711 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:45:43 ID:yYo8LAt0
Hang in there!!

I love how I left work on time even though I got in trouble at work.

Now I can finally stick around this thread for as long as I want!! Or so I thought, but then I remembered that Molester has caught a cold...
You might be in for a lot of emotional and physical strain in the next few days, so you should try to take it slow and rest up today.

712 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:46:29 ID:wrw/IBb/
Don't let this chance slip by!! Get one of them to nurse you back to health!!

Kansai (or Loli): "Do you feel any discomfort anywhere?"
Molester: "Yeah, I feel some kind of tightness in my man parts."
  "Let me give you a massage to relieve the tightness then..."

Whoawwwwwwww My imagination is running wildwwwwwwwwww

713 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:49:30 ID:0qnvSVBd
I don't think you should go down the nursing route.
What if you pass the cold on to her?

714 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:49:40 ID:LffyHX2Y
Kansai: "Does it hurt anywhere?"
Molester: "Migraines..."
Kansai: "Your glans??"

I know this isn't even the least bit funnyw

715 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:49:44 ID:omdI/g7G
Kansai tried to get into Molester's place twice already though.

716 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:50:45 ID:jJBK3rIy
Here's what happens next.
Kansai: "Oh no... Now I feel like I have a temperature too...
    Let's cuddle up and warm each other up together♥"

Ewwwwwwwwwwww I'm such a creepwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

717 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:51:00 ID:yYo8LAt0
When you get nursed back to health,
kissing her and passing on your cold to her is part of the program!!

And then you sneeze at the same time in front of others
making them all suspicious of you two!!!!!11111

718 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:53:07 ID:wrw/IBb/
Passing on your cold to her just triggers the "nursing Kansai back to health" event.

Molester: "Does it hurt anywhere?"
Kansai: "Migraines."
Molester: "...your (clitoris) glans, huh?"

It works either waywwww

719 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/29 18:54:09 ID:OHOnsYLn
From a medical point of view, is it okay to masturbate when you're down with a cold?
Sui Feng made me too frisky.

720 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:54:33 ID:jJBK3rIy
When I'm sick, I don't even feel like doing it in the first place.

721 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:54:39 ID:LffyHX2Y
Whoawwwwwwwwwwwww OKwwwwwwwwww

722 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:55:14 ID:FH8lvIiG
As if you really care if it's okay from a medical point of view or notw

723 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:55:48 ID:iL0iXAHZ
I feel like this is the first time we share the same taste in somethingww

724 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:58:17 ID:P5qNE6Y2
Wait a second. Isn't our target Kansai?
She said herself that she's "meddlesome", so unlike other women,
wouldn't it make sense to show your weakness to Kansai?
Of course, when she does offer to visit him, he has to pretend to turn her down first.

725 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:58:47 ID:wrw/IBb/

Just because the cold got you all weak both physically and mentally,
don't you call or e-mail Kansai while masturbating!!
Don't you fucking do it!!!!
Whatever you do, don't you call Kansai!!!!

726 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 18:59:00 ID:ozRK9LL9
Man, I feel so bad for Loli......
Die, Molester. I'm dead serious. I hope you die, Molester.

727 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 19:01:02 ID:GXWrP7aT
Whoawwwwww I just happened to be reading a Sui Feng thread right nowwwwwwwwww

728 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 19:01:41 ID:iLGqH1ow
Black Jack is on now.

729 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 19:04:57 ID:L/QNaBXr
The house in the OP is so unnecessarily realistic.

730 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 19:05:46 ID:iLGqH1ow
I wish they didn't use crappy 3D animation.

731 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 19:06:55 ID:omdI/g7G
Hurry up and contact them.

732 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 19:07:59 ID:iL0iXAHZ
I'm down with a cold. Stay away though. I feel like shit. Stay away though.

Pretty annoying to be honest.

733 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/29 19:09:32 ID:OHOnsYLn
Btw, no matter what happens, I'm afraid I won't be in any condition to report about it here.
My fingers are starting to feel a little numb.

734 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 19:10:14 ID:GJN0Oybq
When you get a call from the girls,
speak in an obviously cold-ridden voice and they're bound to ask "Did you catch a cold? Are you okay?"

Well, it's most likely going to be Loli to come to nurse you though.

735 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 19:10:23 ID:wrw/IBb/
Even though you can move your fingers just fine when you're playing with your peniswwwwww

736 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 19:10:57 ID:H5h5mixD
E-mail Kansai ⇒ Trigger nursing event
That's all you have to do right now.
You can report back later when you're feeling better.

737 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/29 19:11:33 ID:OHOnsYLn
When your fingers feel so numb they don't feel like your own anymore, a real man will use them to fantasize about being jacked off by someone else.

738 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 19:12:08 ID:yYo8LAt0
You should forget about fapping and getting nursed for now and
seriously just call it a day and go to bed......

739 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 19:12:12 ID:ZpqVDNiI
Give Kansai and Loli a call now.
We'll be waiting for you to report back.

740 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 19:13:57 ID:bsg5XwsN
Speaking of which, when you've caught a cold,
don't you see weird dreams?

741 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 19:15:30 ID:5yPVodKI
Drinking Lipovitan D undiluted when you're sick can be too strong for your body,
or so I heard from a student teacher.
I think I was still in first year of high school then.

742 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/29 19:16:32 ID:OHOnsYLn

I think I'm slowly at my limit.
To think I was feeling just fine before noon.

743 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 19:17:14 ID:omdI/g7G
Hurry up and e-mail Kansai already. You might learn something.

744 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 19:19:10 ID:wrw/IBb/
"Is it true that you shouldn't drink Lipovitan D undiluted when you've caught a cold?"
E-mail Kansai and ask her.

745 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 19:20:44 ID:92D3SW2F
By the way, when you objectively reread the past threads, the only time he spent time alone with Kansai was that time he lost his keys, wasn't it?
I think it's about time for a second round, so you can find out more about her.
Whether she has a boyfriend, for example.

746 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 19:22:11 ID:ZpqVDNiI
Send "Is it true that you shouldn't drink Lipovitan D undiluted when you've caught a cold?" to Kansai.
You might be able to find out if Loli has talked to her.

747 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 19:22:19 ID:WSltLQ5R
You should really try to take it easy today. You're gonna die.

