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I got totally mistaken for a molester part 16

1 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:53:11 ID:ZWNTqTmQ
1 Name:VIPPER Date:04/11/05 19:48:21 ID:w8ZHuVTS
 Everyone in VIP, no, in 2ch, please hear me out.
 The other day, I was totally mistaken for a molester.
 And I don't mean it as a joke, I was actually mistaken for one.

It all started with this...

Previous thread:
I got totally mistaken for a molester part 15

Templates omitted.
↑ Go here for a summary of the threads.

>>950 starts the next thread.
  _  ∩
( ゚∀゚)彡 Tits! Tits!

2 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:53:26 ID:djSe/xcJ

3 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:54:02 ID:FEXY+Pt/
You guys still at this?w

4 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:54:03 ID:uS0MepdW

5 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:54:15 ID:iqFUJlfO
That was a perfect 1000 GET if I ever saw onew

6 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:54:18 ID:c7OhDkRs
Mad props to you! That was a GJ in every kind of way!!

7 : (・ω・ ミ 3 )∋ : 04/11/23 04:54:20 ID:/KnfOwst
1000 Name:VIPPER Date:04/11/23 04:53:44 ID:ZWNTqTmQ
I got totally mistaken for a molester part 16

Crab you so much!!

8 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:54:23 ID:AIWwjCDC
>>1000 Nice.

9 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:54:24 ID:nj9OmKYJ
Crabs a lot!!

10 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:54:26 ID:o96IR8lG
Wonderful job.

11 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:54:34 ID:Hs285RJb
I can't believe the guy who didn't post anything but Tits! Tits! in the last half of the thread got the 1000 GET. Congratsw

12 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:54:34 ID:p/Y21jsV
Crab you very much.

13 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:54:34 ID:Kodw6XQ2
Previous 1000 and >>1


14 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:54:35 ID:MHsvk5f9
Congrats for the 1000 GET! Nicely done!!

15 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:54:36 ID:pKXCsq8W
Crabs for the good job.

16 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:54:39 ID:BHCr/za+

17 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:54:53 ID:u+cQbuKe

18 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:54:59 ID:uS0MepdW
>>1 did a GJ.

Molester still not here?

19 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:55:19 ID:4WegxzZS
The 1000th post has changed...

20 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:55:26 ID:6VEv7igJ
Crabs for the boner.

21 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:55:36 ID:gIvtUkdI
I tried reading the summary in the first post, but I can't for the life of me figure out what happened after day 4...

22 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:55:39 ID:YhEvfI+Y

23 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:55:47 ID:QxEw3fUc
The absolute madman!

24 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:55:48 ID:i3hfBMdP
>>1 Thanks!! Molester, hurry up and get over here!

25 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:56:04 ID:Hs285RJb
So how do you guys feel about Loli baring her boobs at Molester's place?

26 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:56:15 ID:c7OhDkRs
Why are there still so many people here at 5am?w

27 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:56:24 ID:u+cQbuKe


28 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:56:27 ID:MHsvk5f9
Now we know the reason Molester was completely spent and fell asleep right after they left. It's because he had a fucking threesome all night long.

29 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:56:52 ID:Kodw6XQ2
Whoawwwwwwwwwwww Loli baring her boobs at Molester's placeww OKwwwwwwww

30 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:56:57 ID:uS0MepdW
Molester confirmed to have touched Loli's boobs. Discuss.

31 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:56:57 ID:ZWNTqTmQ
Whoawwwwww Not only did I post the new thread in time, I even got the 1000 GETwwwwwww
I feel like I'm going to have a successful day at work tomorrow!wwwwww
Woohoo! A man can dream!

32 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 04:57:03 ID:CZF62N9s
>>1 Thanks for making the thread!

Then I waited while ventilating the room until I heard a voice calling from the bathroom.

"Hey! Do you have a shirt you don't need?"
"Huh? What for?"
"She got some on her underwear and I can't wash it off here."
"I have to bring her home and figured it's better if she's at least wearing a shirt over it."

To be honest, I don't have any shirts I don't need, but then I decided it was a good opportunity to get rid of one of my good old plaid shirts...
So I said

"Alright. Give me a minute.",
picked out two largish shirts and headed to the bathroom...

"Don't come in!!"

I'd forgotten that Loli was naked. Loli was in her birthday suit.

33 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:57:14 ID:bVcnvzF+
I've caught up with you guys!!
Kansai is taking off Loli's clothes!!w

34 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:57:29 ID:c7OhDkRs
I swear if OP posts something like "Then I had a threesome." next...
I'll wake up my wife at 5am and have seicross with her!

35 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:57:29 ID:i3hfBMdP

36 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:57:44 ID:AIWwjCDC

37 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:57:44 ID:Hs285RJb

38 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:57:48 ID:uS0MepdW


39 : (・ω・ ミ 3 )∋ : 04/11/23 04:57:55 ID:/KnfOwst
ε=ε=ε=ヾ(э^・ェ・^)э meow meow

40 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:57:59 ID:bVcnvzF+
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa

41 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:58:06 ID:Kodw6XQ2

42 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:58:18 ID:eK7q824i
I don't know what to say. This thread got me so excited I'm not even sleepy anymore. Guess I'll go listen to some "Power Hall" now.

43 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:58:23 ID:nj9OmKYJ
Did you see them?
You saw them, right?
I know you saw them!

44 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:58:28 ID:c7OhDkRs
Her underwear went 404!!!!
In other words, she's not wearing any...... No, don't imagine it, don't imagine it......

45 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:58:31 ID:MHsvk5f9

46 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:58:32 ID:kNEA5hJ5
I've never spammed the refresh button as hard as I am doing right now.

47 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:58:42 ID:o96IR8lG

48 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:58:47 ID:lyD1Yxqo
∩∩_, ,_ _, ,_∩∩
ミミ(Д´≡`Д)彡 Tits! Tits! Tits! Tits!
   |   |
   し ωJ

49 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:58:53 ID:Hs285RJb
It's Loli's pussy and tits━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!

50 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:59:00 ID:p/Y21jsV
I bet the shirt he gave her was an anime T-shirt.
Still, can I have it when you get it back!?

51 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:59:00 ID:Kodw6XQ2
I guess Molester will have enough fap material for days now.

52 : (・ω・ ミ 3 )∋ : 04/11/23 04:59:03 ID:/KnfOwst
It's naked Loli
  l,.. r´   '´             .  + ./ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\                 ■ ■
 ■      ■■■     .      /   _ノ     ,_ノ\   .+  ☆  .      ■ ■
■■■■  ■  ■           /    / iニ)ヽ,   /rj:ヽヽ ヽ              ■ ■
  ■    ■  ■ ■■■■■■■l::::::::: ;〈 !:::::::c!  ' {.::::::;、! 〉 .|■■■■■■■■  ■ ■
.■■■■ ■ ■■           |::::::::::  (つ`''"   `'ー''(つ   |             ■ ■
   ■     ■  +.  ☆  。. . |:::::::::::::::::   \___/    | ☆ . *  +.
   ■     ■            ヽ:::::::::::::::::::.  \/     ノ  .  . .   +☆  .● ●

53 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:59:13 ID:YhEvfI+Y
What are you waiting for? Initiate a threesome already!!
Isn't it about time for the climax of the story?

54 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:59:13 ID:bVcnvzF+
>one of my good old plaid shirts...

Don't worry. Your shirt will come back even better.

55 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:59:17 ID:1e4iihP2
I wanna see them too!
  _  ∩
( ゚∀゚)彡 Tits! Tits!

56 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:59:39 ID:uS0MepdW

Still no pics of her tits?

57 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:59:39 ID:Kodw6XQ2
Was it a flannel shirt?wwwwwww

58 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:59:40 ID:FAUJyGQz
Just tell us one thing. Did you see them or not!?

59 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:59:53 ID:7yO57fWf
Alright, I'm switching from the Kansai train to the Loli train!

60 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:59:57 ID:nj9OmKYJ
I'll only say one thing.
I wish I was Molester.

61 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 04:59:59 ID:u+cQbuKe
(∩ ゚д゚) Ahh! Ahh! I can't hear you!

Our room, your white shirts and me~♪

62 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:00:17 ID:AIWwjCDC

63 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:00:26 ID:Hs285RJb
(∩ ゚д゚) Ahh! Ahh! I can't hear you!

64 : (・ω・ ミ 3 )∋ : 04/11/23 05:00:35 ID:/KnfOwst
Loli's areola are huge. Discuss.

65 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:00:35 ID:c7OhDkRs
When I imagine Kansai and Loli in my bathroom......
Doing this and that... Woohooooo!! I'm sweating like I'm in a sauna!!!

66 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:00:44 ID:6VEv7igJ
Our broom, your white shits and me~♪

67 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:01:05 ID:u+cQbuKe
Even if we ask OP for pics, I'm afraid he'll just say

"I didn't take a picture, but the image is burnt into my mind."

68 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 05:01:13 ID:CZF62N9s
After handing over the shirts, I was back to waiting.
All I could hear from the bathroom was the shower. I'm guessing Kansai was washing Loli's face.

By the way, how did she go from
normal to dead drunk to vomiting
without drinking any alcohol at my place? Does alcohol take a while to kick in? Did she down a ton of alcohol just before leaving the karaoke bar?

While I was wondering about that, Kansai came back.
"Sorry for all the trouble, Molester."
"It's no trouble, really. I was a bit surprised, is all."
"She just can't handle alcohol."
"You're amazing though, Kansai."
"You were so calm when you took care of everything."
"Well, yeah, stuff like this happens all the time at get-togethers... I guess it's the first time for you because you don't have any friends, huh?"

69 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:01:21 ID:p/Y21jsV
Loli: "It's yakui wearing a shirt without a bra because the fabric rubs against my nipples!"

70 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:01:28 ID:c7OhDkRs

I envy OP...... NOT EVEN A LITTLE BIT!!!

71 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:01:34 ID:pKXCsq8W
Guys, don't avert your eyes from >>32!
I mustn't run away! I mustn't run away! I mustn't run away! I mustn't ru-

72 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:01:38 ID:Kodw6XQ2
If I was OP, I'd have given Loli a white shirt. A woman in a man's white shirt is moe.

73 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:01:45 ID:uS0MepdW
Dear Molester,


74 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:02:25 ID:6VEv7igJ
So have you seen her nipples or not?

75 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:02:30 ID:u+cQbuKe
Did Kansai get naked too?
Or was she standing in the bathroom with all her clothes on?

76 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:02:31 ID:c7OhDkRs
That's it!!!

I would have given her an apron!!

77 : (・ω・ ミ 3 )∋ : 04/11/23 05:02:31 ID:/KnfOwst
Post the pics you secretly took while they were in the bathroom!!

78 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:02:42 ID:kNEA5hJ5
On one hand, I'm very glad that I'm able to witness this moment with you guys...

On the other... I feel more like a loser than ever before...... (´・ω・`)

79 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:02:47 ID:c/YE3MFG
[CC] Let's sit down and have a talk with the media on the CC Sakura board with our IPs disclosed [Sakura]

[People from the media are welcome] Please post your questions and opinions here:

80 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:03:01 ID:Kodw6XQ2
Dude, that's just your fetishwwww

81 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:03:03 ID:bVcnvzF+
I sense mixed feelings of love and hate from this postwww

82 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:03:31 ID:u+cQbuKe
It's so unfair... The world is so unfair...

83 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:03:44 ID:MHsvk5f9
If I was OP, I wouldn't give her anything.

84 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:03:52 ID:NcjLVsEc
Kansai strips Loli naked and we go  ( ゚∀゚) Tits!
Loli suddenly vomits and we go  ( ゚∀゚) Tits!
See the fish swimming in the water and we go  ( ゚∀゚) Tits!
Add some strawberry marshmallow to the mix and we go  ( ゚∀゚) Tits!

I'M LOSING MY SHITーーーーーーーーーー

85 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:04:04 ID:QxEw3fUc
>normal to dead drunk to vomiting
That's how it goes for most people though.
When that happens, it's too late to get the alcohol out of your system by vomiting,
so you often end up vomiting again and again.

>normal → chug a bottle → vomit soon after
In this case, however, you sober up pretty quickly.

86 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:04:08 ID:uS0MepdW

I feel it! I've never felt it this strongly before!!


87 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:04:19 ID:nj9OmKYJ
If I was OP, I'd try taking off my clothes first.

88 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:04:35 ID:c7OhDkRs
So this is...
what they mean when they say

truth is stranger than fiction!!

89 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:04:51 ID:Hs285RJb
Who would have thought last Sunday that this would happen?

90 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:05:05 ID:u+cQbuKe
I'd have given her a baggy T-shirt.

91 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:05:06 ID:AIWwjCDC
Forever virgin.

92 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:05:10 ID:9mdCcacS
I'll only say this because the thread is going so fast right now:

My girlfriend is trying to get me to sext with her. What do?

93 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:05:14 ID:NcjLVsEc
Just when I thought OP had fucked up the Miss Undie route, Kansai and Loli Jugs start double-teaming him, while I'm here preparing breakfast and feeling like shit because another day of work awaits me. Why is life so unfair?

94 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 05:05:24 ID:CZF62N9s
"Don't you have to get up early tomorrow?"
"Nope. It won't be a long visit anyway. I'll just pop in and say hello."
"Hmm... But you sure had your share of misfortunes lately!"
"You could say that."
"(You little...) Hahaha"

We continued chatting some more when Loli suddenly started moving.
"Ah, she woke up."
Kansai walked over to her and slapped her on the cheeks.
"Heey, are you awake?"
"Yeah, I'm awake?"
"We're going home then, okay? Can you stand?"
"I'm fine, I'm fine."

She didn't look fine no matter how you looked at her though.

95 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:05:31 ID:MHsvk5f9
Post her e-mails.

96 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:05:34 ID:uS0MepdW
I know what's going to happen next! Loli is going to come to his place to apologize to him for throwing up!!

97 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:05:39 ID:Kodw6XQ2
Yeah, making yourself vomit before the alcohol enters your system can be pretty useful.
I used to do it when co-workers tried to get me drunk at welcome partieswww

98 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:05:39 ID:bVcnvzF+
Now I want to vomit and get looked after by Kansai toooo!

99 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:06:05 ID:o96IR8lG
If there's one thing I've learned from this, it's that you never know what will happen next.
Brb installing a video camera in my bathroom.

100 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:06:17 ID:AIWwjCDC
This is going to end soon, isn't it?

101 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:06:49 ID:Kodw6XQ2
Loli Jugs wearing a flannel shirt isn't moe at all.

102 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:06:53 ID:c7OhDkRs
You're a man among men.

103 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:06:57 ID:kNEA5hJ5
I bet all of America is crying right now...

I know I am.

So, Molester...
I have so many questions.

1. Is Kansai or Loli Jugs at your place right now?
2. Did you see Loli's boobs?
3. What's the diameter of Loli's areola in centimeters?
4. Be honest. Did you do it?

Please tell us so we can die of envy.

104 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:07:01 ID:uS0MepdW
Level of EPIC WIN

Molester >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Everyone in this thread right now

105 : Remember this post? : 04/11/23 05:07:03 ID:Hs285RJb
344 Name:Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 New! Date:04/11/23 02:31:54 ID:CZF62N9s

So I was lying around reading the Jump, Love-yan and Genshiken mags I'd bought earlier today.
"Ahh~, shit, I'm so sleepy... I guess I'll have to record today's anime."
Talking to myself like this is one of the privileges of living alone.

Then, shortly before 10pm, the piercing sound of a motorcycle engine revving cut through the night!
First, I thought to myself
"......who's making all this racket...... Another biker gang?",
but then I went back to thinking
"Love-yan is pretty moe for the main character of a cheap ecchi manga...",
until I heard

ding dong

106 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:07:13 ID:nj9OmKYJ
Me and my friends used to call it "voluntary vomiting".
We'd say "Brb voluntary vomiting." and head to the toilet.

107 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:07:14 ID:MHsvk5f9
Hey, is Butler there!? Someone call Butler Yamaoka!

108 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:07:38 ID:lyD1Yxqo
You'll never get to use it anyway.

109 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:07:53 ID:u+cQbuKe
Who was Butler again?

110 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:08:08 ID:Kodw6XQ2
And when you come back, you get worried that you might still reek of vomitwww

111 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:08:27 ID:nj9OmKYJ
That Kouhai girl from the family restaurant the girls work at.

112 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:08:27 ID:c/YE3MFG

[People from the media are welcome] Please post your questions and opinions here:

[People from the media are welcome] Please post your questions and opinions here:

[People from the media are welcome] Please post your questions and opinions here:

113 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:08:29 ID:QxEw3fUc
I think now I know why they always say

VIP is the funniest after 4am.
Every post is so fucking funny to me right now.
What happened to you guys?wwww

114 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:08:43 ID:7yO57fWf

115 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:08:49 ID:NcjLVsEc
  _  ∩
( ♥∀♥)彡 Tits! Tits!
  _  ∩
( ♥∀♥)彡 Tits! Tits!
  _  ∩
( ♥∀♥)彡 Tits! Tits!

116 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:08:50 ID:o96IR8lG
I thought Butler = Miss Yamaoka. Did I miss something?

117 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:08:54 ID:MHsvk5f9
Their (Kouhai?) co-worker girl from the family restaurant.
Wears glasses.

118 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:09:11 ID:uS0MepdW

All he did was get mistaken for a molester... That's all he did, so whyyyyy

119 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:09:29 ID:p/Y21jsV
Fool! Flannel shirts are great on girls because the fabric rubs against their nipples like hell!

Speaking of nipples, I bet Kansai only wants to give Loli a ride home because she wants to feel her jugs on her back!!

120 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:09:39 ID:Hs285RJb
It's because he's Molester. If it had been someone else, all this wouldn't have happened...

121 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:09:44 ID:kNEA5hJ5

In b4 people get molested all over Japan tomorrow.

122 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:10:05 ID:MHsvk5f9

He was just a molester at the beginning so whyyyyy

123 : (・ω・ ミ 3 )∋ : 04/11/23 05:10:10 ID:/KnfOwst
Suddenly, OP's the envy of everyone.

124 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:10:25 ID:c7OhDkRs
When I got dead drunk, I couldn't make it to the toilet and passed out after throwing up on the spot...
And this didn't only happen once but twice in my life.

I was 19 the first time and 23 the second time. Both times, I was on a company outing and had just decided to work on my self-control.

125 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:10:34 ID:u+cQbuKe
Yeah, right? How did she get the nickname Butler??

126 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 05:10:39 ID:CZF62N9s
Then we helped groggy Loli down the stairs together.
Kansai straddled her bike.
I couldn't help but notice how great she looked on her bike. She has the perfect figure for it.
And Loli Fake Jugs got on behind her... Hey, is she really going to be alright!?

"You sure she won't fall off?"
"Yeah, she'll be fine. Don't worry."
"Don't worry~♪"

Is this girl even aware of what she's done?

"Plus, she's wearing a helmet."
"You should keep your speed down anyway."
"I know, I know."
"Good night then."
"Good night."

After that, I wanted to collapse on my bed after taking a bath... only to realize I had removed the futon.
So I got out the futon for guests (sadly never been used) and fell asleep only moments later.

