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[Festival] Excuse me... I have an announcement to make. (in a very small voice) [Festival]
- 1 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 11:23:42 ID:RMCLSO1d
Excuse me... I have an announcement to make. (in a very small voice)
Mr. Molester Man (aka the man mistaken for a molester) will tell us at 10pm today how he lost his virginity.
I got mistaken for a molester at incredible momentum part 21
For more information:
↑ You can find a summary here, so please make sure to read it before coming to the party.
That's all from me. Have a nice Sunday.
- 2 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 11:25:04 ID:Yz9pn0a2
- My, my, it's you again. Don't you have anything better to do?
You guys know the drill! Make sure to ignore it! (`・ω・´)
By the way, I made everyone a cup of tea. (`・ω・´)つ旦
Am I the only one here who can't drink green tea? _| ̄|○
I am, huh? Huh... I see. ・゚・(ノД`)・゚・。
Brb hanging myself with my LAN cable. Sage.
- 3 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 11:25:48 ID:PAyJxghB
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- 4 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 11:25:52 ID:RMCLSO1d
- But please don't blame me if it turns out that he didn't lose his virginity after all...?
- 5 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 11:26:35 ID:aeJKTrQc
- I've never been in that thread.
- 6 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 11:27:20 ID:RMCLSO1d
- Check out the summary site.
- 7 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 11:28:06 ID:+fBf4tLY
- Someone explain the thread in three sentences.
- 8 : Pisces Blood Type B : 04/11/28 11:28:29 ID:BXmapnUZ
- Oh really?
- 9 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 11:30:47 ID:RMCLSO1d
- Everyone in VIP, no, in 2ch, please hear me out.
The other day, I got mistaken for a molester at incredible momentum.
And I don't mean it as a joke, I got actually mistaken for one in the blink of an eye.
- 10 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 11:31:53 ID:akDxNESO
- No one cares.
- 11 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 11:32:08 ID:aeJKTrQc
- I only read threads with less than 30 parts.
- 12 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 11:32:47 ID:XrNNfugm
- Don't announce it all over VIP. Are you stupid?
- 13 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 11:33:18 ID:ObcvIBUT
- I'm so glad I never posted in that thread.
- 14 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 11:33:50 ID:WC4iax/N
- Sorry, but I have zero interest in that shit.
- 15 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 11:34:57 ID:akDxNESO
- There's more to VIP than that one thread, you know?
- 16 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 11:36:33 ID:m9W1lC+S
- What's with the influx of that type of threads on VIP?
Cheap copies of Train Man.
I wish something like that happened to me. Die.
- 17 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 11:39:08 ID:QfMMUxVq
- A love story that starts out like a nightmare with the main protagonist getting mistaken for a stalker and taken to a police station.
The plot thickens as friends of the woman who caused the misunderstanding get involved and the VIPPERs can't contain themselves anymore.
What makes >>1 different from Train Man is that his goal is to have sex with one of the girls if possible and that he ignores the VIPPERs' advice.
The threads are overflowing with QUALITY.
- 18 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 11:40:08 ID:XDRwz1iY
- Whoawwwwwwwwwwwww
I read the summary site and still have no clue what the thread's aboutwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 19 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 11:40:47 ID:p9AybC4L
- That thread is a snorefest.
Get that shit out of VIP.
- 20 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 11:41:00 ID:RMCLSO1d
- Speaking of getting it out of VIP, one of the threads was shortly in νFlash, I think...
- 21 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 11:41:06 ID:YAv7XEUN
- I see.
I'll read it when it gets turned into a book.
- 22 : 26-year-old freetimer ( ・∀・) : 04/11/28 11:42:13 ID:P1oAeOyA
- I have to admit the story itself sounds interesting, but I'm not interested in other people's love affairs.
- 23 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 11:42:31 ID:p0XBhAbS
- The story is okay, but there are too many creeps posting in the thread.
- 24 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 11:48:08 ID:RMCLSO1d
- Saging the thread due to mixed reactions.
- 25 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 12:56:07 ID:IqmlZuvr
- This thread reeks of Loungers. Let's spam the thread and drive them out of VIP!
- 26 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 13:19:56 ID:RMCLSO1d
- Followed my link here, eh?
- 27 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 13:26:06 ID:GLoPwJUC
- If the thread is going to get spammed anyway, we might as well do it ourselveswwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 28 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 13:26:44 ID:HOHYGnSa
- Not your army etc.