748 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 19:25:10 ID:yYo8LAt0
"Drinking Lipovitan D undiluted when you're sick can be too strong for your body,
or so I heard from a student teacher.
I think I was still in first year of high school then."
What if she replies this...?

749 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 19:26:48 ID:a1Aev08o
Just jerk off and go to sleep already.

750 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 19:26:55 ID:wrw/IBb/
wwwwww Please stop messing around in the thread and go nurse him back to health instead. >>741wwwwww

751 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 19:29:54 ID:u8ZoEeom
Finally caught up with the thread.

Go ahead and jerk off. It'll help you clear your mind, Molester.

752 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 19:31:56 ID:KgwRvOyU
I know you're gonna jerk off either way. Just get it over with.

753 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 19:38:57 ID:pYKKOP3B
I'm back and I'm pissed because I'm sleep-deprived and my work is behind schedule.
Make sure to work up a good sweat, Molester.
And make sure to wipe all that sweat when you're done.

754 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 19:45:14 ID:CeHC1rlj

755 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 19:49:24 ID:efBz21JN
E-mail Kansai "My throat hurts. Do you know any recipes for a sore throat?" before you go to sleep.
Btw, I feel you, man, Sui Feng is so sexy and cute...

756 : You_can_easily_tell_a_VIPER_when_you_see_one ◆QKO2OCjVyc : 04/11/29 19:49:55 ID:DJtzAj4P
For now, just try to take it easy, Molester.
You don't want the cold to get worse.

757 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 19:51:11 ID:iL0iXAHZ
Phew, tonight we can finally have a good night's sleep.
We've been having a party everyday lately, after all.

...or so you'd think, right?

But Kansai will contact him very soon! Too bad!!

That is Molester QUALITY! Get rekt!!!

758 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 19:51:40 ID:tojCJ2DM
If you had some hot sake before going to bed, you should be feeling much better tomorrow.
But well, go to bed wearing thicker clothes than usual and make sure you sweat a lot.

759 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 19:52:08 ID:KVORh+vg
I can see this thread ending fizzling out because of OP running out of excuses to contact them.

760 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 19:52:17 ID:omdI/g7G
Kansai didn't mention cooking at all though.

761 : Peter ◆FzAyW.Rdbg : 04/11/29 19:52:42 ID:DUGjhued
Molester Man, who is it that you really like?
At first, it was the Miss Understanding chick, now you're not only hitting it off with Kansai and developing feelings for her,
but you're also interested in Loli now?

I envy you!

762 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 19:53:43 ID:jcLEbRq/
Well, I hate you.

763 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 19:55:43 ID:LffyHX2Y
Now that's something I can truly agree with.

764 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 19:55:47 ID:+ry36Jaw
Come back when you've got a full grasp on the current state of affairs.
Molester has clearly stated multiple times who he like.

765 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 19:56:39 ID:tojCJ2DM
Go back and read the past threads a 100 times.

766 : Peter ◆FzAyW.Rdbg : 04/11/29 19:57:18 ID:DUGjhued

He seems really undecided though.

767 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 19:58:28 ID:oV6YV8gd
In b4 20 more female characters show up.
In b4 all of them are seriously in love with Molester.

768 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 19:58:39 ID:iLGqH1ow
I, for one, hate you. Get lost.

769 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 19:59:58 ID:+ry36Jaw
What made you think that he is undecided?
Go back and reread everything 1000 times.

770 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 20:00:25 ID:GXWrP7aT
End yourself today.

771 : Peter ◆FzAyW.Rdbg : 04/11/29 20:00:55 ID:DUGjhued
Molester isn't going to survive thatw

772 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 20:03:31 ID:iLGqH1ow
Just stop posting. You're ruining the thread.

773 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 20:03:37 ID:yYo8LAt0
His heart is already set.
It was only his dick that was wavering a little.
But he beat his dick and its indecision into submission with his will of iron!
His feelings were stronger than his dick!!
Our Molester Man is a great man!!!

774 : You_can_easily_tell_a_VIPER_when_you_see_one ◆QKO2OCjVyc : 04/11/29 20:06:48 ID:DJtzAj4P
Let's all relax and take it easy until Molester comes back.

775 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 20:07:15 ID:KqwZ3wkz
Just got done with my assignment and I'm finally back.

Peter, get a clue, man. Go back to lurking for about 5 years.

776 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 20:07:20 ID:YT0aIUKG
Bummer. I come back and Molester has already left.
Get well soon.
The question is, what to do from now on... The friendship arc is over and the infernal romance arc is next,
but we're still stuck at the character selection screen. Make your choice or the arc won't even start.

777 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 20:07:39 ID:YT0aIUKG
Bummer. I come back and Molester had showed up and left again.
Get well soon.
The question is, what to do from now on... The friendship arc is over and the infernal romance arc is next,
but we're still stuck at the character selection screen. Make your choice or the arc won't even start.

778 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 20:08:03 ID:pYKKOP3B
You guys are glorifying him too much.

779 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 20:08:15 ID:oV6YV8gd
Peter, you should lurk for about a half century more.
It should teach you how to read the room a little.

780 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 20:09:28 ID:/ELg1uFE
I'm finally caught up.

Honestly, I wanted Molester to become a pillar of hope for all virgins, but what he did was so pathetic I couldn't help but be disappointed.
I get it though. I bet I would have done the same thing.

781 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 20:09:28 ID:YT0aIUKG
I feel like I made even more insensitive posts than Peter did. Please forgive me, guys.

782 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 20:11:36 ID:+ARL+h9f
To think that he met the girls in the worst way possible but now has developed feelings for one of them and it doesn't even seem all that one-sided.

It's like a real-life soap opera.

783 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 20:12:19 ID:VFs+BWqf
If he's really down with a cold, I honestly don't see what's so wrong about contacting Kansai
and telling her about it.
People keep saying what if he passes on his cold to her...... But everyone knows about that risk and people do it anyway.
Molester Man, if one of the girls was down with a cold, you would go see them too, wouldn't you?
Without any ulterior motives.
Besides, if you told them you had caught a cold after the fact, it'd only make them feel bad.
Especially Kansai, if she loves to meddle.
So you should stop acting tough and just tell her about it.
If she brings you food and stuff, it'd actually be a godsend for you.
Call her if you want what's best for your health!

Sorry for the serious reply.

784 : You_can_easily_tell_a_VIPER_when_you_see_one ◆QKO2OCjVyc : 04/11/29 20:12:28 ID:DJtzAj4P
What does that make Train Man then...?

