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I got totally mistaken for a molester part 22

1 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 22:40:43 ID:RMCLSO1d
1 Name: VIPPER Date: 04/11/05 19:48:21 ID:w8ZHuVTS
    Everyone in VIP, no, in 2ch, please hear me out.
    The other day, I was totally mistaken for a molester.
    And I don't mean it as a joke, I was actually mistaken for one.

It all started with this...

Previous thread:
I got totally mistaken for a molester part 21

Templates omitted.
↑ Go here for a summary of the threads.

>>950 starts the next thread.
※ No fighting among VIPPERs allowed.

There are several side-stories that have derived from this thread.
↓ Go to this thread if you're interested:
[Pork] Recharger Man [Cutlet]

2 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 22:41:57 ID:oseGnIDv

3 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 22:41:59 ID:4cYbOeD2
Oww oww oww ow.

4 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 22:42:05 ID:poJGFfaS

5 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 22:42:16 ID:GOf07gkG

6 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 22:42:18 ID:uXej9fXn

7 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 22:42:20 ID:wF3wYCkg
The new thread's up so earlyw

8 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 22:42:26 ID:akteEx0v
    |┃三             _________
    |┃      , __     /
    |┃ ≡   /_、_\ < I overheard everything you just said!
____.|ミ\___( <_,` ) _ \
    |┃=___    \    ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
    |┃ ≡   )   人 \ clatter

9 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 22:42:43 ID:57ki0bqj
What a premature ejaculatorw

10 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 22:42:53 ID:c8UWzzwd
Ok, good job.
In here, we should be safe from the bombing that will start any moment now!

11 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 22:42:53 ID:tNUbnRMJ
If this is the third post of this thread, I'll get mistaken for a molester tomorrow.

12 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 22:43:04 ID:j3bI2u9W
Crab salad.

13 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 22:43:27 ID:9xTU+fWq

14 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 22:43:38 ID:RMCLSO1d
Shit, something came up, I won't have any time to post in my own thread.

15 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 22:43:51 ID:se4lMc70
Whoawwww You really started the new thread this earlywwww OKwwwwwww

16 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 22:45:48 ID:XrNNfugm
At least, sage the thread until we need it.

17 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 22:49:31 ID:A8qwluE7
Is >>1 a tripfag?
I can't see his posts. lol

18 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 22:50:20 ID:Q+eZ1veM
From the previous thread:

760 Name:VIPPER[sage] Date:04/11/28(Sun) 22:48:05 ID:XrNNfugm
Just report and hide ID:RMCLSO1d's posts.

19 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 22:52:10 ID:A8qwluE7
I see. It's that tripfag Osai in disguise.

20 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 22:54:08 ID:RMCLSO1d
I'm not Osai. Keep posting.

21 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 22:54:39 ID:RMCLSO1d

22 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:01:18 ID:rtWbonAb
Tamara stroked the crop, still hot from her own arse, and her eyes gleamed. She licked her teeth and lifted the crop.
'You fucking bitch,' she blunted, lashing Gisela's taut bare buttocks.
Vip! Vip!
'Ooh,' Gisela gasped.
Vip! Vip!
Vip! Vip!
'Uhh... that really hurts.'


23 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:08:15 ID:xdKcGRQy
Someone guessed it in an earlier thread.

902 Name:VIPPER [sage] Date:04/11/28 03:40:30 ID:zHrINcrP
"Wow, you got so much manga."
"Ah, it's Kingdom Hearts. Did you buy the new one?"

↑ This sounds like Loli.
She just seems like an otaku for some reason.

907 Name:VIPPER Date:04/11/28 03:42:42 ID:xdKcGRQy
Is that where it's from?
The "Loli is actually an otaku" theory.

24 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:11:52 ID:57ki0bqj
I bow down to the VIPPERs' deduction skills.

25 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:12:32 ID:XrNNfugm
I got totally mistaken for a molester part 21

26 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:12:44 ID:c8UWzzwd
Everyone's moving to the new thread right now.

27 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:13:03 ID:NJn/qDop
Loli confirmed F-cup. Discuss.

28 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:13:07 ID:GOf07gkG
Waiting for Molester.

29 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:13:19 ID:27B4muPu
So this is the next stage, huh...

30 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:13:43 ID:A8qwluE7
Hey, you! You think he didn't do it with Loli? I wouldn't be so sure if I were you!


31 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:13:49 ID:xdKcGRQy

32 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:13:51 ID:M0oq2a7U
My hands are so cold my erection goes away as soon as I touch my dick. @Hokkaido

33 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:13:59 ID:uVOl6J30
I feel like >>948 shouldn't be in that list.

I mean, I'm the one who posted that one.

34 : You can easily tell a VIPPER by their behavior ◆QKO2OCjVyc : 04/11/28 23:14:04 ID:gCslLQjY
I'm so excited.

35 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:14:05 ID:6cm+pg39
Just moved to the new thread.
Hello, everyone.

36 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:14:07 ID:M48COQcV
She's an F-cupーーーーーー!!!!!!!!

37 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:14:09 ID:9xTU+fWq
If it turns out that they just sat there playing DQ the whole time,
I won't know what to do with myself.

38 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:14:16 ID:oH+P3c9B
Alright, can we slowly get to the best part now?

39 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:14:19 ID:CX/qz6aH
Oh yeah, what about this?
Did she let you save your own adventure log on her PS2, Molester?

Or does it only exist in your heart?

40 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:14:24 ID:GOf07gkG
It's probably just a mistake.

41 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:14:29 ID:XrNNfugm
Sorry. I meant to link to http://ex7.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/news4vip/1101586387/947

42 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:14:30 ID:IOtBnZmm
Holy shitwwwwwwwwww Takeshi is so cool as Zatoichiwwwwwwwww Whoawwwwww

43 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:14:34 ID:TiTQaGNV
Just found this thread where the >>1 makes a bomb threat, gets butthurt and then practically doxxes himself. I feel like I haven't seen someone this stupid in a long while.

"I wanna blow up Tokyo Station"

1 : The greatest idiot in the world ◆cnJJYkHosM :04/11/28 18:04:49 ID:P2LQkBw5
But I won't do it because I'll just get reported.

44 : The greatest idiot in the world ◆cnJJYkHosM :04/11/28 21:28:57 ID:???
Hey, now listen here you dumbshits!
Don't get carried away just because I was being nice!
I made this thread for shits and giggles!
What's wrong about making a stupid thread on a board that's literally called "Stupid News"?
You really wanna report me for starting a thread like this?
And report me for what? I already said in the OP that I won't do it!
Plus, I said in >>19 that it's just a joke!
And I said in >>32 that I'm still a kid. I'm in fucking middle school.
Do you really think a middle schooler could blow up a train station!?
Can grown-ups these days not even take a joke or what? That's why you're all still shut-ins!

44 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:14:43 ID:se4lMc70
Whether he did it with her or played DQ, one thing's for sure. It must have been a great adventure.

45 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:14:45 ID:M0oq2a7U
I wanna buy the new DQ and play it with a girl tooooasgkdjgad

46 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:14:51 ID:v7iizdsE
Alright, I pulled my pants down to my knees.

47 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:14:54 ID:6ckfj3C9
 *     +    巛 ヽ
            〒 !   +    。     +    。     *     。
      +    。  |  |
   *     +   / /   Yeeeeeehaaaaaawwww!
       ∧_∧ / /     I got the 1000th post!
      (´∀` / / +    。     +    。   *     。
      ,-     f
      / ュヘ    | *     +    。     +   。 +        
     〈_} )   |                                
        /    ! +    。     +    +     *        
       ./  ,ヘ  |
 bang ||| j  / |  | |||

48 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:14:55 ID:Tc3oqm9l
The thread was started so early I bet Molester doesn't know which thread is the right one right now.

49 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:14:58 ID:KHv2QMPN
I can't see this guy's posts. LOL

50 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:15:00 ID:wF3wYCkg
I want to kill myself for thinking that >>991 from the previous thread was Molester for just a second.

51 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:15:05 ID:uJS6zVWT
Btw, Zatoichi is nearing its climax too!!

52 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:15:07 ID:3mDqjfWy
Even if it's just a fantasy, you're still a fantasista...

53 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/28 23:15:25 ID:oUCI+oVZ


Actually, I'm not a big fan of the DQ overture.
After skimming over the character descriptions in the manual, I quickly lost interest.
I thought Loli would talk to me more while playing, but she got awfully quiet. I guess she was completely immersed in DQ.

There I was, without anything to do again.
I was afraid I'd fall asleep if I stayed at the heated table any longer, so I started looking around her room. I felt like a DQ hero.
That's when I saw a big bookshelf in the corner of my eye.

"Say, can I read your manga?"
"Sure, help yourself."

And so I started going through her manga collection.

54 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:15:57 ID:0/ynpI8a
DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUNDUN Regrettably, Adventure Log 1 has vanished!

I wonder if this can still happen in the new DQ.

55 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:15:58 ID:se4lMc70
Taking things nice and slow, huh?

56 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:16:06 ID:EGwKUG/A
In b4 it's all H-manga, disguised under dust jackets of normal manga.

57 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:16:10 ID:tNUbnRMJ
Best part = Loli's Dragon Quest let's play

58 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:16:11 ID:Tc3oqm9l
Loli: "I like how you don't hide the fact that you're an otaku, Mr. Molester..."

59 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:16:18 ID:uXej9fXn
I thought you were in a hurryw

60 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:16:21 ID:oH+P3c9B
Whoawwwwwww He's making himself homewwwwwwwww

61 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:16:26 ID:VIvAvKC6
>I skimmed over the character descriptions in the manual and quickly lost interest.
That's an anime otaku for you.

62 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:16:30 ID:9xTU+fWq
So you were reading manga the whole time???
Don't tell me you read her whole collection!

I have no idea where this is going!

63 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:16:37 ID:CX/qz6aH

Hero Molester acquires Plain Lingerie!

64 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:16:39 ID:c2BQ3IIs
Glad you found the thread.

65 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:16:51 ID:htO6dapW
Molester glances over to Loli to compare her chest with Jessica's.
Loli: "Hey, what are you looking at?"
Molester: "N-Nothing..."
Loli: "Are you interested in my breasts?"
Molester: "No, that's not..."
Loli: "You've never seen any, have you...?"
Molester: "Eh!? W-Well, no..."
Loli: "...you can take a look if you want."

66 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:16:53 ID:M0oq2a7U
What? What? Does stuff like this happen in the city all the time or what? Daaamnーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー

67 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:17:03 ID:se4lMc70
What if she named the hero "Molester"?

68 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:17:05 ID:Tc3oqm9l
My guess is that Kansai showed up at 19:30.
It was all an intricate trap set by Loli.

69 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:17:06 ID:jqLgMOcx
(・∀・) Let's go, let's go!

70 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:17:09 ID:3XeMdDta
A = Butler
C = Miss Undie

71 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:17:10 ID:2IoZu2xe
This would be a pretty normal situation for a couple that's been together for a while,
but it's pretty sad seeing you and Loli act like this around each other alreadyw

72 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:17:15 ID:3mDqjfWy
Check the desk. You might find an adventure log describing Loli's feelings for you.

73 : You can easily tell a VIPPER by their behavior ◆QKO2OCjVyc : 04/11/28 23:17:19 ID:gCslLQjY
Loli: "Mr. Molester, will you let me join your party?"
Molester: "Eh?"
Loli: "Can I be by your side forever from now on?"
Molester: "Whew, you and me, we leveled up a lot in one nightw"

74 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:17:19 ID:GOf07gkG
He gets sucked into one of her manga and embarks on a new adventure...

75 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:17:40 ID:H0e88V4p
Yesss, I'm caught up!!
How much longer until the shower scene!?

76 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:17:44 ID:W2KtqXHk
How awkwardwwwwwwwwwwwwww OKwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

77 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:17:50 ID:PqdYltqF
Brb taking a bath for now. (´・ω・`)

78 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:18:00 ID:s7wtK+Xh
When did Loli buy the new DQ?
Earlier that day?

79 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:18:14 ID:0/ynpI8a

What should I name my main character...?

80 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:18:22 ID:se4lMc70

81 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:18:30 ID:c8UWzzwd
She must have bought it before her shift.
Dang, I bet Loli is a closet otaku.

82 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:18:33 ID:Tc3oqm9l
Since it's Molester we're talking about, it's possible that he just kept going along with whatever she said until he was suddenly her boyfriend.

83 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:18:35 ID:XrNNfugm
FIY, the big-breasted character Jessica in the new DQ doesn't show up until you're quite some time into the game.

84 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:18:39 ID:jqLgMOcx
Mother: Molester, Molester, it's morning. Time to wake up.

85 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:18:40 ID:N4dt1i4+
Call him Nintenw

86 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:18:40 ID:VIvAvKC6
Molester: "(Gasp! It's almost time for this week's Gundam episode...)"

87 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:18:43 ID:CX/qz6aH

"Loli gets inflicted with the status effect Wet!"

88 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:18:49 ID:uJS6zVWT
A = Loto
B = Tonnura

89 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:18:58 ID:9xTU+fWq
How about this?

Loli was e-mailing Kansai.
Kansai drops by.
While Loli is completely immersed in DQ,
Kansai and Molester embark on a new adventure behind her...

90 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:19:19 ID:c2BQ3IIs
"Loli attacks!"
"Molester flees!"

91 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:19:26 ID:y4BoT1N3
What did Loli name the main character? It could tell us a lot about if she's an otaku or not.

92 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:19:33 ID:57ki0bqj
Isn't that from a JRA commercial?w

93 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:19:41 ID:KHv2QMPN
Maybe she took a shower in Dragon Quest?

94 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:19:48 ID:uVOl6J30
He's posting at a pace of one post every four minutes right now.

That means, we can expect a new post any moment now!

95 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:19:58 ID:Tc3oqm9l
Loli: "Since you can't watch Gundam if I keep playing DQ,
   feel free to watch it while I'm taking a shower."

96 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:20:02 ID:M0oq2a7U
Ahh, fuck this. Brb jacking off.

97 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:20:04 ID:oH+P3c9B
Argh, I wanna take a bath, but I don't wanna miss anything!!
So, Molester, how many times did you level up yesterday?

98 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:20:11 ID:se4lMc70
Zatoichi was a good movie.

99 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:20:13 ID:oseGnIDv
DQ → Gundam → shower

100 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:20:16 ID:3XeMdDta
When she asked you about A, B, C, you should have told her that polygamy is not unusual outside of Japan and that A, B, C should simply have a threesome.

101 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:20:20 ID:9xTU+fWq
Maybe she took a shower while playing Dragon Quest?

102 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/28 23:20:24 ID:oUCI+oVZ
As you'd expect of a girl, her collection was mainly made up of shojo manga.
One of them was a manga called "NANA". My older sister used to collect the volumes too.
I remember getting about halfway through it, but I don't remember much of the story anymore.
Besides, I didn't want to start reading a still ongoing manga at someone's place since I'd just end up wondering how the story goes on.

When I continued going through her collection, I found a few familiar ones here and there.
"Asari-chan"... This shit was my vibe back when I was in elementary school. And I'm not talking about a vibrator.
"Igano Kabamaru"... Wow, this takes me back.
"Koitsura 100% Densetsu"... I lol'd.

After carefully weighing my options multiple times, I decided to read "Igano Kabamaru".
It didn't have too many volumes, and most importantly, I'd already read it once.
Even if I had to leave midway, there'd be no problemo.

103 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:20:31 ID:akteEx0v
Oh! Jean-Louis's been hit!

104 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:20:37 ID:TfVjNSLH
I have no doubt that Loli named her hero after Molester.

105 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:20:50 ID:6cm+pg39
>And I'm not talking about a vibrator.

106 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:20:55 ID:ZOPi83Oq
I'm just waiting for someone to cast Hocus Pocus.

107 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:21:03 ID:6axV1CaU
This is going to take forever.

108 : You can easily tell a VIPPER by their behavior ◆QKO2OCjVyc : 04/11/28 23:21:03 ID:gCslLQjY
Who cares which manga you read or didn't read.

109 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:21:05 ID:0/ynpI8a
Please elaborate on your older sister.

110 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:21:10 ID:VIvAvKC6
He found a vibrator in Loli's room━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!

111 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:21:11 ID:se4lMc70
No one cares about all thaaaaat!

112 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:21:14 ID:Tc3oqm9l
>I'd just end up wondering how the story goes on.
Okay, this is foreshadowing.

113 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:21:21 ID:uVOl6J30
>>103 <<Get a grip! You've got to take over the command.>>

I hope you're happy now.

114 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:21:24 ID:3mDqjfWy
seicross → Kansai shows up → threesome

115 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:21:28 ID:j3bI2u9W
>And I'm not talking about a vibrator.
Is this supposed to be funny? Y⌒Y⌒Y⌒Y⌒Y⌒Y⌒(。A。)!!!

116 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:21:37 ID:c2BQ3IIs

Molester has an older sister. Discuss.

117 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:21:47 ID:KHv2QMPN
Zatoichi ended just now!!!!!

118 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:21:53 ID:se4lMc70
"Shoot down Mobius 1!"

119 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:21:59 ID:2IoZu2xe
"Please, Blaze, let me fly as your wingman just a little while longer."

120 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:22:02 ID:rwYTismL
I often read my little sister's shojo manga and I honestly found NANA pretty boring.