- 29 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 13:40:24 ID:pViop+1l
- >>1
What the fuck? Why would you announce it like this? It's like asking for the thread to get spammed. Kill yourself.
Fucking underage b&, it's not even your thread. GTFO.
- 30 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 13:46:59 ID:htO6dapW
- >>29
Well, it's not yours either though.
- 31 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 13:47:16 ID:88Yd528N
- >>29
Calm down.
- 32 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 13:47:47 ID:p9AybC4L
- >>29
No one likes the thread because of creeps like you.
- 33 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 14:16:03 ID:GLoPwJUC
- Let me see if I can sum up the events so far.
It was another peaceful day full of QUALITY in VIP thanks to a cease-fire with their nemesis, the Loungers.
But unbeknownst to the VIPPERs, the Loungers had launched an attack at VIP QUALITY......
The Molester Man thread is a popular thread with 21 parts where the resident VIPPERs get along and have fun.
There's no way that the proud VIPPERs could ever get along with each other like that!
This must be the doing of the Loungers!
Unforgivable! How dare they deceive the pure-hearted VIPPERs like that!? We must declare war at once!
- 34 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 14:16:38 ID:yWnmjHQz
- >>33
So cool.
- 35 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 14:28:21 ID:lRzQjn8R
Guys, we have seven hours left. We need to prepare ourselves.
I got mistaken for a kettle at incredible momentum
- 36 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 15:37:56 ID:UyZS+ToY
- >>23
- 37 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 17:58:35 ID:DgkKiMzW
- bump
- 38 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 19:04:33 ID:9xTU+fWq
- >>23
I happen to be one of those creeps and I can confirm this.
- 39 : Osai○▼■ ◆n.ef.bYbYo : 04/11/28 20:08:04 ID:RMCLSO1d
- The creepy fanfic fags are wasting too many posts of the main thread.
- 40 : Osai○▼■ ◆n.ef.bYbYo : 04/11/28 20:11:15 ID:RMCLSO1d
- Molester shouldn't need the thread anymore.
Now that he has found good friends irl, he doesn't have a reason to post in the thread.
- 41 : Osai○▼■ ◆n.ef.bYbYo : 04/11/28 20:16:47 ID:RMCLSO1d
- To the author of post #540 in the main thread,
thanks for linking to this thread.
- 42 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 20:17:21 ID:uJS6zVWT
- Calm down.
- 43 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 20:18:09 ID:GLoPwJUC
- >>41
Osai, come back to the main thread, I feel bad for you, my guy.
- 44 : Osai○▼■ ◆n.ef.bYbYo : 04/11/28 20:20:24 ID:RMCLSO1d
- Alright, it's time to samefag.
I got a reply for yesterday's spam e-mail.
>It's me, Kaguya. (o ∀ )ノ”
>Here you go!! ( ノ゜▽゜) ノ ⌒ ~ 【☆:*: .Thank you very much.:* ゜☆】
>Hello and thanks for your e-mail... I was a little worried that you might not reply.
>That's why I was super happy when I saw your e-mail. (*^▽^*)
>I kept reading it over and over again and when I realized, I had finished a whole bag of chips♪
>Also, I actually live pretty close to you☆
My e-mail was only three lines btw.
- 45 : Osai○▼■ ◆n.ef.bYbYo : 04/11/28 20:23:12 ID:RMCLSO1d
- Just got another e-mail and I haven't even replied to the previous one yet.
>It's me, Kaguya. (=^▽^=)/ Hi.
>I just realized I've been humming for three hours today♪ Do you catch yourself humming too sometimes?
>Oh yeah, something very sad happened yesterday. Chris suddenly threw up...
>When I took him to the vet, I was told he has the dog version of bulimarexia.
>I really hope Chris will get better soon♪
>To be honest, I've been saving money little by little because I want to study social welfare at a college!!
>It's tough, but I enjoy doing it! I want to reach the center of the world so I can cry out love too!
>(・-・) Ah, may I ask if you can hold your drink??
If you're wondering who Chris is, she wrote
>I have a poodle called Chris.
in her previous e-mail.
And sorry, but I don't drink.
Now, how should I reply?
- 46 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 20:24:51 ID:GLoPwJUC
- Ah...... Ah........................ Hang in there.