785 : Peter ◆FzAyW.Rdbg : 04/11/29 20:15:00 ID:DUGjhued
You guys keep whining about this and that
like a bunch of brats......

That's why you guys are losers, who hang around all day in this thread...... (whisper)

786 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 20:15:34 ID:koiToCB1
The same thing can be said about you, can't it?

787 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 20:16:43 ID:dldjXF9E
Get a clue.

788 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 20:16:59 ID:uiUWsocs
We've been completely misunderstanding one thing!
When Loli askied if he won't do anything, she meant if he won't play DQ with her!!!! We're such premature ejaculators!!!!!!

789 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 20:17:35 ID:uiUWsocs
I heard holding a leek to your nose cures your cold instantly. I wonder if there's anything to it.

790 : Peter ◆FzAyW.Rdbg : 04/11/29 20:17:56 ID:DUGjhued
He could have at least held her hand or something...
Doing absolutely nothing is probably what hurt her.

791 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 20:18:51 ID:P5qNE6Y2
Molester asked "Like DQ?", but Loli didn't answer.
If anything, she ignored his question and said "Normally, a man would do something, right?"

792 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 20:19:07 ID:koiToCB1
No. You're supposed to stick the leek up your ass.

793 : You_can_easily_tell_a_VIPER_when_you_see_one ◆QKO2OCjVyc : 04/11/29 20:19:24 ID:DJtzAj4P
What did you say right nyow!?

794 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 20:19:57 ID:wrw/IBb/
m9(^Д^) Pfffhahaha!

795 : Peter ◆FzAyW.Rdbg : 04/11/29 20:24:00 ID:DUGjhued
Well, until Molester Man comes back soon,
feel free to use me to kill time.

796 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 20:24:18 ID:YT0aIUKG
I'm not hating, but your last few posts have all been a little off.
Who the hell would hold her hand in that situation?

797 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 20:25:40 ID:jcLEbRq/
Could you at least take your trip off when you're in this thread? Your posts are annoying by themselves, but it's even more annoying when they're coming from a tripfag.

798 : Peter ◆FzAyW.Rdbg : 04/11/29 20:26:04 ID:DUGjhued
He could have changed the topic to how it's kinda cold in the room and held her hands to check if they're cold, for example?

799 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 20:27:03 ID:pYKKOP3B
>>791 Btw, like someone already said before, it's also possible that she wanted him to grovel and apologize.
I wonder if Molester is being fed rice porridge right now...

800 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 20:27:07 ID:iL0iXAHZ
From now on, it's forbidden to reply to his posts.

801 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 20:27:43 ID:omdI/g7G
Has Molester gone to bed?

802 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 20:29:39 ID:YT0aIUKG
What kind of unnatural situation is that?

803 : Matatabi Pokke ◆CAT//d2lZo : 04/11/29 20:30:13 ID:s7GkeK4a
What she really wanted was for him to get down on his knees and apology. (´・w・`)

804 : Matatabi Pokke ◆CAT//d2lZo : 04/11/29 20:32:30 ID:s7GkeK4a
I should have refreshed the page before posting. (´・∀・`)

805 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 20:36:24 ID:p9Eu5QWa
I hope he can get her to nurse him back to health. (・∀・) Nice!!

806 : (・ω・ ミ 3 )∋ : 04/11/29 20:40:17 ID:Hq2g/qsS
     /::   ::ヽ
    /:: _;: ,_, i   Phew, I'm tired. Let me take a short break.
   /::ι  r_ 〉、. }
   |::   :/-‐, i ノ    ∬∬∬
   |::     "  /    ⊂二⊃
   ゝ::      /     | Tea |
  (::___. ヽ::__.ヽ    ヽ__ノ
  .と::__丿::__丿   =====

807 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 20:41:28 ID:wgvAQP5a
What if Loli was simply not very cute?

808 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 20:48:05 ID:yYo8LAt0
Which reminds me, while Loli was taking a shower, if Molester hadn't come here and
read the posts that made him remember Kansai, he might have actually done something.

809 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/29 20:52:54 ID:OHOnsYLn
Yeah, I might have to agree with that.

810 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 20:53:18 ID:GJN0Oybq
Go to bed already, you punk.

811 : Matatabi Pokke ◆CAT//d2lZo : 04/11/29 20:53:28 ID:s7GkeK4a
You were still here? (´・∀・`)

812 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 20:57:08 ID:eem4RMqW
Go wank one out to Hazuki-chan!

813 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/29 20:59:56 ID:OHOnsYLn
No, I did go to bed, but I got up again because I got an e-mail from Miss Understanding.

"I'd like to thank you again for installing the XX (product name)!
It's working just finew"

her e-mail said.

"That's good to hear. If the lock starts to get sticky, lubricate it and it should be alright.
Hit me up if something comes up. I may not be of much help though."

is what I sent.

"That's not true at allw I'll be counting on your help from now on too."

she replied, so I sent

"Well, it's not just me though. We'll all be there for you when you need help, so I think you'll be fine. Hang in there at work."
(I'd heard that she's working a shift today.)

"I will. I'm off to work then."

That was the last e-mail, but I couldn't sleep anymore, which is why I'm back here again.

814 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 21:01:12 ID:GJN0Oybq
Why did you not let her know that you're down with a cold!?

815 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 21:01:45 ID:dSO/3r78
Isn't it because it was Miss Understanding?

816 : You_can_easily_tell_a_VIPER_when_you_see_one ◆QKO2OCjVyc : 04/11/29 21:01:57 ID:DJtzAj4P
Thank you, grandpa, for staying up late for us.

817 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 21:02:02 ID:iL0iXAHZ
This is so calming, for some reason.
Miss Understanding is such a good girl.
Seen through Molester's filter, that is.

818 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 21:02:14 ID:br78LLsg
Don't tell me Loli hasn't talked to anyone about it yet...
There's no way she's that strong mentally.

Does this mean that love triangle story Loli told him at her place was really about her?

819 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 21:02:22 ID:wrw/IBb/
If it had been night when he asked the thread if he should do it with Loli,
I bet the thread would have unanimously told him to do itwww

820 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 21:02:23 ID:GJN0Oybq
But she's friends with the other girls! It makes sense to tell her!

821 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 21:03:02 ID:wgvAQP5a
I'd completely forgotten about it,
but what's going on with the Miss Undie stalker situation?
Judging from that conversation, she seems to be doing well though.