127 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:11:08 ID:ZWNTqTmQ
Well, yeah. If OP had been a normal guy, he'd have already boned one of them and/or cut ties with all of them.
It's time for bed, I guess.

128 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:11:36 ID:NcjLVsEc
If I chase a mentally unstable woman on a street at night and start watching moe anime all the time,
will I get to meet my own Loli Jugs like OP did?

129 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:11:39 ID:Hs285RJb
You licked up every water drop in the bathroom, didn't you!!!!!!!!!!????djsfulaoirewa

130 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:11:39 ID:uS0MepdW

I guess I'll go to bed then too?

131 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:11:40 ID:AIWwjCDC
Thanks!!!!!!! OKwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

132 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:11:48 ID:Kodw6XQ2

So, did you see her tits in the bathroom?

133 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:11:54 ID:bVcnvzF+
Liar!! You fell asleep because you were so tired
from fapping too hard as soon as they were gonewww

134 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:11:56 ID:i3hfBMdP
Thanks. I think I'm going to bed in a bit too. Good night.

135 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:11:57 ID:u+cQbuKe
Thanks for tonight. Make sure to check your cell phone tomorrow because you're going to get a lot of e-mailsw

136 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:12:03 ID:R9nrVSQ4
Okay. I'm glad I stayed up.

Good night.

137 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:12:03 ID:nj9OmKYJ
True that... I mean, he got this far by always doing the opposite of what we told him to do.
I feel like his story completely contradicts every lesson I've learned from my life experiences.

138 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:12:07 ID:MHsvk5f9
Normally, OP ends his report with something like

>So this happened.
>What should I do now?

What is going on!?

139 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:12:19 ID:QxEw3fUc
Thanks for the long report, OP.
I can't begin to describe how jelly I am.
I wanna see Kansai riding a bike tooooo!

140 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:12:33 ID:c7OhDkRs
We thought it was just stubborness, but maybe Molester's masterful handling is actually masterful...

141 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:12:47 ID:uS0MepdW
In my case, it's not just a feeling, I know it.

142 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:12:54 ID:lyD1Yxqo
I can't even imagine what is going to happen next...

143 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:13:12 ID:p/Y21jsV
Yamaoka = Nanjo's butler

Google "Persona Nanjo Yamaoka".

144 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:13:17 ID:Hs285RJb
Man, those were some intense 3 hours...

145 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:13:28 ID:Kodw6XQ2
By the way, what model does Kansai ride?

In my imagination, it's a Yamaha SR.

146 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:13:33 ID:uS0MepdW
A drunk foursome.

147 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 05:13:33 ID:CZF62N9s
Wow, it's already this late.
Guess they stayed here pretty long.

I'd say this easily ranks in the top 10 events in my life and I'm serious.

148 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:13:42 ID:c7OhDkRs
I could have never imagined this happening in my wildest dreams. I guess my imagination is just not wild enough.

149 : (・ω・ ミ 3 )∋ : 04/11/23 05:13:48 ID:/KnfOwst
Say what you want,
but Molester's threads are hilarious.

You never know what will happen nextw

150 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:14:06 ID:Hs285RJb
Only top 10?
Not number 1?

151 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:14:17 ID:nj9OmKYJ
Top 10!? Wouldn't it be in the top 3 normally? How can one man be so lucky!?

152 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:14:20 ID:6VEv7igJ
Now try to get some rest for tomorrow.
Maybe I should get some sleep too.

153 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:14:24 ID:uS0MepdW
I'm more amazed that it's not easily the number one event of your lifew

154 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:14:37 ID:eK7q824i
For some reason, Molester has a futon for guests at home even though he said he doesn't have any friends. Discuss.

155 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:14:45 ID:9mdCcacS
My penis has requested that I inquire if you've seen one of the girls naked tonight or not. I would be very grateful for clarification on this matter.

156 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:14:46 ID:NcjLVsEc
         but he won't tell us. That is VIP QUALITY.

157 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:14:47 ID:c7OhDkRs
Isn't your top 10 almost exclusively made up of events that transpired in the Molester Man threads?

158 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:14:51 ID:i3hfBMdP
The most memorable event of my life was when I almost fell off a cliff in an open-air bath.

159 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:15:11 ID:u+cQbuKe

I'll see if I can find an explanation in the older threads.

160 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:15:28 ID:uS0MepdW
I can't even think of one memorable event...


161 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:15:28 ID:Kodw6XQ2
It's pretty obvious what you were trying to do when it happenedwwwwwwww

162 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:15:51 ID:Hs285RJb
The most memorable event of my life was when I was standing on a Shinjuku station platform and

163 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:16:23 ID:1kup/yXn
Thanks, Molester.
It's already 5am. I'm off to bed. Good night.

164 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:16:36 ID:nj9OmKYJ
This thread made me realize that the most memorable event of my life is shit compared to that of people like OP.

165 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 05:16:36 ID:CZF62N9s
I got them two years ago... Right, I was about to move to the city to live alone. Back then I still had a faint hope that going to university would change my life...

Mom: "One futon should be enough, right?"
Me: "No, I'm going to be living alone, you know? When I make friends over there, they might want to crash at my place.
I'll take two futons with me, just in case."

Fast forward to now. The second futon was finally used tonight for the first time. By me. OTL

166 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:16:50 ID:MHsvk5f9
The most memorable event in my life was when I sent crabs to someone as a token of gratitude for mistaking him for a molester.

167 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:16:59 ID:c7OhDkRs
I wonder what the most memorable event of my life was...
When I got surrounded and verbally abused by several female students in middle school, maybe?

168 : (・ω・ ミ 3 )∋ : 04/11/23 05:17:17 ID:/KnfOwst
Loli Jugs meter
  Target subject: Molester Man
  Measurement date: 2004/11/22

     Love       Friend    Acquaintance    Creep    Vomits in her sleep
    ∩___∩   /)
    | ノ      ヽ  ( i )))
   /  ●   ● | / /
   |    ( _●_)  |ノ /  Here right now bear
  彡、   |∪|    ,/
  /    ヽノ   /´

T/L note: Here's how this post shows up in the mouseover post preview of a 2ch browser:

Loli Jugs meter:
  Target subject: Molester Man
  Measurement date: 2004/11/22

     Love       Friend    Acquaintance    Creep    Vomits in her sleep
                                                                       ∩___∩   /)
                                                                       | ノ      ヽ  ( i )))
                                                                      /  ●   ● | / /
                                                                      |    ( _●_)  |ノ /  Here right now bear
                                                                     彡、   |∪|    ,/
                                                                     /    ヽノ   /´

169 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:17:27 ID:38eoN7AE
The most memorable event of my life was when I discovered masturbation.

170 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:17:28 ID:uS0MepdW
I'm sleepy,

but Molester might still post something,

so I can't go to bed yet.

171 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:17:33 ID:nj9OmKYJ
It's sad, isn't it? That futon will always remind you of shattered hope and broken dreams.

172 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:17:34 ID:Hs285RJb
"When I make friends over there, they might want to crash at my place"......(´・ω・`)

173 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:17:38 ID:u+cQbuKe

174 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:18:01 ID:NcjLVsEc
There he goes trying to make off again all of a sudden......!!! Damn you, Molester......!!!

175 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:18:02 ID:c7OhDkRs
If that is true, you can have all my boners.

176 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:18:18 ID:i3hfBMdP
Don't say it.

177 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:18:21 ID:v15vvBdI

178 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:18:28 ID:BHCr/za+
It's Glasses━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!!

179 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:18:29 ID:Kodw6XQ2

180 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:18:32 ID:9mdCcacS
Brb having phone sex with my girlfriend.

She's real! She's not a product of my imagination! She actually existsedrftgyfujikolp;@

181 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:18:45 ID:MHsvk5f9
I'm more intrigued by

182 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:19:06 ID:u+cQbuKe
The most memorable event of my life was when I found this thread, I guess.

183 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:19:14 ID:p/Y21jsV
So what!? Your other futon is worth its weight in gold now!
It smells like Loli Jugs now, like Loli Jugs' huge jugs! That's 3 months' worth of fap material right there!!

184 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:19:20 ID:uS0MepdW
You have the obligation to tell us about it now.

185 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:19:23 ID:Kodw6XQ2
It's pretty obvious that you deserved itwwww

186 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:19:31 ID:c7OhDkRs
Shimura, behind you-

187 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:19:48 ID:BHCr/za+
Shimura, behind you! Look behind you!

188 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:19:49 ID:v15vvBdI
I think you just passed each other.

189 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 05:19:51 ID:CZF62N9s
Well, guess I can't do much today except wait for e-mails.
I'm not even that sleepy now, so I think I'll just take a quick nap, go to my parents' place, and report back when I've returned.

190 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:19:57 ID:iqFUJlfO
The crabs were a token of apology, not a token of gratitudew

191 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:20:05 ID:9OWh3H/F
The most memorable event of my life was dating three girls at the same time.

192 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:20:10 ID:nj9OmKYJ
If you'd only waited a few more seconds...

193 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:20:16 ID:uv+F/vQN

194 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:20:35 ID:38eoN7AE
Molester has left the nest and doesn't need us anymore. Discuss.

195 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:20:43 ID:uS0MepdW
Tell us what time you're going to be backーーーーーー

196 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:20:44 ID:QxEw3fUc
The most memorable event of my life...

I was doing the crab walk on a cliff edge for lulz
when I lost balance and tipped over backwards.
I quickly reached forward to grab on to something, but only my ring and pinky fingers made it.
And yet, I somehow managed to regain my balance with those two fingers.
I could have died there.

197 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:20:46 ID:Hs285RJb
He'll report back when he's back, he says. OP is so cute.

198 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:21:03 ID:nj9OmKYJ
I shall cry myself to sleep now, wetting my pillow with tears of envy.

199 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:21:14 ID:u+cQbuKe

What will you do with your vomit-stained blanket now? You said Kansai got most of it off, but vomit is still vomit.

200 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:21:42 ID:MHsvk5f9
Of course, he will. After all, we're the friends he's connected to via electronic wiresw

201 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:21:43 ID:7yO57fWf

202 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:21:49 ID:c7OhDkRs
The only problem is that Molester will probably still prefer to have shadow seicross to pics of 2D loli.

Molester is not to be underestimated.

203 : (・ω・ ミ 3 )∋ : 04/11/23 05:22:06 ID:/KnfOwst
I'm afraid he'll turn it into his fap futon because it smells like Loli now.

204 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:22:15 ID:Hs285RJb
I feel like I'll dream of Loli and Kansai if I go to sleep now.

205 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:23:05 ID:u+cQbuKe
Like Loli and lots of salami.

206 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:23:06 ID:c7OhDkRs
Every night, he can go
"So this is how Loli Jugs smells like inside... pant pant"
from now on.

207 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:23:47 ID:c7OhDkRs
Great minds think alikew

208 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:23:49 ID:uS0MepdW
To be honest, there's nothing moe about vomit.

209 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:24:07 ID:BHCr/za+
Try not to vomit in your sleep though.

210 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 05:24:09 ID:CZF62N9s
I've left the futon like that for now.
I'll either throw it away or take it to a dry cleaning service......... The latter, it is.

211 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:24:25 ID:7yO57fWf
What if she vomited because your blanket smelled so bad?

212 : (・ω・ ミ 3 )∋ : 04/11/23 05:25:39 ID:/KnfOwst
But the smell will be gone if you take it to a dry cleaning service.
What a waste. orz

213 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:25:48 ID:uS0MepdW
>>211 That's pretty mean, actually.

214 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:26:20 ID:bVcnvzF+
Guess that means Loli will never swallow OP's load, huh?

215 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:26:21 ID:u+cQbuKe
Wha-What did you say!? Ω ΩΩ

216 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:26:34 ID:c7OhDkRs
1. Fap to the futon that smells like Loli Jugs.
2. Fap in the bathroom Loli and Kansai were in.
3. Get naked, go outside and fap.

Yeah, OP will have more than enough fap material for a while.

217 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:27:21 ID:eK7q824i
Why don't you put it up on Yahoo Auctions? One of the weirdos around here might actually pay good money for it.

218 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:27:40 ID:7GwWQvln
I'm an otaku like OP, I hope something good happens to me toowwwww

219 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:27:47 ID:c7OhDkRs
You mean it was OP's fault that Loli threw up?

220 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:27:57 ID:uS0MepdW
Not happening.^^

221 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:28:04 ID:u+cQbuKe
I want OP to tell his parents what happened.

"Dad... Someone threw up on my bed... I've been soiled."

222 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 05:28:15 ID:CZF62N9s
Wha-What did you say!?

223 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:28:28 ID:Hs285RJb
Took you long enoughw

224 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:28:44 ID:c7OhDkRs
"I'm busy texting, son. Go talk to someone else."

225 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:29:34 ID:u+cQbuKe
"Son, introduce me to her!"

226 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:29:51 ID:iqFUJlfO
Check the underside of your blanket to see if it smells weird.

227 : (・ω・ ミ 3 )∋ : 04/11/23 05:30:40 ID:/KnfOwst
Thanks to this event, Molester and Kansai have grown closer again.

It's like they say, adversity strengthens the foundationsw

228 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:30:52 ID:bVcnvzF+
I'd eat Loli's vomit.

229 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 05:30:55 ID:CZF62N9s
I don't feel like smelling that blanket right now...

230 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:31:18 ID:c7OhDkRs
OP's report got me so excited I'm not even sleepy after being awake all night. Anyone else feel like this?

231 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:31:48 ID:Kodw6XQ2
FIY, it's quite expensive to have a futon cleaned at a dry cleaning service.

232 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:32:05 ID:u+cQbuKe
We have to keep the thread going, guys. I'm afraid I'll fall asleep without it.

233 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:32:22 ID:c7OhDkRs
They also say "vomit makes your futon moldy.".

234 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:32:41 ID:Hs285RJb

235 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:33:32 ID:u+cQbuKe
Cum can make your futon moldy too.

236 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 05:33:44 ID:CZF62N9s
I must say, Kansai's kindness was the best thing about this whole event.

237 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:34:39 ID:c7OhDkRs
OP's situation must be a dream come true for people with a vomit fetish.

238 : (・ω・ ミ 3 )∋ : 04/11/23 05:34:44 ID:/KnfOwst
Î think Kansai has already noticed that you like her.

239 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:35:53 ID:c7OhDkRs
Am I the only one who thinks Kansai is still trying to set Molester up with Miss Undie?

240 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:36:22 ID:u+cQbuKe
Wow, OP's talking about how kind Kansai is━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!!
While 70% of this thread is leaning towards Loli Pukes-in-her-sleep Jugs!
I guess OP has only eyes for Kansai now. (´ー`)b

241 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 05:36:54 ID:CZF62N9s
To be honest, I'm not sure about it either.
Sometimes I get the feeling that she is and sometimes not.

242 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:37:38 ID:38eoN7AE
Be honest. Do you want to get it on with her or not?

243 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:38:29 ID:NcjLVsEc
The reason Kansai got Loli drunk and even called Miss Undie over
is because she sensed that you were about to switch to her route and wanted to change your mind.
That's why she did all that.

...is what I'm telling myself to console myself.

244 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:38:34 ID:c7OhDkRs
It wasn't just her puking in her sleep though.
The way she fell asleep on OP's bed even though it was her first time visiting him,
and how she talked in her sleep... Shit was moe.

245 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:38:34 ID:u+cQbuKe

 Everyone's gone to bed already, huh...

246 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:39:08 ID:TNFv/36z
Okay then, show us how you feel about Miss Undie, Loli or Kansai in a pie chart.

247 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 05:41:39 ID:CZF62N9s
What's the evaluation criterion?

248 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:42:10 ID:c7OhDkRs
Kansai's kindness is the biggest obstacle in your path right now though. She wants to play cupid for you and Miss Undie because you're her only male friend.
And Miss Undie doesn't seem against being more than friends with you, even if she may not be ready for a relationship yet.

But well, that's just the Miss Undie fag in me talking.

249 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:42:46 ID:lyD1Yxqo
And then there was no one left...
Anyways, Loli Jugs, huh...
Can't wait to see what's going to happen next.

250 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:43:53 ID:u+cQbuKe
Loli comes to apologize and brings crabs → They have a crab party together

251 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:44:06 ID:c7OhDkRs
I feel like Kansai's feelings for Molester are identical to the way a woman feels about his younger brother.
It's like she's looking after her clumsy little brother.

252 : (・ω・ ミ 3 )∋ : 04/11/23 05:44:31 ID:/KnfOwst
On the surface, Kansai is still trying to do what >>239 said.
But she is well aware that your feelings for her are stronger than for Miss Undie by now.

The thing is, however, that Kansai is extremely shy.
All things considered, I think you have a shot at her if the mood is right.

253 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:46:43 ID:u+cQbuKe
Kansai and Molester.
Miss Undie and Molester.
I don't care which, but Molester needs to spend more time with one of them alone.

All our assumptions about how they feel about OP are based on hearsay so far.

254 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:46:58 ID:c7OhDkRs
And then there's the Loli Jugs I newly created in my imagination today.

Loli's feelings for Molester are probably simpler. She just wants to play around with a cute guy.
You know, like tease and poke fun at him.

255 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 05:49:00 ID:CZF62N9s
Well, I can't figure her out at all. She's like a different person every time I meet her.
Today, for example, she had suddenly switched to casual speech when talking to me.

256 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:49:04 ID:c7OhDkRs
There's one thing that worries me... Let's say Molester and Kansai start going out.
What if Miss Undie gets all depressed because of it?

257 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:50:29 ID:c7OhDkRs
Really? Loli's been talking to you like that ever since you saw her last in the family restaurant. According to your report, that is.

258 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:50:35 ID:u+cQbuKe
I don't think Kansai will go out with Molester. She cares too much for Miss Understanding to do it.

259 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 05:52:06 ID:CZF62N9s
If it seemed like that in my report, it wasn't intentional.
What did you say!?

260 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:53:25 ID:c7OhDkRs
Isn't it obvious that Kansai would always put Miss Undie first?

261 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:54:30 ID:iqFUJlfO
You're more likely to fall in love with someone who you know is in love with you.
I'm not sure about the exact wording anymore, but it's something I read in a book.

262 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 05:55:44 ID:CZF62N9s
I see. Then I must have been a very popular guy at school
because I was in love with every girl that sat next to me in class...

263 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:56:00 ID:i3hfBMdP
Loli: "I'm sorry I suddenly dropped by the other day and did... that...
   Although it isn't much, please accept this as a token of apology. It's delicious."


264 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:56:15 ID:c7OhDkRs
Wasn't it a shadow analogy?
Just like how your shadow moves when you move,
people tend to feel the same way about you as you feel about them.

265 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:57:54 ID:u+cQbuKe
Because Kansai is too kind...
How come anything passes as kindness these days but when someone is actually kind, it doesn't?

266 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:58:26 ID:c7OhDkRs
The problem is that deep inside you always think "There's no way someone's gonna like me.".
And if your love interest thinks the same about herself, nothing will ever happen between you.

Makes sense, doesn't it?

No idea if there's anything to it or not though.

267 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 05:59:39 ID:u+cQbuKe
You're popular among the girls in your PC now, aren't you?