121 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:22:09 ID:CX/qz6aH
Loli names her hero

Yamasaki Wataru.

In an instant, Molester understands everything.

122 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:22:19 ID:VIvAvKC6
That was foreshadowing for him using a vibrator on Loli later............

123 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:22:20 ID:GLoPwJUC
How come Zatoichi ended but Molester is still not done??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

124 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:22:23 ID:uJS6zVWT
Please elaborate.

125 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:22:32 ID:A8qwluE7

>I pulled out the vibrator that I've been using since I was in grade school.

is where I stopped reading.

126 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:22:34 ID:s7wtK+Xh
Asari-chan? How old is Molester?

127 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:22:40 ID:3mDqjfWy
Post pics of your little sister.

128 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:22:43 ID:KHv2QMPN
"Please get along with me from now on too."

129 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:22:51 ID:y4BoT1N3
Molester is dragging it out too much.

130 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:23:00 ID:oH+P3c9B
Am I the only one who's getting annoyed by his constant digressions?

131 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:23:11 ID:Tc3oqm9l
But that's what's good about his reports.

132 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:23:22 ID:oseGnIDv

133 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:23:29 ID:M0oq2a7U
To be fair, it could also mean that Loli simply likes the manga artist Yamasaki Wataru's DQ 4-koma manga.

134 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:23:29 ID:rwYTismL
Thanks for the obligatory reply.

135 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:23:30 ID:A8qwluE7
That is Molester QUALITY.

136 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:23:40 ID:aKlfcDls
You'd be surprised how many kids still read Asari-chan these days.

137 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:23:50 ID:9xTU+fWq
It was in Loli's collection. If anything, you should be asking:
How old is Loli?w

138 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:23:50 ID:9Qq7+ys0
Why do I feel like he's going to go on a ramen tangent next.

139 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:23:51 ID:uVOl6J30
<<T minus 60 seconds to impact.>>

140 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:23:52 ID:3mDqjfWy
I feel like Molester is casting Fuddle on us.

141 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:23:54 ID:CX/qz6aH
Loli names her hero

Loli Jugs!

Molester flees!

142 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:23:56 ID:akteEx0v
Brb filling the tub with hot water before he posts the next one!!

143 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:24:12 ID:TfVjNSLH
Holy crap. I seriously might just strip naked and run outside if this goes on!ww
I can't contain my excitementwwwww

144 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:24:13 ID:2IoZu2xe
A = Miss Undie
B = Molester
C = Kansai

Loli is not part of the love triangle. She's just the one Kansai went to for love advice.
The reason she's playing DQ is to buy time while waiting for an e-mail from Kansai.
Just sharing my honest opinion every once in a while.

145 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:24:21 ID:xDChnd3o
Molester's posts only make up 1.5% of this thread. Discuss.

146 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:24:28 ID:GLoPwJUC
<<VIPPER! Fox 2! Fox 2!!>>

147 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:24:30 ID:j3bI2u9W
Run outside naked and post pics later.

148 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:24:35 ID:KHv2QMPN
Anyone else noticed how Asari-chan's face completely changed like she got plastic surgery or something?

149 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:24:42 ID:6cm+pg39

150 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:25:13 ID:wF3wYCkg
So the plastic bag I put my cell phone in ripped just now...

151 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:25:24 ID:M48COQcV
Don't you have to work a shift today?
When does it start?

152 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:25:27 ID:oseGnIDv
<<3... 2... 1... Impact!!>> Am I doing it right?

153 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:25:32 ID:uXej9fXn
Rip lol

154 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:25:39 ID:9xTU+fWq
That's what you get for soaking in the tub for too longw

155 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:25:41 ID:se4lMc70
<<Mobius 1 is here! Victory is ours!>>

156 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/28 23:25:45 ID:oUCI+oVZ
I took out all volumes of "Asari-chan" from the bookshelf and piled them up next to the heated table.
Then I assumed my most comfortable reading position.
"Wow, you picked a really old one"
"No kidding. Our moms proabably used to read this when they were kids. Why do you have an old manga like this?"
"...umm, I think someone gave it to me? Anyways, I almost never sell off my manga."
"Yeah, same here! Why are people always so eager to get rid of their manga?"
"If they only want to read it once, why don't they just do it in a manga cafe?"
"Yeah, seriously."

Even though we had just found out we were kindred spirits (at least when it comes to collecting manga), Loli immediately went back to playing DQ again. I guess she was that hooked on DQ.
And I went back to reading manga.

Moments before, the silence had been unbearable making every second feel like an eternity, but suddenly it didn't bother me anymore.
The same thing happens at work sometimes. Even if I'm sharing the shift with someone I've barely talked to,
as soon as we start working and we're busy, even the longest silence doesn't feel awkward at all.

157 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:25:57 ID:57ki0bqj
RIP cell phone.

158 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:25:59 ID:KHv2QMPN
My sides hurtwwwwwwwwwww


159 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:26:00 ID:2IoZu2xe
I feel like she's trying to make smalltalk because she's slowly getting tired of DQ.

160 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:26:15 ID:uVOl6J30
<<Another wave from "FYqCtG1B42" detected.>>

161 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:26:16 ID:0/ynpI8a
At this point, I wouldn't even be surprised if Molester's older sister showed up and got involved in his love story too.

162 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:26:24 ID:oH+P3c9B
Okay, Molester, please tell me you went to work yesterday.
I'm begging you. Please tell me you did.

163 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:26:48 ID:uVOl6J30
<<All VIPPERs prepare for impact.>>

164 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:27:11 ID:j3bI2u9W

165 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:27:19 ID:9xTU+fWq
Whoawwwww It's like you're not even therewwwwww
It's hard to believe it's your first time in her room.

166 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:27:21 ID:+NyTwKGB
Whew, finally caught upwwwwwwww
It seems like there's a lot more people here today.
Is it because of the announcement posts?

167 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:27:33 ID:se4lMc70
<<Eject! Ejec->>

168 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:27:41 ID:GLoPwJUC
<<Climb nuggets, climb!!!>>

169 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:27:44 ID:oseGnIDv
Jokes on you, I'm at an altitude of 10,000m right now.
It's surprisingly safe up here...

170 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:27:49 ID:0/ynpI8a
At this rate, we might end up using up this thread before Gundam ends.

171 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:27:50 ID:6cm+pg39
How come no one's comforting me even though my ID is literally calling me out for being only 6cm?

172 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:27:59 ID:rwYTismL
It feels weird to see so many sage posts though.
It's like I'm in a Ragnarok Online thread.

173 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:28:14 ID:CX/qz6aH
Loli kept playing DQ8 endlessly.
After a while, she even started muttering stuff to herself.

"I sometimes catch myself saying things out loud too when I play games."
I thought to myself while listening to her.

Loli: "Whoa! A man can dream!"

Molester runs away!

174 : You can easily tell a VIPPER by their behavior ◆QKO2OCjVyc : 04/11/28 23:28:19 ID:gCslLQjY
There's a difference between telling a story in an orderly fashion and describing every little thing in excessive detail.

175 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:28:27 ID:se4lMc70
<<Mayday! Mayday!>>

176 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:28:35 ID:Tc3oqm9l
That's 2cm longer than the real thing, so I don't know why you need comforting.

177 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:28:44 ID:57ki0bqj
But Loli blocks your path.

178 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:29:06 ID:IOtBnZmm
Isn't it a bit late to complain about that?

179 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:29:29 ID:9xTU+fWq
I'd like to direct your attention to this part of your ID.

180 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:29:35 ID:Tc3oqm9l
No, he can't leave out any of it because it's all foreshadowing!

181 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:29:44 ID:xnlmcPIl
Molester making the VIPPERs fall for him all over again with his advanced trolling skills.

182 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:29:45 ID:TfVjNSLH
Eroge or dating sim adaptation when?

183 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:30:03 ID:uVOl6J30
<<10 seconds to impact. 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, and impact!>>

184 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:30:17 ID:A8qwluE7
That part probably stands for an STD or something.

185 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:30:21 ID:GLoPwJUC
<<Mobius 1, Kabamaru! Kabamaru!>>

186 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:30:22 ID:2IoZu2xe
<<La la la...♪ Listen to our beautiful voice. This is AWACS Oka Nieba.>>

187 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:30:29 ID:akteEx0v
Nice Spaceship Molester

188 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:30:34 ID:oH+P3c9B
The hardest part of the game would be convincing Miss Understanding that you're not a molester at the beginning.

189 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/28 23:30:41 ID:oUCI+oVZ
There I was, quietly reading page after page.
It's interesting how old shojo manga all tend to have a similar artstyle and a tall pretty boy with long black hair
who's also frail and sickly, and comes from a rich family, while the hot-blooded main protag and the heroine
always start off on the wrong foot and so on.......

Loli and I would make smalltalk from time to time, but most of the time, we were both focussed on our tasks at hand. It was almost like a division of labor.
On an unrelated note, mankind will probably be doomed the day the western way of thinking takes over the world and gender division of labor is no more.

Anyhow, just when I was close to finishing the manga, I checked the time and it said


190 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:30:47 ID:IOtBnZmm
You can tell Molester is used to getting blueballed by all the eroge he played.
He has mastered the art of blueballing.

191 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:30:54 ID:uXej9fXn
In b4 Glasses sends him another package of crabs.

192 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:31:22 ID:s7wtK+Xh
Time to play DQ.
Brb playing with my sister-in-law.

193 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:31:36 ID:CX/qz6aH

"By the way, Mr. Molester, have you ever sculpted dicks from clay?"

194 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:31:52 ID:c2BQ3IIs
It's finally time for Gundam SEED, huh?

195 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:31:55 ID:Tc3oqm9l
...dude, were you really reading manga the whole time?
But then again, if Loli really had the hots for Molester, I don't think she'd just be sitting there playing a video game.

196 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:31:59 ID:0/ynpI8a
>a tall pretty boy with long black hair
>who's also frail and sickly, and comes from a rich family, while the hot-blooded main protag and the heroine
>always start off on the wrong foot and so on.......

Is this foreshadowing too?

197 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:32:03 ID:jqLgMOcx
You're such a card, Molester.

198 : You can easily tell a VIPPER by their behavior ◆QKO2OCjVyc : 04/11/28 23:32:04 ID:gCslLQjY
I can't tell if it's blueballing or a lack of literary talent...

199 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:32:09 ID:j3bI2u9W
So she's the girl who sculpted the vagina in that thread?wwwwwww

200 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:32:11 ID:se4lMc70

201 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:32:16 ID:9Qq7+ys0

202 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:32:27 ID:oH+P3c9B
What!? Are we finally getting to the good part!!??

203 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:32:29 ID:+NyTwKGB
What's with that amazingly lucky situation!?


204 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:32:35 ID:6axV1CaU

"Mr. Molester, which anime character would you like to fu-"

205 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:32:50 ID:Tc3oqm9l
The part about the main protag and the heroine starting off on the wrong foot has to be foreshadowing.

206 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:32:52 ID:uJS6zVWT
Why does Molester ignore the real big boobs in front of him
just to lust after the fictional boobs of some Gundam pilot?
If it was me, I'd lust after both.

207 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:33:07 ID:htO6dapW
Prediction of what's going to happen next:

- They get into an argument because Molester wants to watch Gundam, but Loli wants to keep playing DQ.
- Loli gives in because she doesn't want Molester to leave, so they watch Gundam together.
- Molester passionately explains Gundam and Loli shows more interest than he'd expected.
- Once Gundam is over, Loli goes to take a shower.
- Molester's imagination runs wild while she's in the shower.
- She comes out of the shower. Is it seicross time...?

208 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:33:08 ID:VODNcqVW
Yeeeess!! I'm caught up!!

Though I can't shake off the feeling that I'm a tad late to the party, a good evening to you guys! ノシ

209 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:33:18 ID:XrNNfugm
58 Name:Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 [] : 04/11/27(Sat) 18:31:41 ID:bszlbiz9
And Loli happens to be taking a shower right now...

210 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:33:23 ID:VIvAvKC6
I keep forgetting that these are all things that happened yesterday.

211 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:33:27 ID:uVOl6J30
<<Another wave from "FYqCtG1B42" detected.>>
<<All VIPPERs prepare for impact.>>

212 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:33:28 ID:tNUbnRMJ

213 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:33:32 ID:KHv2QMPN
>Anyhow, just when I was close to finishing the manga, I checked the time and it said

It was your decision to stay there that long! Why are you so surprised?wwwww

214 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:33:36 ID:GLoPwJUC
<<Captain, do you see Molester on your radar?>>

215 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:33:54 ID:Q+eZ1veM
Let me greet you back since no one else will!!

Good evening. ノシ

216 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:34:07 ID:Tc3oqm9l
Molester: "I'm going home because I want to watch Gundam."
Loli: "Ah, I watch Gundam too. Let's watch it together."

217 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:34:12 ID:57ki0bqj
Okay, we're slowly getting there now.

218 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:34:21 ID:0/ynpI8a
Is it time for Molester Gundam's atmospheric reentry?

219 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:34:38 ID:+NyTwKGB
Loli was 290 of that thread!?
So that's what her vagoo looks like...

pant pant

220 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:34:40 ID:oH+P3c9B
Whoawwwwwww We're not even close to the good part yetwwwwwwwwwww

221 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:34:44 ID:6XBl3AIb
Finally, I'm caught up.

Good evening, you guys. ノシ

222 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/28 23:34:44 ID:oUCI+oVZ
This is bad! This is really bad!!
My place is normally just a 10 to 20 minute walk from here. If I were to run, I could easily be home in time for Gundam.
However, looking at my current situation, making it out of here and getting home before 6pm seems almost impossible.
I tried analyzing the situation in a very calm and composed manner:

- I still haven't gotten my shirt back.
- Loli is busy playing DQ8.
- My place may not be far from here, but I don't know the way.
- I still haven't finished this manga I'm reading.

This is bad. This is yakui.
Whether I can use the emergency shutter to get out of here now or not is almost as critical as the next few Gundam SEED Miracle episodes are to the success or failure of the series as a whole.
What I'm trying to say is, I simply can't miss today's episode.

223 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:35:13 ID:xDChnd3o
Seeing how comfortable they are around each other now, I feel like it wouldn't be weird at all if Loli took a shower now.
The only question that remains unanswered is who A, B, and C are.

224 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:35:14 ID:GLoPwJUC
<<208!! Fuck you! Fuck you!>>

225 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:35:20 ID:VODNcqVW
Something must have happened between 17:30 and Loli taking a shower!!

Thank you. ノシ

226 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:35:24 ID:KHv2QMPN
         ∧_∧   ┌────────────
       ◯( ´∀` )◯ < Hi, I'm Lolimaria Hawke!
        \    /  └────────────
       _/ __ \_
      (_/   \_)

227 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:35:27 ID:Q+eZ1veM
Good evening! ノシ

228 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:35:29 ID:se4lMc70
- I still haven't finished this manga I'm reading.

Who cares?

229 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:35:37 ID:A8qwluE7
Molester: "Hey, can I watch Gundam?"
Loli: "Watch it at home! I'm playing a single-player RPG! Can't you take a hint?"
Molester: "('A`)"

230 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:35:42 ID:6cm+pg39
Don't tell me it's Gundam SEED > Jugs for you.

231 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:35:53 ID:j3bI2u9W
Go back to the anime board.

232 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:35:59 ID:Tc3oqm9l
- I still haven't fondled her jugs.

233 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:36:08 ID:wF3wYCkg
Whoa... My cell phone got wet.
Whatever, I'm back, fresh out of the bath.

234 : You can easily tell a VIPPER by their behavior ◆QKO2OCjVyc : 04/11/28 23:36:08 ID:gCslLQjY
If you watched SEED, you should already know it's trash.

235 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:36:19 ID:VIvAvKC6
You don't know the way even though it's just a 10 to 20 minute walk?

236 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:36:25 ID:57ki0bqj
>Gundam SEED Miracle
Isn't it Gundam SEED Destiny?

237 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:36:25 ID:CX/qz6aH
Molester: "There's a show on TV I wanted to watch today..."

Loli: "Ah, sure, I'll be working on my unfinished clay dick sculpture then."

238 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:36:26 ID:0/ynpI8a
Emergency shutter...? Are you serious...?

239 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:36:43 ID:c8UWzzwd
So that's why
"Gotta go home and watch Gundam."
"Why don't we watch it together?"
happens next.

You can't tell me she's not interested in him now.

240 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:36:47 ID:KHv2QMPN
Welcome back!!

241 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:36:50 ID:oseGnIDv

242 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:36:54 ID:uVOl6J30
<<120 seconds to impact.>>

243 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:37:01 ID:9xTU+fWq
Wow, Molester doesn't mess around when it comes to his anime.

Steps in front of Loli playing DQ and pulls the power cord.
Loli: "W-What are you doing!!?"
Molester: "We're gonna watch Gundam now!!!"

244 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:37:02 ID:xdKcGRQy
54 Name: Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 Date: 04/11/27 18:29:40 ID:bszlbiz9
I happen to be at Loli's place right now.

You could have posted more than this yesterday if all you were doing at her place was sitting around reading manga.

245 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:37:07 ID:jGs4zD7G
I'm wasted.
Good night, all of you.