822 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/29 21:05:19 ID:OHOnsYLn
I haven't heard anything about it. It didn't come up even once.
I don't think it's something you should mention during small talk anyway.

By the way, I feel like it's getting worse every minute.
Shit, I hate that I can't watch anime tonight... Normally, the only time I can't watch a show is when it airs at the same time as another show.

823 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 21:06:39 ID:omdI/g7G
It's so boring when Molester doesn't do anything. At this rate, the threads will end without anything new happening.

824 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 21:07:15 ID:VqVtLcim
I guess Molester's otaku lifestyle will have to be put on hold for now.

825 : You_can_easily_tell_a_VIPER_when_you_see_one ◆QKO2OCjVyc : 04/11/29 21:07:49 ID:DJtzAj4P
Tell Kansai the truth (about your cold).
Ask her to record your anime for you.
You get nursed back to health + Your anime gets recorded + You get to be alone with Kansai

826 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 21:09:57 ID:LlgVyfgK
I have come from VIP.


827 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 21:10:06 ID:wgvAQP5a
It makes me wonder "Wasn't it supposed to be an anti-stalker measure?",
but well, it doesn't matter anymore.

I'll be waiting for you to get well soon, so you can start wrecking havoc again.

Here's how I usually cure a cold:
- drink 1 litre of orange juice
- take a bath for an hour and sweat a lot
- fap
- go to sleep because I've done all I possibly can

The next morning...
My cold is most likely still not cured, so I start over from the beginning.

Good luck.

828 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 21:10:34 ID:pHg4/a0F
Alright, I'm caught up!
Btw, when I got home and checked the thread, I noticed the thread hadn't grown as much as I'd expected.

Also, I can't believe he hasn't fapped to Loli yet...
Even after getting seduced by a woman irl, he doesn't even fap to her... That's our 2D master for ya.

829 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 21:11:42 ID:uiUWsocs
In b4 he gets an e-mail or call from Kansai.

830 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 21:13:31 ID:Bwt54Se4
Whoawww He caught a coldwwwww It's karmawwww OKwwwwwwwww

831 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 21:16:08 ID:pHg4/a0F
Well, for now, should your condition get serious, make sure to call your parents... Oh crap, sorry, we're not supposed to be giving him actually good advice, right?

832 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 21:18:20 ID:pYKKOP3B
Same university.
Same circle.
Same part-time job.
I feel like it's only a matter of time till Kansai finds out.
If this was a TV soap, she would suddenly drop by his place since she knows his addressw

833 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 21:19:36 ID:Bwt54Se4
She must have told her about it. No doubt about it.

834 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 21:19:52 ID:omdI/g7G
Why would she go out of her way to talk about it? It's like rubbing salt into her wound. Especially if girl A is Kansai.
It's obvious, but it's impossible to tell if Molester is still around or not if he doesn't post anything.

835 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 21:21:03 ID:A/3tI1hN
After apologizing to Loli and telling her that you're in love with someone else,
why don't you ask Loli if the ABC story was actually about her?

836 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 21:24:28 ID:+ARL+h9f
.: : : : : : : : :: :::: :: :: : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::   ☆   +
  . . :  : /⌒ヽ: :: : : :: : ::: :: : :::: :: ::: :     ..,,::。:+
 . . ... . /   <`O..: : :: :: ::: :::::: ::::::::::::     +,::o;;::・;,  :
     ⊂ニニニ⊃ . . . .: :::::::::::::::::::::::     ..<;;::・,,::;ゞ;;o;*::.
     /:彡ミ゛ヽ;)ー、 . ::: : :: :::::::::    ,,;;;<;+::;;。*:,,;;ゞ;;::..: : : :
    / :::/ヽ/ヽ、ヽ ::i . .:: :.: ::: . ::::   ;;;*;;;〇;ゞ;*::;;:<;;;*;:;ゞ;;o;
   / :::/;;: 。  ヽ ヽ::l . :. :.     <;;;;〇;ゞ;*::o,ゞ ;*;;;;*ゞ;*:o
  ̄(_,ノ  ̄ ̄ ̄ヽ、_ノ ̄ ̄     ;;;*;;;〇;ゞ;*::;;;;;*ゞ;*::o, 〇;;; *
                       : : : : : : llllllll : : : : : :
Molester Man, you better grasp happiness until Christmas...
Do it for me because I just got dumped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

837 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 21:26:45 ID:El3EUoTk
Keep your chin up!

838 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 21:28:52 ID:pHg4/a0F
I'm sure Kansai knows by now that Loli has a crush on Molester,
but there's a 50/50 chance that she's heard about what happened the day before yesterday.
It depends on how openly Loli and Kansai talk to each other.

If you're going to go down the Kansai route, you should first check if Kansai knows about what happened with you and Loli,
if you don't want to spoil your chances for the good ending.

839 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 21:29:36 ID:pHg4/a0F
Well, you know, don't kill yourself.

840 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 21:29:39 ID:Bwt54Se4
Whoawwwwwwwwwwwww OKwwwwwwwwwwwww

841 : You_can_easily_tell_a_VIPER_when_you_see_one ◆QKO2OCjVyc : 04/11/29 21:30:32 ID:DJtzAj4P
You know, whether Loli told Kansai that she tried to seduce Molester with her body and failed will make a huge difference.

Well, I doubt she told her though.

842 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 21:31:33 ID:YbCxn8gu
I'm writing about what would have happened if he had slept with Loli.

Whoawwwwww My imagination is running away with mewwwwwwwwwww

843 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/29 21:32:36 ID:OHOnsYLn
Sorry, I'm at my limit.
I might suddenly show up in the middle of the night again because I can't fall asleep, but this cold might be a pretty bad one.
Good night, you guys.

Don't give up. There's still enough time.

844 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 21:33:40 ID:Bwt54Se4
Which reminds me, after reading your report yesterday, I was so worried I had a hard time falling asleep.
Today, I overslept, so I'd say good luck is headed your way, Molester.

845 : You_can_easily_tell_a_VIPER_when_you_see_one ◆QKO2OCjVyc : 04/11/29 21:33:43 ID:DJtzAj4P
Well, make sure it doesn't get worse.
Get well soon. ノシ

846 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 21:34:17 ID:KqwZ3wkz

847 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 21:35:54 ID:YbCxn8gu

Cheer up!