268 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 06:01:53 ID:iqFUJlfO
I'm in the same boat as you.

269 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 06:02:21 ID:CZF62N9s
Of course. I got a fucking harem in my PC!

270 : (・ω・ ミ 3 )∋ : 04/11/23 06:03:59 ID:/KnfOwst
All OP can do now is wait for an e-mail or a call, right?

271 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 06:04:55 ID:QxEw3fUc
It's such a relief to be on the waiting side for a change.

272 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 06:06:44 ID:2XzLNSTG
Whoawwwwwwwwwwww Looks like I'm late to the partywwwwwwwwwwww

      Tits!     Tits!
Tits!    Tits!
   Tits!  Tits!
     ((∩     ∩))
Tits! (∩_, ,_   _, ,_∩)) Tits!
    ((⊂ ((Д´;≡;`Д))ノ∩))
       ((⊂ l⌒i  / ⊃)) Tits!
     ((⊂  (_) )  )) ∪))
Tits! ((_(((_)))_)))

273 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 06:06:46 ID:iqFUJlfO
Guys, I don't feel so good. I think I have a temperature.
Good night, everyone.

274 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 06:07:15 ID:p/Y21jsV
Kansai is the motherly type, after all.
Her personality is all about taking care of those around her, so there's no way she'd make the first move.

Women like her tend to be weak to flattery.
She's the type to blush and get all embarrassed when you say nice things to her.
Try giving her some straight-up compliments the next time you're alone with her, Molester. I guarantee it'll work.

275 : (・ω・ ミ 3 )∋ : 04/11/23 06:07:22 ID:/KnfOwst
You're way too latew

276 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 06:09:59 ID:nsM5FO03
I'd fallen asleep for a bit, but now I'm back and caught up.

Everything seems to point at the Loli Jugs apology route now.

277 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 06:10:47 ID:u+cQbuKe
I knew itw
I get that you will never quit being an anime otaku,
but if you had to choose between Kansai and Miss Understanding,
your final answer would be Kansai, right?

278 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 06:12:32 ID:CZF62N9s
Miss Understanding isn't even interested in me to begin withw

But regardless of that, the one I like is Kansai.

279 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 06:14:49 ID:nsM5FO03
>But regardless of that, the one I like is Kansai.

It's hereーーーーーーーー(゚∀゚)ーーーーーーーー!!

280 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 06:15:37 ID:jx2eSQNh
Just got up.
Good morning, guys.

281 : (・ω・ ミ 3 )∋ : 04/11/23 06:15:58 ID:/KnfOwst
Wow, OP's fallen for her hard. (*´д`*) pant pant

282 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 06:17:37 ID:u+cQbuKe
That's what I wanted to hear! (・∀・)

283 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 06:19:47 ID:qIsnQhiD
Don't make any hasty moves though, Molester.
As of now, you're most likely just a clumsy little brother to Kansai.

284 : (・ω・ ミ 3 )∋ : 04/11/23 06:23:44 ID:/KnfOwst
"Misdirected SMS leads to marriage"

I guess miracles do happenw

285 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 06:25:15 ID:c7OhDkRs
It's his final answer!!

Just so we're clear though, even if the Kansai route shouldn't work out,
there's no going back to the Miss Undie or Loli route, alright?
It'll only make them feel like they're your second choice. No one wants to date or even be friends with a dick like that.

286 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 06:27:50 ID:c7OhDkRs
Ah, but I feel like Kansai is always skillfully dodging your advances,
while Miss Undie seemed to be waiting for you to ask her out when you mentioned going to the movies.

287 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 06:30:19 ID:c7OhDkRs
Oh well, now that I've had shadow seicross to an H-manga, I better go to bed before my wife gets up.

288 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 06:41:50 ID:ydQnBkqd
Seems like you guys had a blast while I was at work.

......  ○| ̄|_

289 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 06:42:20 ID:jx2eSQNh
I can't believe how much happened while I was sleeping.
We have so many great events to look forward to now, like Loli's apology and shopping for self-defense products.

Show us how to play the game of love with Kansai, Molester!

290 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 06:53:29 ID:xDZCKL0O
780 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 04:25:46 ID:CZF62N9s
"But I really want to watch Howl's."
"Let's all go watch it!"
"I bet the theaters are still sold out."

I'm still not sure who said what here.
If it's Molester → Miss Undie → Kansai,
it's safe to assume that Miss Undie wants to watch Howl's with Molester.

......but it's probably Miss Undie → Kansai → Molester.

291 : (・ω・ ミ 3 )∋ : 04/11/23 07:29:22 ID:/KnfOwst


Here's a little something to tide you over.

292 : Osai ◆n.ef.bYbYo : 04/11/23 09:11:42 ID:/pFrW/3M
┗━━━━━━━I've read up to this point━━━━━━━┛
Don't let a woman surprise you. You're the one who's supposed to surprise them.

Looks like it's my job to keep the thread alive. Let me post some tits.


293 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 09:16:32 ID:o2kKw/9U
I can't fap to that. Please post a different pic.

294 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 10:00:45 ID:4cscJCvc
I wonder if Loli Jugs even remembers what happened.
But if she does, she's going to feel so bad for what she did. That's your CHAAAANCE, OP!!

295 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 10:02:46 ID:0EOLqkWL
I slept through it all!! ヽ(`Д´)ノ BAAAAAW!!

Good morning, guys.

296 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 10:05:32 ID:AL0GjJFL
It was 4:30am when I discovered the previous thread in the 2ch thread ranking.
Then I headed straight to the summary site, read all of it, headed back here to post in the new thread and it's 10am now.

Anyways, it was a good thing that you had cleaned up your room beforehand, Molester.

297 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 10:26:53 ID:Y4yvNbkZ
I'm one of those losers who fell asleep shortly after Molester started his report.
Morning, guys.

298 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 10:28:56 ID:4Bsg4rlZ
Morning, guys. (=゚ω゚)ノ

Why is the thread always dead when I get here? I wonder if Molester has already reached his parents' place.

299 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 12:04:28 ID:2xbL8zEn
Just caught up.

>mfw I'm not even jelly of the people who were here for the party yesterday

>mfw I'm not even jelly of Molester Manxdjknnljiigvuaaj;$

300 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 12:09:03 ID:ak0CUwIn
Dead thread is dead.

301 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 12:09:34 ID:XDVOwVJs
In b4 Kansai shows up at Molester's parents' place!

302 : You can easily tell a VIPPER by their behavior ◆QKO2OCjVyc : 04/11/23 12:13:34 ID:7hcQKy/o
Hang in there, Molester Man!

And get us more hyped!

303 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 12:26:41 ID:CuSA20F7
       ,∠==、ヽ `i'ー- .
      /    ヽ| 「`'ー、`ー、   
       l     ミ| /   `ー、ヽ  
      j     R|イ ー-、.  ノ7┐   
      `Vハハハ/ヽ.「~ ̄ `''ァf‐┘   
.         `、 }ー-`、__..._/::l     Good morning, you lazy pack of worthless losers.
.            |::::::::l:::::::::::::::l
.            l::::::::l:::::::::::::::l

304 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 12:40:10 ID:94ZxnNO/
What happened between 9pm yesterday and now!?
Someone please tell me in a few words!

305 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 12:43:08 ID:XDVOwVJs
Loli Jugs threw up at Molester's place.

306 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 12:46:11 ID:94ZxnNO/
What the fuck... Σ(´Д`lll)
Why was she there in the first place? What happened to Kansai?

307 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 13:02:14 ID:1lT/S3z8
Kansai took the item "Strawberry Marshmallow" from Molester's bed.

308 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 13:08:53 ID:QZudeTvI
Why did it have to happen... while I was sleeping... orz
This is the first time I missed an event...

Good morning, guys. ToT

309 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 13:12:41 ID:twc5Am09
Are you here everyday?

310 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 13:14:32 ID:QZudeTvI
Hm? Yeah, I read the thread everyday.
Most of us here are here everyday.

311 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 13:25:28 ID:37QDa0Vc
Yeah, well, some stick around for hours everyday,
while others only spend a few minutes in the thread everyday.

>This is the first time I missed an event...

This makes it seem like you're here all the time

312 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 13:32:41 ID:FAUJyGQz
I still want to know if Molester saw any boobs in the bathroom yesterday or not.

313 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 13:32:59 ID:QZudeTvI
Right. Let's see... I usually stick around from 7am to midnight everyday.
That's because I can check the thread at work.

But ironically, I can't watch the thread as closely after I get home because my wife keeps complaining about it.
That's why, from 10pm to midnight, I can only take quick peeks with my cell phone.

But somewhere in this thread, there's a guy running an orthopedic clinic who regularly posts while treating patientsw

314 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 13:35:42 ID:AL0GjJFL
I was even more impressed by that guy
who took a day off just so he can be in this thread all day.

315 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 13:41:31 ID:XDVOwVJs
Loli Jugs was wasted, so Molester could have spent some quality time with Kansai, but...

316 : Osai●▼■ ◆n.ef.bYbYo : 04/11/23 13:45:45 ID:/pFrW/3M
A different pic? Sure, but this isn't even my thread...





317 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 13:47:38 ID:twc5Am09
If he had pretended it was his only futon, they might have let him spend the night at Miss Undie's place.
But as long as the trains were still running, I guess they'd have just told him to go to his parents' place instead.

He should have taken his sweet time cleaning up to make sure the last train is gone...

318 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 13:55:48 ID:m2gPFTTc
Aren't you misunderstanding something? Huh?
The only time you're allowed to post porn in this thread is
10 minutes before Kansai and the girls come to Molester's placew

Post something funny instead, idiot.

319 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 14:08:50 ID:XDVOwVJs
There's no way that would have happened.
Miss Understanding probably doesn't have more than one futon either.

He should have gone with
"We should let Loli Jugs sleep it off. Why don't you spend the night here too, Kansai?"

320 : Osai●▼■ ◆n.ef.bYbYo : 04/11/23 14:10:26 ID:/pFrW/3M
This should do.
Molester's bed:


Btw, you must have clicked on the pics to know it was porn. You perv. (*゚∀゚)=3 Muahahaha

321 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 14:23:34 ID:kNEA5hJ5
Morning, guys.

I got up just now because I stuck around till 5am this morning.

Doesn't look like anything has changed since I went to bed... OP must be having Mom's hand-made lunch by now, huh?

322 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 14:35:53 ID:Hs285RJb
Why are tripfags so fucking annoying?

323 : ◆eLHzX/CLbU : 04/11/23 14:42:53 ID:lJ0zywMM
 :::::::::::/         ヽ::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::|  Don't accept i:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::.ゝ   reality.   ノ:::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::/    Fight it.  イ::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::  |           ゙i   :::::::
   \_          ,,-'
     ヽ__  _,,-''
       )ノ    Target subject: Molester Man
            Measurement date: 2004/11/22
――--、.., Friend    Acquaintance    Creep    Vomits in her sleep
:::::::,-‐、,‐、ヽ. ├──────┼──────┼──────┤
:::::_|/ 。|。ヽ|-i、      。
/. ` ' ● ' ニ 、    /
ニ __l___ノ    /
/ ̄ _  | i   /〉
|( ̄`'  )/ / ,.. //
`ー---―' / '(__ )
====( i)==::::/
:/     ヽ:::i

   ― We had to leave out one of the labels of the scale
      because it would never get used anyway.
                             Thank you for your consideration. ―

324 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 14:47:21 ID:37QDa0Vc

325 : ◆eLHzX/CLbU : 04/11/23 14:50:30 ID:lJ0zywMM
- I forgot to quote the post I wanted to reply to
- I replied too late
- I forgot to include the 2ch browser pop-up trick
What a fail. I've done everything I could do wrong. orz

326 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 15:02:39 ID:WinZd51g
What the fuck?w I had no idea this was a thingww

327 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 15:07:37 ID:Pt9NcLt+
Good morning, guys.
Can someone please give me a short summary of what happened so far?

328 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 15:08:11 ID:WinZd51g

329 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 15:08:42 ID:CuSA20F7
Mistaken for a molester


Sleep vomiting

330 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 15:10:26 ID:Pt9NcLt+

331 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 15:10:30 ID:pa4nOw8V
You lovelorn fool!

332 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 15:16:07 ID:i3hfBMdP
>>327 This isn't going to be a good summary, but deal with it.

Molester was chilling at his place wearing nothing but trunks when Kansai and Loli Jugs suddenly paid him a visit.
After quickly hiding his otaku manga and snakes, he let them into his room, still wearing nothing but trunks,
but they started ransacking his room until they found his otaku manga anyway. Kansai didn't make any fuss about it though.

After a while, Miss Undie showed up because Kansai had called her over. Molester confessed that he had lied to her
(he had told her he's going to the movies on the next day when he's actually visiting his parents
to apologize for causing so much trouble for them), but Miss Undie didn't get what he's talking about.
Until Kansai stepped in and helped Molester out since she was already in the know from Molester's e-mails. Kansai being awesome as always.

Meanwhile, Loli Jugs, who was already drunk before she arrived, had fallen fast asleep on Molester's bed.
She wouldn't wake up, so they left her asleep in Molester's room
and headed out to walk Miss Undie home.

When Kansai and Molester returned to his room, they were greeted by a strange smell.
Loli Jugs had thrown up on his bed... Molester cleaned up the mess with Kansai's help,
but missed his chance to see Loli Jugs naked.
Once they had finished cleaning up, Kansai left with Loli Jugs. Molester put the stinking futon away somewhere outside his room
and spent a lonely night on the yet unsued futon for guests.

333 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 15:16:29 ID:i3hfBMdP
unsued → unused

334 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 15:19:27 ID:94ZxnNO/
I got everything now.

335 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 15:28:10 ID:AYNYEh40
>and spent a lonely night on the yet unsued futon for guests.

I stopped reading here.

336 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 15:36:28 ID:29181elK
Oh God, my sideswwww

337 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 15:41:57 ID:Hs285RJb
He wasn't wearing nothing but trunks though. He was wearing trunks, a shirt with long sleeves and a Sukajanwwwww

338 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 16:11:52 ID:g9f0tYYG
Since it's Labor Thanksgiving Day today, I spent all day binge-reading threads in my backlog. I'm so tired...

339 : (・ω・ ミ 3 )∋ : 04/11/23 16:33:39 ID:IuPSNlmd
+   +
  ∩_∩  +
 (0゚・(ェ)・) ba-dump ba-dump bear bear
 (0゚つ旦O + Hope something new happens tonight too
 と__)__) +

340 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 16:51:18 ID:c7OhDkRs
Hey, guys... The last few weeks have been very stressful and it seems like staying up all night yesterday was the last straw
because I slept like a log for 10 hours and only woke up a few minutes ago.

341 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 16:53:39 ID:nj9OmKYJ
I made an effort to get up at 8am, but got sleepy after lunch and ended up having a nap till now.
I can tell from the patches of red sky showing through the clouds that the sun is already setting.

342 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 17:08:12 ID:CuSA20F7
Soon, OP should get a "Sorry I threw up on your bed" e-mail from Loli Jugs.

343 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 17:24:05 ID:c7OhDkRs
Loli might be too embarrassed or scared to apologize in person, so Kansai might have to play the mediator again.
But Kansai being Kansai comes up with another elaborate plan to make her apologize to OP in person. And that could be OP's chance for a threesome.

344 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 17:24:43 ID:29181elK
You lent her a shirt, right?
She'll return it sooner or later, right?
When she does, will you sell it to me?

345 : (・ω・ ミ 3 )∋ : 04/11/23 17:28:29 ID:IuPSNlmd
In b4 a vomit-stained futon and shirt show up on auction sites.

346 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 17:32:47 ID:WinZd51g
Please make it so that only people from this thread can bid.
And make sure to add a "No claim, no return" policy.

347 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 17:37:28 ID:jmjFycm+
What's the reserve price going to be?

348 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 17:42:55 ID:icASn+qt
I'll be real-life friends with you, Molester, so please introduce me to one of the girlsw

349 : (・ω・ ミ 3 )∋ : 04/11/23 17:45:05 ID:IuPSNlmd
You can have Crab Glasses if you want. (;゚∀゚)=3 Muahaha

350 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 17:46:04 ID:nsM5FO03
     /  =゚ω゚)=3 Muahaha!
     |  U /
     ( ヽノ
      ノ>ノ  tap tap
. 三  しU

351 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 17:53:03 ID:u+cQbuKe
Alright... It's time for SukuRan, huh...

352 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 17:54:47 ID:bVcnvzF+
Hey, Molester.
SukuRan is about to start.

353 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 17:55:38 ID:icASn+qt
          o。_。_lコ<o>     |l≡≡≡|ミ|__。≠_〇o
 。+ +。。。。。 |l|FFFFFFF|。 。 .。 +|l≡≡≡|ミ|EEEEEEEEEEE|lll| .。+
  * o  o.   |l|FFFFFFF / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
     。。oo  |l|FFFFFF | It's November already and I still don't have a job or girlfriend...
   /| ̄ ̄ ̄l ::|FFFFFFF \
   |ミ|:」」:」」:」| ::|FFFFFF     ̄|/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
   |ミ|:」」:」」:」| 〇 FF.。   ∧_∧  |l≡o + +! + 。 〇   +
   lミl.」」.」〇 ++ +  (´・ω・) o  〇 。 o  +   〇 。 +
  __〇___。_゚__/ ~つと)____o______〇__o___。

354 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 18:13:26 ID:ZABCJt07
Why's no one posting anything?!
Is it because of SukuRan?! Are you all watching SukuRan!?

355 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 18:15:21 ID:CZF62N9s

356 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 18:16:53 ID:icASn+qt
Welcome back.
Got any e-mails from Loli?

357 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 18:17:11 ID:c7OhDkRs
What's SukuRan?
Here's what I got when I googled it, but I'm not sure if it's the right one....

358 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 18:19:45 ID:lJ0zywMM
What's wrong?
Take a deep breath!

359 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 18:21:18 ID:CuSA20F7
That's obviously it.

360 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 18:24:28 ID:AL0GjJFL
Who cares about anime now!?

Clean up your room already!
I don't get why you still keep those Jump mags.
They only take up space.

361 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 18:26:29 ID:CZF62N9s
I'm so glad I recorded it just in case...

I'll watch the first half later... Btw, I was in such a hurry to get back that I haven't even been to the supermarket yet.
They usually start changing the price tags at around 6pm, so maybe I'll go get some fillet on sale after this...

362 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 18:27:11 ID:QZudeTvI
Welcome back.
I've been patiently waiting for you.
I already missed yesterday's party, I don't want to miss anything today.

363 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 18:27:17 ID:bVcnvzF+
(・∀・) Ran Ran Raaan Raaan Ran

364 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 18:27:18 ID:CuSA20F7
At first, you think you'll throw them away once you've got a whole bunch of them, but then you wake up one day and realize they've grown into a huge tower of Jump mags.
But throwing away a huge tower of Jump mags is a pain in the ass, so you procrastinate until you've got yourself two huge towers of Jump mags.

365 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 18:27:28 ID:lJ0zywMM
You were talking about anime!?
And here I was worried about you!

366 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 18:30:01 ID:c7OhDkRs
It's just anime for you,
but for Molester, it'll always be
anime >>>>>>>>> Kansai
after all....