246 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:37:19 ID:ayT4NG25

247 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:37:27 ID:oH+P3c9B
Molester must have an extremely poor sense of direction.
But who cares about that? What's Loli's cup size? That's the important question here.

248 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:37:37 ID:+NyTwKGB
Too bad the plastic bag ripped.

249 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:37:47 ID:6cm+pg39
I know!
He didn't do it because Loli is actually a trap!

250 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:37:48 ID:se4lMc70
Can we get to the point already?
I'm almost at my limit.

251 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:37:52 ID:VIvAvKC6
She's an F cup.

252 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:38:00 ID:uXej9fXn
Calm down. Cal-    DICK! SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! DICK!

253 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:38:07 ID:0/ynpI8a
They show a series called GUNDAM SEED MIRACLE where you live, huh, Molester?

254 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:38:11 ID:c8UWzzwd
He wasn't planning on staying that long
and I bet he forgot all about the thread when he started reading the manga.

255 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:38:14 ID:epUKD8E9

256 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:38:34 ID:GLoPwJUC
I have to work tomorrow. Could you please get on with it already?
This won't get turned into a book anyway, so don't worry about skipping ahead.

257 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:38:36 ID:6XBl3AIb
Whoaw Thanksww

258 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:39:06 ID:Tc3oqm9l
Guys, calm the fuck down.

259 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:39:10 ID:27B4muPu
What happened with your cell phone? Does it still work?

260 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:39:27 ID:TfVjNSLH
In order to stress how much I like Loli, I shall call her Lolita from now on so that you can easily see which posts are mine.
And I won't stop until I get tired of it.

261 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:39:28 ID:CX/qz6aH

Please keep going at this snail's pace till 1am.

I got time to kill.

262 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:39:51 ID:akteEx0v
Dude, hurry up, I got work tomorrow. Hurry up. Please.

263 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:40:27 ID:VODNcqVW
I have work too.
Whoawwwwwwwwww But I'm too curious to go to bedwwwwwwww OKwwwwwwwww

264 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:40:27 ID:EGwKUG/A
I have a lecture tomorrow morning (I can't skip it). Hurry up. Please.

265 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/28 23:40:34 ID:oUCI+oVZ
But I have to tell her first!
I don't know how saving in DQ works, but if you can only save at specific save points,
I have to tell her early or it might take too long to find the next save point.
I gathered all my courage and said

"Say...... Loli."
"Huh? What's up?"
"There's a show I want to watch at 6pm... You know?"
"Ahh, sure. I just saved, so it's alright."
"Eh? Ah, really? Okay. Thanks."

...it was not what I expected. I actually wanted her to return my shirt so I can hurry home.
Besides, watching Gundam in front of a girl means, I can't go
"Athrun is so cool!!! Whoawwwwwwwwwwwwwwww OKwwwwwwwwwwwwwww"
"Stella-tan! fapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfap...... ugh!"
and so on.

266 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:40:46 ID:Tc3oqm9l
Molester will get a call from Kansai anytime now and suddenly stop posting. What then?

267 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:40:54 ID:9xTU+fWq
In that case, since her full name is "Loli Jugs",
it should be something like "Lolita Giant Milk Jugs" for you, huh?

268 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:40:54 ID:htO6dapW
For now, I predict he'll waste at least one post on a completely unrelated tangent and passionately explain yesterday's Gundam episode.

269 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:40:59 ID:oH+P3c9B
Whoawwwwww OKwwwwwwww

We got about 30 minutes left till we get to the good part, huh?

270 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:41:00 ID:se4lMc70
Actually, he already got it all typed out.
He's posting it bit by bit while checking it and making adjustments.

271 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:41:22 ID:wW0zqc3i
My to-do list:

- take a bath
- watch Genshiken
- study

Molester, you know what your to-do list looks like, right?

272 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:41:36 ID:uJS6zVWT
In b4 we find out that Kansai and Loli are really twins!

273 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:41:40 ID:epUKD8E9
My finals are tomorrow. Hurry up. Please.

274 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:41:49 ID:W2KtqXHk
You littlewwwww OKwwwwwwwwwwww

275 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:41:51 ID:CX/qz6aH

"You want to watch Bankisha, right? I watch it every week too!"


"That's right... Yeah... Sure."

276 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:41:53 ID:wF3wYCkg
It got wet but seems to be still working.

277 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:42:03 ID:xdKcGRQy
You lost me there in the second half.

278 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:42:16 ID:htO6dapW
Why do I feel like he'll suddenly get a call from Loli

before we get to the main event

and the report gets postponed again?

279 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:42:16 ID:9xTU+fWq
You've already made yourself at home at her place, I don't think she'll mind any of that.

280 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:42:26 ID:j3bI2u9W
The tip of it got all wet, huh? pant pant

281 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:42:28 ID:W2KtqXHk
Bankisha doesn't air on Sunday thoughwwwwwwww OKwwwwwwwwwwwwww

282 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:42:34 ID:oH+P3c9B
Fuck it, I'm gonna take a bath now! Got it?
Don't you suddenly skip to the good part while I'm in the tub, alright!?

283 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:42:43 ID:2IoZu2xe
Doesn't look like he did it with her.
If he had, he wouldn't be dragging out the report this much. He'd be busy calling her up and shit.

284 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:42:50 ID:H0e88V4p
I got fujoshibait to watch. Hurry up. Please.

285 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:42:54 ID:CX/qz6aH
Now that I think about it, it's so obvious. Loli must have taken the shower while he was watching Gundam.

286 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:43:03 ID:0/ynpI8a
If there's a non-anime TV show Molester watches, it has to be "Pursuing the passion of fishing".

287 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:43:06 ID:c2BQ3IIs
- watch Genshiken
Why do I feel like you'll only do this one?

288 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:43:09 ID:Tc3oqm9l
I wonder if Loli sent that e-mail about Akiba because Kansai talked to her about it.

289 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:43:13 ID:GLoPwJUC
Oh boy... I feel like this is going to take at least two more hours.

I'll be counting on you to have the summary up by tomorrow, Admin. I'm going to bed. Good night.

290 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:43:20 ID:57ki0bqj
Imagine he wraps up the good part in just one post after all this build-up. The VIPPERs would explode with rage, I bet.

291 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:43:22 ID:j3bI2u9W
I'm watching Newcastle vs. Everton while reading the thread, so even if this takes a few more hours, I won't really mind.

292 : You can easily tell a VIPPER by their behavior ◆QKO2OCjVyc : 04/11/28 23:43:31 ID:gCslLQjY
Loli starts playing DQ.
Molester doesn't have anything to do and starts reading her manga.
He suddenly checks the clock and asks Loli if he can watch a TV show.

You can sum up everything that happened so far in just three lines.

293 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:43:43 ID:EGwKUG/A
It's like I'm reading the sequel of Train Manwwwwwwww OKwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

294 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:43:48 ID:Tc3oqm9l
Know that deserters will be shot on the spot.

295 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:43:50 ID:oseGnIDv
Good crabs.

296 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:43:54 ID:9xTU+fWq
If he gets a call from Loli at this time of the day,
it'll tell us all we need to know...

297 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:43:58 ID:xnlmcPIl
You must be a fun person to hang out withw

298 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:44:05 ID:Q+eZ1veM
Good night. ノシ

299 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:44:06 ID:uVOl6J30
VIPPER_G <<So hurry up.>>

300 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:44:13 ID:j3bI2u9W
>>292 I can't see this post.

301 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:44:13 ID:TfVjNSLH
So is Lolita Giant Milk Jugs an otaku or not?

302 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:44:16 ID:NJn/qDop
Ahh!!! After all these posts, we still can't tell if something happened between them or not.
Molester Man, you're pretty good!

303 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/28 23:44:17 ID:oUCI+oVZ
Without any hesitation, Loli quit her game.
I still remember back when I was addicted to "Guardian Heroes", I kept telling my mother
"Just a little longer!!"
a few too many times, so my father, who's my mother's special summon, showed up and wrecked my Sega Saturn.
There was also a time when I was so addicted to "Kawa no Nushi Tsuri 2" that I ended up breaking a promise and losing a friend.
So when I saw how Loli was able to stop right away, I couldn't help but be envious of her.

Anyways, Loli immediately quit her game and sat down at the heated table.
When I realized we were sitting across each other all of a sudden, I felt strangely embarrassed and had trouble focusing on the manga.
"Damn it! I was this close to finishing it!!"

is what I was thinking when Loli suddenly asked me something.

304 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:44:41 ID:3XeMdDta
Wow, it's almost nothing if you put it like that.

305 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:44:43 ID:Tc3oqm9l

306 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:44:45 ID:2IoZu2xe
That's it!

307 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:44:50 ID:uVOl6J30
VIPPER_G <<No, don't give up yet.>>

308 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:45:00 ID:CX/qz6aH
For now, keep dragging it out until we have fewer people in the thread, Molester.

309 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:45:11 ID:oseGnIDv
It's here!!
             .  + .  *     / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\                ■ ■
 ■      ■■■     .      /  _ノ    ,_ノ\   .+  ☆  .      ■ ■
■■■■  ■  ■           /    / iニ)ヽ,   /rj:ヽヽ ヽ             ■ ■
  ■    ■  ■ ■■■■■■■l::::::::: ;〈 !:::::::c!  ' {.::::::;、! 〉 .|■■■■■■■■  ■ ■ 
.■■■■ ■ ■■           |::::::::::  (つ`''"   `'ー''(つ   |             ■ ■
   ■     ■  +.  ☆  。. . |:::::::::::::::::   \___/    | ☆ . *  +.   
   ■     ■           ヽ:::::::::::::::::::.  \/     ノ  .  . .   +☆  .● ●

310 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:45:22 ID:jhVskB2m
The way you drag it out is so annoyingw

311 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:45:28 ID:aKlfcDls
I want 292 to leave and never come back.

312 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:45:29 ID:KHv2QMPN
"Molester, is your penis circumcised?"

313 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:45:31 ID:uXej9fXn
What is wrong with you?

314 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:45:37 ID:jqLgMOcx
You're dragging it out too much, Molester!!

315 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:45:38 ID:wF3wYCkg
Too early.

316 : You can easily tell a VIPPER by their behavior ◆QKO2OCjVyc : 04/11/28 23:45:39 ID:gCslLQjY
Was the first half of that post really necessary?

317 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:45:45 ID:Q+eZ1veM
>is what I was thinking when Loli suddenly asked me something.

Molester is really good at this.

318 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:45:47 ID:Tc3oqm9l
I don't mind the waiting, actually. I like browsing the summary site and wondering what will happen next in between his posts.

319 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:45:51 ID:c2RGphWa
Fan of Treasure games reporting in.

320 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:45:53 ID:9xTU+fWq
If his reports were like that, the thread wouldn't even reach >>100 and it'd be just one of the countless shitty threads that never get archived...

321 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:45:57 ID:XRzCTBNG
Oh shit, my body is not ready for the next one.
I want to know what happens and at the same time I don't.
I can't believe Molester had the courage to tell her he wants to watch Gundam.

322 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:46:05 ID:epUKD8E9
Please... Please don't say something like that, sir.

323 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:46:10 ID:j3bI2u9W
Before VIP:
  ('A`('-`('д`('_` )
  ノ ノノ ノノ ノ) ノ|
  「「 「「 「 「 「 「

After VIP:
  ( ヽ(゚A゚ )ノ('∀`(゚∀゚ )ノ
  | |ノ ノ└  )V  /
   「 「  「 「 「 「

When VIP shuts down:

   |  |  |  | 
  ('A`('-`('д`('_` )
  ( )( )( )( )          That is VIP QUALITY.
   | |  | |  | | | |           http://ex7.2ch.net/news4vip/

324 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/28 23:46:11 ID:oUCI+oVZ
"Hasn't Gundam turned into a homo anime lately? Do you like that kind of anime, Mr. Molester?"


325 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:46:12 ID:CX/qz6aH
>is what I was thinking when Loli suddenly asked me something.


326 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:46:18 ID:GOf07gkG
Even though I was afk taking a bath for quite some time, we've made disappointingly little progress.

327 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:46:24 ID:htO6dapW
Yeah, tell us one more time how you met Loli for the first time, Molester.

328 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:46:31 ID:xDChnd3o
Is she going to say who ABC are?

329 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:46:35 ID:j3bI2u9W

330 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:46:48 ID:tNUbnRMJ
In b4 the topic suddenly changes to clay dicks.

331 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:46:51 ID:0/ynpI8a
Loli confirmed fujoshi.

332 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:46:53 ID:W2KtqXHk
Nice, very niiiiiiiiiiiiiiice.

333 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:47:00 ID:wF3wYCkg
Is Loli a fujoshi?

334 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:47:03 ID:2IoZu2xe
Same here.
I personally enjoy going through the old archives and letting my imagination run wild.

335 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:47:04 ID:wW0zqc3i

336 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:47:11 ID:VODNcqVW
Uhowwwwwwwwwwww OKwwwwwwwww

337 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:47:14 ID:Tc3oqm9l
>>324 Oh, so Loli is a fujoshi, huh.......

338 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:47:16 ID:xnlmcPIl

339 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:47:17 ID:CX/qz6aH

"It's not homo, it's yaoi."

340 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:47:21 ID:XRzCTBNG
Homo? Did Loli read Gundam doujinshi or what?

341 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:47:24 ID:V3CWDah6
Whoawwwww OKKKwwwwww

342 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:47:26 ID:EGwKUG/A
 _| ̄|  「L

343 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:47:29 ID:xDChnd3o
>is what I was thinking when Loli suddenly asked me something.

"Ah, let me give you back your shirt."

Whoawwwwwwwwwwww OKwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

344 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:47:29 ID:W2KtqXHk
Loli knows more than I expectedw

345 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:47:33 ID:uXej9fXn

346 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:47:34 ID:KHv2QMPN
Loli is into 801.

347 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:47:35 ID:rwYTismL

348 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:47:39 ID:j3bI2u9W




349 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:47:49 ID:uJS6zVWT
Loli is an OG fan of the first Gundam series. Her favorite character is Gadem.

350 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:47:57 ID:jqLgMOcx
wanna do it?

351 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:48:02 ID:IOtBnZmm
He went to Loli's place, read manga, watched TV, and had intercourse with her after that.
This is all you'd get if you stripped away everything, you idiot. Is this what you really want?

352 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:48:09 ID:Q+eZ1veM
You remind me of that Osamu tripfag.

353 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:48:15 ID:9xTU+fWq
Loli watches anime too, huh?w

354 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:48:19 ID:YynFETFN
I'm caught up at last.
These threads move so fast, man.

355 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:48:31 ID:0/ynpI8a
In b4 he wastes three more posts on a rant about how bad scripts by Morosawa Chiaki are.

356 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:48:35 ID:TfVjNSLH
Loli is actually Oono from Genshiken.

357 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:48:36 ID:EJ2+kOeM
Seriously now?w

358 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:48:41 ID:j3bI2u9W

359 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:49:04 ID:c2BQ3IIs
Molester, try to recall Loli's bookshelf.
Were there any books with very thin spines?

360 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:49:07 ID:KHv2QMPN
I know this might sound like a stupid question,
but has Gundam turned into a homo anime lately?

361 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:49:10 ID:Tc3oqm9l
If Loli likes him, it means that she fell asleep and puked in the room of the guy she likes. Loli's definitely something.

362 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:49:18 ID:se4lMc70
Whoawwwwwww I lol'dwwwwwwwww

363 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:49:21 ID:6cm+pg39
I hope the admin of the summary site doesn't work himself to death.

364 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:49:28 ID:CX/qz6aH

"I actually used to work at a maid cafe before the family restaurant."

365 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:49:51 ID:H0e88V4p
Don't tell me...
she's a nutcase too...!

366 : You can easily tell a VIPPER by their behavior ◆QKO2OCjVyc : 04/11/28 23:50:02 ID:gCslLQjY
It was just an example, don't get all riled up about it.
I doubt we can expect an amazing ending like Train Man, so he might as well just tell us what happened instead of beating around the bush.

367 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:50:09 ID:KHv2QMPN
Whoawwwwwww That'd be so amazingwwwwwwwww

368 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/28 23:50:16 ID:oUCI+oVZ
"No, no, no, no, no!! What the heck? Where'd you get that from?"
"A friend at university said so."
"Ahh, umm, well, you see... Yeah."

From what she told me, Loli's friend is a fujoshi from the manga club,
and all she'd talk about was "KiraAsu" and so on.
And so I had to explain why there's been a change in Gundam's fanbase lately,
how the marketing team reacted accordingly and hired TM Revolution as a singer and voice actor (he was pretty good btw),

and so on to rectify her misunderstanding (she was right about Gundam being a homo anime nowadays though).

369 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:50:19 ID:RMCLSO1d
Don't get "Osai○▼■ ◆n.ef.bYbYo" and "Osamu◆w0ZavxKYNU" mixed up.
Look carefully.

370 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:50:47 ID:xdKcGRQy
The summary site admin is a god.

371 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:50:53 ID:9xTU+fWq
Uh-oh...... After Pork Cutlet, we'll have to worry about

Molester ending up at the bottom of Tokyo Bay too now?

372 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:50:56 ID:9Qq7+ys0
Loli: "Btw, I happen to be homo too."

373 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:51:02 ID:c8UWzzwd
In that case, why don't you just leave and read the summary later?
I'm waiting for his posts live because I like the way Molester writes.