848 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 21:39:13 ID:pHg4/a0F
It might be a good idea to forget about everything for tonight and rest up.
Do your best to cure your cold!

849 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 21:40:15 ID:u8ZoEeom
Fuck yeah!. Karma is a bitch.

850 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 21:40:28 ID:br78LLsg
Good night.

851 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 21:48:39 ID:WidwZP+Y
I caught a cold last week too.
Like Molester's cold, it started with a sore throat.

I know what you should do. Eat ramen.
That's right, ramen, your faovrite food.
And add plenty of green onion. Add as much as you can.
Then, sleep a lot.

That should take care of your cold.

852 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 21:57:42 ID:N1KRb0bj
Just finished reading the logs and I honestly believe that Molester is impotent.
It's not because I got a hard-on for Loli. If anything, I think Kansai is moe.

But I just feel so bad for Loli... Ahh! Ahhhh!!! Gahhhh!!

853 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 22:01:08 ID:K1FNyOxI
By the way, did Miss Understanding not know anything about what happened on Saturday? Or did you not ask her at all?
But if she's going to work, she might meet Loli there... (What if Loli hasn't come to work even once since Saturday... Uh-ohw)
And Kansai still hasn't contacted you, huh... We coould use more information.

854 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 22:04:57 ID:pHg4/a0F
If there's only a 50/50 chance that she told Kansai, there's no way she told Miss Undie...

Which would also explain why you're still getting e-mails from Miss Undie.

855 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 22:10:05 ID:pHg4/a0F
As for why Kansai hasn't contacted him, my money is on >>559 and >>572

856 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 22:10:14 ID:YT0aIUKG
No way she'd tell anyone how an Akiba otaku loser didn't want to have seicross with her.

857 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 22:30:01 ID:jJBK3rIy
Even if she told the other girls, I'm afraid they'll just say "What a cowardwwwww", brand him a loser, make fun of him and never talk to him again.

858 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 22:30:38 ID:Oz2VlD70
Is Molester dead?

859 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 22:34:16 ID:ZpqVDNiI
I'm sure she told Kansai that Molester rejected her, at the very least.
Though I doubt she mentioned the seicross part...

860 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 22:38:27 ID:yYo8LAt0
I was bored because Molester's gone to sleep,
so I went around participating in a bunch of 1000 GETs in "I'll post boobs when this thread gets 1000 posts" threads,
but now I'm back.

Good evening.

861 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 22:39:34 ID:KfFAXRzS
And were you able to get a 1000 GET?

862 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 22:41:37 ID:efBz21JN
That's when he pushes her down.
Kansai: "What a cowardwwwww"
Molester: "It's because I've got you." He hugs her as he says this.
Kansai: "No. Let me go."
Molester: "No."
Kansai: "......idiot." She hugs him back tightly.

863 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 22:43:35 ID:rheA2n21
Nice fanficwwwwwwww OKwwwwwww

864 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 22:43:54 ID:yYo8LAt0
I couldn't get a 1000 GET, but the threads all reached 1000 posts,
so I'm waiting for the OP's to post boobs now.
And I know they never will.

865 : You_can_easily_tell_a_VIPER_when_you_see_one ◆QKO2OCjVyc : 04/11/29 22:44:06 ID:DJtzAj4P
I wouldn't put it past Kansai to actually react like that.

866 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 22:44:40 ID:pHg4/a0F
Whoawwwwwwwww That gave me a bonerwwwwwww

867 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 22:45:15 ID:W5fC88Kx
I just finished reading the last 4 threads in one sitting.
He should've just gone for Loli. What a waste.

868 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 22:46:58 ID:rheA2n21
Whoawwwwwww OKwwwwwwwwww

869 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 22:48:56 ID:br78LLsg

870 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 22:50:54 ID:N1KRb0bj
Her face is a bit...

871 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 22:55:37 ID:PGlZXLEj
The more I think about it,
the more I feel like A = Kansai and C = Loli would explain everything.

Loli asks Molester for advice while pretending to be talking about a friend.
Molester answers that her friend shouldn't hold back and that she should just go for it.
This is when Loli makes up her mind.
However, she knows she's not as close to Molester as Kansai,
so she panics and tries to seduce Molester to rope him into a relationship.

But she gets turned down and comes to regret everything.
She regrets trying to seduce Molester and going behind Kansai's back.
What Loli does next is up to speculation, but it's possible that she wants to tell Kansai everything and apologize to her.
I don't know if she will say that she got turned down when she tried to seduce him or when she asked him out.

So I would say that she either.
1. hasn't told Kansai anything,
2. will tell Kansai that she secretly tried to ask him out or
3. that she secretly tried to seduce him.
It's one of these.

Huh? I ended up writing the same thing as every other post before me.......... orz

872 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 22:55:45 ID:ZpqVDNiI
Oh crap, I think I got a great idea.
Call Kansai, tell her you need advice on interpersonal relationships, and tell her the following story:

- Girl A and Guy B met due to a misunderstanding.
- Guy B was a little bit curious about Girl A, but it quickly died down due to Girl C's meddling.
- As Guy B watched the meddlesomeness of Girl C, he ended up falling in love with her.
- Guy B gets approached by Girl C but turns her down.

Then ask Kansai the following questions:
- Girl A, Girl C, and Girl D are friends and since Guy B turned Girl D down, it's hard for him to see Girl A, Girl C, and Girl D again. What should he do?
- Guy B loves Girl C, but should he confess his love for her or not?

I'm sure Kansai will help you out.

873 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 22:58:53 ID:PGlZXLEj
Kansai is so smart I feel like she'll see through that immediately...

874 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 22:59:54 ID:8/YVjTNg
- Girl A and Guy B met due to a misunderstanding.

She'll already figure it out here.

875 : You_can_easily_tell_a_VIPER_when_you_see_one ◆QKO2OCjVyc : 04/11/29 23:00:42 ID:DJtzAj4P
This so much.

876 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 23:01:55 ID:W5fC88Kx
In that case, A, C, and D stand for their cup sizes.

877 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 23:02:43 ID:+ry36Jaw
You guys are so naive.
He won't get that far.

"What interpersonal relationships? You don't have any friends.
You mean us?"
Game over.

878 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 23:02:46 ID:o/V++17P
A-girl and B-guy touched a J-mon pottery piece that you're not allowed to touch...