367 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 18:30:54 ID:CZF62N9s
Brb going to SATY.

368 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 18:31:58 ID:WinZd51g
Have a safe trip.
And bring me something too while you're at it. (Something with fresh fish would be good.)

369 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 18:33:16 ID:qJl6L12k
If Molester is really going to take out his Jump and Champion mags today,
he should sort out all the other otaku goods in his room too. I bet he has lots of stuff he doesn't need.

Though I guess he wouldn't be an otaku if he could get rid of them just like that... But you gotta start somewhere, right?

370 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 18:37:12 ID:CZF62N9s
Guys, let me say one thing before I head out.

It's a crime to take out burnable trash on a non-designated day.

371 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 18:40:13 ID:o96IR8lG
My big brother's plastic model kit boxes and video tape towers take up 1/4 of our guest room.
His stuff is cluttering up the room so much it can't be used as a guest room anymore.

372 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 18:43:25 ID:c7OhDkRs
I had to throw away some of my stuff too when I got married.... All my erotic drawings, for example.

373 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 18:46:06 ID:qJl6L12k
Please elaborate.

374 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 18:46:27 ID:TDLZ+c+d
Back in the day, you were picked on and called otaku for simply owning a PC.
We sure live in good times now.

375 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 18:46:56 ID:AL0GjJFL
You're right about that.
I doubt the garbage truck would pick up two huge towers of Jump mags anyway.
Which reminds me, an acquaintance of mine was piling up sixteen, seventeen years worth of
Animedia mags in the hallway to throw them all out at once.
I'm sure some otaku would have killed to have it.
It was an impressive collection.

376 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 18:48:33 ID:q3v7j5Co

377 : ◆eLHzX/CLbU : 04/11/23 18:49:09 ID:lJ0zywMM
Set fire to it and burn it all down.
       __________|   (   ) ))
     ////////// /\((⌒   ))   ノ火             ノ火
    ////////// /(⌒((⌒))  )),   γノ)::)  Campfire     γノ)::)  
  ////////// /(⌒( ⌒ ) ⌒ )   ゝ∧ノ   Campfire♪   ゝ∧ノ
  | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|   ( (( ⌒ )) )  ♪  ||  Å        Å   ||  ♪
  |  | ̄ ̄|          |   (( ⌒ )) )), ♪    || /371ヽ      /OPヽ  ||      
  |  |    |          |   从ノ.::;;火;; 从))゙    ヽ(´∀` )ノ    ヽ( ・∀・)ノ Merassa
  |  |    |          |  从::;;;;;ノ  );;;;;从      (  へ)      (∧ )    Merassa
  |  |    |          | 从;;;;;::人 ;ノ;;;;;从人       く           > ♪
  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

378 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 18:49:55 ID:WinZd51g
Why didn't he put them up on Yahoo auctions? I've seen lots of people selling their old Shounen Sunday's.

379 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 18:50:34 ID:qJl6L12k
Yeah, old magazines can be trash for some and a treasure for others...
I, for example, am always looking PC Engine-related magazines. Second hand bookstores stopped selling older video game magazines
because no one was interested in buying them, or so I heard.

Molester, why don't you cut out or scan only the manga you like and throw away the rest of the magazines?

380 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 18:54:27 ID:oHmJIt5W

381 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 18:59:12 ID:u+cQbuKe
I often catch myself googling for pictures of signs saying "Beware of molesters" lately. (´・ω・`) I want one.

382 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:02:02 ID:c7OhDkRs
Right... We should put up a sign like that in front of Molester's apartment.

383 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 19:07:30 ID:CZF62N9s
I'm back.

384 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:07:39 ID:WinZd51g
You mean like PC Engine FAN and Dengeki PC Engine?
I used to buy the latter when I was in middle school until it suddenly turned into a magazine about weird bishojo games.

385 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:07:53 ID:nj9OmKYJ
That was quick.

386 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:08:03 ID:WinZd51g
Welcome back.
Your report, now.

387 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:10:50 ID:u+cQbuKe
Let me put up one in this thread too.
I wonder if there are any AA's of a "Beware of molesters" sign.

But well, this one will have to do for now.

   ∧∧       ミ _ thud
   (   ,,)┌────┴┴────┐
  /   つ   Beware of molesters   |
~′ /´ └────┬┬────┘
 ∪ ∪           |_|ε3

388 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:11:38 ID:qIsnQhiD
Did Loli call you?

389 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 19:12:41 ID:CZF62N9s
Nope, no calls, no e-mails, nothing.

390 : (・ω・ ミ 3 )∋ : 04/11/23 19:16:43 ID:MRrvCRCW
+   +
  ∩_∩  +
 (0゚・(ェ)・) ba-dump ba-dump bear bear
 (0゚つ旦O +
 と__)__) +

391 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:16:52 ID:c7OhDkRs
I'm sure Miss Undie remembers since she was sober yesterday, but it's possible that Loli has forgotten everything.
Kansai should know what happened, so the question is if she told Loli what she did or not.

Ah, she'll know when she sees the shirt she's wearing, huh?

392 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:19:31 ID:3mYukC2j
I want an AA of Kansai.

393 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:20:02 ID:qIsnQhiD
I wonder if they're going to start hanging out at Molester's place regularly from now on.

394 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:21:23 ID:AL0GjJFL
If that happens...

395 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:22:03 ID:CGV6B+dy
When Loli Jugs wakes up without any recollection of what happened and realizes she's wearing Molester's shirt, she's going to be fucking terrified.

396 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 19:22:45 ID:CZF62N9s
All I got so far is a confirmation e-mail from Kansai about the meeting time tomorrow.
The grasshoppers cooked in soy sauce I was served at my parents' place were a lot more shocking.

It's not that I don't like them, but I hate how they tend to get stuck between your teeth.

397 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:23:28 ID:rTzT4IAu
If they're going to use your place as a hangout, they should at least let you fondle their boobs.

398 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 19:25:56 ID:CZF62N9s

399 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:27:21 ID:XDVOwVJs
Kansai would let you do it if you asked her now.

400 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:28:57 ID:OTBIHky3
Loli apologizes in some way or other which in some way or other leads to OP making love with her.

401 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:30:14 ID:nsM5FO03
It does feel like they're trying make OP's place their hangout spot.
Normally, they wouldn't show up like that without any prior notice.

402 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 19:31:38 ID:CZF62N9s
They had a reason to show up yesterday though.

403 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:31:50 ID:TNFv/36z
In b4 Molester uses his masterful handling skills to turn his place into a cumdumpster.

404 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:32:21 ID:AL0GjJFL
His place has always been a cumdumpster though.

405 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:32:22 ID:u+cQbuKe
OP should send a complaint e-mail instead.
"I can't get the smell out! ヽ(`Д´)ノ BAWWW
It's confusing my pets! They're like (((( ;゜Д゜))) shake shake"

406 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:32:38 ID:rTzT4IAu
It's a good thing, isn't it? As long as OP keeps his place clean, of course.
OP might get a glimpse of their panties if he's lucky.

407 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:33:23 ID:CuSA20F7
I guess OP will never get to put up his posters againw

408 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:33:48 ID:XDVOwVJs
That's not how you use the word cumdumpster. He could turn the girls into cumdumpsters though!

409 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 19:35:03 ID:CZF62N9s
Ah! S-Shit, I forgot!!

410 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:35:05 ID:c7OhDkRs
Forget about posters, Molester can't even let his manga lie around carelessly anymore.

......but then again, would it really matter if they saw his otaku goods? I mean, they already know, right?

411 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:36:28 ID:XDVOwVJs
Don't tell me you forgot to take down your posters.

412 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:36:51 ID:u+cQbuKe
On an unrelated note, did you catch a glimpse of Miss Understanding's room when you brought her home yesterday?

413 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:39:20 ID:c7OhDkRs
Well, anyways.
Why don't you post a pic of your room, Molester? We might be able to give you more concrete advice then.

414 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:41:28 ID:Hj7RNscd
Did you drive Miss Understanding home yesterday?
Or did you walk her home?

415 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:41:37 ID:CuSA20F7
N-No way(・ω・;;)!?

416 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:42:50 ID:AL0GjJFL
Huh? OP doesn't even have a car.

417 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:43:44 ID:FAUJyGQz
She still lives at her parents' place though.

418 : 417 : 04/11/23 19:44:25 ID:FAUJyGQz
Ah, sorry, it was Kansai who still lives with her parents.

419 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:44:37 ID:XDVOwVJs
Wasn't Kansai the one who lives at her parents' place?

420 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:44:45 ID:c7OhDkRs
He walked her home, obviously...

Well, if it was for me, OP would have carried her home on his back. Giving her a ride on his shoulders would have been okay too.

421 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 19:45:03 ID:CZF62N9s
Miss Understanding lives alone.

I couldn't see inside her room though.
Also, I don't have a car.

422 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:45:07 ID:XDVOwVJs
In that case, he should have carried her home in his arms.

423 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 19:49:42 ID:CZF62N9s
I'm afraid I'd only hold out a minute or so.

424 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:52:13 ID:c7OhDkRs
Alright, it's decided then. OP shall carry her home in his arms.
In standing missionary style, that is.

425 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:52:30 ID:u+cQbuKe
Too bad. (゚3゚) But now you know where she lives... Oh, you already knew about her address, right?
Hope she invites you over one day like Hermes did in Train Man.

426 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:53:49 ID:icASn+qt
Miss Understanding isn't Molester's Hermes anymore, you dimwit. Molester loves Kansai.

427 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:54:02 ID:TNFv/36z
Say what you want about OP, but you have to admit he's always delivered so far.

428 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:54:10 ID:i3hfBMdP
You want him to bang her home!?

429 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 19:54:14 ID:CZF62N9s
I just realized I wouldn't know how to react if Loli actually came to apologize to me. Any advice?

430 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:54:36 ID:i3hfBMdP
Fondle her boobs.

431 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:54:47 ID:j2Ohu23F
Finally caught up.
So, what's next? Should I take off my pants just in case?

432 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:55:09 ID:Hj7RNscd
Tell her "The least you can do is let me touch your boobs.".
Yeah, sounds about right.

433 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 19:55:35 ID:CZF62N9s
Now, now, guys, behave yourselves.

434 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:56:18 ID:Hj7RNscd
Okay, okay, just stuff your sausage between her buns if you catch my drift.

435 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:56:44 ID:lJ0zywMM
Make her play cupid for you and Kansai.

436 : You can easily tell a VIPPER by their behavior ◆QKO2OCjVyc : 04/11/23 19:56:46 ID:7hcQKy/o
Wouldn't it make a better impression to simply accept her apology instead of guilt tripping her into doing something lewd?

437 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:57:09 ID:AL0GjJFL
Molester, do you want to use the vomit-stained futon as an excuse to gain something or not?

438 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:57:11 ID:XDVOwVJs
Make her set up a drinking party.

439 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:57:14 ID:j2Ohu23F
You should do her a favor and pretend like nothing happened.

440 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:57:16 ID:icASn+qt
Act like it doesn't bother you at all.

441 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 19:58:00 ID:CZF62N9s
That's for the best, I guess.

442 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:58:07 ID:sH04JW4W
"Next time you throw up, do it while I'm watching, okay? <3"

443 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:58:28 ID:Hj7RNscd
Here goes my prediction:
OP will receive crabs from Loli tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

444 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:59:12 ID:CGV6B+dy
"Eh? Ahh, you mean what happened yesterday? That was pretty funny. Hahaha. Don't worry about it, don't worry about it."

445 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:59:15 ID:i3hfBMdP
Tell Loli honestly that you like Kansai and ask her for advice.

Just be careful how you word it because she might get the wrong idea and think that
you only switched to the Kansai route because the Miss Undie one was a dead end.

446 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:59:35 ID:XDVOwVJs
No, I'm sure she'll send prawns.

447 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 19:59:56 ID:XDVOwVJs
It's the truth though.

448 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 20:01:26 ID:AL0GjJFL
I can't give you any advice because I still don't know what Loli is like normally.
Just try not to say anything that could hurt her feelings.

449 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 20:03:16 ID:u+cQbuKe
"The salami was delicious. (^^)"

450 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 20:03:18 ID:CZF62N9s

451 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 20:03:42 ID:qJl6L12k
By the way, when you walked in on Kansai cleaning Loli in the bathroom yesterday, how much did you see?
Did you see anything? Could you please shed some light on that?

452 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 20:03:46 ID:Hj7RNscd
    〃〃∩  _, ,_
     ⊂⌒( `Д´) < BUT I WANT CRAB!
       `ヽ_つ ⊂ノ

453 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 20:04:04 ID:c7OhDkRs
How would that be the wrong idea...? Everyone knows already.

454 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 20:06:27 ID:i3hfBMdP
Even if that's what everyone thinks, OP should still try to act like it wasn't the truth.
Otherwise, he'll never get the Kansai end. Kansai-tan is too good-hearted for that...

455 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 20:07:17 ID:CZF62N9s
I saw her bra straps.

456 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 20:08:36 ID:qJl6L12k
Did you fap to it?

457 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 20:08:39 ID:F4XQHDEU
Kill yourself. Hurry up and kill yourself.

458 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 20:09:52 ID:c7OhDkRs
As long as she's not the type of woman to wear her heart on her sleeve,
I feel like she won't go out with him even if she likes him unless there is a very good reason to.

Even more so since she knows OP went after Miss Undie first and got rejected.

459 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 20:10:53 ID:u+cQbuKe
   ∧∧       ミ _ thud
   (   ,,)┌────┴┴────┐
  /   つ   Beware of Tashiro  .|
~′ /´ └────┬┬────┘
 ∪ ∪           |_|ε3

460 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 20:11:31 ID:CZF62N9s
Well, it would have been a piece of cake with my unparalleled power of imagination, no, delusion,
but is it really something worth fapping to...?

461 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 20:12:29 ID:6p4ROFKz
I have to concur with him. Kill yourself.

462 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 20:13:12 ID:icASn+qt
Why don't you install hidden cameras at various points of your apartment for next time?

463 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 20:13:16 ID:29181elK
Yeah, kill yourself, you coward. You couldn't even sneak a peek at her nipples.

464 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 20:14:51 ID:c7OhDkRs
Dude... Your unwavering love for 2D makes me rock hard and I'm not even gay.

465 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 20:15:01 ID:CZF62N9s
Because Kansai threw me out...
I'm pretty sure she still had her bra on though. Kansai only stripped her down to her bra.

466 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 20:16:12 ID:u+cQbuKe
Wait, she made her take a shower with her bra on!?

(;´Д`) pant pant

467 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 20:16:25 ID:rTzT4IAu
In case she was wearing a bra, what color was it? The color is important since it decides whether a piece of underwear is a turn-on or a turn-off.

468 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 20:17:51 ID:AL0GjJFL
If only they didn't know that OP had a thing for Miss Undie...

Just now, I was like "What's this strange song coming from my Windows Media Player?",
but then I realized it's the song from the 508th post of the previous thread.

469 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 20:18:44 ID:icASn+qt
What type of girl is Loli?
You know, like the older sister type etc., there's all kinds.
So which one is she?

470 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 20:20:11 ID:CZF62N9s
It was kinda hard to tell because of the very dim light in my bathroom,
but it looked light pink to me.
The loli type.

471 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 20:21:58 ID:icASn+qt
Does she dress like a loli too?

472 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 20:22:35 ID:u+cQbuKe
Is she loli☆ loli?
Or goth loli?

473 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 20:23:31 ID:CZF62N9s
I'd say, she dresses normally.
Not especially cutesy or anything like that.

474 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 20:24:47 ID:icASn+qt

475 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 20:25:17 ID:u+cQbuKe
But she resembles Matsumoto Marika, right?

476 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 20:25:25 ID:gIJSYL2V
But all that will net you is a spot in her friendzone.
When it comes to the game of love between a man and a woman,
it's the man who has to put the moves on the woman and make her go "What a (・∀・) hot guy!!".

477 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 20:25:28 ID:AL0GjJFL
How comfortable would you say is Loli around guys?
If Miss Undie is a 0 and Kansai is a 100 on that scale,
where would you place Loli?

478 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 20:25:46 ID:rTzT4IAu
A loli type girl who comes with two wonderful extra assets called "jugs"...

479 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 20:26:49 ID:AL0GjJFL
But 440 was referring to Loli.
Why would OP put the moves on Loli?

480 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 20:28:38 ID:CZF62N9s
Around 70, maybe? But I can't say for sure because, like I've said before, she seems like a different person every time I see her.
But that's like saying
"This model comes with the best graphics card on the market and costs only 10,000 yen!!"
to a customer who doesn't even play any video games...

481 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 20:29:22 ID:u+cQbuKe
I wonder what would happen if OP rejected Loli's apology instead.

You know, like tell her it was fucking gross.

Loli (´・ω・`) SAD
Kansai (´・ω・`) SAD
Miss Undie (´・ω・`) SAD

Would Kansai work her magic as a mediator again?

482 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 20:30:53 ID:6p4ROFKz
I'm afraid OP would never see them again.

483 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 20:37:45 ID:u+cQbuKe
Even though she was the one who suddenly showed up and puked on his bed...?
But well, it'd be bad if it caused them to leave. (´д`) She might just send some crabs and never contact him again.

484 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 20:39:54 ID:nj9OmKYJ
Aren't you worried about tomorrow?

485 : Osai●▼■ ◆n.ef.bYbYo : 04/11/23 20:39:58 ID:uOOEbwH2
She's mine and mine only.

     ( ノo o ) )  Blow (Get)
      )ヽ ◎/(.    Up (A)
    (/.(・)(・)\ . Wife (Clue)
    (/| x |\)   .  _
   . (/   \)

486 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 20:40:34 ID:WinZd51g
Throwing up in your sleep is really depressing...
I did it once too. The guy who had to clean it up never talked to me again.

487 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 20:40:35 ID:CZF62N9s
But I am worried about tomorrow... I still need to prepare and come up with stuff to talk about.

488 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 20:41:50 ID:rTzT4IAu
Well, simply act like the puking incident didn't bother you at all, you know?
And if she should bring it up herself and apologize, say
"Huh? Ahh, that. Don't worry about it. Feel free to drop by anytime. If you don't mind how cramped my room is, that is." (in your best Wakamoto Norio voice).
Go with this.

489 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 20:42:16 ID:XDVOwVJs
What kind of anti-stalker products are you planning on buying tomorrow anyway?

490 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 20:42:43 ID:CZF62N9s
I can't do a Wakamoto Norio voice...

491 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 20:43:34 ID:lJ0zywMM

   crabs = letter of divorce

            in this thread?w

492 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 20:44:40 ID:AL0GjJFL
>letter of divorce
Haven't read these words in a long time.

493 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 20:48:18 ID:u+cQbuKe
Oh yeah, we need more men for our on-site stalking operation in Akihabara tomorrow!

Profession: Doesn't matter
Age: Doesn't matter
Gender: Doesn't matter
The only thing that matters: You're a VIPPER

※ Make sure to take a cell phone with you so you can report back live

There is someone out there waiting for you too!

494 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 20:49:46 ID:F4XQHDEU
I wanna go!!