- 47 : Osai○▼■ ◆n.ef.bYbYo : 04/11/28 20:26:28 ID:RMCLSO1d
- >>42
I am always calm. Cool as ice.
Sorry about making you worry, but there's no need to.
I'm just doing this to keep this thread alive and will return to the main thread when Molester is back.
Until then, I'll kill time posting random stuff here.
- 48 : Osai○▼■ ◆n.ef.bYbYo : 04/11/28 20:27:24 ID:RMCLSO1d
- >>46
Okay, I'll hang in there and say this... You're in the wrong thread.
- 49 : Osai○▼■ ◆n.ef.bYbYo : 04/11/28 21:02:44 ID:RMCLSO1d
- Oh, btw, don't you guys mistake me for the tripfag Osamu◆w0ZavxKYNU who likes to posts boobs. Look carefully at my tripcode. I'm not him.
Mom, I'm so sorry, mom.
- 50 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 21:16:14 ID:KHv2QMPN
- >>49
m9o(^Д^) Pfffhahahaha!
- 51 : Osai○▼■ ◆n.ef.bYbYo : 04/11/28 21:38:32 ID:RMCLSO1d
- >>50
Haha. ヽ( ・∀・)ノ● Shit
- 52 : Osai○▼■ ◆n.ef.bYbYo : 04/11/28 22:10:01 ID:RMCLSO1d
- I replied this.
Re: It's me, Kaguya. (=^▽^=)/ Hi.
I can't handle alcohol, sorry.
- 53 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 22:27:36 ID:6iTp7LN6
- 54 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 22:37:07 ID:1kfqeCA6
- I've been ignoring the thread because it seems like one of those threads where people get too buddy-buddy with each other. That shit doesn't interest me.
I enjoyed the clay thread, but then people started spamming lolrandom meme pics,
so I've been skimming through a summary on a summary site instead.
- 55 : Osai○▼■ ◆n.ef.bYbYo : 04/11/28 23:10:49 ID:RMCLSO1d
- Link to next thread:
I got mistaken for a molester at incredible momentum part 22
- 56 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:17:38 ID:6iTp7LN6
- bump
- 57 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:18:31 ID:RMCLSO1d
- 7. [Single guys] Girls post nudes for poor single guys ITT part12 (362/493) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
8. [VIP] I got mistaken for a molester at incredible momentum part 21 (343/971) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
9. [FF/DQ][General] Dragon Quest VIII chapter 204 (318/624) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
- 58 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:30:38 ID:RMCLSO1d
- 1. [Noob questions] Someone will randomly answer your questions at incredible momentum 12224 (773/908) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
2. [Finding a job] EZ!TV (626/1001) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
3. [Finding a job] EZ!TV part 2 (533/537) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
4. [Single guys] Hypocrisy is better than not doing anything. Discuss. (505/571) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
5. [VIP] Sunday movie night "Zatoichi" live commentary thread act1 (502/899) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
6. [Lounge] Vagina discussion (390/501) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
7. [VIP] I got mistaken for a molester at incredible momentum part 21 (367/1001) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
8. [Refugee] No end in sight... (361/358) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
Date of creation: Sun Nov 28 23:23:00 JST 2004
- 59 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:01:33 ID:MLg3LVC7
- Excluding live commentary threads
1. [Single guys] Hypocrisy is better than not doing anything. Discuss. (817/1001) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
2. [Finding a job] EZ!TV part 2 (569/786) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
3. [Refugee] No end in sight... (514/628) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
4. [Lounge] Vagina discussion (513/744) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
5. [Noob questions] Someone will randomly answer your questions at incredible momentum 12224 (496/908) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
7. [VIP] Sunday movie night "Zatoichi" live commentary thread act1 (361/1001) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
8. [VIP] I got mistaken for a molester at incredible momentum part 22 (353/369) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
9. [Hikikomori] Random chat thread (342/380) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
Date of creation: Sun Nov 28 23:52:55 JST 2004
- 60 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:11:38 ID:MLg3LVC7
- Excluding live commentary threads