374 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:51:03 ID:tNUbnRMJ
By doing something outrageous like puking on his bed before they're even seeing each other,
she ensures that she'll be able to do pretty much anything once they're together.

375 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:51:16 ID:0/ynpI8a
Your plan is to do as much dragging out as Gundam Seed does, huh? I see what you're doing, Molester!

376 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:51:31 ID:VODNcqVW

Tsk, I'll only say this because the thread is going so fast right now...

My girlfriend is a G-cup.

377 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:51:37 ID:CX/qz6aH
>and so on to rectify her misunderstanding

(ノ∀`) Oh boy.

378 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:51:44 ID:htO6dapW
Molester: "What?w It's not a homo animew Plus, I'm not interested in 801."
Loli: "Ehh? Really?"
Molester: "Really! I'm straight!"
Loli: "Then you'll have to prove it to me."
Molester: "P-Prove it!?"
Loli: "......by doing it...... with me?"

379 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:51:48 ID:N4dt1i4+
A storm is approaching. I can feel it.

380 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:51:50 ID:9xTU+fWq

381 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:51:55 ID:Tc3oqm9l
Molester must have skipped most of what Loli said and did in his earlier reports.

382 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:52:00 ID:6cm+pg39
You're so dead.

383 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:52:04 ID:xnlmcPIl
>(she was right about Gundam being a homo anime nowadays though).

384 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:52:06 ID:uVOl6J30
Don't make me post about my girlfriend, you little shit!

385 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:52:08 ID:KHv2QMPN
I guess your girlriend is a Holstein cow.

386 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:52:10 ID:rwYTismL
No girl would ever say something like thatwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

387 : You can easily tell a VIPPER by their behavior ◆QKO2OCjVyc : 04/11/28 23:52:52 ID:gCslLQjY
Sorry, you're completely right about that,
but that's how I already missed out on two threads...... I don't want to miss this one too.

388 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:52:55 ID:A8qwluE7
Too bad I'm not into bestiality.

389 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:52:59 ID:Tc3oqm9l
Loli's a real-life version of that one fujoshi in the manga club trope.

390 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:53:05 ID:9Qq7+ys0
BWH 100-100-100

391 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:53:12 ID:YynFETFN
I'm starting to feel like the admin is not one person.

392 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:53:16 ID:tNUbnRMJ
You sure you didn't mean to write "a Giants cap"?

393 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:53:23 ID:57ki0bqj
Stop complaining then.

394 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:53:40 ID:j3bI2u9W
Whoawwwwwwwwwwww LMAOwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

395 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:53:39 ID:CX/qz6aH

"When two guys do it, which hole do they use?"

"Let me sculpt a clay penis so you can show it to me."

396 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:53:42 ID:0/ynpI8a
"C-Commander Char! Help me! I can't slow down!"

397 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:53:46 ID:M0oq2a7U
Cup size is the difference between bust and underbust. Try again.

398 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:53:51 ID:epUKD8E9
                   ,'⌒,ー、           _ ,,..  X
                 〈∨⌒ /\__,,..  -‐ '' " _,,. ‐''´
          〈\   _,,r'" 〉 // //     . ‐''"
           ,ゝ `</ /  〉 /  ∧_,. r ''"
- - - -_,,.. ‐''" _,.〉 / /  . {'⌒) ∠二二> -  - - - - - - Sorry, but it seems like it's almost my time to go.
  _,.. ‐''"  _,,,.. -{(⌒)、  r'`ー''‐‐^‐'ヾ{} +       I look to tomorrow and pray that this thread won't fall off the board.
 '-‐ '' "  _,,. ‐''"`ー‐ヘj^‐'   ;;    ‐ -‐   _- See you around. ノシ
 - ‐_+      ;'"  ,;'' ,''   ,;゙ ‐-  ー_- ‐

399 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:53:54 ID:+NyTwKGB
Your girlfriend is a Gundam-cup?
Can she transform into multiple Core Fighters or something?

400 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:54:20 ID:xDChnd3o
I too like the way Molester writes, but am I the only one who thinks that he's digressing more than usual today?

401 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/28 23:54:32 ID:oUCI+oVZ
"Hmm... So money rules even in the anime industry, huh?"
"Of course. The creators and VA in the anime industry are having a hard time because of it."
"What is a VA?w"

Subtle 2channer check initiated. All green. Loli is not a 2channer.

"The previous Gundam was terrible. The first half was boring and the only good thing about the second half was the cool fighting scenes,
but they kept recycling those and ruined them too. But the new Gundam is a pretty fun watch."

After that, I explained a bit more about the world of otaku.
Like the trope of creepy otaku and the true identity of the otaku you see on TV.
A critical analysis of the portrayal of otaku in the media by an otaku.

402 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:54:48 ID:KHv2QMPN
Is everyone getting tired? The QUALITY of the posts is declining fastw Maybe we should all take a break or somethingww

403 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:54:56 ID:CX/qz6aH

He's dragging it out on purpose to get rid of the new people in the thread.

404 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:55:16 ID:uVOl6J30
<<VIPPER398 crashed!>>

405 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:55:50 ID:VODNcqVW
This pace is just right for making myself comfy and reading Molester's report while sipping on a cup of coffee.

406 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:55:50 ID:CX/qz6aH
>Subtle 2channer check initiated. All green. Loli is not a 2channer.

>>193 Explain this then!!!!!!!!!!!!11111

407 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:55:52 ID:j3bI2u9W
>A critical analysis of the portrayal of otaku in the media by an otaku.
You mean you made a bunch of excuses.

408 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:56:00 ID:2IoZu2xe
He is adding a lot of exposition today.
Maybe it's because it's his first time in a girl's room and everything seems completely new to him?

409 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:56:04 ID:xdKcGRQy
Wait, where is this going?

410 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:56:07 ID:jhVskB2m
Here you see an otaku getting carried away because he finally gets to talk about his interests. He can't help it. ┐(´ー`)┌

411 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:56:10 ID:XRzCTBNG
Do you seriously think that inserting Gundam references will be enough to distract us VIPPERs from your blueballing?

412 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:56:12 ID:uXej9fXn
Snake! Snaaake!

413 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:56:26 ID:9xTU+fWq
So Loli isn't a 2channer, huh...... But maybe she's just playing dumb.

414 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:56:41 ID:xdKcGRQy
Calm down.

415 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:56:56 ID:Tc3oqm9l
>"What is a VA?w"
This could also be taken as her way of saying "Dude, don't use 2ch lingo irl."

416 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:57:08 ID:0/ynpI8a
Molester, by the way, your ID says UC...

417 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:57:28 ID:CfuNOXNK
I'm going to bed. Good night. ノシ

418 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:57:37 ID:+NyTwKGB
Good, good.
The thread's starting to slow down nicely.
Not even the right side of our brains is working at this point. You can't expect much QUALITY from anyone in this thread anymorewwwwwwwwwww Pfffww

419 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:57:53 ID:A8qwluE7

420 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:57:53 ID:cAB2aH1L
How many more hours is this going to take at this pace...?

421 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:57:56 ID:uXej9fXn
<<VIPPER398 crashed!>>

422 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:58:00 ID:Q+eZ1veM

Good night! ノシ

423 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:58:03 ID:CX/qz6aH
Let's just try to hang in there till 2am.

424 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:58:37 ID:cAB2aH1L
Man, this thread is pretty damn sparta.

425 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:58:38 ID:0/ynpI8a
Only a few people left ITT now. (´~`)

426 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:58:51 ID:Q+eZ1veM
I can't believe >>419 made me laugh... orz

427 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:58:56 ID:9Qq7+ys0
I'm so sleepy but I can't go to sleep now.

428 : (・ω・ ミ 3 )∋ : 04/11/28 23:59:00 ID:qfx0DmG+
__/、冫、)_  Gimme snack.

429 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:59:06 ID:CX/qz6aH
Guys, my older sister came home and is dangling a copy of DQ8 in front of me. What do?

430 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:59:09 ID:oseGnIDv
 __Λ_Λ__   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 |  ( ´∀`)  | < Time to sleep.
 |\ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\ \______
 |  \~~~~~~\
 \  \          \
   \  \          \
    \ | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
      \|        |
         ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
......I say that, but I'll be reading the thread in bed on my cell phone.

431 : You can easily tell a VIPPER by their behavior ◆QKO2OCjVyc : 04/11/28 23:59:13 ID:gCslLQjY
I can't go to bed now because the slower-than-usual pace makes me think it's building up to something big.

432 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:59:15 ID:xdKcGRQy
It's better like this. Not too crowded and not too deserted.

433 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/28 23:59:18 ID:oUCI+oVZ
Before soon, there were only a few minutes left till the new episode.
I couldn't see the TV from where I was sitting, so I moved over to the couch.
But it was freezing cold on the couch.
Of course, it's cold when you suddenly leave the heated table you'd been sitting under for the last few hours.
In any case, it was really cold.
I was frantically rubbing my legs to warm them when she asked me

"Do you want to sit here next to me? (while patting the table)"

Needless to say, the heated table was so small that when I was sitting there, I could have easily touched Loli's belly with my feet if I'd stretched my legs a little.
If I sat down next to her, we'd be practically huddling next to each other!!

This is when I started thinking, no, fantasizing "Wait, is she trying to seduce me?"

434 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:59:25 ID:EGwKUG/A
I want to sleep. I want to sleep really bad. But I want to know what happens next much more.

435 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:59:28 ID:j3bI2u9W
Rock: Pull your dick out on stage.
Pop: Pull your dick out at home.
House: Pull your dick out secretly.
Techno: Pull your dick out lightly.
Jazz: Pull your dick out profoundly.
Rock fusion: Pull your dick and pussy out.
Progressive: Pull your dick out solemnly.

436 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:59:29 ID:GOf07gkG
Flip her skirt

437 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:59:38 ID:9xTU+fWq
Wait a second.
>"Of course. The creators and VA in the anime industry are having a hard time because of it."

I feel like most people wouldn't even react to the word "VA"...
It's almost like she knows it...
But maybe it was just the way Molester said it...

438 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:59:41 ID:M0oq2a7U
I'm so lucky to have irl female friends who know what I mean when I say stuff like "VA", "Wanna do it?", "I'll kill you to get it!", "NULL POINTER" etc.

in my dreams. I wish it was reality.

439 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:59:42 ID:rwYTismL
It'd be different if she was dangling her breasts, but I couldn't care less about DQ.

440 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:59:43 ID:/+tqVkcb
Feels like only the real VIPPERs are left now.

441 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:59:45 ID:TfVjNSLH
While Molester is living the life having had seicross for the first time, I'm sitting here with an English study book in one hand and 2ch on my cell phone in the other... orz

442 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:59:45 ID:+NyTwKGB
I think you've got a problem if you find that funny.
Btw, I laughed too.

443 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:59:46 ID:H0e88V4p
I could really use a cup of coffee right now.

444 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:59:49 ID:YynFETFN
Is this Molester's blueballing thread?

445 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:59:51 ID:W2KtqXHk
Ohhhhhhhhhhwwwwwwwwww So lewdwwwwwwwwwwww

446 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:59:56 ID:Tc3oqm9l
Shit just got real!

447 : VIPPER : 04/11/28 23:59:59 ID:uVOl6J30
VIPPER_FRIEND <<Damn! How many did we lose?>>

448 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:00:05 ID:iWvgMLFx
It's here *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・゜(n‘∀‘)η゚・*:.。..。.:*・゜゚・* !!!!

449 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:00:26 ID:yYo8LAt0
Hey, Genshiken is on now.

450 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:00:36 ID:VFpSkgPZ
Stop fantasizing about ridiculous shit!!!!!!!1111

451 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:00:52 ID:VFs+BWqf
Nah, not every 2channer knows the term "VA".
Besides, it's not a 2ch term to begin with.

452 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:00:56 ID:YT0aIUKG
And thus begins Molester's biggest rampage!

453 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:00:57 ID:RWjO/V2g
Molester said he's from Chiba, didn't he?

454 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:01:05 ID:ayvn0x+x
Minor correction:

Jazz: Pull your dick out and swing it around.

455 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:01:10 ID:KVORh+vg
Guys, we're getting closer, we're almost there.

Hang in there a little longer!

456 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:01:13 ID:6xX+AqdV
It's Monday━━(゚∀゚)━━!!

457 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:01:19 ID:+ARL+h9f
Too lewd!

458 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:01:21 ID:pHg4/a0F
Dude, she's just asking if you want sit at the heated table because you're freezing.
Get your mind out of the gutterw

459 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:01:22 ID:KJU96rlq
Okwwwww Pfffwwwwwwww

460 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:01:26 ID:oUkmD3rX
 ↑ Since the Gundam episode is just about to start, we still have a ways to go till we get to the shower scene.

461 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:01:32 ID:vFXnLHrJ
Time to check my ID, I guess.

462 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:01:37 ID:wgvAQP5a
Are you being cringe on purpose?

463 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:01:41 ID:9I+//tJi
       t    j
    i             u

 h                   s

S         a   l         t
       a         !
      a      !  !
         e       r

Seems appropriate.

464 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:01:45 ID:wkFQEf7C
If I learned anything from the past few reports, this is just the quiet before the storm...

The guys who already went to sleep fucked up.

465 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:01:56 ID:dSO/3r78
Shit dickdick guy here to check my ID.

466 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:01:59 ID:r6IcnLF2

467 : You can easily tell a VIPPER by their behavior ◆QKO2OCjVyc : 04/11/29 00:02:18 ID:DJtzAj4P
orz < Anzai-sensei! I... I really want to see what happens next. (But I'm sleepy.)

468 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:02:29 ID:kJ6CAmnp
I wonder how many posts it'll take to cover the 30-minute Gundam episode...

It was a really bad episode full of recycled Zaku Warrior animations and flashbacks.

469 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:02:32 ID:OFQN+FwH
Shit... Shit...
She's patting the table... Shit...


470 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:02:33 ID:i/rkqjAF
They start watching Gundam, she confesses her love to him, then goes to take a shower, and he loses his virginity.

471 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:02:42 ID:c5kWFhIE
Ahhh. So he sits down next to her, and after some huddling, she'll say "Brb taking a shower."
I can already see it.

472 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:02:47 ID:RWjO/V2g
I had no idea SEED was so badly received among anime otaku...
Someone recommended it to me and it was the first anime I watched in a long time, but I liked it quite a lot.

Honestly, I think it was a lot better than, say, Turn A.

473 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:02:55 ID:0qnvSVBd
Hang in there, my friend.

474 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:03:08 ID:+ARL+h9f
I know this is completely off-topic, but my ID says April, everyone.

475 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:03:14 ID:Z9eH9u4G
So I guess we can assume that it was during the Gundam episode that
she took the shower, huh?

476 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:03:21 ID:wkFQEf7C
When you sum it up like that, it's such a sudden turn of events it makes you laugh.

Oh, the IDs changed, huh...

477 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:03:25 ID:i/rkqjAF
If you post stuff like that, you'll start a Gundam war here. Take it somewhere else.

478 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:03:33 ID:N6B2GnsZ
Are we getting to the heart of the matter?
Whoaw My heart is dancingww

479 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:03:47 ID:MLg3LVC7
Guys, make sure to block my ID.

480 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:03:59 ID:KVORh+vg

"Do you want to pilot my mobile suit?"

481 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:04:02 ID:dSO/3r78

482 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:04:06 ID:pHg4/a0F
I like Turn A Gundam... But my wife refuses to watch any other Gundam series than SEED with me.

483 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:04:10 ID:i/rkqjAF
My ID says Anal Fuck. Discuss.

484 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:04:18 ID:RWjO/V2g
Eh? Really?
Sorry, that was not my intention.

485 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:04:22 ID:Ao5Ga3JW
Is he going to go berserk!?

486 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:04:27 ID:vFXnLHrJ
Ho-Hooo-Hoooaaah!! Hoaaaah!!

487 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:04:30 ID:OFQN+FwH
My heart is dancing with yourswwwwwwwww

488 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:04:32 ID:+sIYOfbm
ID check.

489 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:04:34 ID:YT0aIUKG
m9(SДX) I waited so long for thisーーー!

490 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:04:37 ID:KqwZ3wkz
Alright, the bombing is about to begin. Have you guys already dug your trenches?

491 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/29 00:04:37 ID:OHOnsYLn
I couldn't just give in to the temptation, so I decided to stay on the couch for now.
Frankly, I was too flustered to do anything even if I wanted to.

But she said
"Okay, hang in there a second."
and went into the kitchen. I was watching her wondering what she's doing, when she came back with a blanket.
Wha-What is she thinking!?
I got super nervous and was quietly watching her, frozen in place,
when Loli slowly spread the blanket and gently covered my knees with it.

An ordinary man would have fallen for her right then and there, but I'm no ordinary man.
I was just glad because a massive erection had been building up in my pants.
"I can hide it with this!!"
I thought to myself and silently pumped my fist in my mind.

492 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:04:40 ID:qlW+McVx
ID check.

493 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:04:48 ID:WidwZP+Y
Finally, I caught up with the thread.

494 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:04:53 ID:Z9eH9u4G
I hate to admit it, but this cracked me upww

495 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:04:57 ID:P5qNE6Y2
Well, he posted "Is she asking for it?" when she was taking a shower, remember?
She either confessed her love to him, or he found out that he was actually B in the ABC love triangle from before.

