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I got totally mistaken for a molester part 13
- 1 : Anonymous : 04/11/18 19:10:23 ID:9lRQSezS
- 1 Name:VIPPER Date:04/11/05 19:48:21 ID:w8ZHuVTS
Everyone in VIP, no, in 2ch, please hear me out.
The other day, I was totally mistaken for a molester.
And I don't mean it as a joke, I was actually mistaken for one in the blink of an eye.
It all started with this...
Previous thread:
I got totally mistaken for a molester part 12
Templates omitted.
↑ Go here for a summary of the threads.
- 2 : Anonymous : 04/11/18 19:11:15 ID:QbPHuCdV
- >>1 Thanks!!
- 3 : Anonymous : 04/11/18 19:11:19 ID:1CXjUsyh
- If I'm >>2, then Molester is finished.
- 4 : Anonymous : 04/11/18 19:11:20 ID:Qu59WwlE
- >>1
- 5 : Anonymous : 04/11/18 19:12:31 ID:jRrCckWp
- Why did you start it in the Fuji TV Live boardーーーーーーーーーーー!?
- 6 : Anonymous : 04/11/18 19:12:33 ID:T0ZLI6hT
- Crab.
- 7 : Anonymous : 04/11/18 19:12:39 ID:Wql3EVx+
- >>1
- 8 : Anonymous : 04/11/18 19:12:50 ID:yTljqvhZ
- >>1
- 9 : (・ω・ ミ 3 )∋ : 04/11/18 19:12:55 ID:MAYuIkAJ
- + +
∩_∩ +
(0゚・(ェ)・) ba-dump ba-dump bear bear
(0゚つ旦O +
と__)__) +
- 10 : Anonymous : 04/11/18 19:13:06 ID:riKp8r5E
- Why Fuji TV Live of all placeswww
Fucking LOLwwww
- 11 : Anonymous : 04/11/18 19:13:11 ID:Wql3EVx+
- Wait a second, what are we doing in the Fuji TV Live board!?
- 12 : Anonymous : 04/11/18 19:13:42 ID:1CXjUsyh
- Go make a delete request, >>1.
- 13 : Anonymous : 04/11/18 19:14:14 ID:SL8oZmKb
- http://ex7.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/news4vip/1100725713/
↑ We got two duplicate threads we can use, we don't need a new thread.
- 14 : Anonymous : 04/11/18 19:14:23 ID:KOGgFM+N
- >>1
I can't feel sympathy for a VIPPER. I bet he deserved it.
- 15 : Anonymous : 04/11/18 19:14:53 ID:Qu59WwlE
- I take back my thanks.
Why did you start it in a place like this...
Took me a few minutes to notice.
- 16 : Anonymous : 04/11/18 19:15:04 ID:CQa6B7dZ
- >>14
Oh, here we go...
This thread's smartass made a comment............
Get a sense of humor!!! Shit for brains!
- 17 : Anonymous : 04/11/18 19:16:29 ID:riCMfAkw
- Hey, someone make an anime roleplay thread for >>14. He'll love it.
- 18 : Anonymous : 04/11/18 19:21:50 ID:Qu59WwlE
- To everyone from the Live board, we're sorry.
- 19 : Anonymous : 04/11/18 19:24:19 ID:9lRQSezS
- I made a delete request. Sorry for trespassing.
- 20 : 14 : 04/11/18 19:26:37 ID:KOGgFM+N
- >>18-19
Nah, it's cool.
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