879 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 23:03:05 ID:N1KRb0bj
LMAOwww My sideswww

880 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 23:03:16 ID:PGlZXLEj
>Call Kansai, tell her you need advice on interpersonal relationships

Kansai will already figure out everything here.

881 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 23:03:28 ID:8/YVjTNg
You're a smart guy.

882 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 23:05:41 ID:P5qNE6Y2
>Oh crap

She'll already figure it out here.

883 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 23:07:37 ID:br78LLsg

884 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 23:07:52 ID:PGlZXLEj
Whoa, whoa, do you guys even know who we're dealing with here?
It's Kansai we're talking about Kansai.

>872 Name: VIPPER

She'll already have figured out everything here.

885 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 23:10:37 ID:ZpqVDNiI
My post got completely taken apart by Kansai, huh?w
It's not a problem if she sees through it though. She'll understand that he's that desperate.

886 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 23:11:48 ID:YT0aIUKG
Kansai has seen through everything. Even the truth of the universe.

887 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 23:12:54 ID:rRiFQt12
Does Molester have any idea how much courage it takes for a woman to seduce a man?

Though it's more likely that Loli is just a slut!!!

888 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 23:14:28 ID:tFUYJh75
So, where is this family restaurant they work at?

889 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 23:14:47 ID:N1KRb0bj
Loli had a huge crush on Molester. But it's all over now that he turned her down.

890 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 23:15:11 ID:rheA2n21
Whoawwwwwwwwwww You're so planning on goingwwwwwwwwwwwwww

891 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 23:15:48 ID:ZpqVDNiI
If we knew the address, the place would be a battlefield by now.

892 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 23:15:51 ID:tFUYJh75
I won't go there. I'm too scared to go out.

893 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 23:24:41 ID:LgZl3un+
Whoawwwwwwww I wanna go so badwwwwwwwww

894 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 23:24:48 ID:VFs+BWqf
How about this?
Here's a continuation of >>857:

Kansai: "What a cowardwwwww"
Molester: "No, it's not like thatrt4tq34u48ut8ue" (flustered)
Kansai: "I know."
Molester: "Eh?"
Kansai: "You turned her down for me, right?" (hugs him)
Molester: "Ehhhhhhhhhh?"
Kansai: "I'm the only one who could take care of an indecisive wuss like you."
Kansai says shyly.

Good End 1

895 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 23:25:21 ID:A/3tI1hN
 Why don't we just leave out Girl A?
And she better notice who he's talking about. It's like a roundabout confession of love.
(But in that case, we have to make sure she doesn't realize
that it's about her before he can get to the point.
That's why the first line is already a no-go null pointer.)

896 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 23:25:22 ID:rW6a+kH0
So moe.

897 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 23:26:34 ID:br78LLsg

898 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 23:26:36 ID:DH6E1v62
I wonder what Loli sees in Molester.
Ah, I don't mean this in a bad way at all.

899 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 23:31:41 ID:tFUYJh75
I know!!

900 : (・ω・ ミ 3 )∋ : 04/11/29 23:33:19 ID:/H7/+gQi
+   +
  ∩_∩  +
 (0゚・(ェ)・) ba-dump ba-dump bear bear
 (0゚つ旦O +
 と__)__) +

901 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 23:34:13 ID:P5qNE6Y2
Just when I wanted to reply to you, I came to a realization.

Loli puked in her sleep on Molester's bed, right?
After that, it was Kansai and Molester, who cleaned up the mess, wasn't it?
When Kansai told Loli about it, what if she was singing Molester's praises?

Like "He was so considerate and cleaned up after you without a single frown on his face.
Maybe he likes you, Loli. (・∀・) grin"

Kansai's caring personality might have backfired this time.

902 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 23:35:16 ID:tFUYJh75
I think he should just go for Kansai. Just do it.

903 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 23:37:26 ID:rheA2n21

904 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 23:38:24 ID:br78LLsg

         \   ∩─ー、    ====
           \/ ● 、_ `ヽ   ======
           / \( ●  ● |つ
           |   X_入__ノ   ミ   To think I would fall for such obvious bait...
            、 (_/   ノ /⌒l
            /\___ノ゙_/  /  =====
            〈         __ノ  ====
            \ \_    \
             \___)     \   ======   (´⌒
                \   ___ \__  (´⌒;;(´⌒;;
                  \___)___)(´;;⌒  (´⌒;;  sliiide

905 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 23:50:59 ID:jJBK3rIy
It seems like my luck with woman has gone up while I was taking a nap. Discuss.

906 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 23:51:37 ID:N1KRb0bj
Please elaborate

907 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 23:51:50 ID:Ru7PvnVT
Please elaborate.

908 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 23:53:57 ID:LgZl3un+
Please elaborate,

909 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 23:54:42 ID:gKRaPsJJ
Same as above.

910 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 23:55:02 ID:j+SWZrJg
Please elaborate,

911 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 23:59:57 ID:lEHZXxjD
Please elaborate.

912 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 00:00:37 ID:rLP0ythB
Please elaborate

By the way,
I too happen to have a thing for a girl. Discuss.

913 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 00:01:27 ID:VnMALXZv
I have a thing for too many girls to count.

914 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 00:01:31 ID:DiWQdCjF
Is this the board for single men?

915 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 00:03:52 ID:malPhdoT
Every man is a single man at heart.

916 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 00:04:26 ID:U5Uxpmj4
Well, except the ones that are married.

917 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 00:04:41 ID:cFDJOFk1
I was hoping for someone to bite, but I didn't think it'd be so many at oncewwwwww
Her specs:

[Age] 23 years old
[Relation to me] We went to the same grad and junior high school. We met again two years ago and went on a few dates, but I've been neglecting her lately.
[Looks] Kataoka Asuka

Since her birthday's coming up, I e-mailed her for the first time in a while and told her I'll treat her to something for her birthday,
but maybe she was in her feels because she had caught a cold because she was overjoyed and told me to treat her to something special.
Honestly, I was just planning on treating her to some cheap BBQ at the nearest Gyu-Kaku or something... What should I do now...

918 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 00:04:52 ID:8CBW6Oao
Oh, are we talking about girls we have a boner for? (゚∀゚)

919 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 00:06:44 ID:8CBW6Oao
1. Gyu-Kaku
2. Jojoen
3. Yoshinoya

I have put together a list to pick from.