496 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:05:04 ID:wgvAQP5a
Are you RMCLSO1d?

497 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:05:06 ID:vFXnLHrJ
Whoa, his genital erectile tissue is becoming engorged.

498 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:05:06 ID:rW6a+kH0
That's a virgin for you.

499 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:05:10 ID:VFpSkgPZ
"I want you to Hamma Hamma my Qubeley!"

500 : ◆AnalSexRiQ : 04/11/29 00:05:10 ID:iWvgMLFx
Do you want my tripcode?

501 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:05:12 ID:r6IcnLF2
When he posted here yesterday,
it was shortly after Gundam had ended,
which means that Loli took the shower at around 6:15 pm.

502 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:05:17 ID:VFs+BWqf
>>483 Oww oww oww...

503 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:05:24 ID:kJ6CAmnp
Why did you get an erection!?wwwwwwwwwwww

504 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:05:26 ID:RWjO/V2g
I have decided that I'll be fapping to Loli tonight!
I can't go to bed before the report ends!

505 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:05:47 ID:KVORh+vg
Yeaaaa(゚∀゚)a( ゚∀)a( ゚)a( )a(` )ant(Д`)pant(;´Д`)pant pant

506 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:05:59 ID:pHg4/a0F
If that'd happened to me, I'd have said
"Okay, okay, I'll sit at the table."
in a heartbeat.

507 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:06:00 ID:OFQN+FwH
I can't believe you got a bonerwww
Whoawwwwwwwwwwww What are you getting all excited for?wwwwwwwww

508 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:06:03 ID:rW6a+kH0
Let's not forget that there's still Kansai left.

509 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:06:04 ID:i/rkqjAF
What am I supposed to do with it?

510 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:06:12 ID:WuG56WEj
You got an erection?wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Fucking LOLwwwwwwwwwwww

511 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:06:23 ID:MLg3LVC7
Ohh, that's me.

512 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:06:29 ID:KqwZ3wkz
Nice crab erection.

513 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:06:33 ID:2V2rlYvh
Well, to be honest, I can't blame you for getting an erectionw

514 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:06:48 ID:VFs+BWqf

515 : You can easily tell a VIPPER by their behavior ◆QKO2OCjVyc : 04/11/29 00:06:58 ID:DJtzAj4P
Turn A was well-received by reviewers who can appreciate a good story though. (If you don't believe me, google it and see for yourself.)
Otaku like to praise SEED and shit on Turn A because it doesn't have any moe characters, but it's not even a competition.

Make sure to say this to Loli Jugs too.

516 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:07:07 ID:dSO/3r78
Get on my level first, Molester.

I'd have gotten an erection the moment I stepped inside her room.

517 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:07:21 ID:+sIYOfbm
Ain't nothing weird about a man getting an erection.

518 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:07:24 ID:N6B2GnsZ
Screw studying.
You'll have my full attention from now on, Molester!

519 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:07:24 ID:xwArnOC9
Huh? My little guy is starting to react too!?

520 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:07:26 ID:wkFQEf7C
There are two kinds of erections in this world.

"Good erections" and "bad erections". Know the difference, it could save your life.

521 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:07:26 ID:+ARL+h9f

522 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:07:26 ID:RWjO/V2g
That is a wonderful tripcode.

523 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:07:31 ID:dSO/3r78
Quit that shit, you bald fuck.

524 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:07:32 ID:KVORh+vg
In b4 Loli trips and ends up gripping Molester's joystick.

525 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:07:33 ID:E29sZVG4
Caps Lock. The moment you notice it, it's already too late...

526 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:07:35 ID:YUJmpBBd
What a wasted opportunity... That's Molester Man for youw

527 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:07:44 ID:VFs+BWqf
>>491 Did something come out?

528 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:08:10 ID:WuG56WEj
Are you implying that Sochie Heim isn't moe!?

529 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:08:20 ID:KVORh+vg
It turns out that she had puked on the blanket too.

530 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:08:22 ID:rW6a+kH0
There's no way she didn't notice his erection when she covered his knees with the blanket.

531 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:08:36 ID:vFXnLHrJ
Cute Laura Rolla is cute.

532 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:08:42 ID:XJHf61n1
I'm at my limitwww I need sleepwwww

Good night, you guys.

533 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:08:47 ID:KqwZ3wkz
That's it!wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Pffffff

534 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:08:56 ID:RWjO/V2g
This is how it always begins. You fail your entrance exams, so you decide to try it next year, and before you realize it, you're stuck in 2ch forever.

535 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/29 00:09:06 ID:OHOnsYLn
And then Gundam SEED started.
I was afraid I wouldn't be able to focus on the episode if she kept asking all kinds of questions,
but my worries proved to be unwarranted.

Loli watched the episode without asking many questions.
Maybe her fujoshi friend gave her a short summary and she can actually follow the story now.
In any case, she stayed quiet while Gundam was on.

But the unexpected silence distracted me all the more.
I was a lot more aware of her presence precisely because she wasn't saying anything.
Since I was sitting further away from the TV than her, I kept glancing at her every few seconds. I'm so creepy.

536 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:09:09 ID:YT0aIUKG
Molester's crotch is the Moonlight Butterfly!

537 : You can easily tell a VIPPER by their behavior ◆QKO2OCjVyc : 04/11/29 00:09:22 ID:DJtzAj4P
That is the difference between someone who can read the room and someone who can't.

I'm someone who can't.

538 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:09:24 ID:VFs+BWqf
>>491 What was the pattern of the blanket?

539 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:09:41 ID:Z9eH9u4G
I see! Seeing his erection caused Loli to go into full seduction mode.

540 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:09:47 ID:kJ6CAmnp
Blanket → foreshadowing of seicross on the couch

541 : 472 : 04/11/29 00:09:55 ID:RWjO/V2g
It's all because I mentioned SEED and Turn A. Sorry about that.
I'll be more careful from now on.

542 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:09:57 ID:rW6a+kH0
Loli must have seen him glancing over in the mirror or something.

543 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:10:01 ID:4bceQlRw
I should be prepping for entrance exams too...
What am I doing here...

544 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:10:00 ID:uiUWsocs
At least you're aware that you're creepy.

545 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:10:15 ID:KVORh+vg
Hug her tightly from behind!
Most women fall for you when you do that.

I hope I dream about this tonight.

546 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:10:16 ID:wkFQEf7C
Post pics!

547 : You can easily tell a VIPPER by their behavior ◆QKO2OCjVyc : 04/11/29 00:10:17 ID:DJtzAj4P
You're reading way too much into it.

548 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:10:22 ID:pHg4/a0F
You really need to go out more and jack off in front of women or something to get used to being around them, dude.

549 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:10:34 ID:i/rkqjAF
"This anime sure has a lot of love scenes."

"Let's film our own then."

550 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:10:46 ID:VFs+BWqf
Whoa, whoa, doesn't he realize what an amazing situation he's in?

551 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:10:50 ID:N6B2GnsZ
Yeah, who cares about entrance exams? All I care about right now is Molesterwww

552 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:11:16 ID:kJ6CAmnp
Sigh... I should be studying for entrance exams too... ('A`)

553 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:11:21 ID:ayvn0x+x

554 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:11:23 ID:nBgMD5y+
Did you see her two watermelons when you glanced at her? You can tell me.
Did youーーーーーー?

555 : (・ω・ ミ 3 )∋ : 04/11/29 00:11:30 ID:Z/rcZE+U
+   +
  ∩_∩  +
 (0゚・(ェ)・) ba-dump ba-dump bear bear
 (0゚つ旦O +
 と__)__) +

556 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:11:32 ID:YUJmpBBd
I'm studying for entrance exams too. Actually, mine are in three days and I just wasted an entire day on Molester Manw

557 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:11:32 ID:KVORh+vg
Congratulations, you passed the NEET test!

558 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:11:39 ID:ZUPb6Vr4
I'm so glad I didn't know about 2ch when I was preparing for entrance exams.
From the bottom of my heart.

559 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:11:45 ID:qlW+McVx
Whoawwww I have an entrance exam todaywwwww

560 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:11:46 ID:VFs+BWqf
I'm starting to get pissed at OP for some reason!
It's not because I'm envious or something!

561 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:11:47 ID:iWvgMLFx

562 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:11:49 ID:i/rkqjAF
So many people studying for entrance exams here.

563 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:11:53 ID:WuG56WEj

564 : You can easily tell a VIPPER by their behavior ◆QKO2OCjVyc : 04/11/29 00:11:56 ID:DJtzAj4P
How come Molester doesn't even realize what kind of situation he's in? He's all alone with a girl in a locked room!

565 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/29 00:12:01 ID:OHOnsYLn
Soon enough, this week's episode of SEED was over. In the end, I wasn't able to focus on the episode at all.
Oh well, I record every episode anyway, so I'll just rewatch it when I'm home...

But as soon as the ED ended, without paying attention to the preview of the next episode, Loli said

"Ah, Mr. Molester, do you mind if I quickly take a shower?"
"Huh? No. Go ahead."

tap tap tap
With light footsteps, Loli Jugs headed to the bathroom.

Is this for real?

566 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:12:12 ID:RWjO/V2g
>Yeah, who cares about entrance exams? All I care about right now is Molesterwww

This is a pretty crazy post if you take it out of context.

567 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:12:16 ID:r6IcnLF2
I couldn't agree more.

568 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:12:21 ID:9I+//tJi
Molester: "That was another great Gundam episode."
Loli: "It was amazing how they can cut through everything with a beam saber."
Molester: "My beam saber is ready anytime!!!"

569 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:12:22 ID:vFXnLHrJ
It's here*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・゜(゚∀゚)゚・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*!!!!!

570 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:12:23 ID:rg5/77zz
It's here―━―━―━―(゜∀゜)―━―━―━―!!!!!

571 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:12:25 ID:iWvgMLFx
It's here━━( ´∀‘)・ω・) ゚Д゚)・∀・) ̄ー ̄)´_ゝ‘)‘Д´)-_-)冫、 )ノД‘)=゚ω゚)━━!!!

572 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:12:29 ID:YT0aIUKG
I feel called out. I fapped in front of a woman while she licked my nipples because I couldn't cum the normal way...

573 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:12:30 ID:OFQN+FwH
I can't...
I'm so sleepy...
I love you...
I love you guys...
I love you all...

574 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:12:34 ID:i/rkqjAF
It's here━━━(゚∀゚)━( ゚∀)━(  ゚)━(  )━(  )━(゚  )━(∀゚ )━(゚∀゚)━━━!!!!!

575 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:12:34 ID:urhiyfRA
It's today's main event━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!!!

576 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:12:36 ID:eVXg3pVr
It's the shower scene━━━━━━\(゚∀゚)/━━━━━━ !!!!!

577 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:12:39 ID:kJ6CAmnp
This came out of nowhere!

I mean               /\        /\
                  丿 ::.__  .:::::::::::::  __  ::::ヽ_
 It's here           / /。 ヽ_ヽv /: /。ヽ  ::::::ヽ
 -┼-   丿~~~|     / / ̄ ̄√___丶  ̄ ̄\  ::::|            ■ ■
 -┼-   /~~~~/ ━━━ | .:::::::::: / / tーーー|ヽ     ..::::: ::|━━━━━━  ▼ ▼
  .|       丿      | .:::::.  ..: |    |ヽ        ::|            ● ●
                | :::    | |⊂ニヽ| |      :::::| \
              / /| :    | |  |:::T::::| !      .::| \ \\
             / / \:    ト--^^^^^┤      丿 \\\ \\\

578 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:12:41 ID:KVORh+vg

"Mr. Molester, did you know that the G in Gundam stands for G-spot?"

579 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:12:42 ID:WuG56WEj
If you recorded the damn episode, why did you make such a big fuss about watching it live!?wwwwwwwwwwwww

580 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:12:43 ID:RIe6Lw7b
How many inches was her TV?

581 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:12:44 ID:0tDPF8S/
Whoa, whoa, I didn't expect to see so many students prepping for entrance exams herew
Actually, I'm one too.

582 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:12:47 ID:uiUWsocs
While she was in the shower, you were jacking off when you posted here, weren't you?

583 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:12:47 ID:Bwt54Se4
Whoawwwwwwwww I went from half-erect to rock hardwwwwwwww

584 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:12:51 ID:4bceQlRw
It's here━━(━(━(-( ( ('A`) ) )-)━)━) ━━ !!!!!

585 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:12:55 ID:8/YVjTNg
What's with this sudden turn of events!?

586 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:13:01 ID:Ao5Ga3JW
It's here━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!

587 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:13:03 ID:iWvgMLFx
Whoa, I'm gonna start watching Gundam starting tomorrow toowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

588 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:13:11 ID:VFpSkgPZ
Of course he's aware of it. That's why he said "Is she asking for it?"

589 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:13:14 ID:r6IcnLF2
We're finally at the part where he posted in the thread yesterday.

590 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:13:15 ID:+ARL+h9f

591 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:13:16 ID:pHg4/a0F
Dude, you had recorded the episode!!?

592 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:13:18 ID:YUJmpBBd
It's here━━━ヽ(∀゚ )人(゚∀゚)人( ゚∀)人(∀゚ )人(゚∀゚)人( ゚∀)ノ━━━ !!!

And 2ch gets really slow all of a sudden. Figures.

593 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:13:18 ID:DM5rHBpI
It's here━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━!!!!!

594 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:13:18 ID:9I+//tJi
Depending on the the way you look at it, it's like she only thinks of you as a friend or something.

595 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:13:34 ID:WSIgfRoC
Alright, time to pull down my pantswwwwwww My underwear toowwwwwwwwww Whoawwwwwwww

596 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:13:41 ID:+ARL+h9f
If you recorded it, why did you want to watch it so bad...

597 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:13:41 ID:KVORh+vg
It...(-_-)It(_- )It!(-  )It's!(   )It's here(.  ゚)It's here!( ゚∀)It's here!!( ゚∀゚ )It's here━━━

>entrance exams
You all passed the NEET test.

598 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:13:46 ID:iWvgMLFx
Post pics.

599 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:13:49 ID:VFs+BWqf
It's here━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!

600 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:13:49 ID:rW6a+kH0
Finally the shower scene.

601 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:13:50 ID:Z9eH9u4G
The Gundam part was shorter than I expectedwww

602 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:13:50 ID:+sIYOfbm
fsdf:;lfor real!?wwwwwwwww

603 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:13:57 ID:pHg4/a0F
Then that makes Mobile Fighter G Gundam...... Nah, let's not go there.

604 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:13:58 ID:ayvn0x+x
Do not fret!
This is nothing! I made it through the final "Train Man" bombing the day before my entrance exam!

605 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:13:59 ID:ZUPb6Vr4
Well, I happen to be studying for entrance exams too.
Oh shit, I have an university interview tomorrowwwwwww

606 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:14:10 ID:RWjO/V2g
This is how the shower scene happened?
If it's like this, I seriously doubt they had seicross.

607 : (・ω・ ミ 3 )∋ : 04/11/29 00:14:11 ID:Z/rcZE+U
  Come here
  ┏┓  ┏━┓      .∧_∧
┏┛┗┓..┗━┛     (*´∀`*)__                ┏━┓┏━┓
┗┓┏┛┏━━┓   /⌒  m6っ )             ┃  ┗┛  ┃
┏┛┗┓┗┓┏┛┏━| |/⌒)| ( /\━━━━━━┓┃        ┃
┗┓┏┛  ┃┃  ┗━.| / ./;;::;l_/   . ̄ヽ ━━━━┛┗┓    ┏┛
  ┃┃  ┏┛┃      l_/;;;;::;;;ト-─''  ノ          ┗┓┏┛
  ┗┛  ┗━┛     /;;//;;;::;;/  -──-_/~\_       ┗┛

608 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:14:12 ID:Bwt54Se4
I hope you crouched in front of the bathroom door and peekedwwwwww Okwwwwwwww

609 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:14:25 ID:RIe6Lw7b
Describe the layout of her room!!

610 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:14:26 ID:VFs+BWqf
I'm getting hard.

611 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:14:28 ID:4G2QtfNQ
I have a test tomorrow.

612 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:14:33 ID:oUkmD3rX
Isn't he just feeling relieved because he knows he's not part of the ABC love triangle?

613 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:14:37 ID:9I+//tJi
That's really bad!! Go to bed!!

614 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:14:42 ID:ZUPb6Vr4
I'm getting wet.

615 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:14:40 ID:WSltLQ5R
The time has finally come, huh?

616 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:14:43 ID:VFpSkgPZ
Could it be that he didn't talk more about the Gundam episode because losing his virginity made him lose interest in stuff like that?wwwwwwwww Drop deadwwwwwwwwwww

617 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:14:43 ID:r6IcnLF2
Why is this thread full of people studying for entrance exams?w
Plus, most of them seem to be ones with recommendations too.

618 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:14:58 ID:WuG56WEj
Okwwwwwwwwwwww My asswwwwwwwwww Okwwwwwwwwwwwww

619 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:14:58 ID:8Nqo/3QI
Famista AA

620 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:15:01 ID:LHWD8hqB
I hope he didn't scour her room for her underwear while she was taking a shower.

621 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:15:04 ID:urhiyfRA
I can only imagine the things Molester must have done while she was in the shower.