But I don't think I can. (´・ω・`) SAD

495 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 20:50:40 ID:59MJMOsn
(゚ε゚) Don't worry about it!!
is how I would react to her apology.
Then I would change the topic to something completely different and act like nothing happened.
That's what a real gentleman would do.

496 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 20:50:53 ID:Y4yvNbkZ
In any case,
I think it's safe to say that you'll get an apology e-mail or call from Loli sometime today.
Everyone here seems to agree that you should act like it doesn't bother you when she does.

497 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 20:51:21 ID:icASn+qt
We're 100% sure that they're going to Akihabara tomorrow, right?

498 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 20:51:27 ID:AL0GjJFL
Nope, sorry, no can do.
I live way out in the sticks.

499 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 20:51:39 ID:QZudeTvI
I just got off work and can finally join you guys.

By the way, are they really going to Akiba tomorrow?

500 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:02:35 ID:c7OhDkRs
In b4 some of the on-site troops score big time again...

501 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:03:22 ID:JJe57g1b
I wouldn't take them to Akiba. It's an extremely cringe-inducing town.
Why don't you go to one of the big electronic stores in Shinjuku instead?

502 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:04:30 ID:nup9UaaI
About that book Kansai found in your bed...
1. 3D porn
2. 2D porn
3. 2D doujin porn

Which was it?

503 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:06:12 ID:u+cQbuKe
It doesn't really matter where he's actually going tomorrow. VIPPERs just don't get it.

Even if you ended up looking for him in the wrong place, you could still run into the love of your life! It's the journey that counts!
Molester is going to share a portion of his luck with us!

504 : Osai●▼■ ◆n.ef.bYbYo : 04/11/23 21:08:51 ID:uOOEbwH2
Let me leave this here just in case Molester Man gets turned into a book.
I hope I don't get arrested for this.
24: "Just came back from watching Howl's Moving Castle"! by yodobashi.com 3    
26: THE EMPEROR 47    
27: I need pics of good-looking cosplay 60    
28: I don't get why people say they're "turned off" or "creeped out" by stuff 12

505 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:08:59 ID:nsM5FO03
OP just got a call from Loli. I can feel it.

506 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:10:09 ID:XDVOwVJs
No, it's from Kansai.

507 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 21:12:05 ID:CZF62N9s
I did get a call, but it was from Miss Understanding. Sorry to disappoint you guys.

She just called to confirm the meeting place and time.

508 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:13:15 ID:XDVOwVJs
Where are you meeting up?

509 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:15:25 ID:c7OhDkRs
Regardless of the meeting place, your final destination is Akiba, right?

Or it's what you want us to think...

510 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 21:16:28 ID:CZF62N9s
Speaking of Loli, she hasn't tried to contact me at all.
And for some reason, I don't think she will either.
I'm just guessing, but I can imagine it's not easy to apologize for something like that.

511 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:17:38 ID:c7OhDkRs
Remember how hard it was for you to apologize to Miss Undie yesterday? Same thing.

512 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:17:59 ID:XDVOwVJs
No, I think she simply doesn't care.

513 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:19:13 ID:VYmElw4a

I'd bet 1000 nipples that she's drunk again and is too wasted to contact you right now.

514 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:20:01 ID:bVcnvzF+
Hard to believe Molester used to have a crush on Miss Understanding. He doesn't give two shits about her now.

515 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:20:56 ID:YlhkXol1
Loli: Do you think I should call him and apologize?
Kansai: I'll talk to him tomorrow when we meet up.
   If it seems like he expects an apology, I'll tell you and you can apologize to him later, okay?

516 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:21:22 ID:XDVOwVJs
If Miss Understanding asked Molester out now, would he turn her down?

517 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:23:04 ID:c7OhDkRs
For Miss Undie, it probably looks like Kansai and OP are hitting it off...
I doubt she'd say anything even if she had feelings for him.

518 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:24:43 ID:jwWkguu0
Why don't you e-mail Loli and ask her if she's alright?

519 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 21:25:42 ID:CZF62N9s
That's it!!

Why did I not think of that?
"You seemed a little under the weather yesterday. Is everything okay?"
I'll send this.

520 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:27:00 ID:XDVOwVJs
No, no, no, no, wait, wait, wait.
You really don't want to seem too worried about Loli now.

521 : Osai●▼■ ◆n.ef.bYbYo : 04/11/23 21:27:48 ID:uOOEbwH2
I wouldn't do something so obvious if I were you.

522 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:28:01 ID:Hj7RNscd
Is it really necessary to go out of your way to contact her?

523 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:28:45 ID:c7OhDkRs
He's just asking her if she's okay. I don't see the problem.

524 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:29:01 ID:VYmElw4a
"(Thanks for puking all over my bed yesterday.) Is everything okay?"

525 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:29:44 ID:ua7EaIsk
Loli is in "embarrassed little girl" mode right now because she put on such a shameful display yesterday.
That, or she doesn't remember any of itw

526 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:29:59 ID:070qQhd7
OP might be getting ahead of himself again, but he IS friends with the girls now.
And it's just an e-mail to Loli. What could possibly go wrong?

527 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:30:11 ID:XDVOwVJs
You realize now that all three girls feel like they owe Molester something.
It's soon time to activate the blackmailing asshole route.

528 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 21:30:57 ID:CZF62N9s
So I can send it, right?

529 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:30:59 ID:nsM5FO03
It's impressive if you think about it. Molester is a genius when it comes to making women feel like they owe him something.

530 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:31:39 ID:XDVOwVJs
Even if we say no, you're going to send it anyway, aren't you?
You never listen to others.

531 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:31:48 ID:7GwWQvln
I think this is an important crossroads.

532 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:31:55 ID:nsM5FO03
I can only speak for myself, but I'm okay with whatever you think is best, Molester.
We only got this far because you have a certain Molester QUALITY.

"Molester QUALITY" might be a bit misleading, but you know what I mean.

533 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:31:58 ID:c7OhDkRs
If you're going to send an e-mail, a one-liner might be best.

Something like "Are you okay?".

534 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:33:39 ID:Y4yvNbkZ
It's alright, don't worry.
Just send it.

535 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:34:43 ID:qJl6L12k
GO! Send it!

536 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:35:37 ID:AL0GjJFL
I wouldn't send anything.

537 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:35:55 ID:070qQhd7
When I e-mail a girl I'm friends with, she usually replies within 5 minutes.
What about you, Molester?

538 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:36:06 ID:luTokS4H
Don't send it!

539 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:38:04 ID:AL0GjJFL
He's already sent it, hasn't he? Like he always does.

540 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:38:25 ID:c8izgDBi
Loli: "Actually, I don't remember anything about yesterday;;"

is what she'll reply.

      I'D BET 1000 HAIR CRABS ON IT!!!

541 : Osai●▼■ ◆n.ef.bYbYo : 04/11/23 21:39:31 ID:uOOEbwH2
♪Here's to you, Molester

Molester, Molester, Molester
Everytime he sends an email
Miss Undie, Loli Jugs and the VIPPERs
All get in a state of confusion

Where is my wife?

542 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:41:16 ID:uOOEbwH2
Let me just remove my tripcode before I get shit on

Catch me if you can m9(^Д^) Pfffhahaha

543 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:41:23 ID:c7OhDkRs
Just try not to end up like this:

Stardust bo━━(  ) ('A`)A`)A`)A`)A`)A`)A`)A`)━━━ys......
          .(  )Vノ )ノ )ノ )ノ )ノ )ノ )ノ )ノ )
            | |  | | | | | | | | | | | | .| | .| |

544 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:43:06 ID:Dm+7WtJW
Have you already sent the e-mail to Loli?

545 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 21:43:11 ID:CZF62N9s
Looks like one half of this thread is for it and the other half is against it.
If I send it now, you guys will tell me I went berserk again...

But she might still be at work now, so I think I'll wait until it's past 10pm first.

546 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:43:45 ID:ghl3W6Tj
Wouldn't it be better to send an e-mail to Kansai instead?
"Is Loli doing okay?" should be OK.

547 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:43:46 ID:JSyntwp8
Send it!

548 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:44:07 ID:Iy/FL40y
There's absolutely no need to send an e-mail to Loli. I'm sure she feels bad enough for what she's done.

549 : Saposshisshi : 04/11/23 21:44:46 ID:OD7rLCYQ
Hello, I'm a famous tripfag from the Online Game Let's Play board. ← It's true
And we happen to be in the middle of a war with the CC Sakura board right now.
Please help us out, VIPPERs!!!!!!!!
Put "OGLP" in the name field! I'm looking forward to seeing you on the field!!!!


550 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:45:00 ID:XDVOwVJs
That'd make sense if Molester was only after Kansai, but he wants to complete all routes.

551 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:45:45 ID:lJ0zywMM
What a greedy bastard.

552 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 21:46:50 ID:CZF62N9s
I guess I could go for some sort of harem end, but it's impossible to complete all routes in real life without a reset function.

553 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:46:54 ID:j2Ohu23F
If Loli offers to treat you to something or apologizes,
make sure to accept it. Do it for Loli.

554 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:46:57 ID:DkPkN8lw
But well, in retrospect, Molester going berserk has always turned out to be a good thing.

555 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:47:56 ID:c7OhDkRs
Huh, I don't see any issues with sending an e-mail now.

Wouldn't sending nothing make things even more awkward than they already are?
It'll only make Loli think "Molester must be mad at me...".

556 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:47:59 ID:Dm+7WtJW
>>546 is right! Having thrown up on your bed is bad enough for Loli as a woman. If you were to ask her is she's alright now, she'd die of shame. You should wait for her "I'm sorry" e-mail instead.

557 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:48:35 ID:XDVOwVJs
You're the demon lord of dating sims. You can do it.

558 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:48:44 ID:luTokS4H
Some say OP should send an e-mail to Loli because they're worried about Loli, while some say he shouldn't because it will only make her feel worse.
But I say it's not a good idea to contact Loli when Kansai is the one he really wants.
Loli and Miss Understanding should be nothing more than fodder for talking to Kansai.

559 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:50:22 ID:AL0GjJFL
>>558 I agree with this so much I've gone bald.

560 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:53:02 ID:EQE6d33V
I asked a cute girl at my workplace for her phone number. Discuss.

561 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:53:24 ID:nsM5FO03
Please elaborate.

562 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:53:35 ID:XDVOwVJs
The number >>560 got is actually a fake number. Discuss.

563 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:54:40 ID:c7OhDkRs
No, no, wait, guys.
Even if OP is only after Kansai, what's wrong about being kind to a different woman?
Especially when it's a friend of Kansai.

564 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:55:33 ID:XDVOwVJs
There's nothing kind about asking "Are you alright?" a day after she threw up on his bedw

565 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:55:54 ID:1ttcSLcy
This. It's just an e-mail. What's the problem?

566 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:56:23 ID:EQE6d33V
I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I called her right away and gave her my number that wayw

567 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:57:23 ID:nsM5FO03
Why would I be disappointed when I was the one who asked you to elaborate.

568 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:59:23 ID:EQE6d33V
Sorry, I meant to reply to >>562. orz

569 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:59:30 ID:c7OhDkRs
She threw up because she drunk too much alcohol. What's wrong with asking her if she's alright?
It's the same as asking a drunk woman who passed out on the street if she's alright.

570 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 21:59:36 ID:ghl3W6Tj
There's just no reason for OP to send the first e-mail.
If she contacts him and says she's sorry, he can tell her not to worry about it
and that she should be thanking Kansai instead since she took care of everything.
Plus, if he's going for Kansai, he could add something like "Kansai is so kind.".
Wouldn't you agree?

571 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:00:14 ID:uOOEbwH2
Speaking of phone numbers and e-mail addresses of cute girls, my cell phone is full of them.

572 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:00:42 ID:XDVOwVJs
It may be kind words to a woman who's wasted right now,
but to Loli who's already sober again, it's nothing but a reminder of something she was trying to forget.
At least, that's what I honestly think.

573 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:01:16 ID:XDVOwVJs
Talk about pearls before swine.

574 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:02:47 ID:nsM5FO03
Anyways, don't let it go to waste. Call her now.

575 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:03:02 ID:1ttcSLcy
So she drunk a bit too much. It's not the end of the world!

576 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:03:13 ID:4cscJCvc
I have the number of a certain female TV announcer in my phone.

577 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:03:31 ID:XDVOwVJs
Well, if you have to e-mail Loli,
then make sure to say something nice about Kansai because Loli is sure to tell Kansai about it and Kansai will like you more.

578 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:03:37 ID:c7OhDkRs
No... If I was Loli, I'd think Molester is mad at me.
I'd be too embarrassed to contact him and if he didn't contact me either, I wouldn't know what to do.

So if I were to get an e-mail from Molester saying he's not mad at me, I'd be relieved and think he's a really nice guy.

And that's when you go Tits! Tits!...

579 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:04:34 ID:K2Zax3rg
I wish all the attention whores except Molester would just fuck off. (^ω^;)

I get that you're here because a lot of people visit this thread,
but if you're just going to shill for something else, make your own thread or something.

580 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:05:08 ID:luTokS4H
I can already imagine Kansai saying "Molester, you're a nice guy and a great friend, but I can't think of you as more than that...".
If you don't want that, you better start making a clear distinction between Kansai and Loli/Miss Understanding.

If you absolutely have to send an e-mail, send "Loli seemed quite drunk when you sat her on your bike yesterday. Were you two alright?" to Kansai.

581 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:05:11 ID:uOOEbwH2
Is OP on the phone with someone?
Or did he leave us hanging and go to bed?

582 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:05:14 ID:nsM5FO03
I see. Something like this then.

Loli: "Sorry, I'm really sorry."
Molester: "It's okay. Don't worry about it. I got to see your bra, so it's all good."
Loli: "YOU TOO!?"

583 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:06:55 ID:AL0GjJFL
Yeah, looks like he's on the phone.

584 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:07:24 ID:6p4ROFKz
I don't want to see a Molester who's worried about what we'll say!!

585 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:08:16 ID:luTokS4H
Same here to be honestwwwww

586 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:08:35 ID:uOOEbwH2

587 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:08:57 ID:1ttcSLcy
It's past 10pm now.

588 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:09:05 ID:29181elK
Don't tell me a drunk loli dropped by again.

589 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:09:12 ID:Fdzp4BBn
Well, if you're going to send an e-mail or call someone, it should be Kansai and not Loli...

E-mailing Loli even though you like Kansai would only make you look like you're chasing two rabbits at once.
You're always having such a hard time coming up with stuff to e-mail Kansai about,
this should be the perfect excuse for you.

590 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:09:39 ID:AL0GjJFL

591 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:09:45 ID:c7OhDkRs
Once you've managed to get on Loli's good side with >>578,
Kansai and Loli are bound to drop by your place more often since they go to the same university.
And Loli is bound to get wasted and fall asleep again.

When that happens, you have two choices...

1: Start fondling Loli's boobs while she's asleep.
2: Make out with Kansai in your room while Loli's asleep.

592 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:10:35 ID:icASn+qt
Just send it. It's not like we have anything better to do right now anyway.

593 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:12:24 ID:c7OhDkRs
Well... In my imagination, Molester is already chasing two rabbits...

The Miss Undie route doesn't seem to be completely dead yet either.

594 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:12:32 ID:XDVOwVJs
3: Ignore them both and play an eroge.

595 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:12:53 ID:O2PqBfvy
Let's just send it and see what happens.
It's more fun that way.

596 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:13:15 ID:AL0GjJFL
  1: Start fondling Loli's boobs while she's asleep.
⇒ 2: Make out with Kansai in your room while Loli's asleep.
3: Ignore them both and play eroge.

597 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 22:14:51 ID:CZF62N9s
Sorry, I was afk cleaning my snakes.

598 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:15:21 ID:c7OhDkRs
But you know, even if we have a heated discussion here by ourselves, almost none of it will ever reach Molester.

599 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:16:22 ID:Fdzp4BBn
But that's what's good about it.

600 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:16:29 ID:uOOEbwH2
Hahaー´⌒;;;≡≡≡  ⊂⌒~⊃。Д。)⊃

601 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 22:17:44 ID:CZF62N9s
Do you guys think Loli is planning on apologizing to me tomorrow?

602 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:18:47 ID:p/Y21jsV
In a few minutes, you will hear the sound of a motorcycle engine revving through the night.

Or an idol will show up all of a sudden and ask you to give her shelter.

603 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:19:09 ID:mrkOJix1
Dude, forget about e-mailing Loli.

Do you want to e-mail a girl that badly or what?
I bet you're not even worried about herww

604 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:19:15 ID:XDVOwVJs
Do you want her to apologize that much?
You're so petty.

605 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:20:28 ID:uOOEbwH2
Does the idol come with a dog called Ryuu?

606 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:20:39 ID:AL0GjJFL
If Loli won't apologize, then so be it.
If she doesn't mention anything the next time you see her, don't bring it up either.
Now, enough about that. Let's talk about tomorrow instead.

607 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 22:20:53 ID:CZF62N9s
I don't want her to apologize, nor do I want to e-mail her.

It's just that if we're going to ignore the elephant in the room, I'll have to act like nothing happened the next time I see her.
And I don't want that because I'm 100% sure I'll let something slip.

608 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:22:32 ID:XDVOwVJs
Never trust someone who says "Trust me.".

609 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:22:32 ID:uOOEbwH2
I don't think any woman likes to be reminded of something embarrassing she did.

610 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:23:16 ID:IrfXm3Nl
Molester is too kind. Someone puked in his castle and he's not even mad.

611 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:23:30 ID:XDVOwVJs
You're the only one making an elephant out of a fly though.

612 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:24:35 ID:nj9OmKYJ
E-mail Kansai about that then.
Like "Was Loli alright after that?", "I'm not sure if I should ask her myself." etc.

613 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:24:53 ID:AL0GjJFL
It's better not to send anything for now.
She has your shirt, so she's sure to bring it up one day.
When she does, make sure to tell her not to worry about it.
You can either tell her in person or let someone else do it, but it's not like you could ask someone else than Kansai anyway.
If worse comes to worst, just leave it to Lady Kansai.

614 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:25:05 ID:XDVOwVJs
Isn't that a bit too creepy?

615 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:25:09 ID:IrfXm3Nl
She'll just think he's a wuss again.

616 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:25:59 ID:icASn+qt

617 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:26:01 ID:uOOEbwH2
And let Kansai do all the work again?

"If you feel pity for me, give me money."

618 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 22:26:07 ID:CZF62N9s
Since I've contacted Kansai and Miss Understanding one more time today, I'm not so sure about e-mailing Loli anymore...
That's why, for now, I've decided to wait for Loli to contact me first.

619 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:26:34 ID:XDVOwVJs
Miss Understanding sees Loli wearing Molester's shirt and misunderstands → She runs off crying
Too bad this is never going to happen.

620 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:26:36 ID:luTokS4H
I've changed my mind after putting myself in Kansai's shoes and analyzing Molester's behavior from her perspective.

"It's strange how he goes out of his way to buy self-defense products for Miss Undie but completely ignores Loli."
Molester's gonna be in deep shit if she should come to this realization.

621 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:26:39 ID:1ttcSLcy
You contacted them one more time!?