920 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 00:06:46 ID:C4iicpo/
"Treat me to something special" is just a figure of speech.
I don't know about Gyu-Kaku, but I don't think she expects you to treat her to a fancy restaurant.

921 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 00:07:40 ID:Bz/x9ZDR
I see, I see.

922 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 00:10:00 ID:htd2aCDs
Three possible answers? This is Molester Man's specialty!

923 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 00:10:37 ID:malPhdoT
Take her to a quieter place for dinner.
Even if you make a reservation at a restaurant and buy her a little birthday cake,
it won't be that much more expensive than treating her to Gyu-Kaku.
× expensive and crowded
cozy and quiet

924 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 00:12:23 ID:Bz/x9ZDR
Celebrate her birthday at her place, obviously.
Look what happened when Molester went to Loli's place. Imagine what'll happen if it's you. She'll be like "Whoaww"

925 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 00:15:41 ID:C4iicpo/
For some reason, Gyu-Kaku has this image of a low-cost place even though it's notw

926 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 00:17:35 ID:cFDJOFk1
I don't play any eroge, so I don't know which to choose... I'll go with 3 then.
Yeah, it's most likely a figure of speech.
Don't worry, I wasn't going to book a Superior room at InterContinental or something.
She doesn't like travelling long distances, so I'll see if I can find a good place somewhere in our small hometown.
We both live at our parents' places, so I don't think that's an option.

927 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 00:17:56 ID:gohmsw1o
Looks like everyone's starving for love.
I need to try harder too.

928 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 00:18:50 ID:malPhdoT
When I go to Gyu-Kaku with another guy,
the bill will end up topping 10000 yen as long as you don't order dished with rice.
So you might actually be better off going to a high-class place like Jojoen and enjoying some first-grade meat while being conscious of the bill.

929 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 00:21:38 ID:malPhdoT
Small towns have the best restaurants.
My university is located in the mountains,
but because it's such a remote town, it had several hidden gem places you won't find anywhere else.

Look for restaurants you would normally never go to,
or restaurants that you can't find in sightseeing guidebooks.

Walk there together and on your way back, you can stop at a nearby park for some lovey-doveykulawsedrftgyfujiko

930 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 00:33:50 ID:VnMALXZv
Here I find myself hoping for an e-mail from Kansai even though I know it won't come.

931 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 00:36:28 ID:y3n9QkzG
It's not just you, buddy, I am too.

932 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 00:38:04 ID:XGyL9zJP
This is kind of how Loli Jugs must have approached him.
I don't know how Molester was able to resist.
Seriously, respect to him.

933 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 00:39:27 ID:VnMALXZv
Whoa, I could never. Not a chancewwwww

934 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 00:41:03 ID:malPhdoT
>>930 >>931
(゚∀゚)人(゚∀゚)人(゚∀゚) Friends!!

935 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 00:44:58 ID:NWBWKqSd
It would definitely make for an interesting turn of events if Molester got an e-mail from Kansai.
I'd love to see Molester panic when he checks his cell phone.

936 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 00:45:26 ID:XGyL9zJP
Me neither. It was a miracle that was only possible because he's a virgin.
No, I mean this as a compliment, of course.

937 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 00:53:44 ID:malPhdoT
I'm starting to feel like their family restaurant is the holy land or something.
I wanna go look for it so bad...

938 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 00:54:12 ID:VnMALXZv
I didn't mean an e-mail from Kansai to Molester,
but an e-mail from Kansai to me. Whoawwwwwwwwwwww OKwwwwwwwwwww

939 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 00:55:31 ID:rLP0ythB
Whoawwwww In your dreamswwwwwwwwwww

940 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 00:55:33 ID:SpjOjp9/
He lives in Saitama, doesn't he?

941 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 00:56:59 ID:DiWQdCjF
That's right. He lives in Kasukabe.

942 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 00:57:00 ID:malPhdoT
I was convinced he lives in Kawasaki......

943 : (・ω・ ミ 3 )∋ : 04/11/30 00:57:53 ID:3QDMXHVi
+   +
  ∩_∩  +
 (0゚・(ェ)・) ba-dump ba-dump bear bear
 (0゚つ旦O +
 と__)__) +

944 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 00:58:15 ID:SpjOjp9/

945 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 00:58:20 ID:y3n9QkzG
Goddamit, I can't believe I agreed with youwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

946 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 00:59:48 ID:malPhdoT
They had Crab Pilaf on their menu...
When you think about it, there aren't that many family restaurants that serve Crab Pilaf...
......whoawwwwwwww kulawsedrftgyfujiko

947 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 01:02:20 ID:KGsF+bOM
It's rare for you guys to be still on the same thread since I left at noon.

Just got back home. Good evening, you guys. ノシ

Looks like there's not much going on here right now.

948 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 01:02:53 ID:cFDJOFk1
Eh!? Kauskabe!?
Whoawwwwwwwwww That's around the cornerwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

949 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 01:02:54 ID:SpjOjp9/
It's gotta be a Denny's.

950 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 01:03:01 ID:malPhdoT

My neurons are firing at full speed right nowwwwwwwww They won't stopwwwwwww

951 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 01:03:56 ID:hhBiCbbb
>>950 You're it.
Let me post the template here for you.
1 Name:VIPPER Date:04/11/05 19:48:21 ID:w8ZHuVTS
    Everyone in VIP, no, in 2ch, please hear me out.
    The other day, I was totally mistaken for a molester.
    And I don't mean it as a joke, I was actually mistaken for one in the blink of an eye.

It all started with this...

Previous thread:
I got totally mistaken for a molester part 25

Templates omitted.
↑ Go here for a summary of the threads.

>>950 starts the next thread.
※ No fighting among VIPPERs allowed.

There are several side-stories that have derived from this thread.
↓ Go to this thread if you're interested:
Totally pork cutlet on rice with hot green tea

952 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 01:04:31 ID:bp9Bi9OM
(°Д°) Huh?
The thread's moving quite fast today though?
I bet you got here from a different thread just now.