1. [Single guys] Hypocrisy is better than not doing anything. Discuss. (681/1001) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
2. [Lounge] Vagina discussion (509/839) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
3. [Finding a job] EZ!TV part 2 (506/877) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
4. [Refugee] No end in sight... (505/701) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
6. [VIP] I got mistaken for a molester at incredible momentum part 22 (430/449) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
7. [Noob questions] Someone will randomly answer your questions at incredible momentum 12224 (373/1001) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
8. [Noob questions] Someone will randomly answer your questions at incredible momentum 12225 (350/346) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
9. [Hikikomori] Random chat thread (344/467) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
10. [Taiga drama][Shinsengumi!] I've already gotten used to it 478 [Station] (308/647) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
Date of creation: Mon Nov 29 00:03:07 JST 2004
- 61 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:12:23 ID:MLg3LVC7
- Total
22. [Radio live commentary][1242kHz] Nippon Broadcast 150 (447/1001) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
23. [VIP] I got mistaken for a molester at incredible momentum part 22 (430/449) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
24. [Momusu (Wolf)] Sunday movie night "Zatoichi" (374/1001) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
- 62 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:14:04 ID:MLg3LVC7
- Excluding live commentary threads
1. [Single guys] Hypocrisy is better than not doing anything. Discuss. (542/1001) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
2. [VIP] I got mistaken for a molester at incredible momentum part 22 (524/548) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
3. [Finding a job] EZ!TV part 2 (508/969) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
Date of creation: Mon Nov 29 00:12:28 JST 2004
- 63 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:21:20 ID:MLg3LVC7
- Total
13. [Single guys] Hypocrisy is better than not doing anything. Discuss. (542/1001) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
14. [VIP] I got mistaken for a molester at incredible momentum part 22 (524/548) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
15. [Finding a job] EZ!TV part 2 (508/969) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
- 64 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:25:19 ID:MLg3LVC7
- Excluding live commentary threads
1. [Celebrity] ■ 11/28 ■ Because you're with me. Yaguchi Mari ■ Part1 ■ (638/1001) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
2. [Noob questions] Someone will randomly answer your questions at incredible momentum 12225 (634/497) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
3. [VIP] I got mistaken for a molester at incredible momentum part 22 (588/692) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
Date of creation: Mon Nov 29 00:22:47 JST 2004
- 65 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:34:48 ID:MLg3LVC7
- Excluding live commentary threads
1. [Noob questions] Someone will randomly answer your questions at incredible momentum 12225 (755/497) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
2. [VIP] I got mistaken for a molester at incredible momentum part 22 (573/692) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
3. [Celebrity] ■ 11/28 ■ Because you're with me. Yaguchi Mari ■ Part1 ■ (537/1001) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
Date of creation: Mon Nov 29 00:32:13 JST 2004
- 66 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:47:08 ID:MLg3LVC7
- Excluding live commentary threads
1. [Noob questions] Someone will randomly answer your questions at incredible momentum 12225 (778/497) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
2. [Single guys] I'm getting married tomorrow -Chat- (770/812) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
3. [VIP] I got mistaken for a molester at incredible momentum part 22 (720/984) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
Date of creation: Mon Nov 29 00:42:11 JST 2004
- 67 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 01:25:10 ID:MLg3LVC7
- It's here! ヽ(゚∀゚=゚∀゚)ノ It's here!!!!!!