622 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:28:11 ID:uOOEbwH2
   _, ,_ 
 (; ´Д`)<How could you do that, dude...
 )  )

623 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:28:33 ID:IrfXm3Nl
She threw up! She threw up on my bed! I demand apology and damages nida!< `∀´ >

624 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:28:35 ID:XDVOwVJs
"I had to give away one of my few shirts yesterday. Will you go shopping with me?"
Send this to Kansai.

625 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:28:37 ID:mrkOJix1
That guy who keeps telling OP to ask Kansai
or e-mail her about every little thing...

Stop it. It's creepy.

626 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:29:04 ID:w6o8MJq5
Send "Please don't wash the shirt I lent you when you return it." to Loli.

You haven't talked to anyone about your shirt yet, right?

627 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:29:30 ID:O2PqBfvy
But the goal of this thread is to ultimately turn Molester into a stalker.
I don't see a problem.

628 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:31:00 ID:icASn+qt
What's the point of this thread then?

629 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 22:31:53 ID:CZF62N9s
I didn't lend it to her. I gave it to her.
I doubt I would have ever worn it again anyway.
Plaid shirt, you shall be missed.

630 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:32:37 ID:AL0GjJFL
Gradient plaid shirt, you shall be missed.

631 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:32:49 ID:IrfXm3Nl
What kind of person throws up in someone's home and doesn't even contact them afterwards?

632 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:32:55 ID:p/Y21jsV
An intense information war is about to start between Molester and the VIPPERs!
It's a battle of wits! Who will outsmart the other!?

633 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:32:59 ID:uOOEbwH2
I think OP lent her a shirt he doesn't wear anymore.

Btw, there's a huge SATY branch in Ebina. Does OP live in Ebina?

634 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:33:25 ID:XDVOwVJs
Dude, we've been over that already.

635 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:33:51 ID:w6o8MJq5
You fool. If you get your shirt back, you can sell it off for good money at Yahoo! Auctions. It obviously depends on how much of her scent is left on it though.

636 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:34:50 ID:IrfXm3Nl
Wha-What did you say!? Ω ΩΩ

637 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:35:50 ID:gtNADKsG
cat /etc/passwd | mail

638 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:37:01 ID:59MJMOsn
Kill yourself, scum.

639 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:37:44 ID:c7OhDkRs
More like, the VIPPERs have an intense discussion with memes, trolling and serious replies,
while Molester ignores it all.

That's what's fun about this thread.

640 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:41:01 ID:c7OhDkRs
So yeah, we need to come up with a strategy for the shopping mission tomorrow...

641 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:42:03 ID:XDVOwVJs
Do you already know what you're going to buy, Molester?

642 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:42:05 ID:1ttcSLcy
cat /etc/kansai | love

643 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:42:17 ID:mrkOJix1
There's no point in coming up with a strategy when Molester won't use it anyway...

644 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:44:15 ID:c7OhDkRs
By the way... OP should stop asking Kansai for help every time he wants to tell Miss Undie or Loli something.
It must be the most annoying thing ever for Kansai...

At least, that's the impression I got in the last two days.

645 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:44:29 ID:uOOEbwH2
Yeah, everyone noticed it by the time we got to the second thread.
It's also why there are even more serious replies and delusional posts now.


646 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:45:25 ID:luTokS4H
Let's try to guess where they're going tomorrow first.
If last time is anything to go by, the chances of them actually going to Akihabara are at about 30% percent.
They went shopping for clothes in Shibuya last time and there's apparently a family restaurant and a SATY store nearby.
Can't we figure out something from these points?

647 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:45:45 ID:mrkOJix1
All Molester will ever achieve by asking Kansai for help for everything

is the lasting impression that he's a wuss who can't do anything by himself.

648 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:45:50 ID:c7OhDkRs
I already noticed it in the first thread!

I mean, he seriously ignored all our posts...

649 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:45:55 ID:uOOEbwH2
Dude, no!

650 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 22:46:16 ID:CZF62N9s
Yeah, looks like I don't have a choice but to forget this Loli incident for now...
Who knows when she might apologize, it might be tomorrow or never, so I'll just have to put it on hold.

Now, about the shopping trip tomorrow, since we'll meet up sometime after noon,
I doubt we'll have time for anything else. We'll probably run around aimlessly for one, two hours,
buy some self-defense products, and then call it a day.

651 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:46:17 ID:IrfXm3Nl
OP is the kind of guy who can't do shit without a woman. (゚д。)

652 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:47:52 ID:XDVOwVJs
I see. Sometime around 3pm then, huh?

653 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:48:30 ID:6p4ROFKz
This thread doesn't show up for me for some reason.

654 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:48:46 ID:O2PqBfvy
It's a bit too late to ask Molester to man up now that Kansai already knows he's a wuss.
There's nothing he can do now to change that.
In that case, wouldn't it be better to act even more like a total wuss and
bet everything on Kansai's maternal instinct instead?
And Molester wouldn't have anything to lose since she doesn't see him as a guy anyway.

655 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:48:49 ID:c7OhDkRs
In b4 they meet up before noon and call it a day after having lunch together.

656 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:51:00 ID:iqFUJlfO
Imagine the following.
Imagine the plaid shirt you said you didn't need anymore all wrapped up in Loli's underwear inside her washing machine.
Imagine Loli folding your dried plaid shirt on her lap.
Imagine your plaid shirt in a cute bag smelling nice and different than ever before.

You still don't want it back?

657 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:52:13 ID:c7OhDkRs
You, sir, are a poet...
A hunter of dreams.

658 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:52:37 ID:29181elK
Well, I think it wouldn't hurt to ask Loli if she's alright the next time you see her in person.

659 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:54:31 ID:uOOEbwH2
There's no point if the shirt lands in the washing machine.

Ladies and gentlemen, here we have a shirt that was once worn by Loli, but was washed. Starting price is 30,000 yen. Please place your bets.

660 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:55:08 ID:Pt9NcLt+
Maybe OP will get a new shirt as a present tomorroww

661 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:55:10 ID:ak0CUwIn
I was finally released from family duty and managed to catch up with you guys.
But I have to go back to lurking now because I don't have a PC at home. I normally only post from the PC in my orthopedic clinic.

662 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:56:51 ID:XDVOwVJs
If one of the girls brings up the vomit incident, say "Let's all go drinking together sometime!".
That will be your opportunity to get Kansai drunk.

663 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:57:35 ID:c7OhDkRs
If you're going to ask them out to something, make it Monjayaki.

664 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:58:13 ID:uOOEbwH2
I can't turn my head because I'm up to my neck in debt. What should I do?

665 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:58:39 ID:1ttcSLcy
"Family duty" is a pretty shitty term.

666 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 22:58:41 ID:CZF62N9s
What a rip-off!!

667 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 22:58:55 ID:O2PqBfvy
I told you not to borrow so much money...

668 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 23:00:11 ID:IrfXm3Nl

 I predict that something amazing will happen shortly before the 800th post.

669 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 23:00:45 ID:i3hfBMdP
I can see this happening, actually.
"What kind of shirt would you like, Molester?"
"He's an otaku, so let's just get him a flannel shirt!"
"(You little...) Hahaha"

670 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 23:08:03 ID:i3hfBMdP
I think my post killed the thread.

671 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 23:08:52 ID:c7OhDkRs
I see... Something like this then.

Loli: "What kind of shirt would you like, Molester?"
Kansai: "He's an otaku, so let's just get him this one."
Loli: "Right... (to the clerk) We'd like this shirt, please."

A T-shirt with a "Feel the Magic: XY/XX" print on it .... 9800 yen

A present from Loli .... Priceless.

672 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 23:09:16 ID:LiukSohF
A girl vomiting in her sleep... How moe is that? ゜+.(・∀・)゜+.゜

673 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 23:13:52 ID:icASn+qt
If someone threw up on my futon, I bet I'd lose my shit, no matter who it was.

674 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 23:16:59 ID:CuSA20F7
32,000 yen.

675 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 23:18:16 ID:O2PqBfvy
There's nothing moe about a drunk girl. Especially a drunk girl sleeping on the street.

676 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 23:19:11 ID:XDVOwVJs
Well yeah, even if you take her home with you, it's no fun because she's asleep.

677 : (・ω・ ミ 3 )∋ : 04/11/23 23:21:26 ID:koKirzXY
+   +
  ∩_∩  +
 (0゚・(ェ)・) ba-dump ba-dump bear bear
 (0゚つ旦O +
 と__)__) +

678 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 23:24:34 ID:c7OhDkRs
First, strip her naked and throw all her clothes in the washing machine.
Then, put only a white shirt on her.

The next morning...
Girl: "Huh? Where am I? ....eep! Where are my clothes...?"
Guy: "Ah, good morning. I found you sleeping on the street yesterday. Oh, and your clothes had vomit on them, so I put them in the washing machine..."

Mission accomplished.

679 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 23:25:48 ID:p/Y21jsV
So, do you know what you're going to wear tomorrow?

680 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 23:25:59 ID:CZF62N9s
If I ever got an opportunity like that, I'd take all kinds of nude pics of her
and use them to blackmail her later.

681 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 23:26:44 ID:1ttcSLcy
Blackmailing is a crime though.

682 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 23:27:21 ID:qJl6L12k
You'd be fine with just taking pics?

By the way, I tried the Kappa Ebisen flavor that is said to smell like vagoo...

683 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 23:27:36 ID:ghl3W6Tj
You don't have the balls to do something like that!

684 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 23:27:39 ID:c7OhDkRs
You always pick the asshole route in eroge, don't you...

685 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 23:27:44 ID:6p4ROFKz
Welcome to the dark side of Molester's mind.

686 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 23:28:07 ID:DkPkN8lw
Hey, do you mind if I ask you something?

What are the emoticons in your name field and e-mail field supposed to be?
The one in the e-mail field looks like it's poking its nose,
but I can't tell what the one in the name field is doing.

Please explain.

I've been meaning to ask you about this for a while now.

687 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 23:28:12 ID:luTokS4H
You'd get arrested before you even get to blackmail her though.
But you're free to fantasize about it, of course.

688 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 23:29:19 ID:XDVOwVJs
I knew OP would pick the asshole route.

689 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 23:29:56 ID:CZF62N9s
I know, I know, no need to rub it in.

690 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 23:30:18 ID:c7OhDkRs
If you're going to be a dick, you might as well get your shirt back from Loli and auction it off...

691 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 23:30:25 ID:uOOEbwH2

What's your opinion on this?


692 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 23:30:26 ID:i3hfBMdP
Are you going to be wearing a backpack, a flannel shirt, and bleached jeans tomorrow?

693 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 23:31:05 ID:CZF62N9s
To be honest, I want one.

694 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 23:31:47 ID:kNEA5hJ5
Don't forget to hold a big paper bag in each hand.

695 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 23:31:54 ID:XDVOwVJs
Aren't you satisfied with just Kansai?

696 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 23:31:57 ID:CZF62N9s
I'll go wearing the clothes they picked out for me in Shinjuku.

697 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 23:32:20 ID:4cRV+bKn
You want one of those? Really?w

698 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 23:32:44 ID:kNEA5hJ5

I bet it looks awful as a whole outfit.

Spice it up a little.

...add a bandana, for example.

699 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 23:32:47 ID:6p4ROFKz
I envy you so much.

700 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 23:33:11 ID:CZF62N9s
I'm not interested in the one in the picture though.
If it can be any character of your choice, I can think of so many characters I'd want one of.

701 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 23:33:54 ID:AEC13DwI
A bandana like the one Axl Rose from Guns N' Roses wears.

702 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 23:35:22 ID:c7OhDkRs
>>698 Agreed.

I bet it looks awful as a whole outfit.

Spice it up a little.

...wear only a pair of trunks, for example.

703 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 23:35:39 ID:4cRV+bKn
That only looks good on Axl though...

704 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 23:36:02 ID:1ttcSLcy
You wearing clothes from Shinjuku? Who do you think you are?

705 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 23:39:06 ID:CfwYvkDt
Let me guess. Kansai and 2D are different, huh?

706 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/23 23:42:16 ID:CZF62N9s
Let's say, for example, there's a guy who's really into motorcycles. Almost every girl he dates will eventually ask him
"Which is more important to you? Your bike or me?".
What this question really means is "Which is more important to you? Your bike (as a hobby) or me (as your girlfriend)?",
and therefore does not imply that a girlfriend and a bike are the same kind of thing. (Which is more important to him is irrelevant here.)

That's what 2D is like for me.

707 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 23:42:50 ID:i3hfBMdP
That comparison is flawed. There are no female bikes, while there are female 2D characters.

708 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 23:45:06 ID:uOOEbwH2
But some bikes are compared to women because of the way you ride them.

709 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 23:46:05 ID:c7OhDkRs
The thing is, you have shadow seicross with 2D girls...
I think, a better comparison would be "Which is more important to you? Your hookers or me?".

With that said, I can't point any fingers since I regularly cheat on my wife with 2D after she's gone to bed too...

710 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 23:48:31 ID:4cRV+bKn
Bimota bikes, for example, are definitely female.

711 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 23:48:54 ID:c7OhDkRs
>>709 One night, I fell asleep right on the spot after I was finished...

712 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 23:50:46 ID:uOOEbwH2
I wanna know more about the biker Kansai. I wanna know what model her bike is.

713 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 23:51:37 ID:kNEA5hJ5
Could you repost the list of clothes you bought the other day?

714 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 23:52:26 ID:c7OhDkRs
Kansai: "Which do you like more? Your bike or me?"
Molester: "Um... Bikes are just a means of transportation..."
Kansai: "Do you like riding bikes that much? More than me...?"
Molester: "Um, I have no idea what you're talking about..."
Kansai: "I've had it with you!! I'm going to have shadow seicross with my bike from now on too!!"

715 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 23:54:46 ID:uOOEbwH2

716 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 23:54:51 ID:29181elK
Wasn't there a bike that was shaped like a woman?
When you ride it, it looks like you're doing her from behind. It's really lewd.

717 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 23:55:10 ID:i3hfBMdP

718 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 23:58:02 ID:4cRV+bKn
When I checked the summary site just now, it had improved so much I lol'd.
Mad crabs to the admin.

719 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 23:58:53 ID:c7OhDkRs
I lost it when I saw the recruitment ad for the stalking operation tomorrow on the summary site.

720 : VIPPER : 04/11/23 23:59:49 ID:o96IR8lG
I read the admin is really busy right now with reports and exams.

721 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 00:00:33 ID:Ypm55iKu
I didn't know he was a university student.

722 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 00:01:21 ID:5YuAhU/s
It's tomorrow, huh? What time?

It's not far from my university, so I might try looking for OP.
I don't know any stores that sell self-defense products thoughww

723 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 00:01:46 ID:qVviJNjA
Kaneda's bike from AKIRA is sexy too.

But I digress.

724 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 00:02:23 ID:KC54ZsEs
Oh! Looks like not much has happened since this morning.
In any case, like others have already said, make sure to spice up your outfit a little.
But don't use a bandana because it'll only make you look more like an otaku if you don't wear it right.

725 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 00:06:42 ID:jQpnrTAX
I wonder if they will really go to Akihabara.... We all know what happened last time...

726 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 00:09:27 ID:Bh775/j9
Here's my guess.
◎ Ikebukuro (Because there's a Big Camera store there)
○ Akihabara (An obvious choice)
▲ Shinjuku (Maybe OP lives near the Chuo line)

727 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 00:09:38 ID:wrDzgqnP
Σ(゚д゚) My recruitment ad is on the TOP page of the summary site!
It's kinda embarrassing. "Stalking operation" was replaced with "Molester Observation operation" though.

728 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 00:10:12 ID:HtlByg7j
Let's try to guess how Molester will fool us VIPPERs this time.
What if they actually went shopping today?

729 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 00:10:41 ID:Ypm55iKu
◎ Shinjuku
○ Shibuya
There's no way they'll go to Akihabara.

730 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 00:11:25 ID:OC1qv4Xa
Shouldn't they be pretty easy to find this time unlike last time?

731 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/24 00:11:41 ID:CasE9K5f

732 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 00:11:49 ID:qVviJNjA
Molester and the girls tomorrow:


733 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 00:13:42 ID:jQpnrTAX
What makes you think that....? They were so hard to find last time even though it was a group of 1 guy and 4 girls.
This time, it's a group of 1 guy and 2 to 3 girls... If anything, it'll be harder.

734 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 00:14:51 ID:Un7ynGMM
What the hell?w

735 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 00:16:26 ID:wrDzgqnP
OP only lied about the meeting place last time, right?
Wait, what if he's been lying to us about all kinds of other stuff... (´・ω・`) SAD

For example, what if Loli didn't throw up but wet his futon instead...

736 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 00:17:02 ID:wVUiaWQB
By the way, when are they meeting up in Akihabara tomorrow?

737 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/24 00:17:28 ID:CasE9K5f
Speaking of futon-wetting, I do it every time I drink a lot of alcohol and fall asleep without going to the toilet first.
I can't help it.
I have yet to throw up from drinking though.

738 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 00:17:28 ID:vi/p0LPF
An unsightly otaku being led around Akihabara by two beautiful women
should stand out like a sore thumb.

739 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 00:17:55 ID:7xF2tNE3
Why is Molester wearing a leash...?

740 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 00:19:17 ID:wrDzgqnP
I see... I believe you, Molester! (´ー`)

741 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 00:20:18 ID:Un7ynGMM
Alright, I shall believe you too, Molester!!

742 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 00:21:28 ID:Ypm55iKu
I'm actually hoping they won't really go to Akiba.
Good luck tomorrow, Molester.

743 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 00:25:51 ID:RxfC+Q5u
In Akiba, it's considered normal to take pics and film people, right? It's just something I've heard. I've never been there myself.
Good luck, observation squad!w

744 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 00:28:09 ID:KC54ZsEs
I'm sure it's considered suspicious even in Akibaw
I've only been there once though.
It would look suspicious, wouldn't it? Or is Akiba just that crazy?w
(I live in Kyuushu.)

745 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 00:29:41 ID:Kf8j0Ix6
I lol'd when I saw the ad on the summary siteww

Observation squad, huh... I'd love to join, but I have to work tomorrow...
Maybe I should skip work and head to Akiba instead...

I can't be the only full-time worker here who's frustrated because tomorrow is a workday.

746 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 00:30:15 ID:Bh775/j9
You can film and take pics all you want if you look like a foreigner (Chinese and Korean included).

747 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/24 00:33:05 ID:CasE9K5f
Akihabara as a town does look pretty crazy, especially the center part since it's full of crazy-looking stores.
Of course, there's nothing really crazy about the stores themselves, but they can appear that way.
For example, their windows and doors are usually plastered with so many posters of half-naked 2D girls that you can barely look inside.

But the people that gather in Akihabara aren't as crazy as the general public believes.
Even if Akihabara's a little strange, it's still a normal district of Tokyo, after all. Not only will you find lots of normal people there,
you're also a lot more likely to run into consumer electronics otaku and PC otaku both of which are generally easier on the eyes than 2D otaku.
Well, obviousy, there'll be some freaks of nature too, but you won't notice them as long as you're not specifically looking for them. (And as long as you stay clear of certain stores...)

Also, many otaku are starting to pay more attention to their attire these days.