622 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:15:06 ID:4bceQlRw
There's no way I'll get admitted to Tokyo University. Discuss.

623 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:15:14 ID:fZyW5ENR
It's here━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!

624 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:15:15 ID:MLg3LVC7
Here we go!
Excluding all live watch threads:
1. [Single guys] Hypocrisy is better than not doing anything. Discuss. (542/1001) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
2. [VIP] I got totally mistaken for a molester part 22 (524/548) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
3. [Finding a job] EZ!TV part 2 (508/969) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
Date: Mon Nov 29 00:12:28 JST 2004

625 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:15:18 ID:eVXg3pVr
I have entrance exams coming up too.

626 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:15:23 ID:VFs+BWqf
Brb jerking off.

627 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:15:29 ID:v6/bnPRO
Holy shit!
Shit is going down in all kinds of threads right now!
I wish I could read them all at the same time!

628 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:15:33 ID:i/rkqjAF
I have the whole day off tomorrow. I win.
I can stay up and read this thread for as long as I want tonightwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Pfffwwwwwwwwww

629 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:15:34 ID:pHg4/a0F
We're almost at the scene we've all been waiting for!!

630 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:15:34 ID:vFXnLHrJ
I'm one of the losers who were playing video games the day before the national center test.

631 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:15:38 ID:kJ6CAmnp
So, did you watch Cardcaptor Sakura?

632 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:15:42 ID:ayvn0x+x
>>622 I think it's great that you tried in the first place. Discuss.

633 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:15:48 ID:RWjO/V2g
Is it too early to take off my underwear?

634 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:15:52 ID:+ARL+h9f
Molester Man, you're planning on keeping us awake all night, huh?

635 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:15:56 ID:Z9eH9u4G
I, for one, am not preparing for any entrance exams.

636 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:15:59 ID:Bwt54Se4
Whoawwwwww This thread is going placeswwwwwwww
wwwwwwww I hope whoever went around linking to this thread kills himselfwwwwwww

637 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:15:59 ID:dSO/3r78
He talked more than enough about Gundam!

638 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:16:06 ID:N6B2GnsZ
I said I'm studying for entrance exams, but I'm in second year of high school, so I still have time.
But since I'm aiming for Tokyo University, I should be focusing on studying all day everyday.

Anyways, did you do it or not, OP?

639 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:16:19 ID:P5qNE6Y2
Like I said, she's most likely going to come out of the shower, return his shirt to him and then tell him the truth about the ABC story.

640 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:16:37 ID:RIe6Lw7b
|                |
|                |
|                |              
|                |
|                |
|                |
|                |

What's the layout of her room like?

641 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/29 00:16:39 ID:OHOnsYLn
I was in a state of panic.
This is yakui! Really yakui!! The turning point of my life!! What should I do, what should I do...
"Have a quick wank first?"
I said out loud while pulling down my pants (I'm not joking).

But my mind went blank soon after.
I was all alone, locked up in a room, completely surrounded by a steel frame and concrete, without anyone to ask for help.
No one to ask for help..................

Oh right! I do have friends! Thousands of reassuring friends who'd do anything for shits and giggles!!
Come on!! i-mona!!!!!!!!

642 : You can easily tell a VIPPER by their behavior ◆QKO2OCjVyc : 04/11/29 00:16:42 ID:DJtzAj4P
I hate to break it to you, but you being on 2ch right now is a red flag...

643 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:16:58 ID:+sIYOfbm
I'm so sleepywwwwwwwww

644 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:17:09 ID:kJ6CAmnp
I bet she'll come out of the shower with only Molester's shirt onwwwwwwwwwww Okwwwwwwwwww

645 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:17:11 ID:ZUPb6Vr4
It's i-mona━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!

646 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:17:13 ID:9I+//tJi
Oh, it's finally timewwwwwwww

647 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:17:17 ID:WuG56WEj
He's going to masturbate in a woman's apartmentwwwwwwwwww Okwwwwwwwwwww

648 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:17:22 ID:Bwt54Se4

649 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:17:24 ID:dSO/3r78
Get off 2ch and do some studying instead.

650 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:17:25 ID:+ARL+h9f
>I said out loud while pulling down my pants (I'm not joking).


651 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:17:27 ID:4G2QtfNQ
I mean, iMona is really good.

652 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:17:31 ID:tHCDh01u
He means us!

653 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:17:33 ID:KVORh+vg
We'll always be on your side, Molester!

So please introduce me to the girls. ('A`)

654 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:17:33 ID:r6IcnLF2
It's an idiotーーー

655 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:17:36 ID:RWjO/V2g
Don't pull your pants down!

656 : Molester Man ◆FYqCqElfAk : 04/11/29 00:17:37 ID:iWvgMLFx
Let me post a little something I found in her room.


657 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:17:45 ID:8/YVjTNg

658 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:18:03 ID:Z9eH9u4G
So that's when you made that post?wwwww

659 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:18:08 ID:i/rkqjAF
On an unrelated note, I feel like the last time I heard the word "yakui" was when Yakumo from 3×3 EYES said it.

660 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:18:09 ID:pHg4/a0F
You wanted our advice so bad and you made posts like that...?

661 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:18:15 ID:Bwt54Se4
Pulling down your pants in a girl's room is already too valuable an experience for youwww

662 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:18:16 ID:VFs+BWqf
>>641 You're a man among men if you pull off having a wank there.

663 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:18:22 ID:KVORh+vg
Impostors go to━━━━||Φ|(|´|Д|`|)|Φ||━━━━jail!

664 : You can easily tell a VIPPER by their behavior ◆QKO2OCjVyc : 04/11/29 00:18:23 ID:DJtzAj4P
That's from the little sister thread.

665 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:18:26 ID:9I+//tJi

That pic is from when that guy got caught fapping by his little sister YOYOYOYOYOYOYO!

666 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:18:26 ID:8/YVjTNg
That's the panties pic from the little sister thread.

667 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:18:29 ID:xwArnOC9
Whoawww Lightsaber unleashedwwww

668 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:18:33 ID:vFXnLHrJ
Loli comes out of the shower
She's not wearing anything besides the shirt he lent her for some reason
"Let me... give it back to you."
(*゚∀゚)=3 huff puff

669 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:18:36 ID:kJ6CAmnp
I'll try it out tomorrow.

670 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:18:44 ID:E29sZVG4


671 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:18:48 ID:Bwt54Se4
I can't see it.

672 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:18:51 ID:r6IcnLF2
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Molester just turned into an actual criminal. Discuss.

673 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:18:56 ID:rmHn/pdk

674 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:19:09 ID:iWvgMLFx
Uh-oh, you saw through me.

675 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:19:14 ID:KqwZ3wkz
VIP QUALITY! Yeeehaaawww!

676 : You can easily tell a VIPPER by their behavior ◆QKO2OCjVyc : 04/11/29 00:19:15 ID:DJtzAj4P

677 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:19:17 ID:9I+//tJi

656 Name: Molester Man ◆FYqCqElfAk [] Date: 04/11/29(Mon) 00:17:37 ID:iWvgMLFx
Let me post a little something I found in her room.


678 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:19:18 ID:RWjO/V2g
You fucking...
What kind of panties are those though?
I've never seen ones like that.

679 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:19:28 ID:P5qNE6Y2
You're genius.

680 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:19:28 ID:Ru7PvnVT
You're getting trolled, idiot.

681 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:19:29 ID:ayvn0x+x
VIPPER <<All units, don't let FYqCqElfAk get away.>>

682 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:19:31 ID:rW6a+kH0
>>672 can't even tell the difference between the real Molester and an impostor. Discuss.

683 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:19:32 ID:tHCDh01u
How can you guys instantly tell they're the panties from the little sister thread!?
You guys are amazingwwwww

684 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:19:33 ID:Z9eH9u4G
I think we broke the site for a few seconds therewww

685 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:19:35 ID:ippBXsMU
Look closely at the tripcode.

686 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:19:40 ID:eVXg3pVr

687 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:19:56 ID:KVORh+vg
You're being trolled. Discuss.                      There's nothing to discuss.

688 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:20:07 ID:ZUPb6Vr4
Loli will come out sooooooooonnnn

689 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:20:10 ID:nBgMD5y+
Wow, Molester Man! He does something we never could without blinking!
What a guy!

But he's becoming increasingly true to his name. Discuss.

690 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:20:13 ID:pHg4/a0F
Someone posted the same thing yesterday. Was that you too?

691 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:20:26 ID:VFpSkgPZ
That's what I predicted yesterday!!!!!!1111

692 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:20:27 ID:VFs+BWqf
>>641 But you touched yourself a little, didn't you?

693 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:20:32 ID:YT0aIUKG
Are you the real Mr. Santa!?

694 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:20:49 ID:vFXnLHrJ

695 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:20:52 ID:9I+//tJi
I've been conditioned to subconsciously click on every thread that contains "little sister" in the title.

696 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:20:57 ID:+ARL+h9f

You're a genius.

697 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:21:06 ID:dSO/3r78

698 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/29 00:21:21 ID:OHOnsYLn
And so I asked my reliable friends for their reliable advice.
Though, since I was using my cell phone, I couldn't even follow the thread like I could on a PC.

But I did see a lot of posts with "Kansai".

That's right... What am I even thinking... The one I like is Kansai, right?
What am I getting a hard-on in a room alone with another girl for...?
Just when I was about to regain my resolve, I caught sight of a post that said

"I bet her boyfriend does the maintenance on her bike."

699 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:21:24 ID:8/YVjTNg
Your IDs are kinda similar.

700 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:21:35 ID:KVORh+vg

"Mr. Molester, don't you think that Christmas and clitoris have the same ring to them?"

701 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:21:46 ID:Ru7PvnVT
His resolution is waveringーーーーーーーーーーーーーー!!!

702 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:21:46 ID:YUJmpBBd

Honestly though, I really need to start cramming for exams. Discuss.

703 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:21:51 ID:vFXnLHrJ

704 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:21:53 ID:c5kWFhIE
Are you still going through puberty or something?

705 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:22:02 ID:mCrTeyRm
He's blaming it on someone else―――――――(゜V゚)―――――――!

706 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:22:02 ID:rW6a+kH0
I knew you'd use that as your excuse.

707 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:22:03 ID:kJ6CAmnp
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoawwwwww

708 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:22:03 ID:P5qNE6Y2
If nothing happened after all this, then Loli must be a you-know-what.

709 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:22:03 ID:ZUPb6Vr4
That right there is what pisses me off about him.

710 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:22:07 ID:Vq/PVx26
We're getting to the most important part━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━━!!!!!
You do know that that's just baseless conjecture, right?

711 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:22:08 ID:dSO/3r78
I laughed.

712 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:22:15 ID:9I+//tJi

713 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:22:27 ID:i/rkqjAF
You fucked up━━━(゚∀゚)━( ゚∀)━(  ゚)━(  )━(  )━(゚  )━(∀゚ )━(゚∀゚)━━━!!!!!

714 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:22:28 ID:uiUWsocs
That's all it took to shake your resolve?

715 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:22:31 ID:iWvgMLFx
I knew it. It's the VIPPERs' fault again.

716 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:22:33 ID:KVORh+vg
  _  ∩
( ゚∀゚)彡 Do it! Do it!

717 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:22:36 ID:KqwZ3wkz
He found an excuse!

718 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:22:41 ID:oUkmD3rX
From now on, this incident shall be known as the iMona tragedy.

719 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:22:49 ID:RWjO/V2g
>"I bet her boyfriend does the maintenance on her bike."

I don't think Kansai is the type to tell lies...
Ah, no, sorry. The exact same type of girl as Kansai once lied to me about not having a boyfriend...
It was such an unpleasant memory that I had repressed it... orz

720 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:22:50 ID:YT0aIUKG
When you give in to lust and then start blaming it on Kansai.

721 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:22:54 ID:Z9eH9u4G
Does that one post make
Loli > Kansai
or what?

722 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:22:55 ID:Bwt54Se4
'`,、'`,、('∀`) '`,、'`,、

723 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:23:03 ID:kJ6CAmnp
The bike maintenance post...

The guy who posted it said that he regretted posting it.

724 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:23:03 ID:dSO/3r78
Guys! There's no point telling Molester to stop now! It's yesterday's news!

725 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:23:04 ID:E29sZVG4
Might as well switch routes to Loli at this point.

726 : (・ω・ ミ 3 )∋ : 04/11/29 00:23:13 ID:Z/rcZE+U
His desire to lose his virginity >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> His feelings for Kansai

727 : You can easily tell a VIPPER by their behavior ◆QKO2OCjVyc : 04/11/29 00:23:17 ID:DJtzAj4P
Guys like this always do it, only to regret it afterwards and get all depressed over it.

728 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:23:32 ID:i/rkqjAF
My sides are in orbit!

729 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:23:45 ID:tHCDh01u
Seicross if possible!!!
Seicross if possible!!!

730 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:23:50 ID:wkFQEf7C
That's right! It's the day after the fair!!

731 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:23:51 ID:+ARL+h9f
I bet he did it. I can smell it.

732 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:23:53 ID:RWjO/V2g

733 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:23:56 ID:VFs+BWqf
Well, you can take care of Loli's maintenance then.

734 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:24:03 ID:pHg4/a0F
Dude, Kansai told you herself that she doesn't have a boyfriend...
And here you are getting all insecurew

735 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:24:05 ID:KVORh+vg
If you went into the bathroom after her, you'd be a god.

No, on second thought, I guess you'd just be a molester.

736 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:24:06 ID:urhiyfRA
Comedy is all about range and versatility.

737 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:24:08 ID:WuG56WEj
Don't you normally get your bike maintenance done at the dealer?

738 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:24:17 ID:vFXnLHrJ
Sorrywwwwwwww That's mewwwwwwww I'm sweating like hellwwwww

739 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:24:18 ID:Vq/PVx26
And this is how people end up choosing momentary pleasure over things important to them.

740 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/29 00:24:29 ID:OHOnsYLn
Instantly, all the things Kansai said played back in my head.
On a completely unrelated note, the English word
has an incredibly lewd ring to it, don't you think?

In any case, some of the things she said were definitely suspicious.
She rarely mentions her family and she made it sound like someone else was in charge of the maintenance on her bike.
"I don't do maintenance on the bike, I just ride itw"
I bet you ride guys too, you easy rider!!

But you're the one I like, you idiot!!

741 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:24:37 ID:YT0aIUKG
Spilled milk!

742 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:24:42 ID:wkFQEf7C
I'll only say this because the thread's going so fast right now!

743 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:24:49 ID:kJ6CAmnp

744 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:24:49 ID:oUkmD3rX
Yeah, I think he later said that he too lets the dealer do the maintenancew

745 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:24:51 ID:i/rkqjAF
Climbing the stairway of adulthood, you are still

746 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:24:52 ID:rW6a+kH0

747 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:24:56 ID:Ao5Ga3JW
Don't tell me... you really...

748 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:24:57 ID:KqwZ3wkz
This is a disaster...

_| ̄|Σ=・∵.○  let's gooo

749 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:25:03 ID:+ARL+h9f
It's you!? Okwwwwwwwww Pfffwwwwwwww

750 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:25:21 ID:P5qNE6Y2
>>But you're the one I like, you idiot!!

This is VIP QUALITY after all.

751 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:25:18 ID:DM5rHBpI
Stay true to Kansai to the end!

752 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:25:35 ID:Bwt54Se4
You little... Hahaha

753 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:25:37 ID:kJ6CAmnp
We're witnessing a historic moment right now.

754 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:25:40 ID:uiUWsocs
I'd definitely go for Kansai... I feel like we'd get along well.

755 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:25:44 ID:CAv8dhMu
It's our fault again!? (# ゚Д゚) Again!?

756 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:25:45 ID:KVORh+vg
Huh? So he didn't do it? (´・ω・`)

757 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:25:49 ID:ZUPb6Vr4
In b4 he's like
"Oops, I did it."

758 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:25:54 ID:iWvgMLFx
But in the end, he'll give in to temptation, won't he?

759 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:25:56 ID:pHg4/a0F
His heart loves Kansai,
but his body loves Loli, huh?

I wish I had two girls to choose from too!!

760 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:26:09 ID:Bwt54Se4
He's making posts with 7, 8 lines now.

761 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:26:09 ID:dSO/3r78
But that's how it often goes in real life.
I bet I too won't be able to go out with the girl I like and will instead get stuck with some girl who's more in my league. ('A`)

762 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:26:11 ID:YT0aIUKG
It's all because I didn't believe in Molester! Please forgive meeeee!

763 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:26:15 ID:P5qNE6Y2
Molester, I for one have always believed in you.

764 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:26:17 ID:wodBhdzg
Then say something!

765 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:26:19 ID:9I+//tJi
                  /  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
                 /          ヽ
                 /           ヽ
                 | 人_____________     |
                 |●  ●  |     | That is VIP QUALITY.
                 /       /   / |
                /|▼     ./  /  |
     ____________     |___|┴―   /__/ |  丿
     \~~ /       |  ̄        |__/ )
      \ /___       (\___    /  )―――
      ( つ(__/ \      (  |   /   )
      (__フ|    \  / (  |  /    )
      ⊂―||―、   | /

766 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:26:20 ID:VFpSkgPZ
The Murakami Naoki of VIP.

767 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:26:21 ID:ZpqVDNiI
No way. Did you actually do it?