Excluding live commentary threads
1. [VIP] I got mistaken for a molester at incredible momentum part 19 (615/640) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
2. [Single guys] I'm getting married tomorrow -Chat- (486/1001) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
3. [Lounge] Ass discussion (456/480) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
Date of creation: Mon Nov 29 01:22:08 JST 2004
- 68 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 01:28:24 ID:MLg3LVC7
- Total
1. [TV channel] MX/tvk/Saitama/Chiba/Tochigi/Gunma live commentary ☆989 (1001/1001) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
2. [TV channel] MX/tvk/Saitama/Chiba/Tochigi/Gunma live commentary ☆988 (995/1001) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
3. [TV channel (NHK)] NHK general live commentary 24/7 thread 10940 (992/1001) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
4. [TV channel (NTV)] Live commentary ◆ Nippon TV 8390 (833/980) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
5. [TV channel (Asahi)] Yabecchi (・∀・) FC -Second Thread- (779/696) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
6. [TV channel (TX)][Movie news] SHOWBIZ COUNTDOWN [Are you watching?] (747/1001) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
7. [TV channel (Educational)] Idea Showdown - National College of Technology Robot Contest 2004 [Rebroadcast] (745/424) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
8. [VIP] I got mistaken for a molester at incredible momentum part 19 (615/640) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
9. [TV channel (TX)] The Great Horror Family (496/492) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
10. [Single guys] I'm getting married tomorrow -Chat- (486/1001) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
- 69 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 01:36:52 ID:MLg3LVC7
- Excluding live commentary threads
1. [VIP] I got mistaken for a molester at incredible momentum part 19 (616/640) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
2. [Lounge] Ass discussion (395/480) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
3. [News Flash] Mental shut-in woman confesses to abusing cats (390/804) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
Date of creation: Mon Nov 29 01:32:27 JST 2004
- 70 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 01:37:44 ID:MLg3LVC7
- Total
1. [TV channel] MX/tvk/Saitama/Chiba/Tochigi/Gunma live commentary ☆989 (1001/1001) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
2. [TV channel (Educational)] Idea Showdown - National College of Technology Robot Contest 2004 [Rebroadcast] (901/424) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
3. [TV channel] MX/tvk/Saitama/Chiba/Tochigi/Gunma live commentary ☆988 (831/1001) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
4. [TV channel (NHK)] NHK general live commentary 24/7 thread 10940 (830/1001) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
5. [TV channel (Asahi)] Yabecchi (・∀・) FC -Second Thread- (724/696) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
6. [TV channel (NTV)] Live commentary ◆ Nippon TV 8390 (674/980) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
7. [TV channel (TX)][Movie news] SHOWBIZ COUNTDOWN [Are you watching?] (625/1001) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
8. [VIP] I got mistaken for a molester at incredible momentum part 19 (616/640) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
9. [TV channel (TX)] The Great Horror Family (581/492) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
- 71 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 01:50:04 ID:MLg3LVC7
- Wow. It's late, but it's still amazing that the Molester Man thread has surpassed almost all live commentary threads.
1. [TV channel] MX/tvk/Saitama/Chiba/Tochigi/Gunma live commentary ☆989 (1001/1001) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
2. [VIP] I got mistaken for a molester at incredible momentum part 19 (964/1001) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
3. [TV channel (Educational)] Idea Showdown - National College of Technology Robot Contest 2004 [Rebroadcast] (883/424) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
4. [TV channel (Fuji)] Real Madrid vs. Leverkusen (775/1001) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
5. [TV channel (TX)] The Great Horror Family (668/492) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
6. [TV channel (NHK)] NHK general live commentary 24/7 thread 10940 (656/1001) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
7. [TV channel] MX/tvk/Saitama/Chiba/Tochigi/Gunma live commentary ☆988 (656/1001) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
8. [TV channel] MX/tvk/Saitama/Chiba/Tochigi/Gunma live commentary ☆990 (580/172) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
9. [TV channel (Asahi)] Yabecchi (・∀・) FC -Second Thread- (579/696) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
10. [Single guys] She can't get pregnant even when I come inside her (578/614) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
Date of creation: Mon Nov 29 01:42:45 JST 2004
- 72 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 01:52:34 ID:MLg3LVC7
- Excluding live commentary threads
1. [VIP] I got mistaken for a molester at incredible momentum part 19 (964/1001) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
2. [Single guys] She can't get pregnant even when I come inside her (578/614) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
3. [Lounge] Ass discussion (425/586) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
4. [Comedians] M-1 Grand Prix 2004 part9 (395/391) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
5. [News Flash] Mental shut-in woman confesses to abusing cats (376/929) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
6. [Refugee] Hiyoko cute so cute Hiyoko (357/355) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
7. [Single guys] Anyone over 30 here drinking alone? 155th thread (290/1001) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
8. [Noob questions] Someone will randomly answer your questions at incredible momentum 12225 (271/273) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
9. [Fashion][Do you like Ramune?] Who loves fashion? 770th thread 【Ruy Ramos!】 (251/732) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
10. [Gossip] +++Kishidan+++Random chat goes here!~Part221~ (247/246) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
Date of creation: Mon Nov 29 01:42:45 JST 2004
- 73 : Osai○▼■ ◆n.ef.bYbYo : 04/11/29 02:06:39 ID:MLg3LVC7
- And with that, my job here is done and I shall take my leave now.
Don't let me catch anyone calling him Molester ever again.
Call him Samurai from now on. Ah, I guess his tripcode still says "Molester". lol
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