748 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 00:35:35 ID:HtlByg7j
Yeah, no, they're not going to Akihabara tomorrow.

749 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 00:36:58 ID:qVviJNjA
Those crazy-looking stores are slowly taking over Akihabara though.

750 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 00:38:14 ID:+DbSQDQ+
I've seen two kinds of otaku lately, the new fashionable ones and the good old hardcore otaku who don't give a shit.
When I went to Comiket last year, I thought I might stand out if I went all dressed up,
but I didn't.

751 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 00:40:04 ID:UxAQGdXp


752 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 00:41:29 ID:Un7ynGMM
That's some ugly handwritingwww I lol'd so hardwwwwwwwwwwwwww

753 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 00:42:32 ID:KC54ZsEs
Then I must have been in the center part that timew
There were so many extremely suspicious stores.
I still remember how one of them had what looked like the Sword of Eldrick on display.
They had some self-defense products on display too, I think...
Aren't there any clothing stores in Akihabara?
I don't remember seeing one when I was there.

754 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 00:42:42 ID:qVviJNjA
Don't make me laugh out loud
in the middle of the nightwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

755 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 00:44:11 ID:Un7ynGMM
The best thing about >>751 is the sad expression on Molester's face.

756 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 00:45:21 ID:KC54ZsEs
So, Molester is being filmed while getting buttfucked by Glasses and laughed at by the girls?w
MolesterxGlasses shippers must be delightedw

757 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 00:45:22 ID:km2TWEci
Here's how it'll look like tomorrow

■ Loli Jugs                       □VIPPER  
■ Kansai   □ Molester                 □VIPPER  □VIPPER 
■ Miss Undie             □VIPPER
                         □VIPPER  □VIPPER

758 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/24 00:45:49 ID:CasE9K5f
Why am I the uke!?
Not in the center, no.
Well, there are some stores selling clothes, but they're costumes for costume play.

759 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 00:46:09 ID:wrDzgqnP
I wonder where the white dog came out from.

760 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/24 00:46:14 ID:CasE9K5f
And why is Loli there too!?

761 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 00:47:36 ID:UxAQGdXp
Molester's tsukkomi remind me of Summers.

762 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 00:47:50 ID:jKVj3Iic
I expect you will pretend like you got lost and drag them into the Sex Tower?

763 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 00:48:08 ID:qVviJNjA
The Meganesh flag has been raised.

764 : Correlation Chart : 04/11/24 00:49:04 ID:r8asAFdR
┏━━━━━┓←──────────If possible seicross─────────┐  Pork Cutlet Man―Bike ride to Yokohama―Fujoshi
┃ Loli Jugs★┃←―─―Lent her a shirt since she threw up in her sleep──┐ .│  Coffee Lounge Man─Met in Shinjuku─Pasta Woman(2channer)
┗━━━━━┛                                   ..........│ .│     │↑ 
    │ │                                        │ .│     │└Kinda jealous of them─VIPPERs
  Same part-time job ─ Miss Yamaoka (Butler)                 ...│ .│..   Stalked 
    │ │                                        ↓ .│     ↓ 
Miss Understanding (Miss Undie) ―――Mistook OP for a molester――→ 1 ◆FYqCtG1B42 (Molester Man)...←――――――――┐
 ↑   ↑   └──────────Friendzoned ────────┘....↑ . │    ↑                      ..│

765 : Correlation Chart : 04/11/24 00:49:46 ID:r8asAFdR
 │   │           ┌────────────────────┘ . │ Happened to be around and intervened ........│
 │ Best friends?   Friendzoned?                           ....│ Sent crab as a token of apology     .........│
 │   ↓           │                             ..........│    │                     Bakatono
 │  Kansai .←─────┴───────If possible seicross───────┘..  Glasses ←─────────────┘
Stalker Man (The Mastermind)

This is what I got after thinking about Molester's situation rationally and I must say things look pretty bleak for Molester.

766 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/24 00:53:49 ID:CasE9K5f
GJ... Wait, what!?

767 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 00:55:49 ID:KC54ZsEs
It might seem harsh, but so is reality if you look at it objectively.
Don't tell me you're putting all your hope on Kansai now.

768 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 00:57:34 ID:vi/p0LPF
I want OP to answer >>516.

769 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 00:58:45 ID:tRGQrQs4
Your ID is almost perfect for a VIPPER.

770 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 01:01:17 ID:Ypm55iKu
Ohhhh, Genshiken is on.
I always wanted to give this anime a try.
But what if it makes me an anime otaku too?

771 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 01:04:47 ID:qVviJNjA
Good job.

772 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/24 01:07:48 ID:CasE9K5f
Of course, I would.

773 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 01:09:14 ID:vi/p0LPF
Eh, you would? Seriously??
I didn't think you were that kind of guy...

774 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 01:10:27 ID:bngHEKC6
Molester is pure. Deal with it.

775 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 01:12:02 ID:KC54ZsEs
That's the spirit!
I'm going to bed now since I have to work tomorrow.
Hang in there tomorrow!

776 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 01:13:45 ID:Un7ynGMM
Of course, I would.                      Of course, I would go out with her. (in a very small voice)

777 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/24 01:16:28 ID:CasE9K5f
What kind of guy did you think I was...?

778 : ◆eLHzX/CLbU : 04/11/24 01:17:06 ID:ImxwkRiI
Here,              (V)・・(V) 
have some crab.       ミ( ∀ )彡
     ゙ ∧∧      ミ   〃
     ( ロД)ノシ    从
     ノ(  )      (ノд) sob sob...!!
     く ヽ      (ヘヘ

779 : (・ω・ ミ 3 )∋ : 04/11/24 01:18:47 ID:TgXnAFxW
Of course, I would.                      Of course, I would have seicross with her if possible. (in a very small voice)

780 : Remember what Molester once said? : 04/11/24 01:23:39 ID:r8asAFdR
202 Name:1 ◆FYqCtG1B42 [] Date:04/11/11 00:55:53 ID:D50puFV/
Here's what I feel right now...
Miss Understanding is cute and, if possible, I want to have seicross with her.
Kansai isn't my type, but I think she's beautiful and, if possible, I want to have seicross with her.
As for Loli Jugs, her jugs are in the way, but she's cute and, if possible, I want to have seicross with her too...

Putting my desires aside, I really am worried about Miss Understanding and if I can be of help to her in some way, I'll gladly do it.
Well, I wouldn't go as far as saying something like "I'll do anything for her!", but if it's something I can do, I'll do my best to help.
Kansai might become my first friend after a long, a really long time.
Dunno enough about Loli Jugs yet.

781 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 01:23:43 ID:HvMg9bwQ
Make sure to ask them out for a drink tomorrow evening!

782 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 01:26:34 ID:jQpnrTAX
If Miss Undie actually asked OP out now, he'd say yes in a heartbeat.
I'd bet 9800000000 Uniqlo shirts on it.

783 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 01:28:04 ID:ImxwkRiI
 Yeah, I doubt he'd go as far as turning down Miss Undie
just so he can keep going after Kansai...

784 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 01:28:37 ID:HvMg9bwQ
Btw, you should go watch Howl's with them after your trip to Akihabara tomorrow, no, today.

785 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 01:29:55 ID:vi/p0LPF
I guess if OP really is going after the asshole END, it makes sense that he doesn't want to go out with Miss Undie.

786 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/24 01:31:10 ID:CasE9K5f
I can't deny the possibility that I end up saying something unpredictable in the heat of the moment.

787 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 01:34:45 ID:HvMg9bwQ
Miss Understanding: "Will you be my first?"

↓ Let's hear Molester's reply.

788 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 01:35:05 ID:HtlByg7j
If Miss Understanding asked OP out now, I'd bet 19800000000 bra straps he'd lie to her unnecessarily.

789 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 01:35:38 ID:jQpnrTAX
Miss Undie: "Ah, umm............ please go out........................ with me. (in a very small voice)"
Molester: "AA Battler is so much fun!!"
Miss Undie: "........................................................eh? (in a very small voice)"

790 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 01:35:56 ID:vi/p0LPF
If Miss Understanding really asked OP out, he'd be stupid to turn her down because the Kansai route is a dead-end.

791 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 01:37:20 ID:Un7ynGMM
"I want to make your Tsuchinoko my pet if you know what I mean... (in a very small voice)"

792 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/24 01:38:14 ID:CasE9K5f
Tsuchinoko are said to be nocturnal, so my Tsuchinoko will need a hole to crawl into if you know what I mean!!

793 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 01:38:31 ID:RxfC+Q5u
"................................................(`・ω・´) Show me your dick. (in a very small voice)"

794 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 01:38:56 ID:vi/p0LPF
Kansai: "If you make her cry, I'm coming after you."

795 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 01:42:13 ID:Un7ynGMM
What does nocturnality have to do with crawling into a hole?wwwwwwww

796 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 01:42:23 ID:HtlByg7j
In b4 Miss Understanding and Kansai start dating and form a Japanese t.A.T.u..

797 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 01:42:45 ID:jQpnrTAX
Kansai: "Molester! I heard you turned down Miss Undie!"
Molester: "Eh............?"
Kansai: "Miss Undie was crying!! How dare you make her cry!?"
Molester: "No, wait......... That's because I love y-"
Kansai: "I've had it with your excuses!! Bring me my bike now! I'm gonna have shadow seicross with it!"
Molester: "I can't believe you'd choose a bike over me..."

798 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/24 01:44:07 ID:CasE9K5f
Almost all nocturnal animals hide in holes during the daytime.

799 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 01:47:00 ID:r8asAFdR

800 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 01:47:53 ID:vi/p0LPF
What would you say in the following situations?
1. Kansai: "We get along pretty well, don't we? I don't mind going out with you if you want."
2. Loli: "If you go out with me, you can play with my boobs as much as you want!"
3. Glasses: "Did you like the crab? Let's have crab hot pot together, just the two of us!"

801 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/24 01:50:26 ID:CasE9K5f
1."Whoawwwwwwwww For real?wwwwwwwwwwwwwww"
2. "But your boobs are just in the way!!!"
3. "You're not getting in my butt."

802 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 01:52:08 ID:jQpnrTAX
Kansai: "We get along pretty well, don't we? I don't mind going out with you if you want."
Molester: "Makes me frisky."

Loli: "If you go out with me, you can play with my boobs as much as you want!"
Molester: "Makes me frisky."

Glasses: "Did you like the crab? Let's have crab hot pot together, just the two of us!"
Molester: "Ok. Anytime you want. Let me take off my pants and come to you. W-A-N-N-A D-O I-T?"
Glasses: "Uho."
Molester: "............I'm gonna be busy this Christmas. (lights cigarette)"

803 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 01:52:16 ID:Un7ynGMM
Ah, so that's what you meant.
Looks like you're perfectly prepared in case she asks you out.

804 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 01:54:52 ID:vi/p0LPF
How come only your reply to Kansai is so ambiguous?

805 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 01:59:02 ID:jQpnrTAX
Dude... Don't look down on boobs or you'll regret it!

Take me for an example... I have a wife and her boobs are..... I better stop here before I go into a rant...... orz

806 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 02:00:28 ID:HvMg9bwQ
2. Loli: "If you go out with me, you can play with my boobs as much as you want!"
  Molester: "Tits! Tits!"

807 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 02:00:29 ID:vi/p0LPF
I like boobs that fit perfectly into the palms of your hands.

808 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 02:01:10 ID:bngHEKC6

809 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 02:01:31 ID:FZcPpzRv
No, boobs should be so big they spill out of your hands.

810 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/24 02:01:50 ID:CasE9K5f

But you don't want to get me started on the magnificence of boobs and the pros and cons of small and big ones.
I could talk about that shit all night long.

811 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 02:02:36 ID:vi/p0LPF
I'm sure Kansai would discuss it with you all night long.

812 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 02:03:00 ID:jQpnrTAX
For me, the ideal size for boobs is when I put my hands on them and all my fingertips barely reach her body.

813 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 02:04:10 ID:yo4dVD+E
This thread is tits.

814 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 02:04:54 ID:Z8d0tFwy
Huh, so in the end, you are after seicross.
You're the worst.

815 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 02:05:45 ID:r8asAFdR
Molester Man talking about best boobs is about as stupid as someone who's never had ramen talking about best ramen.

816 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/24 02:07:38 ID:CasE9K5f
You've got it backwards.

It's because I have "never" experienced boobs that I can take flight with the wings of my imagination and soar sky high.
On the other hand, if I "had" experience, I would get pulled down by the heavy shackles of "reality" and could not fly freely anymore even if I tried.

817 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 02:10:52 ID:jQpnrTAX
But well... even if I say hand-sized boobs are best,
whenever I spot unusually huge boobs in real life,
I find myself wishing I could forge my excalibur in that impressive furnace.

Especially now that I know it's too late for me to do anything about it.

818 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 02:13:21 ID:Un7ynGMM
I can confirm this.
As soon as you experience the real thing, you learn to accept your partner's body no matter how big or small her boobs are etc.

819 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/24 02:16:49 ID:CasE9K5f
Huh!? Excalibur!?
You sure you don't mean Wakizashi?

820 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 02:19:04 ID:jQpnrTAX
Molester saying Wakizashi when he could have said dagger gave me a boner.

821 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 02:19:52 ID:168F6Txm
Well, we can argue about perfect boobs all we want,
but you'd be dumb to choose a woman based on her boobs.

822 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/24 02:41:09 ID:CasE9K5f
The Count is so cool.

823 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 02:42:30 ID:wrDzgqnP

824 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 02:48:31 ID:I9diPyo7
Will you be able to wake up on time tomorrow, Molester?

825 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/24 02:50:54 ID:CasE9K5f
Yeah, maybe I should go to bed... After having a fap once, of course.

826 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 02:52:01 ID:T+c/ieaI
Don't you know any other way to calm yourself down?

827 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 02:52:11 ID:wrDzgqnP
The Count's voice makes me wet. (;´Д`) pant pant

828 : (・ω・ ミ 3 )∋ : 04/11/24 02:52:25 ID:oaYPltFa
I'm off to bed. ノシ

829 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/24 02:58:56 ID:CasE9K5f
Well, if I don't fap now and at least one more time before I head out tomorrow,
I won't be able to think straight tomorrow.

Alright then, guys. Good night.
Let us meet again tomorrow. Or tonight, to be more exact.

830 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 03:00:42 ID:4S4a6xPl
See you~ ノシ

831 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 03:02:49 ID:ujd5kryg
Good night. Hang in there.

832 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 03:02:55 ID:wrDzgqnP

 ~Molester's Trunks is going Super Saiyan right now~

833 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 03:55:46 ID:iflv6TLi
Whoawwwww Just got backwwwwwww from my first datew

Name:103 ◆dClg0z.eM2 Date:04/11/23 21:27:43 ID:u0ndVA99
Urghwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I'm backwwwwwwwwww
It was a disasterwwwwwwwwww ookkkkkwwwwwwwwww


There's unlucky bastards like this guy and then there's Molester. Molester is so lucky.

834 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 04:44:53 ID:4S4a6xPl

835 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 05:53:43 ID:bngHEKC6
That's what he deserves for wearing a San Francisco Giants cap to his first datewwwwwwww

836 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 06:16:15 ID:GuY2wfT4
Loli → throws up at Molester's place → is indifferent towards Molester
Kansai → would never go his place or hang out with Molester alone → doesn't harbor any romantic feelings for Molester

This is going to be long war of attrition.
That, or he makes a bold move and turns the tables instantly.

Wait, what was >1's goal again?

837 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 06:51:10 ID:LeO7Avwi

838 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 07:35:25 ID:I9diPyo7
We're counting on you today, NEETs.

839 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 07:46:59 ID:TU8BNtiu
Leave it to us.

840 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 07:49:35 ID:kf8ZawG4
I'm going to Akiba to watch the VIPPERs lying in ambush for Molester (and I hope Molester won't show up)

841 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 08:18:16 ID:/qzZ7NiA
To all the funnels, hang in there today!

To everyone else, good morning.

842 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 08:31:59 ID:GuY2wfT4
Reporting in from Osaka. I didn't see anyone that fits the description at the JR Osaka station at 7:00AM.

843 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 08:40:36 ID:/qzZ7NiA

I don't see anyone like that in front of the Chiba Yotsukaidou station either.
I will continue to look for him.

844 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 08:41:41 ID:wrDzgqnP
To everyone, good morning.

To all the funnels, godspeed!

845 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 08:43:04 ID:gJBBWfzE
Funnel reporting in from Fukushima prefecture.

846 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 08:47:54 ID:UheoAzLR
How many funnels are there in Akiba today?

847 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 08:52:13 ID:c3owsucj
      gets up    ∧ ∧    
             (゚д゚ ):. _  I-I was... just dreaming, huh...
            r'⌒と、j   ヽ   I'm so glad...
           ノ ,.ィ'  `ヽ. /
          /       i!./
           (_,.         //

848 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 09:06:26 ID:3UxU1lDP
I'm bored and would love to join you guys, but sadly I'm broke.

849 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 09:35:16 ID:lVzTUGt9
Like someone already said, we should consider how OP lied about going to Shinjuku last time...

Well, it's not like it matters to me, a VIPPER from Hokkaido.

850 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 09:40:26 ID:gPsB9Exi
I personally think they're going either to Ikebukuro or Ueno.

851 : Osai●▼■ ◆n.ef.bYbYo : 04/11/24 09:41:58 ID:qVviJNjA
Okay, let me just leave this here!!!

ヽ(゚∀゚)ノ Where is my wife?


852 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 09:42:59 ID:qVviJNjA
Whoops, forgot to remove my trip.

853 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 09:49:07 ID:lVzTUGt9
Just beat it. I can't believe you don't even get a nude pic as a reward!

854 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 09:49:55 ID:wrDzgqnP
I got GAME OVER at level 6. _| ̄|○

855 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 09:50:50 ID:lVzTUGt9
I was able to figure out the first 7 but had to guess 8.

856 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/24 09:56:51 ID:CasE9K5f
Isn't there a bonus or something!?

857 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 10:03:40 ID:wrDzgqnP
Molester Man has appeared!

858 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 10:05:18 ID:lVzTUGt9
We managed to summon him~

859 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 10:05:45 ID:GuY2wfT4
So you've decided to show up, Vomit Man!

860 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 10:07:39 ID:wQ2DKpbj
Is this really the time to be posting on VIP right now?
Hurry up and do what you have to do to calm down!

861 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/24 10:09:43 ID:CasE9K5f
Hehehe... Who do you think I am?
I've already taken care of that!!

862 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 10:11:04 ID:UheoAzLR
When are you heading out?

863 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 10:14:22 ID:wrDzgqnP
What's your goal today?

864 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/24 10:15:57 ID:CasE9K5f
In a bit.
To hang in there.

865 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 10:17:14 ID:wQ2DKpbj
Try to stay cool and composed.
Just think of them all as Kansai and you should be fine.

866 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 10:19:32 ID:w1CeAAYs
Don't get carried away and take them to one of the stores you frequentw

867 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 10:21:09 ID:UheoAzLR
Make sure to report back when you find an opportunity.

868 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/24 10:21:30 ID:CasE9K5f
That would just make me panic even more.

