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I got totally mistaken for a molester part 9.2
- 1 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 01:08:24 ID:W/j0Glgq
- Man accused of molestation found guilty as Supreme Court rejects final appeal. / Fukuoka
On Tuesday, Kanatani Toshihiro, Presiding Judge of the Supreme Court, 3rd Petty Bench, decided to reject Takemasa Kouji's final appeal.
Defendant Takemasa Kouji is a 37-year-old company employee from Fukuoka who was accused of indecent assault in a jam-packed train in Tokyo City.
- 2 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 01:08:51 ID:YVtfOihv
- Cleverw
- 3 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 01:09:11 ID:lT1L0mHC
- >>1
Thanks so much!!
- 4 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 01:09:16 ID:B6WemvJe
- I lol'd.
- 5 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 01:09:44 ID:mMHbQmFk
- That's pretty fucking clever, OP.
- 6 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 01:10:29 ID:UQ1d06tR
- Beautiful!
- 7 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 01:10:35 ID:UjIbNkcH
- Well played, >>1.
- 8 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 01:10:56 ID:xErVi6Ab
- , - ' ´ ̄` ` 、
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- 9 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 01:11:01 ID:0QH1/yHG
- >>1
You're the man, OP!
- 10 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 01:11:02 ID:4QP62Hjq
- >>1 Looks like a legit news thread to me.
- 11 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 01:12:01 ID:yncUFC2K
- Lame.
- 12 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 01:12:26 ID:B6WemvJe
- Shinjuku, Harajuku, Pork Cutlet, Coffee Lounge, thanks for the fun weekend.
Thank you too, Takemasa Koujiw
- 13 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 01:12:46 ID:lT1L0mHC
- Alright, now that we've found ourselves a shelter, let's continue where we left off.
Oh right, don't forget to sage the thread, guys.
- 14 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 01:13:13 ID:mIufpPrz
- Crabs!
(´Д`).。( It's so hard to find a thread when you're on a cell phone. )
- 15 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 01:13:37 ID:4QP62Hjq
- Templates omitted.
↑ Go here for a summary of the threads.
- 16 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 01:14:05 ID:B6WemvJe
- Takemasa, you idiot, you shouldn't have done it in a jam-packed trainw
- 17 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 01:14:21 ID:v3gIkdgd
- I thought I was on VIP for a second.
- 18 : VIPPER:04/11/15 01:15:17 ID:B6WemvJe
- Let's change our names to VIPPER.
- 19 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 01:15:22 ID:mIufpPrz
- Can't wait for Pork Cutlet to come back〜
- 20 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 01:15:48 ID:lT1L0mHC
- So, where were we again?
Come on, guys, sage the thread〜 We need to get off the front page.
Hope Molester can find this thread though...
- 21 : VIPPER:04/11/15 01:17:53 ID:B6WemvJe
- Molester's got classes on Monday, so he may be in bed already.
- 22 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 01:18:18 ID:lT1L0mHC
- But if we sage the thread, the others might not be able to find it...
Ahh! What a dilemma!
- 23 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 01:20:23 ID:1ZJw71PG
- I just skimmed over the summary thread, but I still don't get what all the fuss is about.
- 24 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 01:20:34 ID:mIufpPrz
- I'd like to post some e-mails again, but this is νFlash... I don't want to cause a shitstorm...
- 25 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 01:21:28 ID:I8hGXiQE
- Oh, it's the guy I've been ignoring because his story seemed so fake.
- 26 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 01:22:08 ID:xR79laG6
- >>25
It IS fake.
- 27 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 01:22:35 ID:lT1L0mHC
- >>23>>25
Don't worry, we won't stay long. We're just taking shelter here while VIP is down.
Thanks for saging the thread though.
- 28 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 01:22:53 ID:B6WemvJe
- >>24
Are you Coffee Lounge? Are the e-mails from your Yoshioka Miho look-alike lady?
- 29 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 01:23:44 ID:lT1L0mHC
- >>24
Err... Which one are you?