768 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:26:25 ID:YUJmpBBd
Fuck it.
Just post what happened so we can use it as fap material.

769 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:26:26 ID:Ru7PvnVT
Whoa, whoa, we might have to start the next thread soon. Are we gonna be alright?

770 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:26:28 ID:ayvn0x+x
We don't have much ammo left! Only 230 left!

771 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:26:30 ID:rW6a+kH0
And his soul loves Miss Understanding.

772 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:26:35 ID:4G2QtfNQ
It's about time to start the next thread.

773 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:26:40 ID:RWjO/V2g
>has an incredibly lewd ring to it, don't you think?

Molester's English level is incredibly low. Discuss.

774 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:26:58 ID:+ARL+h9f
Damn, the thread is fast right now.

775 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:27:04 ID:KqwZ3wkz
Upham! Uphaaam!

776 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:27:08 ID:rW6a+kH0
Since the thread's going so fast, should we start the next thread at 850?

777 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:27:08 ID:dSO/3r78
Should I start it?

778 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:27:10 ID:Bwt54Se4
I'll only say this because the thread is going so fast right now.

We're at the best part right now, but my girlfriend keeps telling me to wash rice and won't shut up about it.

779 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:27:15 ID:ZUPb6Vr4
Oh crap, I need to go take a shit.

780 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:27:19 ID:Vq/PVx26
Your heart says yes, huh!?
But your body says no, huh!?

781 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:27:20 ID:vFXnLHrJ
In b4 it was all just a dream━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━!!!!

782 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:27:20 ID:N6B2GnsZ
The bikes outside are so fucking loud.
Just you wait until I become a government official, you punks.

783 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:27:26 ID:wrw/IBb/
So why did she take a shower in the first place?

784 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:27:32 ID:P5qNE6Y2

785 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:27:32 ID:8/YVjTNg
Isn't it about time we used this thread?

I got totally mistaken for a molester part 19

786 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:27:33 ID:yYo8LAt0
Genshiken ended just now.

787 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:27:34 ID:KVORh+vg
Alright! Someone please start the next thread!

What about me, you ask? I'm too busy coming up with the next joke to make everyone laugh!

788 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:27:34 ID:RIe6Lw7b

789 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:27:35 ID:9I+//tJi
We have to make sure we don't start duplicate threads this time!!!!

>>802 should start the next thread!

790 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:27:38 ID:VFs+BWqf
>>766 The author of Norwegian Wood?

791 : 777 : 04/11/29 00:27:59 ID:dSO/3r78
Is it okay if I start it?

792 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:28:00 ID:ayvn0x+x
Drinking hot tea and taking a suggestive shower. It's like that.

793 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:28:18 ID:kJ6CAmnp
Angel      Loli

Kansai     Devil

794 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:28:18 ID:i/rkqjAF
Brb taking a shower too!!1111

795 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:28:21 ID:nBgMD5y+
I'm starving...
Please hurry up...

796 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:28:23 ID:r6IcnLF2
Go ahead.

797 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/29 00:28:28 ID:OHOnsYLn
I was in a half-dazed state.
Before I noticed, my penis had gone limp too.

It makes sense... She's a pretty, sociable university student... There's no way she doesn't have a boyfriend...
I'm such an idiot... Just because she kept me company that night, I got all carried away...
Hehehe. Come on, laugh. Kill me, kill me already!! On second thought, I'm scared of dying, so please don't kill me!!
But then again, I don't think anything good will ever happen to me, so insta-kill me in my sleep!!
Ah, wait, but when you get killed or commit suicide, you probably don't get to go to heaven, do you?
............as I thought, the best way to go out is by getting struck by lightning...............

I was super depressed.
More than super depressed.
Of course, she has a boyfriend.
After all, she's a cute girl.

798 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:28:34 ID:rW6a+kH0
ID:dSO/3r78 seems to be ID:RMCLSO1d. Discuss.

799 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:28:37 ID:VqVtLcim
     / ̄ l |   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
    ■■-っ < See you after the commercial break.
    ´∀`/    \_______________
 Ё|__ | /  |
     | У..  |

800 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:28:39 ID:RWjO/V2g
We should reuse this one first.

801 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:28:57 ID:dLs6BUlP
Tokyo Daigaku Monogatari, huh?

802 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:28:59 ID:wkFQEf7C
Imagine we suddenly got a timeskip
and the report continued with him smoking in bed with Loli lying next to him, I'd lose my shit.

803 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:29:04 ID:vFXnLHrJ
It's the other way round in my opinion. And I happen to find the devil more attractive.

804 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:29:06 ID:kJ6CAmnp
Come back, Molester!!!!!!!!!

805 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:29:19 ID:RIe6Lw7b

806 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:29:22 ID:uiUWsocs
What do you mean, she has to have a boyfriend because she's cute?w

807 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:29:23 ID:KqwZ3wkz
Next thread:

Is this our final answer?

808 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:29:40 ID:VFs+BWqf
Are otaku girls even this bold?
Like, do they seduce guys and stuff?

809 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:29:42 ID:RWjO/V2g
So when she said she was calling her parents that night,
she was actually calling her boyfriend, huh...

810 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:29:44 ID:oUkmD3rX
Better switch to rinse-free rice from now on.

811 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:29:48 ID:p9Eu5QWa
Ah, what was it again?
Wasn't the final twist that the main protag was just fantasizing everything?

812 : You can easily tell a VIPPER by their behavior ◆QKO2OCjVyc : 04/11/29 00:29:49 ID:DJtzAj4P
Commercial breaks are so annoying.

813 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:29:50 ID:Vq/PVx26
You idiot━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━━!!!!!
You're such an... you're such an idiot!!。・゚・(ノД`)・゚・。

814 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:29:57 ID:urhiyfRA
Everything's gonna go downhill from here, isn't it?

815 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:30:02 ID:rW6a+kH0
Maybe she's one of those inexperienced girls who are desperate for some action.

816 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:30:06 ID:YT0aIUKG
I knew you would do it and then blame it on Kansai!

817 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:30:13 ID:kJ6CAmnp
This is 22. Do we really want to go back to 19?

818 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:30:20 ID:+ARL+h9f
His dick will recover the moment he sees Loli coming out of the bathroom. Discuss.

819 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:30:23 ID:i/rkqjAF
I immediately imagined a middle-aged man and a hooker lying next to each other. I watched too many steamy Tuesday TV shows.

820 : 777 : 04/11/29 00:30:24 ID:dSO/3r78
Sorry. I already started it.

I got totally mistaken for a molester part 23

821 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:30:25 ID:qlW+McVx
>>797 Is this from The Ping Pong Club?

822 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:30:26 ID:RWjO/V2g
Let's just hope 777 reads this in time...

823 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:30:39 ID:VFs+BWqf
>>809 Dude, don't say stuff like that now!
He's seriously on the fence right now!

I had the exact same thought though.

824 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:30:49 ID:pHg4/a0F
I used to think that otaku are so much into anime that they're not interested in real seicross,

but I've changed my mind after reading Pork Cutlet's threads......

825 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:30:51 ID:iWvgMLFx
Premature ejaculator.

826 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:31:11 ID:rW6a+kH0
But what if Girl A is Kansai...

827 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:31:46 ID:wkFQEf7C
You're sharp.

828 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:31:52 ID:i/rkqjAF
  ./  ̄/〃__〃   /  ̄/       /
    ―/  __ _/   ./ ―― / /
    _/   /   /   _/    _/ /_/
   /''''''   '''''':::::::\
  . |(●),   、(●)、.:| +
  |   ,,ノ(、_, )ヽ、,, .::::|    
.   |   `-=ニ=- ' .:::::::| +
   \  `ニニ´  .:::::/     +
,,.....イ.ヽヽ、ニ__ ーーノ゙-、.
:   |  '; \_____ ノ.| ヽ i
    |  \/゙(__)\,|  i |
    >   ヽ. ハ  |   ||

829 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:31:54 ID:xwArnOC9
If I could, I'd go back to being 19 in a heartbeat...

830 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:31:58 ID:KqwZ3wkz
So, which one are we using? Make up your minds.

831 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:32:01 ID:KVORh+vg
Is the Girl A, Guy B, Girl C story a foreshadowing or not?

832 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:32:03 ID:Vq/PVx26

I got totally mistaken for a molester part 19
can be the next thread and
I got totally mistaken for a molester part 23
can be the one after that. Is this our final answer?

833 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:32:09 ID:P5qNE6Y2
At the very least, Guy B has to be Molester.

834 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:32:17 ID:RIe6Lw7b
Loli was quiet when they were watching Gundam, right?

It's probably because she was thinking about what to do next.

835 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:32:21 ID:Bwt54Se4
Hey! Hurry the fuck up! I have to go in 5 minutes!!

836 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:32:27 ID:RWjO/V2g
Uhh, from the description, doesn't Girl A seem more like Miss Understanding?
I don't think Kansai is the type to ask another girl for love advice.

837 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:32:33 ID:+ARL+h9f
I need sleep!

838 : !base : 04/11/29 00:32:36 ID:0qodN3El
Finally got around to reading the description in the OP.

839 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:32:53 ID:RWjO/V2g
I would too, my friend... orz

840 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/29 00:33:00 ID:OHOnsYLn
I was still half in a daze,
when the water stopped running in the bathroom.
Just when I'd told you guys what was happening!!


Let me explain!!
In most apartments, you go into a corridor, then through a washroom, where you can wash your face and get changed, and finally get to the bathroom,
but in her apartment, you immediately get the washroom and bathroom in one room.

And so, when the door opened halfway, a bunch of steam entered and Loli's naked arm came into sight, slightly red from taking a bath...

841 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:33:19 ID:KqwZ3wkz
It's a pair of freshly-bathed jugs!

842 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:33:22 ID:iWvgMLFx
I've taken off my underpants.

843 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:33:23 ID:rW6a+kH0
Wait, wasn't it Loli who told Kansai that Miss Understanding isn't interested in Molester as a man?

844 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:33:24 ID:yYo8LAt0
A night at 19 when someone stole my bike and raced off on it

845 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:33:25 ID:8/YVjTNg
My dick is getting erect.

846 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:33:25 ID:9I+//tJi
It's here━─━─━─(゚∀゚(((((((( ;゚Д゚))))))) shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake

847 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:33:25 ID:kJ6CAmnp
It's here!!!
   ┏┓  ┏━━┓      ┏┛┏┓┃        ┃┏┓┗┓       ┏┓┏┓┏┓
 ┏┛┗┓┃┏┓┃    ┏┛  ┗┛┗┓    ┏┛┗┛  ┗┓     ┃┃┃┃┃┃
 ┗┓┏┛┃┗┛┃┏━┃          ┣━━┫          ┃━┓ ┃┃┃┃┃┃
 ┏┛┗┓┃┏┓┃┗━┃          ┃    ┃          ┃━┛ ┗┛┗┛┗┛
 ┗┓┏┛┗┛┃┃    ┗┓        ┗┓┏┛        ┏┛     ┏┓┏┓┏┓
   ┗┛      ┗┛      ┗┓        ┗┛        ┏┛       ┗┛┗┛┗┛

848 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:33:29 ID:Bwt54Se4
Whoawwwwwww It's herewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

849 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:33:31 ID:5NRnUWSq
(*´д`*) pant pant pant pant

850 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:33:32 ID:ZUPb6Vr4

851 : You can easily tell a VIPPER by their behavior ◆QKO2OCjVyc : 04/11/29 00:33:38 ID:DJtzAj4P
I'm nervous...

852 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:33:38 ID:4G2QtfNQ
It's here!

853 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:33:40 ID:Ru7PvnVT
Whoawww My dick is about to explodewww

854 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:33:43 ID:r6IcnLF2
Come on.
I got totally mistaken for a molester part 19
Why revive this super old thread?
Let's just use
I got totally mistaken for a molester part 23

855 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:33:44 ID:P5qNE6Y2

856 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:33:48 ID:LHWD8hqB
    _  ∩
  ( ゚∀゚)彡 She's naked! Naked!

857 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:33:52 ID:urhiyfRA

858 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:33:53 ID:5NRnUWSq
That made me pre-cum.

859 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:33:56 ID:WSltLQ5R
I came...

860 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:33:57 ID:uiUWsocs
In b4 rape!

861 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:34:00 ID:KVORh+vg
It's here!
            _,. -'' " ̄~゙三=-_、_   ,.-'"
          ,,.-''" r _、      三三ヽ."
        /    i {ぃ}}       _ニニ三゙、
       /,.、     `--"      二三三;     _,,. -'''"
       l {ゞ}    i        _ニ三三|  _,..-'''"
      .l `" i_,,...-''|           ニ三三!''"
     _,.-!    !  i         -ニ三三/
      l´,.- l    \/        -ニ三三/
  _.  ! ri l\       __--三三三='"
  j'‘´j `´ | !  ` ミ三三三三三=''"
 i',.. '´}  | |
  l,.. r´   '´

862 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:34:05 ID:2V2rlYvh

          / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
          | ___) (__  |
         ,| 【●】| |【●】 |.
         |     ._| |_,     |
          |  `-==- | < It's here!!!!!!!!
          ヽ ___/
          _|  っ |_
        /        \

863 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:34:06 ID:RWjO/V2g
C-C-C-Can I take off my underwear n-n-now!? Hnngh!

864 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:34:08 ID:eGFzwxb4
Look how fast everyone reacted to his postw

865 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:34:14 ID:9I+//tJi
She's asking for it no matter how you look at it.

866 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:34:26 ID:Vq/PVx26
It's finally here━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━━!!!!!
The time has come and so has my little Johnny!!!

867 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:34:29 ID:+ARL+h9f
Boner bump!

868 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:34:32 ID:YT0aIUKG
We're nearing the end.

869 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:34:32 ID:ZUPb6Vr4
Don't get your hopes up though. Remember his post about her getting changed into something.

870 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:34:33 ID:iWvgMLFx
  _  ∩
( ゚∀゚)彡 Tits! Tits!

871 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:34:36 ID:kJ6CAmnp
Yakui! My heart can't take thiswwwwwwwwwwwww

872 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:34:37 ID:ayvn0x+x
<<He's comin'! He's comin'!!>>
Or rather, it should be
<<She's comin'! She's comin'!!>>

873 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:34:40 ID:vFXnLHrJ
It's here*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・゜(゚∀゚)゚・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*!!!!!

874 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:34:43 ID:pHg4/a0F
Wow, Loli is so aggressive!!!!
Alright, I've made up my mind too!!!

875 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:34:43 ID:Bwt54Se4
Whoawwwwwww I wish I could take off my pants right nowwwwwwwwwww

876 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:34:45 ID:c5kWFhIE
My prediction is that it'll take 2, 3 more posts before we get to the action.

877 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:34:53 ID:wkFQEf7C
I'm just going to leave this here...

    _  ∩
  ( ゚∀゚)彡 Tits! Tits!

878 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:34:54 ID:RWjO/V2g
  _, ._ ∩
( ゚∀゚)彡 Tits! Tits!

879 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:34:55 ID:KVORh+vg

When he lowered his gaze from her naked arm, he saw something long and thick. Something he was all too familiar with...

880 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:34:58 ID:wodBhdzg
It's erect!
It's erect now!

881 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:34:59 ID:T2FnjIJ4
She's going to ask him if he can get her a fresh pair of panties────(゚∀゚)────!!

882 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:35:01 ID:8/YVjTNg
Loli: "Excuse me, could you please hand me a towel?"

883 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:35:06 ID:WSIgfRoC
T-T-Time to take off my pantswwwwwwwwwww

884 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:35:07 ID:WuG56WEj

885 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:35:09 ID:RWjO/V2g
  _, ._ ∩
( ゚Д゚)彡 Tits! Tits!

886 : (・ω・ ミ 3 )∋ : 04/11/29 00:35:10 ID:Z/rcZE+U
IT'S HERE nida
    ┏┓★  ┏━━┓*    +  ┏━━┳┳┓
┏━┛┗━┓┃┏┓┃┏━━━┓┃┏┓┣┻┛ o
┗━┓┏━┛┃┗┛┃┗━━━┛┃┗┛┃ ゚  ★
┏━┛┗━┓┃┏┓┃    .   ┃┏┓┃┏━━┓
┗━┓┏━┛┗┛┃┃  *  +    ┗┛┃┃┗┳  ┃
+   .┃┃      ┏┛┃┏━━━━┓┏┛┃*. ┃┏┛
   ┗┛..。 ゚ +┗━┛┗━━━━┛┗━┛ .*┗┛
゚   ☆    .
_,,,,--='' ___,,-―――='' ̄ __,-―='' ̄ /  +
  _,,-=''     _,,-―='' ̄  ヽ..     / . . .  .
 ̄     ,,-='' ̄            \   /  .  。. ★  ☆
  ,,,.―''       \      .  /  ヽ/     。.    .
 /   ...,,,__  ( ヽ |___/ /(    ヽ,  . *
 丶     ,,,,,,   ) ) |   /  ) )  ,,,,,/ ☆  +
   ヽ  γ´~⌒ヽ( (.  |  /  ( (  /. .     ☆
    \/     | )  ). |_/     ) )/⌒ヽ +★      *

887 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:35:10 ID:ZpqVDNiI
Did you see her jugs?