869 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 10:24:24 ID:UheoAzLR
I meant to reply to >>864 in 866. Sorry.

870 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 10:26:39 ID:qVviJNjA
Here's your reward for beating the game!
Or am I too late?


871 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 10:28:23 ID:vM2d1y1t
What's the ratio of 2D to 3D in your fap material, Molester?

872 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/24 10:31:40 ID:CasE9K5f
That doesn't qualify as a reward for me.
It depends on the season, but it's usually fifty-fifty...
By the way, in this last season of 2004, it's been about 60 to 40 for 3D vs 2D.

873 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 10:32:20 ID:qVviJNjA
If you want the rest of the set in 870, go to the boobs general thread.

874 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 10:33:38 ID:qVviJNjA
SHO゙━━━(゚Д゚;)━( ゚Д)━(  ゚)━(   )━(゚;  )━(Д゚; )━(゚Д゚;)━━━OCK!!!!!
You want 2D boobs, huh?
Brb... ノシ

875 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 10:34:13 ID:vM2d1y1t
I'm surprised. You're not as fixated on 2D as I thought.

876 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/24 10:38:53 ID:CasE9K5f
No. It's the size that's the problem.
But well, even if it's 3D, it's the type of stuff you only find if you search for keywords like
"Vietnam", "prostitution", "school girls" etc.

877 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 10:39:04 ID:qVviJNjA
Our covert operatives in Akihabara right now:



878 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 10:40:29 ID:qVviJNjA
Something like this then?


879 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/24 10:43:45 ID:CasE9K5f
Reminds me of ET for some reason.

Now that's a wonderful communication tool that transcends words.

880 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 10:48:46 ID:lVzTUGt9


How about this?

881 : Molester Man ◆FYqCtG1B42 : 04/11/24 10:51:13 ID:CasE9K5f

Glad I got to see something good before I head out...

882 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 10:52:34 ID:w1CeAAYs
Hang in there!
Try to keep the shenanigans down to a minimum though~

883 : You can easily tell a VIPPER by their behavior ◆QKO2OCjVyc : 04/11/24 10:53:04 ID:dEctXAGi
Try not to get ahead of yourself.

884 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 10:54:16 ID:qVviJNjA
IE just crashed. (depressed)

I hope you fuck up♪

885 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 10:55:04 ID:wQ2DKpbj
Never forget that you have us, friends you're connected to via electronic wires.
Friends who will gladly help you out when you're stuck.

It'd be more interesting if you went berserk though.

886 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 10:56:16 ID:UheoAzLR
Try not to go berserk~

887 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 10:56:39 ID:Xesb5XvH
But right now, Molester seems to be the most wary of those friends.

888 : You can easily tell a VIPPER by their behavior ◆QKO2OCjVyc : 04/11/24 10:58:04 ID:dEctXAGi
Because we're not exactly the most reliable friends you can have.

889 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 11:01:41 ID:qVviJNjA
Like they say, 2channers are nothing to mess with when you make enemies of them,
    but they're inreliable as fuck when they're on your side.

890 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 11:07:49 ID:gPsB9Exi
I doubt OP will tell us when they're meeting up... Do we at least know for sure that they're going to Akiba?

891 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 11:09:07 ID:UheoAzLR
Are there even any volunteers for the VIPPER observation squad?

892 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 11:13:56 ID:lVzTUGt9
They're most likely going somewhere else,
but it can't hurt to give it a try. Who knows, you might get lucky like Pork Cutlet and Coffee Lounge.

893 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 11:15:57 ID:bngHEKC6
And get my nose broken like Pork Cutlet...? No, thank you.

894 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 11:18:44 ID:2MT8dhTg
Please elaborate.

895 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 11:19:32 ID:Xesb5XvH
Where do they sell self-defense products in Akiba?
In Radio Kaikan??

896 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 11:20:47 ID:F0bUK+Sz
This is the first time I hear about Pork Cutlet's broken nose...

897 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 11:21:43 ID:uQ1hy+LR
Has Molester already left?
Brb going to Akihabara to have lunch and look for Molester for an hour or so.

898 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 11:23:22 ID:iHQvK13n
Wasn't that something Mr. 47 said?

899 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 11:24:54 ID:LeO7Avwi
I had no idea Butt Prince said something cool like that.

900 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 11:26:33 ID:bngHEKC6
Read the Recharger Man thread.

901 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 11:27:19 ID:qVviJNjA
Really? If that's true, I'm going to go scrub the floors in the Kyoto Prefectural Police today. Brb starting a countdown thread!!

902 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 12:08:30 ID:lVzTUGt9

903 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 12:39:34 ID:HtlByg7j
Why is the thread so dead at an important time like this?
What's going on?

904 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 12:40:24 ID:qVviJNjA
Oh shit, did I just kill the thread?

(  ⌒ ヽ
 ∪  ノ
I shall atone for my error and hang myself now.


905 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 12:42:11 ID:UheoAzLR
It's because we don't have any funnels on-site this time.
There's just no hype this time.

906 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 12:57:20 ID:/qzZ7NiA
Reporting in from the Yotsukaidou station.

Still no sign of them...

907 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 13:04:02 ID:r/ldB7+B
Is the thread slower than last time in Shinjuku because it's a weekday?
Or is it because the VIPPERs don't trust Molester anymore?

908 : You can easily tell a VIPPER by their behavior ◆QKO2OCjVyc : 04/11/24 13:05:20 ID:dEctXAGi
It's because most of us are starting to get tired of the thread.
So we just lurk until OP posts something.

909 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 13:06:34 ID:2MT8dhTg
Reporting in from Don Quijote in Shinjuku.
Where the other funnels at?

910 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 13:09:12 ID:RxfC+Q5u
If you're a funnel, you better practice evading flying ashtrays before you head out. You'll need it.

911 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 13:10:40 ID:2MT8dhTg

912 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 13:13:14 ID:gJBBWfzE
Reporting in from Fukushima. Patrolling a nearby kindergarten right now. (*´Д`) pant pant

913 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 13:13:47 ID:RxfC+Q5u

914 : 909 : 04/11/24 13:18:28 ID:2MT8dhTg
Just now, an otaku-ish guy walked by with 2 girls in tow.
I asked him "Are you Molester?",
but he was like "What are you talking about?",
so I told him "That is VIP QUALITY." and walked away.
Sorry if it was you, Molesterw
But the two girls were really nothing to write home about.

915 : Shinji ◆yLMBv/LIFY : 04/11/24 13:19:00 ID:SAL75zKc
     /, /
     /  /、
    /  ∧_二つ
    /  /
   |  \
   / /~\ \
   / /  > )
  / ノ  / /
 / /   / /
`/ /   ( ヽ、
( _)    \_つ

916 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 13:20:24 ID:RxfC+Q5u
  , 'リ从ヽ
,rヤ^ー゚ノi| Keep up the good work!
ヽ`》..Y 《lヽ

917 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 13:20:44 ID:gJBBWfzE
You're a hero. d(´∀`*)
If it really was Molester, you must have given him a good scare.

918 : You can easily tell a VIPPER by their behavior ◆QKO2OCjVyc : 04/11/24 13:21:32 ID:dEctXAGi
GJ. It's because of guys like you that I can't quit VIP.

919 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 13:22:36 ID:bngHEKC6
You sound like a real nut job. lol

920 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 13:23:46 ID:wQ2DKpbj
(・∀・) Good, very good~!!

921 : 914 : 04/11/24 13:28:13 ID:2MT8dhTg
I'm starting to get weird looks from the shop clerks, so let me go patrol the area in front of Tokyu Hands instead.

922 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 13:30:05 ID:3dqkwWT5
I could never go up to a guy walking with two girls and ask him if he's Molesterw

923 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 13:31:37 ID:iHQvK13n

924 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 13:36:31 ID:eBMzjPSh
Dude, you're gonna get yourself killed if you do that to the wrong guyw!!

925 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 13:38:52 ID:afZN6lT/

926 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 13:39:03 ID:nzfeCS9G
Sorry, but could you link me to the Recharger Man thread?
I looked for it, but couldn't find it...
Please. orz

927 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 13:41:18 ID:wQ2DKpbj

928 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 13:43:41 ID:RxfC+Q5u
What's the point of leaving out the 'h' when linking to a 2ch thread? There's no point, is there?

929 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 13:44:47 ID:wQ2DKpbj
Sorry, it's just a habit.

930 : 926 : 04/11/24 13:48:33 ID:nzfeCS9G
Thx so much. ♥

931 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 14:08:39 ID:roMhM1Ek
There's not much going on this time, huh?
I just arrived in Akiba and will start looking around.

932 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 14:26:07 ID:D4Nia1G0
The moment you step in Pork Cutlet's and Coffee Lounge's shoes and head out to look for Molester, your love story begins.



933 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 15:10:12 ID:wVUiaWQB
But there are only weird girls in Akihabara...

934 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 15:11:29 ID:c3owsucj

935 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 15:19:12 ID:uQ1hy+LR
Just got back after walking around aimlessly and fruitlessly in Akiba for hours.

One thing that struck me was that women seem to be a rarity in Akiba.
You almost never see groups of 2+ women there.
I came across a guy wearing Air Force Ones, but he was so obviously dressed like an otaku
that I couldn't bring myself to speak to him. I suck, I know.

936 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 15:21:28 ID:EqKtvr2j
Whoawwwwww Thanks anywaywwwwwww

937 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 15:21:53 ID:3LW8sRJD
Yesss, finally got off work and walked home straight from Yoshikaidou station.

Just when I was thinking I get to spend the whole night in the thread...
There's no news from OP, huh?

938 : 921 : 04/11/24 15:22:09 ID:2MT8dhTg
Heeey, it's me again♪
When I was standing around in front of Don Quijote, I got suddenly questioned by the policew
Whoawwww Someone called the cops on mewwww

They let me off with a warning a minute ago.

939 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 15:22:34 ID:Tu09rxpG
All of America cried.

940 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 15:23:00 ID:g/IPjBZB
>>921 Thanks.

941 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 15:24:22 ID:iHQvK13n
You, sir, have a bright future ahead of you. I can tell from your post.

942 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 15:26:36 ID:qVviJNjA
Did they give you Katsudon to eat?

943 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 15:26:47 ID:3LW8sRJD
Post pics or it didn't happenw

944 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 15:27:59 ID:g/IPjBZB
I got totally questioned by the police part 1

945 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 15:29:41 ID:uQ1hy+LR
Good job.
Are you going to keep looking for OP?

946 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 15:33:11 ID:UheoAzLR
Good jobw

947 : 938 : 04/11/24 15:33:46 ID:2MT8dhTg
Nah, I'll get some pork cutlet to eat and then go homew

948 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 15:34:00 ID:RxfC+Q5u

949 : (・ω・ ミ 3 )∋ : 04/11/24 15:34:57 ID:WjE7NOuE
I know it makes for a funny story,
but try to be more careful next timew

Next time you get reported, you're going to get arrested and taken to their stationw

950 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 15:37:01 ID:RxfC+Q5u
I expect a full report when you're back, Questioned Man.

951 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 15:37:30 ID:3LW8sRJD
You're in charge of the next thread.

952 : Template post : 04/11/24 15:38:04 ID:3LW8sRJD
1 Name:VIPPER Date:04/11/05 19:48:21 ID:w8ZHuVTS
     Everyone in VIP, no, in 2ch, please hear me out.
     The other day, I was totally mistaken for a molester.
     And I don't mean it as a joke, I was actually mistaken for one.

It all started with this...

Previous thread:
I got totally mistaken for a molester part 16

Templates omitted.
↑ Go here for a summary of the threads.

>>950 starts the next thread.

There are several side-stories that have derived from this thread.
↓ Go to this thread if you're interested:
[Pork] Recharger Man [Cutlet]

953 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 15:45:13 ID:h1VUEkKu
I heard you have to pay for the Katsudon though. So even if I were to get interrogated at a police station,
I wouldn't order it...

954 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 15:47:04 ID:3LW8sRJD
Is >>950 afk?
Or is he ignoring the 950 rule?

955 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 15:51:06 ID:qVviJNjA
Can >>950 do it or not?
If not, I could do it.
I should be able to do it since I haven't started any shitty threads yet today.

What? Seriously? In that case, I'd rather wait until I can leave and then order a first-class Katsudon from an actual Katsudon restaurant instead.

956 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 15:53:32 ID:3LW8sRJD
Okay, you start the next thread then.
Counting on you.

957 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 15:55:02 ID:qVviJNjA

958 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 15:57:51 ID:GuY2wfT4
Whoawwww My place got broken into while I was outwwwwwww
The police left just a moment ago. What am I supposed to do now?wwww

959 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 15:58:31 ID:3LW8sRJD
Seriously now...?!
Please elaborate.

960 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 15:58:33 ID:iHQvK13n
Post pics first. Then we can talk.

961 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 15:59:42 ID:UheoAzLR
My parents' place got broken into three times already.
It's the cleaning up after the police have left that sucks the most.

962 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 16:00:37 ID:GuY2wfT4
I don't have any pics to postwww
Here's what happened: I'd left the windows open and someone actually managed to climb all the way up the wall to enter through the windowswww

963 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 16:01:21 ID:3LW8sRJD
When I asked you to elaborate, I wanted to you to tell us what got stolen.

964 : 955 : 04/11/24 16:05:47 ID:dcXgRXAP
It said "Post successful" when I made the thread, but the thread didn't show up for some reason.

But it's finally up now.

I got totally mistaken for a molester part 17

965 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 16:05:49 ID:GuY2wfT4
They took all the money and credit cards I had in my wallet, plus my bankbook and seal. My computer and watch were untouched.
In fact, they didn't mess up my room much at all. I already reported my cards and bankbook stolen.

966 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 16:07:02 ID:F2aRx4w4
I had the same thing happen to me too.

967 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 16:08:35 ID:3LW8sRJD
I was starting to get worried because you were taking so longw

968 : 955 : 04/11/24 16:11:46 ID:dcXgRXAP
Looks like they've banned the 2ch account I was using. It was just a wild guess, but it turned out to be true when I checked it.
Too bad.
Thanks a lot, mods.
ID = superhokuto@test.com
Password = sapporohakodate

969 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 16:12:18 ID:w1CeAAYs
Oh damn, that sucks... I feel for you, bro...
But I guess it could have been a lot worse if that's any consolation.

I can't do anything to help you, but hang in there.
I'll be praying that the burglar gets caught.

970 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 16:16:30 ID:GuY2wfT4
For now, I'll go get some burglar-proof locks for my windows from a nearby store.
But you know, they broke into my place while I was out for a few minutes to buy cigarettes.
If only I had taken my wallet with me...

From now on, I'll make sure to take all my valuables with me whenever I go outwwww

971 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 16:18:49 ID:3LW8sRJD
I'll assume your bank account is untouched since you reported your bankbook and seal right away,
but how much money did you have in your wallet?

972 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 16:19:28 ID:iHQvK13n
Why do I feel like you'll get mugged on the street if you go out now?w

973 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 16:26:21 ID:RxfC+Q5u
Oh crap, sorry, guys! It took me this long to realize that I was >>950...

974 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 16:28:10 ID:Sv/PO/FN
ヽ(`Д´)ノ Dumbass!

975 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 16:28:51 ID:3LW8sRJD
Well, someone else started the thread, so don't worry about it!

976 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 16:30:11 ID:RxfC+Q5u
I'm so sorry...

977 : 955 : 04/11/24 16:32:54 ID:dcXgRXAP
You can treat us to Aussie beef sometime.

978 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 16:34:29 ID:w1CeAAYs
Come on, don't jinx him...

979 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 16:37:25 ID:3LW8sRJD
How come the thread is still going so slow even though the next one is already up?

980 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 16:38:29 ID:qOgoLT+C
So why do we have so few funnels at our disposal today? Is it because it's a weekday??

981 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 16:40:06 ID:UheoAzLR
If this is 1000, the Kansai route ends today!

982 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 16:42:11 ID:Sv/PO/FN
Bury the thread!

The only report we got from a funnel today was from that guy who got in trouble with the policew
It was pretty amazing in its own right though.

983 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 16:42:45 ID:3LW8sRJD
I wonder when Molester will be back.

I guess it depends on if he's going to have dinner with them or not.
If he is, he won't be back until 8pm at the earliest and 10pm if they take their time, huh?

984 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 16:46:50 ID:HtlByg7j
I bet they're having a dinner contest at Molester's place right now.
And this time, Loli Jugs will throw up a goldfish!

985 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 16:47:11 ID:xd8Gkyex
This thread just keeps on giving birth to QUALITY.

986 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 16:50:30 ID:Sv/PO/FN
That goldfish lands in Molester's aquarium.

And gets eaten by one of Molester's prawns.

(゚д゚) YUMMY

987 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 16:50:39 ID:3LW8sRJD
Burying the thread.

I envy Molester so much.
I really wish I could meet Kansai, Miss Undie and Loli.

988 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 16:51:27 ID:gPsB9Exi
Molester just played his last card by going shopping for self-defense products with Kansai and her merry friends...
Now that he's out of excuses to contact them anymore, he'll be forced to ask them straight out (with our help), right?

989 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 16:54:42 ID:3LW8sRJD
He doesn't need an excuse to hang out and eat out with them anymore, does he?
I'm afraid he doesn't really need us anymore...

990 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 16:55:44 ID:UheoAzLR
Now that you say it, you're right. Molester is out of cards.
He'll never be able to ask them out by himself, so is it our turn now to show him what true VIP QUALITY is?

991 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 16:57:28 ID:qOgoLT+C
Boy, it takes forever to bury a thread at this time of day.
Die already.

992 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 16:58:02 ID:UheoAzLR
Molester, help us bury the thread.

993 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 16:58:38 ID:3LW8sRJD
If this is 1000, Kansai & co. will spend the night at his place.

994 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 16:59:00 ID:2J9Voer1
Whew, I made it through another day. Let me help you guys bury the thread.

995 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 16:59:03 ID:w1CeAAYs
How are we supposed to show him VIP QUALITY if he never listens to us?

996 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 16:59:22 ID:VwPbqAkB
1000 GET

997 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 16:59:58 ID:w1CeAAYs
If this is 1000, Molester will go into KAKUHEN mode!

998 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 17:00:27 ID:uQ1hy+LR
No, he still has a few cards up his sleeve. For instance, he drew the Howl's card the other day.
He also has the Loli card on his side of the field, but it's still face-down.

999 : VIPPER : 04/11/24 17:00:49 ID:uQ1hy+LR
If this is 1000!

1000 : 1000 GET : 04/11/24 17:00:54 ID:dFPYy6kS
Why not? 1000 GET!

1001 : 1001 : Over 1000 Thread
 *     +    巛 ヽ
            〒 !   +    。     +    。     *     。
      +    。  |  |
   *     +   / /   Yeeeeeehaaaaaawwww!
       ∧_∧ / /
      (´∀` / / +    。     +    。   *     。
      ,-     f
      / ュヘ    | *     +    。     +   。 +        This thread has reached 1000 posts.
     〈_} )   |                                The next thread too will have... VIP QUALITY!!
        /    ! +    。     +    +     *         http://ex7.2ch.net/news4vip/
       ./  ,ヘ  |
 bang ||| j  / |  | |||

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