Pork Cutlet? Coffee Lounge?
- 30 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 01:24:43 ID:mIufpPrz
- >>28
But I think I'll post them in VIP when it's back online.
People think I'm fake. (PД`q)゚.
- 31 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 01:24:46 ID:I8hGXiQE
- Take every bait that is thrown at you.
- 32 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 01:25:54 ID:lT1L0mHC
- >>31
You are a true VIPPER.
- 33 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 01:26:36 ID:B6WemvJe
- Good idea. Post them when VIP is back.
Isn't >>25 talking about Molester though?
- 34 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 01:27:25 ID:m4qQHOSr
- This thread is fucking lame. Put an end to it already.
- 35 : VIPPER:04/11/15 01:28:12 ID:lT1L0mHC
- >>18
Sorry, I didn't mean to ignore you.
I just got a bit too excited about the unfamiliar locationw
You can count me in.
- 36 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 01:28:22 ID:mIufpPrz
- I didn't know there were posting restrictions in News Flash.
Hope we'll be back in VIP by tomorrow morning.
- 37 : VIPPER:04/11/15 01:34:27 ID:lT1L0mHC
- Just went and posted a link to this thread on the summary website.
Hope the admin sees it.
- 38 : VIPPER:04/11/15 01:37:30 ID:B6WemvJe
- I spent the entire weekend on following Molester Man. I must say I haven't spent this much time on 2ch in over 2 years.
Gonna hop in the bath now and then go to bed. Good night, guys.
I think I'm gonna check out every Saizeriya in Tokyo next weekwwwww
- 39 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 01:43:00 ID:43IGq+LF
- >>1 Nice.
- 40 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 01:43:05 ID:m4qQHOSr
- Bump〜
- 41 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 01:43:36 ID:YdINLw8W
- It's here━━━(゚∀゚)━( ゚∀)━( ゚)━( )━( )━(゚ )━(∀゚ )━(゚∀゚)━━━!!
- 42 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 01:46:00 ID:+gHfo3vC
- So this is where you guys were.
I've looked everywhere for you.
- 43 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 01:46:28 ID:i+HO9zqa
- This is VIP now.
- 44 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 01:49:13 ID:VycCI69s
- Is it here!?
Is this our evacuation shelter!?
Whew, I can finally catch a breath.
- 45 : VIPPER:04/11/15 01:49:33 ID:lT1L0mHC
- I'm surprised at how many VIPPERs actually managed to find this threadw
Though I doubt Molester will find it.
- 46 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 01:52:54 ID:VycCI69s
- Huh?
Is the summary site down?
What's error code 503 again?
"Service Temporarily Unavailable
The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later."
- 47 : VIPPER:04/11/15 01:54:34 ID:mIufpPrz
- On the summary site, Kansai's pic is the only one my cell phone can't load... Can a kind VIPPER upload it somewhere else for me? (屮゚∀゚)屮
- 48 : VIPPER:04/11/15 01:55:01 ID:lT1L0mHC
- >>46
It's undergoing an update.... probably.
In any case, I'm sure it'll be back online soon.
- 49 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 01:56:50 ID:VycCI69s
- >>46
I love you.
- 50 : Molester Man ◆YOvtRJ/Yfg :04/11/15 01:58:08 ID:YdINLw8W
- Okay... I don't know where to start.
- 51 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 01:59:47 ID:mIufpPrz
- My post got ignored. (´・д・`) SAD
- 52 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 01:59:47 ID:qEKHKiv9
- >>50
Where did you stop?
- 53 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 01:59:57 ID:t8J4k/nJ
- >>50
Why do you have a different trip?
- 54 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 02:00:39 ID:3PN5hGGU
- Your story is lame. Give it a rest already.
Talentless hack.
- 55 : VIPPER:04/11/15 02:01:14 ID:lT1L0mHC
- >>51
You still can't see it? It shows up just fine in my browser... Try it again?