888 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:35:17 ID:iWvgMLFx
  -=≡     _ _ ∩
 -=≡    ( ゚∀゚)彡 Tits! Tits!
-=≡    ⊂  ⊂彡
 -=≡    ( ⌒)
  -=≡   c し

889 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:35:20 ID:N6B2GnsZ
Reverse rape?

890 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:35:21 ID:P5qNE6Y2
I bet 300,000,000,000 wrenches that Loli is just a natural airhead and isn't doing this intentionally.

891 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:35:21 ID:MLg3LVC7
We're losing.
Excluding all live watch threads:
1. [Noob questions] Random answers to random questions 12225 (755/497) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
2. [VIP] I got totally mistaken for a molester part 22 (573/692) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
3. [Celebrity] ■ 11/28 ■ Because you're with me. Yaguchi Mari ■ Part1 ■ (537/1001) | LINK TO THREAD | PROXY
Date: Mon Nov 29 00:32:13 JST 2004

892 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:35:22 ID:QCRlcOsN
Wait, don't tell me...

893 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:35:24 ID:RWjO/V2g
∩∩_, ,_ _, ,_∩∩
ミミ(Д´≡`Д)彡 Tits! Tits! Tits!
   |   |
   し つJ

894 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:35:26 ID:ippBXsMU
Whoa, no way I can go to bed now!

895 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:35:30 ID:tslfgoIB
Yakui! It's getting hot in here!

896 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:35:33 ID:rW6a+kH0
IIRC, he posted that she put on clothes after this.

897 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:35:34 ID:Ao5Ga3JW
          .____  clack clack clack clack clack clack
          /  / ||   ∧_∧  KEKEHAHYA! HAFUHAHYA
         | ̄ ̄ |   .||  (゚∀゚   ) HYAHYAHYAHA!! HAHYAHYA!
           \ ̄ \ ||¬⊂⊂   ) HYAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

898 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:35:36 ID:yYo8LAt0
I'm absolutely certain that Loli rubbed one out in the bath.

899 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:35:48 ID:kJ6CAmnp
Even so, Molester didn't do it.

900 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:35:51 ID:VFs+BWqf
Will Loli ask him to get clothes for her or something?

901 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:35:57 ID:+ARL+h9f
∩∩_, ,_ _, ,_∩∩
ミミ(Д´≡`Д)彡 Tits! Tits! Tits!
   |   |
   し つJ

902 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:36:08 ID:ZUPb6Vr4
>Loli's naked arm came into sight, slightly red from taking a bath...

903 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:36:09 ID:RWjO/V2g
You're sharp!

904 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:36:13 ID:VFpSkgPZ
So we can safely assume that Molester is a good-looking lad, right?

905 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:36:13 ID:rW6a+kH0
Loli will ask him if he wants to take a shower with her.

906 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:36:13 ID:iWvgMLFx
                 \\  Tits! Tits! Tits! Tits! Tits! Tits!  //
                 \\  Tits! Tits! Tits! Tits! Tits!  //

       _  ∩.     _  ∩.     _  ∩.     _  ∩.     _  ∩.     _  ∩.  
     ( ゚∀゚)彡  ( ゚∀゚)彡  ( ゚∀゚)彡  ( ゚∀゚)彡  ( ゚∀゚)彡  ( ゚∀゚)彡 
     (  ⊂彡.   (  ⊂彡.   (  ⊂彡.   (  ⊂彡.   (  ⊂彡.   (  ⊂彡  
    _  ∩.     _  ∩.     _  ∩.     _  ∩.     _  ∩.     _  ∩.     _  ∩.
  ( ゚∀゚)彡  ( ゚∀゚)彡  ( ゚∀゚)彡  ( ゚∀゚)彡  ( ゚∀゚)彡  ( ゚∀゚)彡  ( ゚∀゚)彡
  (  ⊂彡.   (  ⊂彡.   (  ⊂彡.   (  ⊂彡.   (  ⊂彡.   (  ⊂彡.   (  ⊂彡.
   |   |     |   |     |   |     |   |    |   |     |   |     |   | 
   し ⌒J.    し ⌒J.    し ⌒J.    し ⌒J.   し ⌒J.    し ⌒J.    し ⌒J.

907 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:36:17 ID:wkFQEf7C
In b4 she chugs a glass of milk and lets her towel fall to the ground.

908 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:36:21 ID:KVORh+vg
゚ ・。 ゚・ 。  ・。     ゚・ 。  ・。 ゚・ 。  ・。゚ ・。 ゚・ 。  ・。     ゚・ 。  ・。 ゚・ 。  ・。
 。 。・゚・⌒ヽ 。・゚。・          ゚・ 。 。・゚・⌒)    ゚・ 。 。・゚・⌒ヽ 。・゚。・          ゚・ 。 。・゚・⌒) 
    -=≡ (( ヽニニフ━o  _ _ o━ヽニニフ )) ・。  (( ヽニニフ━o  _ _ o━ヽニニフ )) ・。)≡=-
    -=≡((ヽニ(⌒。・゚。・ ミ (#゚∀゚)彡。・゚。・⌒) ニフ )) ((ヽニ(⌒。・゚。・ ミ (゚∀゚#)彡。・゚。・⌒) ニフ )))≡=- 
    -=≡   ((ヽニニフ━o   o━ヽニニフ )) ゚・     ((ヽニニフ━o   o━ヽニニフ )) ゚・)≡=-
   -=≡((.ヽニ(⌒・゚・。彡 ( ⌒) ミ 。・゚・⌒)フ ))   (.ヽニ(⌒・゚・。彡  (⌒ ) ミ 。・゚・⌒)フ )))≡=-
 。 -=≡((ヽニニフ━o c し' o━ヽニニフ ))       ((ヽニニフ━o   J'c o━ヽニニフ ))≡=- ゚・

909 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:36:23 ID:jcLEbRq/
∩∩_, ,_ _, ,_∩∩
ミミ(Д´≡`Д)彡 Tits! Tits! Tits!
   |   |
   し つJ

910 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/29 00:36:24 ID:OHOnsYLn
"Excuse me, could you please hand me a towel?"

It was so unexpected I stood right up and so did my little one.
For now, I just did as I was told and handed her one of the towels hanging to dry, and that was that.

I wanted to take a whiff but cheers to me for controlling myself.
Then I had to make the first big decision of the day!!

1. Stare at Loli when she comes out (probably wrapped in a bath towel).
2. Stare at the wall behind me and ignore her completely.

911 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:36:37 ID:pHg4/a0F
This is where the real fun begins!!
Whose prediction will turn out to be true......? Or will something happen that none of us predicted!!?

912 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:36:43 ID:nnbAYHWX
Okay, I'm back from my shift and finally caught up with the thread...

913 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:36:44 ID:2V2rlYvh

914 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:36:50 ID:eVXg3pVr
It's here━━━( ´∀`)・ω・) ゚Д゚)゚∀゚)・∀・) ̄ー ̄)´_ゝ`)-_)゚∋゚)´Д`)゚ー゚)━━━!!!!

915 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:36:55 ID:ayvn0x+x
<<Shoot! Shoot!>>

916 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:36:58 ID:n0HKZOo3
Loli: Could you please help me put baby powder under my boobs?

917 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:37:01 ID:KqwZ3wkz
The correct answer was "towel".

918 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:37:03 ID:ZUPb6Vr4
No way!!

919 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:37:05 ID:WuG56WEj

920 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:37:06 ID:VFs+BWqf
No, no. It should be
Loli: "I think I'm going to throw up......"

921 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:37:07 ID:+ARL+h9f

l  | ̄|_

922 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:37:07 ID:p9Eu5QWa
This is a lot more normal than I expectedw

923 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:37:11 ID:P5qNE6Y2
It's the correct answer━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!

924 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:37:19 ID:iWvgMLFx
      Tits!         Tits!
Tits!        Tits!
   Tits!      Tits!
     ((∩     ∩))
Tits!    (∩_, ,_   _, ,_∩))    Tits!
    ((⊂ ((Д´;≡;`Д))ノ∩))
       ((⊂ l⌒i  / ⊃))    Tits!
     ((⊂  (_) )  )) ∪))
Tits!    ((_(((_)))_)))

925 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:37:20 ID:LHWD8hqB
I'd like 1 please.

926 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:37:25 ID:i/rkqjAF
Your ID almost says YHWH. Almost.

927 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:37:26 ID:8/YVjTNg
My prediction came true. Discuss.

928 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:37:26 ID:jcLEbRq/

929 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:37:26 ID:oUkmD3rX
I can't figure Loli out. What's with this woman?

930 : You can easily tell a VIPPER by their behavior ◆QKO2OCjVyc : 04/11/29 00:37:26 ID:DJtzAj4P
Shit, she's asking for a towel. Let's hope for the towel drop route...

931 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:37:29 ID:rW6a+kH0
Were you in the room or something?

932 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:37:31 ID:N6B2GnsZ

933 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:37:32 ID:5NRnUWSq
Admit it. You peeked, didn't you?www

934 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:37:34 ID:YT0aIUKG
Quit drrrrragging it out so much!

935 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:37:37 ID:KVORh+vg

936 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:37:40 ID:Ru7PvnVT

937 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:37:42 ID:Vq/PVx26
What's big about that decision!?
Stare straight at her!!
Stare holes into her!!

938 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:37:43 ID:pHg4/a0F
Get a towel for me!?

I wish a girl would say that to me!!!!

939 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:37:43 ID:dSO/3r78

A situation like out of a script! A molester in his natural habitat!

940 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:38:02 ID:ZpqVDNiI
Yeah, no, she's definitely asking for it.
It'd be a miracle if he didn't do it after all this.

941 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:38:04 ID:PjVuOgKt
Oh shiiiiiiit

942 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:38:05 ID:VFs+BWqf
>>882 was right.

943 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:38:07 ID:MLg3LVC7
┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬;;;;┬;;;;; ┴,;;;┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴
┬┴┬'''';┬┴┬;;;;┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬ ;;┬┴┬┴┬ 
┴┬┴┬┴┬|l ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|┴┬┴;┬┴┬┴┬┴
┬┴,;;;;┴,,,, ┴|l  BOURBON |┬┴┬.┴┬┴┬┴┬
┴┬┴┬┴┬|l,,   HOUSE  ;;|┴┬┴┬.┴;:,;:┴┬┴
┬┴┬┴┬┴|l   _,,/ヽ_,,,,,  .|┬.;"┬┴┬;┴┬┴┬
┬┴┬┴┬┴|l   '''~ ̄'''' ...|┬┴┬┴┬┴┴┬
┴┬┴┬┴┬|l            |┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴
┬,,, ,,;;''┴┬┴|l;;;;;      '''''|┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬

944 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:38:12 ID:vFXnLHrJ
It's a moe event━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━!!!!

945 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:38:10 ID:QCRlcOsN
3. Post pics

946 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:38:20 ID:rW6a+kH0
Even so, Molester chooses Kansai!!

947 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:38:21 ID:0tDPF8S/
Loli (*´д`*) pant pant pant pant

948 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:38:21 ID:nnbAYHWX
I get PTSD when I see anything related to Jehovah... Please don't remind me...

949 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:38:23 ID:ZUPb6Vr4

950 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:38:28 ID:ayvn0x+x

951 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:38:31 ID:WuG56WEj

952 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:38:34 ID:iWvgMLFx
He'd be a god if he didn't do it. A mortal human being couldn't resist the temptation.

953 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:38:37 ID:wkFQEf7C

954 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:38:37 ID:eGFzwxb4
If Loli isn't doing this on purpose, then she must be mentally handicapped or something.

955 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:38:42 ID:jcLEbRq/
Please elaborate.

956 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:38:46 ID:WSIgfRoC

957 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:38:49 ID:vFXnLHrJ
Jehovah's witness found.

958 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:38:53 ID:urhiyfRA
You, just do it.

959 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:38:55 ID:kJ6CAmnp

960 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:38:55 ID:i/rkqjAF
He better not say at the end of his report that Loli is sleeping next to him or something like that.

961 : You can easily tell a VIPPER by their behavior ◆QKO2OCjVyc : 04/11/29 00:39:05 ID:DJtzAj4P
Is it just me or did this suddenly turn into a stereotypical romcom manga?

962 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:39:09 ID:VFs+BWqf
If he didn't do anything, we can say beyond the shadow of a doubt that he's gay.

963 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:39:10 ID:RWjO/V2g
But Loli Jugs seems a little crazy to me and you don't stick your dick in crazy.

At least, that's what I want to believe since I'm still hoping for a Kansai end.

964 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:39:12 ID:KVORh+vg
He's a homo if he didn't do it.

965 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:39:15 ID:rW6a+kH0
Let me guess. Is it HOS?

966 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:39:20 ID:VFpSkgPZ
Normally, you put your towel somewhere where you can reach it easily.
But she purposely made Molester get it for her. It's so obvious that she's asking for it!!!!!111

967 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:39:25 ID:Z/rcZE+U
Please elaborate.

968 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:39:28 ID:P5qNE6Y2

Maybe Loli is just a natural airhead.

969 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:39:28 ID:VqVtLcim
Loli knows how close Molester and Kansai are and yet she's trying so hard to seduce him... He better not let her efforts go to waste...

970 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:39:29 ID:nnbAYHWX
Like I said, don't remind me.
Now? Really?w

971 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:39:34 ID:ZpqVDNiI
If this is 1000, Molester did it with Loli.

972 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:39:40 ID:i/rkqjAF
Allahu akbar.

973 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:39:45 ID:r6IcnLF2
Why is Johnny here?

974 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:39:49 ID:pHg4/a0F
What if Loli plays eroge too
and is trying to act them out in real life... Woohoo!!

975 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:39:55 ID:RWjO/V2g
If this is 1000, we'll get the Kansai END!

976 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:39:55 ID:uiUWsocs

977 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:39:58 ID:eVXg3pVr
>>882 is a genius.

978 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:40:05 ID:ayvn0x+x
George Kawaguchi?

979 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:40:15 ID:tHCDh01u
If this is 1000, Loli is lewd.

980 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:40:17 ID:KqwZ3wkz
The woman living upstairs just started having seicross. Discuss.

981 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/29 00:40:18 ID:OHOnsYLn
She came out before I could weigh my options.

"I'll have a look."
But by the time the thought crossed my mind, I was already looking.
Her cleavage was boldly peeking out from the towel wrapped around her bust.
Though it wasn't relevant to my interests at all, the sheer sight made me gasp.
Not that it matters, but don't you think that the sight of a woman with wet hair is extremely lewd? Especially when her hair is wet and messy.

"Ah... Uh..."
is all I could say. So lame.

"Hey! Mister!! Don't stare so muchw"
she said cheerfully, before she pulled a smoked-glass sliding door shut,
separating the kitchen and bathroom part of the apartment from the room I was in.

982 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:40:19 ID:i/rkqjAF
It's a former Jehovah's witness━━━(゚∀゚)━( ゚∀)━(  ゚)━(  )━(  )━(゚  )━(∀゚ )━(゚∀゚)━━━!!!!!?

983 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:40:20 ID:RWjO/V2g
If this is 1000, he'll end up with Kansai!

984 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:40:23 ID:2V2rlYvh
If this is 1000, Loli turns out to be guy.

985 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:40:28 ID:KVORh+vg
If this is 1000, Kansai and I will have a chance encounter.

986 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:40:29 ID:kJ6CAmnp
The one who gets 1000 will become the next Molester.

987 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:40:30 ID:nnbAYHWX
You watched it too, huh?w
Stop reminding mew

988 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:40:30 ID:jcLEbRq/
If anything, you should elaborate now because the thread is so fast right now.

989 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:40:34 ID:4G2QtfNQ
If this is 1000, they had seicross.

990 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:40:35 ID:nBgMD5y+
Are you Mr. Johnny?

991 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:40:41 ID:+ARL+h9f

l  | ̄|_

992 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:40:41 ID:yYo8LAt0
If this is 1000, Kansai is sleeping next to me.

993 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:40:43 ID:9I+//tJi
If this is 1000, Loli will post here!

994 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:40:43 ID:dSO/3r78
If this is 1000, Molester will post pics of Loli's jugs.

995 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:40:45 ID:tslfgoIB
If this is 1000, we will get the Glasses end.

996 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:40:46 ID:1XC+MfJQ
If this is 1000, I too will get to know a girl with jugs.

997 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:40:46 ID:ZUPb6Vr4
If this is 1000, Molester and I will become best friends.

998 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:40:47 ID:RWjO/V2g
If this is 1000, he'll end up with Kansai!

999 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:40:49 ID:MLg3LVC7

1000 : VIPPER : 04/11/29 00:40:49 ID:Z9eH9u4G
If this is 1000, Loli and Molester had seicross.

1001 : 1001 : Over 1000 Thread
 *     +    巛 ヽ
            〒 !   +    。     +    。     *     。
      +    。  |  |
   *     +   / /   Yeeeeeehaaaaaawwww!
       ∧_∧ / /
      (´∀` / / +    。     +    。   *     。
      ,-     f
      / ュヘ    | *     +    。     +   。 +        This thread has reached 1000 posts.
     〈_} )   |                                The next thread too will have... VIP QUALITY!!
        /    ! +    。     +    +     *         http://ex7.2ch.net/news4vip/
       ./  ,ヘ  |
 bang ||| j  / |  | |||

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