953 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 01:05:16 ID:mUvdKRbR

61 Name: ◆FYqCtG1B42 New! Date:04/10/27 08:14:12

              /  \―。
            (    /  \_
             /       /  ヽ   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
         ...―/          _)  < I'm tired of making Anpanman's face... Here goes Puddingbreadman!
        ノ:::へ_ __    /      \_____
        |/-=o=-     \/_
       /::::::ヽ―ヽ -=o=-_(::::::::.ヽ
      |○/ 。  /:::::::::  (:::::::::::::)
      |::::人__人:::::○    ヽ/
      ヽ   __ \      /
       \  | .::::/.|       /     
        \lヽ::::ノ丿      /

Whoawwwww Found Molester on Sepiawwww OKwwwwwww

954 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 01:06:40 ID:SpjOjp9/
Whoaaaawwwwwwwwww OKwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

955 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 01:07:43 ID:malPhdoT
Sorry, I couldn't start the thread. Someone else will have to do it.

956 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 01:07:56 ID:VnMALXZv

957 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 01:09:11 ID:y3n9QkzG
That's hilariouswwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

958 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 01:10:06 ID:SpjOjp9/
I'll start the thread thenwwwwwwwwwwwwww

959 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 01:10:31 ID:Ak5Z4RrQ
I fucking lol'dwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww What the hell is Molester doing?wwwwwwwwwwwww

960 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 01:10:59 ID:6f1sGd6M

Sorry, I already went ahead and started it.

961 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 01:12:45 ID:SpjOjp9/
Pfffwwwwwwwwwww I started the threadwwwwwwwwww
Let's just use yours first then.

962 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 01:14:13 ID:malPhdoT
I'm really sorry for having signed with such a shitty provider.
I regret it everyday.

963 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 01:15:30 ID:VnMALXZv
61 Name: ◆FYqCtG1B42 New! Date:04/10/27 08:14:12
He posted this on the day we played that game where you tighten nuts.
The day the new DQ came out.
The day he used his wrench.
The day he went to Loli's place.

964 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 01:16:52 ID:C4iicpo/
61 Name:◆FYqCtG1B42 New! Date:04/10/27 08:14:12

965 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 01:18:07 ID:VnMALXZv
Whoawwwwwwww It was Octoberwwwwwwwwwwwwww

966 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 01:18:09 ID:malPhdoT
So, to get back on track, I couldn't find any crab pilaf in the menu of Denny's,
but there are only two Denny's in Kasukabe, so let me post both of their addresses here.

Near Kasukabe station west, Chuo 2-17-11, Kasukabe
Near Takesato station, Bingohigashi 5-12-57, Kasukabe

967 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 01:19:37 ID:C4iicpo/
When he made that post, I bet he did not imagine in his wildest dreams that he would get approached by a pair of jugs just a month laterw

968 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 01:19:55 ID:KGsF+bOM
Is it really true that he lives in Kasukabe?

Since Molester said that it's all about sea fishing in the region he lives in,
I was sure that he lives somewhere in Yokohama or Kawasaki.

969 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 01:21:43 ID:malPhdoT
We must not forget that he lives somewhere in the suburbs near his university.

970 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 01:22:40 ID:mUvdKRbR
It could also be a Jusco.

971 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 01:24:59 ID:VnMALXZv
Whatever you find out, make sure to keep it to yourself.

972 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 01:26:24 ID:malPhdoT
I'll do thatwwwwwww

973 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 01:28:14 ID:cFDJOFk1
My Jehova's witness ex-girlfriend's little brother was a university student who lived alone in Kasukabe.

974 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 01:28:19 ID:SpjOjp9/
No place serves crab pilaf...

975 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 01:32:36 ID:Ll7o6GOS
There's no Jusco in Kasukabe, is there?

976 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 01:32:51 ID:UBIjAwrS
If this is 1000, I too will get a Christmas date.

977 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 01:34:39 ID:NWBWKqSd
You premature ejaculator!!

978 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 01:35:00 ID:C4iicpo/
We're not even close to 1000 yet. Calm down.

979 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 01:53:13 ID:McilhGGY

Urawa, right?

980 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 01:55:24 ID:BFuIuaDd
What's going on with Molester?

981 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 01:55:55 ID:bp9Bi9OM

982 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 01:57:20 ID:malPhdoT
Fast forward.

983 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 01:58:51 ID:ZqBzNk82

984 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 02:01:30 ID:XKg2Inj4
You blew your shot alreadyw

985 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 02:04:48 ID:+kskAo/2
If this is 1000, I'm already set for Christmas.

986 : VIP Raid Unit ◆SKLlRL09zQ : 04/11/30 02:05:55 ID:3HOzNgE0
Whoawwwwwww This is goodwwww

987 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 02:08:26 ID:malPhdoT
So few people here right now. ('A`)

988 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 02:09:42 ID:rLP0ythB
I am here!

989 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 02:10:42 ID:VnMALXZv
Uho! Molester is the best!

990 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 02:11:28 ID:UBIjAwrS
If this is 1000, I will get engaged to a beautiful girl who is also rich.

991 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 02:12:08 ID:rLP0ythB
Too earlywwwwwww

992 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 02:12:39 ID:rLP0ythB
If this is 1000, I will post dick pics.

993 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 02:13:09 ID:VnMALXZv
Everyday I think to myself that I should have gone to bed earlier the day before.

994 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 02:13:22 ID:mUvdKRbR
If this is 1000, Christmas is cancelled.

995 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 02:13:42 ID:05w3QRax

996 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 02:13:43 ID:+kskAo/2
Let me try again!
If this is 1000, a wonderful chance will come my waywwwwwww Whoawwwwwww Pfffffffffwwwwww

997 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 02:13:48 ID:VnMALXZv
If this is 1000, I will get an e-mail from Kansaiwwwwww OKwwwwwwwwwww

Next thread: http://ex7.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/news4vip/1101744581/

998 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 02:14:14 ID:+kskAo/2

999 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 02:14:25 ID:05w3QRax

1000 : VIPPER : 04/11/30 02:14:26 ID:rLP0ythB
If this is 1000wwww I'll have towww repeat the yearwwwwwwwww

1001 : 1001 :Over 1000 Thread
 *     +    巛 ヽ
            〒 !   +    。     +    。     *     。
      +    。  |  |
   *     +   / /   Yeeeeeehaaaaaawwww!
       ∧_∧ / /
      (´∀` / / +    。     +    。   *     。
      ,-     f
      / ュヘ    | *     +    。     +   。 +        This thread has reached 1000 posts.
     〈_} )   |                                The next thread too will have... VIP QUALITY!!
        /    ! +    。     +    +     *         http://ex7.2ch.net/news4vip/
       ./  ,ヘ  |
 bang ||| j  / |  | |||

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