- 56 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 02:01:32 ID:m4qQHOSr
- This thread obviously does not belong here. Why does it not get deleted?
- 57 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 02:03:13 ID:R/I2x8VL
- >>56
But this is a perfectly normal news thread, mate.
- 58 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 02:03:50 ID:+gHfo3vC
- VIP is still down, and I have to work tomorrow...
If it's still not back in a few minutes, I think I'll wank one out to some H-manga and then go to bed.
- 59 : 46:04/11/15 02:05:12 ID:uxj9pM9W
- Crap, quoted the wrong post.
× >>46
○ >>48
The summary site loads for me now.
- 60 : VIPPER:04/11/15 02:06:50 ID:lT1L0mHC
- I'm hitting the sack.
I'll upload it somewhere else for you tomorrow if you still can't see it for some reason.
Give up on it for today... okay?
- 61 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 02:08:08 ID:uxj9pM9W
- >>51
Here you go:
- 62 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 02:08:12 ID:MjKo+ftG
- >>1
Slowpoke here, but you got talent, OPw
- 63 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 02:09:12 ID:mIufpPrz
- >>55
Maybe the site hit its capacity limit?
Kansai's profile can't be loaded due to a 503 Service Unavailable error.
The error wasn't there earlier today, but even then, Kansai's picture didn't load for me. orz
- 64 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 02:11:38 ID:uxj9pM9W
- Did anyone else notice that the summary site has a different background image now?w
- 65 : VIPPER:04/11/15 02:13:42 ID:lT1L0mHC
- >>63
Strange. I don't get a 503 error.
Anyhow, the URL in >>61 should work.
Alright, I can go to bed with a clear conscience noww
- 66 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 02:14:13 ID:uxj9pM9W
- >>65
- 67 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 02:14:39 ID:MjKo+ftG
- Doesn't look like anything new will happen tonight.
Let's meet again in VIP tomorrow. (・∀・)ノシ
- 68 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 02:14:50 ID:mIufpPrz
- >>60
Thank you so much. (´人`)
I also tried using an online picture resizer site someone linked me to many threads ago, but it still said the picture can't be displayed. orz
I'll give it another try tomorrow. (´・д・`)
- 69 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 02:15:56 ID:+gHfo3vC
- I know I'm kinda late, but why did VIP go down anyway?
Did some huge party go down somewhere on 2ch?
- 70 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 02:17:12 ID:+gHfo3vC
- Oh crap, I just realized I'm the only one who's bumping the thread....
- 71 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 02:17:29 ID:uxj9pM9W
- >>68 Are you Coffee Lounge?
- 72 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 02:19:19 ID:mIufpPrz
- >>69
There was a Fuji TV special on Akiba otaku today.
YES. (´・ω・`)
- 73 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 02:19:31 ID:1idZzzml
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- 74 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 02:20:47 ID:uxj9pM9W
- >>72
You're on a cell phone, right?
Try this one:
- 75 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 02:24:47 ID:+gHfo3vC
- >>72
Ah, I saw only bits of it. So that was the reason...
- 76 : 74:04/11/15 02:29:16 ID:uxj9pM9W
- Ah, I dunno if the server is overloaded, but it doesn't load for me... orz
- 77 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 02:29:39 ID:mIufpPrz
- >74
Thank you.
It seems to take ages to load. I'll try it again later. (´・д・`)
- 78 : 74:04/11/15 02:31:31 ID:uxj9pM9W
- >>77
Sorry, buddy.
Looks like thread is pretty much dead. I'm off to bed.
- 79 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 02:32:26 ID:mIufpPrz
- >78
I can't sleep, so I guess I'll wander around some more on 2ch...
- 80 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 08:09:24 ID:TUiIPB2x
- bump
- 81 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 12:42:09 ID:pbPaHzvm
- Bumping.
- 82 : NEWS-FLASHER:04/11/15 15:07:26 ID:ZLOKLvT0
- Check out this new suspicious column on tanteifile.com:
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